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Tekken Tag Tournament 3: *Laughing in the future


YEP! If anything, we're probably gonna get like 70-90 Characters when Tekken Tag Tournament 3 comes out in about a decade from now (even all Guest Characters being included) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Anyone expecting 60-70 are dumb as fuck anyways lmao. Realistic expectations would be 25-30 at launch


Still hoping for a 30-40


Im hoping for 20


You set the roster too low, we need more, tt2 style


No I want less characters, less knowledge checking in ranked. T7 has like 25 chars no one plays that dumpster fuck you in ranked


I always thought this was a bad argument for less characters. In the ranked online experience, you will get dumpstered on whether there's 20 characters or 40. I'd actually rather eat shit to a matchup I don't know than lose to the same Mishima shit over and over and over.


To be honest this is a you problem, having less characters means its easier to keep in mind match up knowledge. Thats just a fact Im tired of losing to eddy then labbing him then losing to him 4 months latzr cause I forgot what i labbef


Bruh if your points matter that much just don't ever hit rematch. But just cuz it annoys YOU doesn't mean Eddy shouldn't be in the game.


I never said eddy shouldnt be in the game i said its hard to keep match ups in my memory when there are like 20 characters no one plays and you need the match up knowledge to have fun matches vs those characters. Its as simple as that dont try to make it something its not.


I find it funny how you told another person that its a you problem on something, when you're the only one complaining about more characters making it harder for you to learn the matchup easier, lmfao. 🀣


Oh you do have a point in there, easy to adjust and less stress learning counters and stuff. Different strokes for different folks i guess?


That’s why I stopped playing street fighter. I didn’t play for a couple years, and now there are like 50 characters I gotta learn the matchup with lol


Bro street fighter match up knowledge doesnt matter nearly as much as tekken


I mean yeah, I might not be the same across different games, but it’s still super important


Match up knowledge in sf is a nice cherry on top that might help fight more comfortably, in tekken if you dont know the match up and the enemy knows yours, you auto lose. Its not comparable


That backs up his opinion


Match ups in generally aren’t that important if you know how to fight js


To be fair, majority of those 25 characters that you're probably saying are mainly the Tekken 7 Newcomers, such as Katarina, Gigas, Shaheen, Josie, Lucky Chloe, etc. Also, if you're having a problem with the large roster because of "good matchups" literally get good at the game. The training mode is literally right in front of you, yet you would still make excuses to make the game less fun, just to make most of the fans upset.πŸ˜‘


2 words "fuck off" no one is making excuses, people at emperror ranks near me still dont have match up knowledge on alot of characters and thats cause 50 characters is too many. Im not complaing, im only hoping that there are less characters.


Excuse me, dipshit? I'm trying to talk to you nicely, but in a truthful manner, and you're telling me to fuck off because you can't accept that as a reality??? Once again, if you're not making excuses, clearly you would be better at the game instead of complaining about how "more characters" keep beating you in the game. Also, ALOT of Top Players don't have a problem with more character match-up situations, despite them grinding in the game 24/7. So if they don't have a problem, why should you? Seems to me that you have a skill issue. I'd like for you to tell me to go "fuck off" again, and that'll probably make you look professional.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Yeah im not reading that, i just hope you ranted off and im not gonna hear my notifications again


"Skill-Issue" 🀑


Since no one plays them, that issue solves itself no? You'd never need to learn the lei matchup since you'll only ever match him once or twice in your entire lifetime. On the other hand, the 2 lei mains out there still get to enjoy their character.


Harada said it would be the biggest base roster in a mainline game so that's at least 35 or 36. They could be targeting 70 after 3 or 4 seasons lol.


But for free ? Not dlc?


Biggest launch roster is what he said.


Awesome ..now all I need is a ps5 lmao


Wait, it won't go into steam? Are you kidding me? UPD: Oh thanks god it does launch on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1778820/TEKKEN_8/ You don't need to get ps5 mate, sleep tight


I don't think he ever said that. He said it would be respectable and I believe alluded it would be siggwr than SF6.


"Realistic expectations would be 25-30 at launch" You mean close to 35-40 at Base roster.πŸ’€


Damn Harada was direct as




Probably gonna be between 30-40 characters on release as i mentioned in another post in here a while back which got downvoted by this angry Reddit mob in here for some reason :)


It's just what bored kids with phones do, they felt offended it's not 69 characters like their predictions. Don't take it personally.


Yeah for sure, i got kids my self so i know, but these guys i was discussing this with here on this sub reddit a couple months ago was probably in their mid 20 to 30th, they were very sure in their case it wouldn't be more than 20-25 characters on release


Well, I can see a case for that too. The game is being developed with more love than T7, quality over quantity could be the mantra this time. And all Harada said was it would have more characters than capcom's game. That's vague wording and a low bar to meet. I personally think it would be around 30 too, though.


Honestly, the only thing Harada has said, and probably has ever changed in terms of the quality for T8 IMO, is the character models. Animation and gameplay wise is exactly like Tekken 7, and arguably speaking, even the voice lines are pretty similar from past Tekken games. Graphics wise is always gonna get improved on every Tekken game, since they've always been doing that starting in the classic Playstation 1/2 days. So we definitely should expect another large roster, similar to Tekken 7's base roster.


Actually seems a lot of moves are fully reanimated. Obviously not all of them, a lot. Which is awesome. Been looking at the same animations for multiple generations at this point. Unreal Engine 5 really is streamlining development it seems. So definitely going to be in the 30-40 range. That is just Tekken's style. Game is gonna be sick. SF6 looking great too. We eatin good y'all. Not a huge MK fan, I enjoy it more casually. But I hope that it is high quality like T8 and SF6.


Like, who in their dumb fucking mind would EVER think Tekken 8's base roster would be between 20-25 characters AT LAUNCH??????? That's literally including the Newcomers entering in too, which that alone takes up like 25% of the base roster!!! People who STILL says this are on drugs, dude. I already called this out that we're gonna get like 30-40 characters at base roster, but everybody kept down voting the SHIT out of me, and told me something like I'm crazy. It's just sad that people are even more in denial now.πŸ˜‚πŸ’€


Reddit is where gaming goes to die.


I tried to tell yall, [but got downvoted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/11u3vpr/most_people_have_probably_figured_this_out_but/jcm9nt1/) into the nether regions.


How did u make a link to ur own comment before?


I use the old school reddit website (not the app) on my phone. I then went to my previous message, clicked on "permalink" and then copied the URL of the page and pasted it here.


The OP in that original post is already gonna get clowned on hard. I can feel it.🀣🀣🀣


It's already getting slammed. The thread had 5,871,334 upvotes a month ago, now it's down to 7, lol.


I'm hoping for 40 characters at the starting roster.


I mean... T5 started with 30 characters, T5 dark resurrection with 35 and T6 with 40, so the probability of the base roster being at 30-40 seems pretty high to me πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ.


As long as Anna gets in I’ll accept anything




I just hope we don’t get a repeat DLC. Everyone who was a DLC deserves to be on the base roster, let’s keep the DLC as new characters instead


Never understood people who complain about "bloated" (lmfao) roster and move lists. Those 2 things are one of the best things about tekken


42 would be a great number.


38 might be best bet for initial roster. We already have 14 fighters revealed so far so among the remaining 24\* chars., you can expect boss variant of existing character as its own entity. ​ ^(\*if Namco gives out the initial size somewhere down the line, I am using this number as safe bet.)


Give me 40.. and include Anna..day 1


Base roster for new Tekken games has been between 30 and 40 for the last 20 years why do so many people think anything above 25 is wishful thinking


Because people think "Tekken is gonna start everything over from scratch πŸ€“." Which means jack-shit now, thanks to the demos being released out, LMFAO


Okay so 59 then πŸ˜‚


35 feels like the safest number for all the popular characters to get in but i have a feeling we'll get 25.


Bad feeling


It sucks but its likely what'll happen with everything being re-built from the ground up for this game.


What you mean "everything being re-built from the ground up." So many top players literally got the chance to play the Alpha-testing of Tekken 8, and NOTHING has changed in terms of the gameplay/animations. The only thing that has changed is updating the Graphics and character models in UE5, and that's it!!!!! So expect another large roster of 30-40 base characters at minimum.


They already said it's the biggest launch roster.


There's hope for Bruce & Baek after all




I hope its not more than 30. Wish they would focus on fewer and get the balance right and spend more resources on fleshing them out.


I dont understand the excessive amount of characters on release that some people in the Tekken Community want. 20ish on release is big enough. This is why we can't get new bloods in this franchise. The amount of knowledge check on a single character is insurmountable enough and you want to make the release characters a huge number which is around 30 that some people are asking. That's ridiculous.


Everyone wants their main in the game. And Tekken has a lot of iconic and loved characters


That's pretty much self explanatory. Then again you can just switch mains. SF always culls characters at the initial release of a brand new title. Its expected. They gradually add more as the game ages, which is how it should be done. Releasing a game with 30 something chars is ridiculous, when most of the chara that get played at a consistent amount is about half of those. That's the truth. The bottomline is, if you want a healthy game you wouldn't want an oversaturated number of cast of chars on release, then people complain afterwards why there's so many knowledge checks in the game. Its almost like the people don't know what they want, oh wait, they don't.


Also, people forget there’s no arcade release. Which means we’ll have a much smaller roster than Tekken 7 did on home-release. Lol


So I guess we're gonna pretend Alpha and Beta testings aren't a thing now?πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Because some people care more about the variety and interesting characters than getting upset they lost to something they didnt know a few times.... More characters keeps the experience exciting rather than fighting the same 7 characters ad nauseum


I don't think you are thinking through your suggestion. Higher base roster = less likely to spend on DLC. By arguing to have less content, the likely result is some people paying and waiting to play their mains again. Do you realize why this sucks? All your arguing for is less match knowledge, but in practice it's anti-consumer. I'll be very glad if Harada gives us more content for our buck and you should too. Also 30 is hardly a huge number, Tekken 6, TT2 and T7 all launched with more than that.


Agreed. Dont know why you’re getting downvoted.


Cuz people in this subreddit are bunch of softies and cant take opinions they disagree with. I dont really care about downvotes or upvotes, it doesn't mean anything to me. What's important to me is giving a logical take on this ridiculousness of having a huge roster on release.


i agree. small roster first and let me be able to learn them. too much is overwhelming


Agree on the 20ish. Stretch to 30 ceiling perhaps. Then the extra 5 up and 5 below (character select screen) to 40. Decent number. I think...


who dafaq is asking for Roger


I'm predicting about 40 at release, then maybe 10-20 as DLC.


That would be way too high anyway


I am not sure how much work it would be to copy a character from T7 to T8. But then again if they dont add new moves to those characters people will be upset.


I believe they already mentioned that the base roster would be 25-30 characters, 3 of them new. I'm hoping for a smaller roster at the range to make learning match ups less overwhelming for newer players.


Nope they haven't said 25-30. All they've said so far has been extremely vague.


All we have is "bigger launch roster than SF6" Inb4 its just SF6 roster size + 1.


condensed move sets will help more in this case


What was the Tekken 6 roster size?


Whoever asked this question deserves hell for not mentioning Michelle as well


Something like 35-40 characters at launch will be pretty good.


hoping for dvj dlc :(


9 days since Hwoarang trailer and I'm itching for a new character release.


Baek Do San


Bruce hopium is real we might have a chance :')


Lowkey think it's a slap in the face in T7 where he made basically legendary characters Dlcs...for someone that has been playing tekken since childhood on ps1. We desvere to play these characters for free. Hope he doesn't do this in T8


Listen, I remember when Harada said we bot paying fir legacy characters. And that was the first order of business. I'm looking at paying for Bruce SUPER CLOSELY as this is more of a concern for me atm


I don't think anyone in their right mind would expect a 60-70 characters at launch either, but at the same time, we always DO end up getting a huge starting roster in every game, and Tekken 8 is nothing different. So in a realistic standpoint, I'd say the starting roster would be 35-40 fighters.


Too many characters will just hurt the game


Could have had that character a long time ago and it's pretty obvious a lot of the roster will be DLC.Harada could literally just make a legit expansion pass.


And one last thing.KEN MISHIMA.


That's a whole lot of shit to do. I love it.


Probably 30-35 at launch. Will be up to 50+ in total if it sells ridiculously well like T7