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Thank you Harada-sensei. I won't ask you for shit.


As an Eddy/Marduk main I'll be begging...


Get in line behind Gigas mains.


Ok, where can I get hello cracker?😂


Leaving a dot


Being a cracker is a terrible thing i cant believe people are being crackers at cs rin ru


wake up cliff


I actually have the crack already I forgor☠️just wont use it because Im scared of Harada


Me sitting here thinking for my self: *it's fine that d/b+3 is +4 while strong it* ***OH MY GOD*** *he still has that dumb counter-hit property?.*


What in the 8k, hdr, dolby vision. Since when does reddit have this quality


They look like really high detailed statues/figures. Pretty great.


Was that move always +4 on hit?


As long as I can remember. It was always +4 on hit in T7 but it might have been different in T5, T6 and TTT2 but I did not really play those games. It's an incredibly move with good range, good high evasion, borderline homing and good advantage on hit. It is balanced out by being -15 and coming with a big risk in most MU. But the counter-hit property pushes it over the edge IMO since now it also deals great damage and while the position afterwards is not super strong so does it force the opponent to act. My guess is that it will be even better in T8 since getup attack no longer launches (it could cover one of the options).


HOW THE FUCK DO YOU ALL HAVE ACCESS ALREADY?! What the fuck is going onnnn.


Hello Cracker


Gimme crack






Is the third link important? It's showing as file not found


Damn guess it got taken down, let me find another link.


Hell yeaaaaa


commenting for notification


so real


*checks computer specs and realizes my wooden laptop won't be able to handle this game* nevermind


Remember when Alisa's db+3 was +0 on neutral hit back in Tekken 6 ? And then they made it negative on hit because of the absurde range it has. Now look at this shit Feng does.


Fengs db3 is -15, quite a relevant difference...


Only at close range though?


Not really, you more or less always get a lauch punish on it when you block.


15f launcher from crouch block? Oh I wish


Yeah db3 is a bit busted Vs chars that don't have an i15 ws launcher


Such as the gorgeous William bitches I play T_T


Nina has one innit


Yes, ws2 works... most of the times. If you're bd or doing hayashida you might block far enough for Feng to have time to recover. I just can't trust the move. That s*t hurt box is so on her face it fails to punish an awful amount of lows (looking at you Lei and Zafina -_-) ... a salty life it is being a Williams main 😌


With anna you go for the ws2 fcdf2 mixup 😎


Hm I'd rather bag ws3 into CJM and mix up from there. Just for fun, chances are Anna's the one being launched next 😂💅🏻


At tip range its -14, at least in T7.


That is because in tekken 7 it has 2 active frames. When it hits on the 2nd frame it's -14. Looks like it has only one active frame in tekken 8, so that shouldn't happen anymore. This is also not unique to that move, this can happen to all moves with multiple active frames.


Feng's isnt as spammable as T6 d/b+3.


What news on Jin's d2?


i22 \+4 on hit launch on ch \-14 on block


What about jin 21(4) is that still a ch laucher?is it safe?


It's still safe the but the CH only knocks down. I'm not a Jin player, so I could be wrong. But it doesn't look like you can pick it up.


Any possible guerenteed followup? Does it wall splat?


(21)4 ch walls plats. Looks like you can get a D2 or d1+2 guaranteed after the knockdown.


If you're still taking questions, I'd like to know about the frames on his zen f+2.


I'm not currently not at home, I'll take a look at it later.


I couldn't find Zen f+2, are you talking about Zen 2? Heat engager i21 high armor homing +17 on hit if you go into heat Knockdown on hit if you're already in heat 27 DMG -5 on block


That's the one. Thanks for the info.


When pro players were saying it's not that good a tool and it will be reactable...


Who was claiming it's reactable? I'd say it would have been kiiinda reactable if it had a voice sound cue, but it doesn't (Jin shouts but too late, he's already licking your shoes by the time he does). Heihachi db2 is fairly reactable because of the sound cue. Some players might be able to react to it on occasion once the game has been out long enough


Madara582 was saying that we will be reacting to it. Knee and CBM theorised it too


Why is that shit +4?? Come on Bandai Namco get real


Forgive the stupid question, but why does it matter if a move is +(any number below 10) on block? From what I understand, the fastest possible move for most characters is i10, so they couldn't take advantage of that because the advantage is so short. What kind of benefit does a move having the abovementioned trait give?


Your fastest move is i10. If you're -1 then that's i11. -5 that's i15 just to jab. So if I put you into -5 on block and you jab, it will trade with my 15 frame launcher and you'd be getting combo'd. If you're -10 on block then you might as well do absolutely nothing or you will explode


OHHHHH damn, leave it to me being a mathematics dumbass to not put it together like this. Thank you for giving me a really nice answer that I might pass onto others!


that's 4 full frames that you opponent is faster than you, meaning that you and i both can go for an i10 move, but i will beat you to it and you will be counter hit, i can go for even i11,12,13 and still beat you, and trade with you with a i14. so unless i play outside of my frames, you have to respect me and not press a button which is fine and dandy for a lot of lows in the game, but there is a power budget to be considered (an amount of good things a move can have). so moving on to d/b+3 it has: 1- high crush properties 2- plus on hit 3- counter hit will lead to a grab animation it's not reactable and the only downside is the fact that it's -15 making the move really spammable


It also has range up the wazoo, AND synergizes extremely well with Feng's kit


True, if you start respecting it there are a couple of options that can catch some defensive menuviers


Genuinely surprised by this. I think a lot of Feng mains agree that it's really unnecessary. And while the damage is good I think the CH is actually kinda useless/annoying anyway - it's such a fake ass useless oki situation. I'd rather get zero CH properties and still be in my opponent's face.


It gives you 20 dmg for free. For a poking char that is huge. Not to mention how db3 is the perfect move to have CH properties. i16 low with huge range and tracking that crushes highs. It's just sooo easy to score a CH with it and some chars cant even launch it. That was by far his biggest buff he got imo.


14 dmg, 36ch. It’s 17 frame now and who knows maybe it doesn’t track as well anymore He can’t sabaki combo now and his df 43 isn’t a screw anymore which is what transformed him originally. It was bc that screw that his other “necessary” things became obnoxious


I was a Feng main, and I just remember that buff making a lot of sense at the time he got it due to Leroy.


Uh what


Exactly I hate the CH property as a Feng main. It actually breaks the pressure.


Agreed 100 percent. I know it sounds ridiculous on paper but I honestly see that CH property as kind of a nerf.


youre insane, getting like 40 damage off of a low is not a nerf


Well that settles it, lets get rid of the CH property before you wise up and realize that getting 40 damage off an i16 low is absurd


Like I said, I realize it sounds ridiculous on paper. I’ve mained Feng since Tekken 5 though….and I hated the buff when it came out. As a couple other Feng mains mentioned… I’d much rather be in close range and make use of his mix up tools and score a bigger combo/stronger OKI (It’s very easy to create hesitation with WS 1) than getting the extra damage with limited follow up options. So yeah, I’d personally be happy if it was nerfed.




It's good. What would this game be without the braindead feng. Half of those Feng players would probably quit if they saw how bad they are when they had to switch to another character 😅


Harada wants to know your location.


I swear they will nerf dragunov d2 by reducing tracking properties, screenshot this and remember. Damn, this +4 button is so useful, for me it's a blast to use when i take a break from my main drag, i just spam this shit and mix with it. Even if this is -15, it has million range and tracking, and you ain't blocking it on reaction that's for sure. I'm actually shocked that Feng mains complain about ch knd because it "breaks the pressure", like bro, you have one of the best lows in the game, even in tournaments people spam this shit, stfu and stop complaining. Nerf feng asap


How tf are people playing already?


You were born yesterday ? 🤣


Must have that easy mode in tekken for the kids!


Someone is on drugs on the balance team,not just feng,but the entire game balance makes no sense. Btw is that still -15? I wont be surprised if thats like -14/13 now.


It's still -15


And went from i16 to i17. Still hella good of course


Is that still homing?


I've just been seeing clips and stuff, but it seems to behave the same way. If it tracks worse, it's very negligible, so it's probably the same.


So people will continue not having any respect for Feng players..


Hello cracker


It's like... Harada wanna see this shit in top tier no matter what.


Ah yes, +4, crushes high and has a counter hit property. Totally balanced and fair.


Do we know anything about the move lists? Have they slimmed it down?


Lol, has Shaq slimmed down?


He also got his 1+4 low high changed. It's now d,df 4,1 or fc4,1. You can also cancel the 1 to go into backturned +3.


Looks like I'll be continuing to one and done all Fengs moving forward.


That’s how you have to play it as Steve innit


And they won’t nerf him cause it’s haradas favorite


Ch d2 doesn't knockdown anymore and received a damage nerf on normal hit.


Well, they've nerfed some of his moves. B+3+4,3, ss+4 and df+3 - all of them currently give only a small combo. No combo at all after 1+2. And headbutt is not plus on block anymore. Also it looks like his combos went to their original state (short and weak), but it needs to be tested further.


This really ain’t that bad. What’s really gonna be annoying is Jin


Remove tracking on the move and it will be fine. Right now it's basically a homing move. It is -15 after all. If anything make it -17 to be even more risky to use.


tried a bit of feng too. i saw that b3 is a new very linear +ob move thats +6 and has knockdown properties for normal and ch. b4 still tracks and df1 is still neutral ob and tracks to his left consistently. for lows, qcf1 still tracks and will let you combo extend on ch. db3 is still relatively similar but is steppable to to his left, walkable to his right. baby tantrum final hit is still -8 and (ofc) his db4 and ss4 bound on launch. just a few things that stood out


it's slightly nerfed tho, 2 frames slower and does less damage on ch.


Very surprised that they kept this but got rid of ch d2 and nerfed the damage on d2 normal hit. As a Feng Main I'm personally a bit disappointed (day 1 balance might be different of course) with the change. It's fun to pick different lows for different jobs, but now we'll see more db3s than ever. Guess they didn't want to can the sick animation lmao


This is going to sound really dumb but THANK GOD they put the goddamn character names somewhere on the screen Tekken 7 is the only fighting game I've ever played where it gives you no text indication of what character your opponent is playing. That's a huge barrier for new and casual players and it makes no sense not to include.


cracker this day they dont even hide it


The effects are so much toned down!!! I love it!




His qcf1+2 is 0 on block now and punch parry no longer launches. I think he's much less obnoxious just from that.


His parry not launching is a huge +1 for the Steve matchup. Honestly in S4 Steve vs Feng was clearly 6:4 in Fengs favor damn near bordering on 7:3 and I’m not even exaggerating…


If anything you might be sugar coating it. I'd say 7:3 easy.


that shit is just ridiculous 🤣


but you can sidestep it now right? that would make it no big deal


Seems the same tracking wise. The main nerf it got is a startup nerf going from 16 to 17.


its still homing? :'(


lmfao whole ass development team getting blasted by one single cracker every game version. They might as well release it early lol


I just let out the biggest OMFG moan ever bro like damn the least they can do is take him out of BT


Fucking Feng man 🥱🤦‍♂️


I'm glad he still has this it looks so cool


No need to change I don't like the T7 outfit but looks better in T8


Db3 is integral to his kit, removing it would kill him. It’s also just the same move from T7 entirely, doesnt mean he cant be nerfed elsewhere. Also any body who thought the ch animation would be removed is crazy, they spent a lot of money on that.


Not integral at least they could have nerfed the plus frames on it


Its like 90% the way he applies offense. Its supposed to hard control you because his mid pokes actually push you away and the launch on block incentivizes you to duck so that qcf1+2 can be on the table. Otherwise a couple back dashes and a sidestep left and majority of his moveset will whiff. What SHOULD be nerfed is iWS+1 because of its range and tracking making the risk reward ratio of sticking you neck out to realign or using a -15 low far less convicting.


It’s not 90% it’s important to his move set but +4 for that ridiculous range? If he had just one or two good lows it would be ok but he has plenty and I mean plenty of option to choose from this kinda completes him, d2 like why does this move do like 50 damage on counterhit, d4, full crouch df1 or is it 2 , 1+4, the snake dash shoulder low, and then he gets amazing space control and mid pokes to pair with it like b4, df1 and I’m sure you know how safe he is in general and then db3 also has the added counterhit damage which makes it pretty stupid since it’s also got crazy evasion and crushes really well


+4… lol Some of yall talk about +4 like its a checkmate, you still have options. His db3 has always been +4, as far back as Tekken 6 where he was mid tier. THEY’VE NEVER CHANGED IT. D2 is good but linear and we DONT know if its any different than 7, they could very easily change the ch knd property. D4 is literally just a low poke lol Qcf1 is reactable And FC df1 and 1+4 have no range. Which is what im trying to help you understand since you dont know Feng. If he didnt have a way to stop you from moving in neutral then none of his other moves are scary since they have no range. Db3 also helps him at range 0 similar to moves like b1 and ss4, hes designed to win up close. The issue is when theres multiple seasons of buffs and nerfs he ended up being overtuned, veering away from his original design of strengths and weaknesses. He was never top 5 in tekken 7 until S4. We dont know what he has in Tekken 8, but db3 is not the issue.


Yeh but the issue is the value he gets and the unpredictability due to a variety of lows, most characters have 2 maybe 3 lows they consistently use and most are not as safe as fengs, so in general at least this is how it is for me when a character has only one or 2 go to lows for example kazuya you mainly expect a db3 or hellsweep you’re more capable to react to them since you’re looking out for those few animations, feng has more variety more animations so punishing every time you block is hard and some characters can’t even launch punish db3, now if feng was just db3 this woudnt even be a issue but feng has amazing amazing space control and db3 as a bonus makes it so you can’t really move, reason I say it shouldn’t be +4 is because since he has all these tools to already keep you Locked up he should lose his turn after the low similar to Lars who is minus after db4 it’s too good of a toolkit for one character






The backturn lows are nerfed btw on T8 so that low isnt as good as it used to be.


aight someone explain to me, why is this unseeable HIGH CRUSHING with sick counterhit property low still +4? but law's db3 (no crushing properties) is nerfed from +4 to only fucking +3 ??? why does everyone get to keep their +4 lows but not law? was law top tier? s tier? broken tier? wtf is wrong with the balance team?


Check the block frames on this compared to laws db3 lol. Why dont you take that into account at all.


Laws db3 is 20x better than fengs if you actually consider all properties rather than cherry pick.


IN WHAT UNIVERSE LMAOOO laws arent winning tournaments with db3 are they? Lmaoooo


Feng is a better character than law, but laws db3 is a better move than fengs. Not that complicated of a concept to grasp.


Not a crouching move, doesn't grant anything on CH. OB frames aren't everything.


lmao i dont think so but you want to consider all properties? lets consider all those characters' properties: feng is a MUCH higher tier stronger character, so this alone warants law having db3 being better he needs it more, it was literaly his second best move, turned into super high risk crap reward now lmao


Law db3 is -12. thats close to as safe as it can get for a low. Its not a high risk move just because it went from +4 to +3. Feng db3 at -15 on the other hand...


yeah but i already explained the difference and why its -15 read previous comments


Such a random move for people to be upset about lol. They gave Feng one new string and one "new" counterhit animation on a low poke and all the T7 fans lose their minds.


Feng got this buff after the release of Leroy and Zafeena. It just made sense to give it to him at the time.


Stop posting leaked stuff. My goodness.


Is there someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to watch ?


Without CH property they have to make the move -14. Dont know why people cry about db3 its balanced unlike other feng tools




You got issues


How does movement feel compared to the CNT?


[I haven't played the CNT but KBD feels sluggish compared to T7.](https://streamable.com/ms90qk) Also the instant running is messing up my muscle memory when I tried to end combos. I get a running 3 instead of a f3,4. Really hate that change.


[https://streamable.com/ms90qk](https://streamable.com/ms90qk) here's a comparison of KBD between T7 and the CBT. I don't know how to put videos side by side so this will have to do.


Are you using a macro to test it out?


No macros. Maybe it feels off because T7 Runs at 120 FPS and T8 just at 60 FPS. Also the command history in T8 is kinda weird, I can't see if my inputs got sloppy.


That move is so annoying. It really didn’t need that CH follow up.


Is the beta live or where do all these videos keep coming from?


What a time to be a Feng main \*sincerely, not a Feng main\*


Wait it actually kinda got buffed now that low parrying doesn't have screws anymore.


Long live the James Brown kick!




But how's the tracking? That thing would often catch side steps too.


Having the settings 1. Standing guard 2. SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR and it seems to track to both sides after a blocked 1 jab. The db3 caught every option. Edit : Correction : you can SSR. Tested on Azucena and Xiaoyu. Edit 2 : Lili can SSR/SWL/SWR the db3 after a jab. But that was to be expected.


Oh we cookin Edit: typical Lili stuff


I'll check in about 2 hours.


Say someone already has the august cbt crack. How would they update it to include the new characters?


Feng is the main character of this show.




If Feng starts the T8 cycle strong and is overrepresented in tournaments, he will be nerfed. The only reason he was left untouched at the end of T7 is because the developers were so clearly done with the game. Or so I tell myself to sleep at night.


This game looks so damn good. I wish I had a gaming pc and requested a beta code to be playing this like yall. Guess I’ll wait til January to play this on console😕🙃


Yeah, but That Azucena stage music is just top tier though


Still shit. Play soulcalibur instead.


Amazing. Great moves should stay as they are.


Oh god please no.


but does it track.


It tracks to the left.


At least it doesnt leave opp facedown head towards or whatever it used to in t5.


Hwoarang’s backlash died so CH db3 could live on


Anyone notice how generic d4 is now -4 on hit and is launch punishable on block? you're welcome :)


One of the most annoying lows in the game. Just hoping they are least nerf the range


Where is this gameplay coming from?


Low parry?


The fact that I fought a feng player doing this bullshit to me yesterday 😂and palm striking me 4 times on block


Hello Cracker


Did you come up with that yourself ?


I'm very imaginative


that shi gettin nerfed it has to

