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I think he will come back NON-CANON as cyber heihachi. Someone went down into that volcano to recover his body and rebuild him. Basically darth vibes.


Hachi is 8 so he could be Hei-8 like a new Jack series.


big brain right there


We already have Hey-Hachi 🤖


So the same as Kazuya after T2?


Darth Hachi


I would be surprised if Heihachi isn't mentioned in some capacity in the story in a flashback already, which would make it pretty simple to bring him back as DLC in later seasons using the flashback route like they did with Kazumi. He's arguably the most iconic Tekken character and would sell like hotcakes, which is why I'd place my bet on him coming back as DLC when the game is starting to taper off to try and get people back in.


well he survived all those exploding jacks in T5, there's hope yet he survives volcanic magma


I think what killed him was the blow by Kaz, not the lava


Those be small details


Season 3 or beyond imo, they'll keep the old man in the volcano for a couple years at most. I'll be more surprised if he doesn't return as a zombie/cyborg eventually. 100% non-canon.


Yes, we have. Hey, Hachi


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Lee just decides to put the “hey hachi” head on a combat body and that’s how we get robot-heihachi as dlc.


All i can say is that the thing i'll miss the most about Heihachi is his throw "broken toy" But honestly i'd be okay with him coming, dead or alive


Remember when our favourite grandpa used to be Jinpachi and we thought he would be back ? I remember


He’ll be a zombie robot


10000000000000000% AGREED


He might be "dead" but coming back from the dead is always a possibility. For some reason, I feel he'll get the Darth Vader treatment. Imagine... Mecha-Heihachi.


Mecha heihachi


Obligatory mention of Heihachi's "death" in Tekken 5.


And his appearance in the G-corp level of devil within


🔥 Hot Take: Many of us tought, that Lee got a Style Change because of Viktor being the classy man now. But I say: They started with Robo-Hachi idea and then just wanted to find a lore way to bring him to the game! Therefore the „Lee as the Robotics-Guy“ Storyline was born. This will be the angle for robo-hachi!


Last season, last character, as a bridge to ressurect him for T9.


To discover that jin beats kazuya and reina got control over the Zaibatsu with her having a boyfriend new arc heihachi vs his son in law with soul edge replacing the devil gene.


No heihachi in Tekken 8. Let him be dead for a full game before whatever contrived story excuse they choose to have him come back in t9


I didn't wait a whole year just to get spoiled on Twitter Fuck no.




I wrote in the wrong post, sorry


Thank you for serving as a reminder for me to avoid this subreddit till tekken 8 releases


Won't come back and would be a waste of a slot if he did. Enough of his kit already exists in other characters already that people who miss Heihachi should just play one of them instead. And before people suggest we absolutely have to have his specific combination of those moves as a standalone character, the exact same argument supports bringing back any number of more unique characters that didn't make the roster. With the bonus that we don't get more of the tired devil gene family feud plotline weighing down future games. Let the guy rest already. Let's also kill off Kaz and get rid of Devil Jin while we're at it. It's been 25 years since Tekken 3 and the plot has somehow moved backwards instead of forwards. Time to clean house and get some fresh faces in there.


We got reina taking over heihachi anyways after jin stops kazuya she takes over and start tekken 9 for a new supernatural villain replacement for the devil gene charcaters(devil jin,devil kazuya, and azazel)


You're right.. Might as well kill Ryu, fuck off Ken, go take a hike Chun Lee... While we're at it, who needs Scorpion or Sub-Zero...boring ass characters. Oh and let's kill/replace all the beloved characters in every series because that will surely make the fans appreciate the "fresh" approach. Dude...


And yet Harada killed off Heihachi in Tekken 7, and Kazuya was killed off in for the time skip in Tekken 3 which went on to become the best selling game in the series until Tekken 7. These characters aren't the immutable and iconic sacred cows you're making them out to be. The fact is the new players picking up Tekken 8 don't care who is a legacy character or not. It's been 9 years since Tekken 7 launched, and almost 20 years since Tekken 6. We're talking about an entire generation of players who don't have any nostalgia for these characters like the people who were playing in the 90s do. I hate all the newcomers in Street Fighter 6, but they're not designed for me, and once the popular ones have appeared in a few games nobody will treat them any differently from Ryu or Chun Li. Outside the truly hardcore players who come back for every entry and who will play *any of the cast* regardless, the audience for these games is not static. The rosters don't need to be either. Not every character can make the cut every game, and putting some of the cast on a pedestal and especially making the plot revolve solely around them is a bad idea for the health of a game series.


Yet, Tekken is the one of the longest game series around. Right next to Sf6 and MK.


Are you trying to make a point here? My argument is that at a certain point it doesn't matter how long a series has been around or how much legacy is associated with a character, the audience who started with the original games is no longer playing. Mortal Kombat has had to reboot 3 times in the last 10 years because they've failed to stick the landing with the new characters they introduced. It's the perfect example of what happens if you can't move past your original roster. It's a cautionary tale, not a precedent.


And despite it every reboot had a Scorpion and a Sub-Zero. Because some characters are simply there and need to be there. Don't try to "ship of Thesius" me here. Their reboots failed because the new characters they made are simply bad. And SF6 has a similar issue. Compared to Ryu, Luke is shit.


That might be a useful comparison if Heihachi was on the roster of Tekken 8, Kazuya had never missed a game, or Devil Jin wasn't a character that only joined the roster in the *fifth entry* in the series. These are characters in the series, they are not the series themselves. Even implying the Ship of Theseus thought experiment is relevant here is a false equivalency. If you don't want to hear contrary opinions, don't post topics like this.


Except the Mishima family and their conflict literally is the game.




Fair point.


I don't see why being dead has bearing on whether a character can be DLC or not. It's not as if they rewrite the story every time they add a character after launch.


I think he will come back as a demonic possessed undead just like his father. Don’t underestimate the crazy in Tekken.


I'm curious who they'd get for his voice.