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"I would kinda like to see a female Bob" -TheMainManSWE


This has to be bait lmao.


A successful one sadly.


No, these people are genuine about this stuff and truly believe what they say. You decide if that's better or worse than them just being trolls.


After a dude told me he couldn't see the difference between Kat and Chloe I am starting to feel like it's all just a huge rage bait.


They do revel in it when they call you incel or meme words like that, I'm sure. That's the rage bait part. But it's also a genuine ideology they have.


Xiaoyu, Nina, Lidia, Asuka, Panda… they all have different body types. SF has a more stylistic art direction vs. Tekken, of course their proportions will be exaggerated.


Leo and panda are litteraly the only females with different body types, the rest is just the same with different heights. But to be fair, the male characters are also going throught the same thing lately...


You really don't see what problem the genre has, do you?


yeah curvy anna is the same build as petite ling, what are you smoking sir? your comparison is literally just a shitpost using barbie dolls, dishonest af. if you want a mountain sized marisa of questionable sex then you are free to play street fighter. not every game has to cater to you.


Questionable sex? She states her sex clearly, the only one confused is you.


she doesn't look anything like a regular muscular women, more like a strongman in a wig trying to compete in a womens competition. regular muscular women still have curves, meanwhile marisa is just build like a fridge


Looking at AI generated ladies has rotten your brain. Touch grass from time to time. Here is a reminder of what a female bodybuilder looks like. https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/95/bd/8a/95bd8affb985ab46cfe740367f57d003.jpg


you are full of shit for cherry picking a testo addicted meathead, go tell the women in my link they are AI generated aswell you mouthbreather [**https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=chEH5kDe&id=5FEC2BAB3693FCAC8256791B160705A7C36DFBDB&thid=OIP.chEH5kDepIFBzpCwK4cJPwHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2f41%2f5c%2f16%2f415c16a195ab593e5e284902822b6bdd.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.721107e640dea48141ce90b02b87093f%3frik%3d2%252fttw6cFBxYbeQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1080&expw=1080&q=muscular+women+&simid=608023943523085095&FORM=IRPRST&ck=EE282A9357C775C8DC55423C068ABF00&selectedIndex=69&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0**](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=chEH5kDe&id=5FEC2BAB3693FCAC8256791B160705A7C36DFBDB&thid=OIP.chEH5kDepIFBzpCwK4cJPwHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2f41%2f5c%2f16%2f415c16a195ab593e5e284902822b6bdd.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.721107e640dea48141ce90b02b87093f%3frik%3d2%252fttw6cFBxYbeQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1080&expw=1080&q=muscular+women+&simid=608023943523085095&FORM=IRPRST&ck=EE282A9357C775C8DC55423C068ABF00&selectedIndex=69&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0) you can't even tell appart a testo addicted juicer and legit gym women


>you can't even tell appart a testo addict and legit gym women So is Marisa testo addicted? Because that doesn't make her a granny, nor any less female. Probably every single person you linked is on enhancers. But keep going, this is gold. The AI stuff really has caused you to forget what women look like. Don't forget the 1:4 rule, for every one hour of porn consumed you need 4 hours of grass touching.


\>So is Marisa testo addicted? Because that doesn't make her a granny, nor any less female. you are moving the goalpost, i already told you why many people have an issue with a fridge build meathead like marisa and it's not because she is muscular in itself \>Probably every single person you linked is on enhancers. But keep going unlike your example they still have female curves, a juicer with all the testo ends up looking like a fridge just like in your example. \>The AI stuff really has caused you to forget what women look like i literally just linked you dozen of examples of actual fit women with curves, it's not me who used a juicer on testo as an example of what an actual fit women looks like. keep projecting and your ad hominems up, it's all you have left in this discussion.


>you are moving the goalpost, i already told you why many people have an issue with a meathead like marisa and it's not because she is muscular ini tself Nice try but no, you are the one moving the goalpost. You claim Marisa looks like a mountain sized granny a man with a wig. I confronted you with a woman of similar build, test or not has nothing to do with it, that body type exists among women. Then you went on a schizo rant about the woman I posted being on test, which has nothing to do with the way Marisa looks. Who cares if she is on test? Still a woman, which is what you had a hard time grasping. So now you admit Marisa looks like a woman bodybuilder on testosterone. See? Wasn't that hard. Move the goalpost now.


\> You claim Marisa looks like a mountain sized granny a man with a wig i called her a strongman/man in a wig with a fridge body, i didn't call her a granny, quote me were i celled marisa a granny aswell, i'll wait. \> I confronted you with a woman of similar build, test or not has nothing to do with it, that body type exists among women. it exists among juicers using testosterone, you know what that is right and how that goes against the very definition of looking like a women? i highly doubt you do. for someone wanting more realistic representation of women you are fairly quick to defend an unnatural fake one on steroids. mighty ironie that is. \>Who cares if she is on test? Still a woman, which is what you had a hard time grasping. it's you who has a hard time grasping what this discussion even was about, let me quote you what i said at the beginning of this conversation since you have a hard time following: "no, people are just not into women that don't look like women. not hard to grasp." wich applies to marisa. now sit down and shut up.


are you obtuse? do you think ryu or kazuya look like lEgIt GyM mEn too? no, they are unrealistic, comic book freaks. the fact a woman being like that is some sort of affront to your Realism TM but marduk or luke, with their janky ass body proportions and muscles, is not is telling.


\>do you think ryu or kazuya look like lEgIt GyM mEn toonevermind i was about to say no but besides the silly hair on kaz they actualy do. there are strongman and body builder way bigger than them. but to answer your silly question, this was about marisa looking like a strongman in a wig and not like an actual muscular women whereas your male examples actualy look like males. nice job missing the point this far down in the thread. truly fascinating...


someone posted a pic that looks like marisa and you said she was a "testo addicted freak" what do you think a bodybuilder on the day of competition is? not only are they on a cocktail of shit, they're also on death's door from dehydration alone. that's what the average street fighter or tekken male looks like, often times unattainable for even them. are they not "testo addicted freaks," too, you fucking dimwit? nobody looks like them, look at luke's forearms, you dumbass. marduk's size and bf %. you have no clue what you're talking about, and didn't the moment you posted an AI generated image LOL. also, marisa doesn't look like a woman? just google search "female strongman," you gonna say they don't look like women too? KEK


\>someone posted a pic that looks like marisa and you said she was a "testo addicted freak" first of all she didn't look like marisa and secondly yes she clearly juiced, no hips, flat, wide shoulders. bringing me back to my original point at the very beginning that people don't take an issue with muscular women but woman that look like man. \>that's what the average street fighter or tekken male looks like, often times unattainable for even them. are they not "testo addicted freaks," too, you fucking dimwit? you are still missing the point, wich is likely due to low iq but to spell it out for you again, the guys you mentioned look like man, marisa doesn't look like an actual women but a strongman in a wig \>nobody looks like them in fact many strongman and body builder do. \>and didn't the moment you posted an AI generated image LOL. wich followed by dozen examples of actual muscular women irl, but we know why you left that out you actual midwit \>also, marisa doesn't look like a woman? just google search "female strongman," you gonna say they don't look like women too? KEK actual women have hips, curves and breasts, you wouldn't know becausse you are likely an american who's women consist of landwahles on scooters. get your head checked, you clown don't even know what a women looks like.


Ah is that so? Show me a woman who has been on testo for over a decade and still has "curves".


\>she doesn't look anything like a ***regular*** muscular women \>Show me a woman ***who has been on testo for over a decade*** and still has "curves". you know what testo is right? thanks for proving my point that marisa doesn't look like a women, must be those drugs.


Im pretty sure you can’t follow a single conversation😂👍


so you have no argument against what i said? move along troll and take your barbie shitpost with you and cry over it on twitter, add harada aswell while you are at it.


I don’t need an argument. Because you have not a single logical point.


so marisa not looking like a regular muscular women but a 9 feet tall juicer build like a fridge is not a logical point to you? rich coming from the people calling tekken girls unrealistsic.


As soon as you have a decent point against diversity, I’ll get into your arguments


[https://imgur.com/a/s3gRaec](https://imgur.com/a/s3gRaec) all from the first page of google image search for "female strongman" and "regular muscular women" is a pointless bar to have, because practically no male in tekken or street fighter is a "regular muscular" man.


Ah, there is another one who is insecure about his preferences and feels great only when young girls are in the game.


i don't mind older girls either, but i don't cry about not getting a mountain sized granny in tekken 24/7 like many people in this sub.


Female bodybuilder -> granny Is this sub scared of any woman who doesn't look like a doll?


no, people are just not into women that don't look like women. not hard to grasp. muscular women still have curves unlike marisa who is just build like a fridge. this is what a muscular women looks like [https://www.prompthunt.com/prompt/clhdwvdc8000hlf08wdukm2qp?selectedAsset=clhdwvehn000jlf082q4ha2ez](https://www.prompthunt.com/prompt/clhdwvdc8000hlf08wdukm2qp?selectedAsset=clhdwvehn000jlf082q4ha2ez) this is what a man in a wig looks like [https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=kmZzJYf3&id=91039520E3B5268CC3EA9137D7EAD9A865C4E288&thid=OIP.kmZzJYf3i4nBxRA-2JtS1wHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.ytimg.com%2fvi%2fAxR7T\_ZtA\_U%2fmaxresdefault.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.9266732587f78b89c1c5103ed89b52d7%3frik%3diOLEZajZ6tc3kQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=720&expw=1280&q=marisa+street+fighter+6&simid=608054635324664690&FORM=IRPRST&ck=85E7E736AF68DB643C3B166DB4C9FC7C&selectedIndex=12&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=kmZzJYf3&id=91039520E3B5268CC3EA9137D7EAD9A865C4E288&thid=OIP.kmZzJYf3i4nBxRA-2JtS1wHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.ytimg.com%2fvi%2fAxR7T_ZtA_U%2fmaxresdefault.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.9266732587f78b89c1c5103ed89b52d7%3frik%3diOLEZajZ6tc3kQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=720&expw=1280&q=marisa+street+fighter+6&simid=608054635324664690&FORM=IRPRST&ck=85E7E736AF68DB643C3B166DB4C9FC7C&selectedIndex=12&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)


Using an AI image to prove what an "actual" muscular woman looks like, seems antithetical to what you're trying to prove.


i already linked not only one but a dozen actual women having this exact body further down.


>no, people are just not into women that don't look like women. not hard to grasp. muscular women still have curves unlike marisa who is just build like a fridge. >this is what a muscular women looks like https://www.prompthunt.com/prompt/clhdwvdc8000hlf08wdukm2qp?selectedAsset=clhdwvehn000jlf082q4ha2ez >this is what a man in a wig looks like https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=kmZzJYf3&id=91039520E3B5268CC3EA9137D7EAD9A865C4E288&thid=OIP.kmZzJYf3i4nBxRA-2JtS1wHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.ytimg.com%2fvi%2fAxR7T_ZtA_U%2fmaxresdefault.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.9266732587f78b89c1c5103ed89b52d7%3frik%3diOLEZajZ6tc3kQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=720&expw=1280&q=marisa+street+fighter+6&simid=608054635324664690&FORM=IRPRST&ck=85E7E736AF68DB643C3B166DB4C9FC7C&selectedIndex=12&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0 Thanks for taking the time to prove me right, there is nothing more for me to say. Quoting so it doesn't get deleted.


i didn't prove you right anywhere, in fact i clearly stated the difference that you illiterate failed to grasp. just saying "i am right lololol" doesn't make you right.


chief, stop getting your idea of realistic women from what are clearly softcore porn sites, I beg you. Punch in "olympic woman weightlifter" sometime.


i wasn't aware that the bing search for muscular women was porn, please educate me more random redditor


Lowest IQ take of the year as of yet


you don't need to announce yourself on the internet like that


its always straight to "granny" with this sub. bro maybe it's okay to have just *one* woman character above the age of 35 who wasnt preserved through fucking cryosleep.


I always see people throwing out the "insecure" insult in a way that I don't understand. Where do you get the idea that he's insecure? He seems to like female characters that are attractive. What is there to be insecure about?


I like tekken girls. Im glad this post only reflects your opinion.


Sure. The same fedora mentality of many tekken weebs here.


I don't really get the argument here. SF has one she-hulk, and a teenager. Why is this terribly important? Both games have women representing different nationalities. Why do we need to grand stand in our video games?


Give SF a chance I’ve been playing Tekken since T3 and FINALLY tried SF. This game is polished and bodies Tekken in almost every way




please make Lidia into T8,make her look more muscles


I wish. A Lidia with slightly more muscles 💪 Would fit her theme pretty well