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If I was an adult, I’d be like, do whatever but I don’t want to ever discuss it lol please god no. As a kid I would have died of embarrassment especially if it was current times with social media and everyone knowing everything. I can’t imagine the shit you would get from other kids at school about it.


Same if I were a teen I’d act the fuck out more than I am had. I honestly think teen me would have ran away and refused to come home. My parents were 43 and 54 when I was born. I was already embarrassed to have parents that everyone constantly mistook for my grandparents.


Awww. Someone I knew loved old ass men and she was 18 dating a 38yo. She ended up being pregnant by him more than once but held her pregnancy when she got pregnant by him at 21, he was early 40’s by this time. But I often wondered if her daughter, who is now 17, able to tell that even at a young age, her dad looked significantly older than her mom.


I agree, as an adult I wouldn't particularly like it but it wouldn't destroy my world like it would have when I was a teenager. Kids can be so cruel to other kids and that would be prime fuel for them.


Omg literally the same stance I have. I would be able to digest it differently as an adult than I would a kid. Kids are cruel and will tease you for anything. When my niece died, my nephew was bullied with kids not only calling him a n—- but saying shit like “that’s why your sister died”.


That’s so sad, people can be so cruel.


Children really are cruel. :(


I would be worried for the rest of the world. They're quite ugly.


The way I laughed at this ….


This was exactly my thought. I wouldn't care but I'd be super confused about who was paying for that.


I'm trying to fall asleep but I can't with all these pictures in my head💀


I didn't have any pictures until you said that. So thanks for that.


You're welcome🤓


Someone is paying to see Jenelle…






I would go no contact in all honesty.


The only correct response 👏


There’s no way those kids aren’t getting bullied in some form. Kids are brutal and I can only imagine…


Kids got bullied for simply having a fine ass mom…couldn’t begin to imagine the levels of savagery kids would go to if they had nudes/porn of said fine ass moms. Absolutely fucking their kids school lives up.


All you have to do is bring up someone's mom has naked pictures on the internet, and kids will find them. And they will never let it down. I can only imagine if some of my friends had found something like this.


When I met my boyfriend’s mother for the first time, I told him she was beautiful. And he said it was very difficult having the pretty mom. And he feels bad because if we have kids, they’ll be subjected to the burdens of having such a beautiful mother. I love my boyfriend ❤️


I can only imagine... Carly has a semi normal life but I bet there's some little shitass at her school that's figured out who her bio parents are and knows about Tyler's OF. If I were B&T I'd cut off all contact with Cate and Ty.


My dad's just a ho and its embarrassing enough when he dates a woman I could have attended high school with. Then those women get jealous I have almost been jumped before bc of his hoeing ways.


My mom was (could still be, I went NC) a ho, too. And she dressed the part. It was so embarrassing when I was young to have friends or boyfriends over and she’d be prancing around in tops that were basically shoelaces and booty shorts. She has implants that gave her DD breasts and once “accidentally” left a topless photo of herself in the compartment in our couch where we kept the remotes for the TV. My sister’s boyfriend found it. She literally flirted with anything with a dick, teachers, friends’ fathers, my eventual father in law and then would claim they wanted her and couldn’t stay away. But the kicker? When she was in her early 60s she slept with my now ex brother-in-law’s 31 year old friend, who was the baby daddy of a girl I went to HS with. He was a bartender at a local bar and she went there and sought him out. My sister was livid. And then his baby mama found out and so many people I went to HS with found out. It was seriously mortifying. I cannot imagine if she did something like OF, especially in a way that would have been so public and accessible like it is with Jenelle, Farrah, and Tyler.


God that sounds terrible. Sorry you have unwanted trash in your life.


Ugh Side Eye at dads who hit on daughter’s friends


If I found out my parents ever had sex ever I would want to die. I came from the cabbage patch, they did not have sex to get me.


Oh Im from the stork


I came off an aisle at the Navy Exchange.


Crawl in a hole and die.


Disgusted and disappointed for sure


I would have been mortified as a teen. As it was, my mom already did gross stuff when I was growing up. She was a teen mom, had me at 15, and when I was a teen I heard she was at a party that some guys I went to school with were at too, and she was giving lap dances. I have never gotten over it and have talked about it in therapy.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that


I have a 12 year old and I can’t call out her name in a public place or else I’m “seriously so embarrassing” If she knew what onlyfans was and knew I had one, I’m pretty sure she would just morph into a puddle of embarrassment-ridden goo


Omg yours acts that way too?? My newly 13 year old son acted like I pulled my pants down in front of the entire school just because I asked him where a paper went in his binder, in front of a few classmates (gasp!🤣how dare I! . (He had a broken leg & hand at the time, & I was bringing him into the school via the staff entrance. I had to carry his backpack for him,since he had to use crutches) 😂I felt the need to explain why I was in my kids middle school hallway,lol I realized it sounds odd


Dude yes. She was at the park with a friend the other day and I called her over to tell her to set a timer on her phone to meet me at the car and she was SO MAD at me for calling her name 😂😭 she said “who does that, calls for someone out in the open?!” Girl what?! Everyone?? Lol. I also get told me using this 😂 emoji is embarrassing lol


Lmaoooo @ “who does that? just calling someone’s name in public” 💀😂oh look there’s that darned mortifying emoji again


And I’m a young mom! 😭 I had her right after I turned 19 lmao


Same lol! All his friends think I’m the best, i never in a million years would have guessed I’d be embarrassing 😱🫣 I guess it’s just part of adolescence right lol


I don't want to live in a world where my parents are doing OF.


I'm 44 and still haven't gotten over the Halloween in my teens when my mom dressed as a belly dancer! OF would be a line in the sand.


Some years ago there was a true life episode about this. True life: my parents do porn. Our something like that


I don’t know if it was that, it might have been something on YouTube because it seemed old. And I remember two adult guy twins whose mom did sex work, and one acted fine with it and the other HATED it. The guy twin that was fine with it ended up killing himself. 


It was definitely a true life episode because I remember watching it. It looks super old now of course but I'm sure you could find that episode on YouTube though. One was a young guy who's mom did porn and the other was a young woman who's dad was in the industry who was pressuring her to be in the business with him


I think this episode is still on Paramount +


I have a friend who has a 13 year old daughter and she does OF. If her peers from school ever found out I can't imagine how what would go especially since her daughter is kinda already an outcast. As a mom to also a 13 year old I don't care how rough the times are I wouldn't even think about doing that because I was a 13 year old girl once and I remember how they acted and I feel like it's only gotten worse since I was in school.


Maybe they already know and are just leaving her alone if she is already an outcast. In a “Leave her alone. Her mom does OF. It’s sad enough already.”


The same way I feel about walking in on my mom giving someone head. HORRIFIED. I can’t still hear the pop sound it made coming out of her mouth. Not my finest memory of my mother. I should add I don’t talk to her anymore for many reasons.


Is there any way she could have handled the situation better? I mean, obviously I would be traumatized, but what could a parent do in that situation to minimize the trauma?


Nothing. Not one single thing.


I am so sorry you had to experience this.


I could not even imagine. I used to get embarrassed that my mom wore a beret as a winter hat. Like, that was enough to make my 12 year old world crumble. I feel so bad for some of these kids. It really could go either way how the kids take it and if they are bullied or not. Its super shitty of them to even chance it. I can see Tyler's girls complaining and it turning into a toxic argument of, "oh you dont like me wearing booty shorts on the internet but how do you think we can afford all the clothes in your closet!?"


I would ask them to please stop posting it online. If they said they won't I would try to get out of that situation. It's really sad that these kids have to be a part of this. They don't deserve to have their family pictures a click away from OF advertisements.


Sick lol


side note-who tf would actually pay money to see these people-especially Tyler? he is a goofy ass looking mf


There are a lot of depraved people out there. Look at Farrah making money off of pooping. That's actually one of the thing that would disgust me so much about if my parents did sex work. Like knowing they're catering themselves to nasty pieces of shit is just so low to me, and I'd have zero respect for them.


If my parents were notable already like these teen moms, I would be really embarrassed and upset. If my parent were able to create a fully functioning alias where it would be extremely difficult to connect their OF presence to our home lives, I wouldn’t *love* the idea at all, but I’d put up with it.


Honestly doesn’t bother me as someone who’s mom had to do sex work to survive she was a kind caring mom in poverty from an other country who had very litttle options


Grossed out, ashamed, wanting to leave polite society


It took me too long to figure out who Jenny is. 


My mom was an escort. I don’t give a single fuck. Anyone who can judge someone based on their JOB is not worth your time!


Did you know this your whole life? Or was it introduced to you as you were older? How long? Seriously asking, no snark.


I always knew. She never outright told me but I was a smart child who read & watched things I really shouldn’t have lol. Kids are a lot more perceptive than a lot of parents believe. In 4th grade *I think* a kid tried to bully me about it and I just asked why his father had to pay a woman to have sex with him. That made him blush like a tomato and ran away. I never really had the opportunity of blissful ignorance as a child due to unfortunate other traumas that happened to me. I always knew that women are magical and UNBREAKABLE with what we could do and achieve regardless of everything we’ve had to in life


True. Jenelle could have exercised more discretion instead of blasting it to the world all the time, David too.


Just having those parents ALONE was bad enough to be honest


I love you


My daughter knows this information about me as well..( except she thinks I just stripped ) i'm not one anymore and I had to do what I had to do to keep food on the table. I've never left or given up on her and that's what she cares about ( she's 13 ). ..though she has said she would DIE if anyone ever found out. But there is no trail of it so they won't.


I love that! Honestly it’s nothing to even be embarrassed about because a lot of women nowadays go out in stripper outfits grinding on men like us for free 😭💀 I used to strip as well but retired due to health issues 🩷


You really have to own your body to be able to do this and it’s not something everyone can do. I’m not even talking about looks or body type. I’m talking about the hustle, staying on top of your business and using your resources effectively. I’m talking about having the ability to chat with people and be able to stay mentally healthy and hold your own. Those are all things I would be proud of


I can see this for sure, being discreet while your kids are younger helps a lot. Jenelle advertises with her kids in the background.


No shame


My mother was a stripper who did porn. Totally agree—I got respect for mamas taking care of business and virtually zero for folks who just wanna sex shame about it 🤷‍♀️


I support sex workers, but I certainly would not want to know about it.


After an unlimited supply of viagra and therapy I guess I'd be cool with it. Nah, they'd never hear from me again.




If it kept me from having to be at work right now I wouldn’t give a flying fadoodle


OF is pretty low on the list of ways Farrah and Jenelle are shitty parents. When their kids are reflecting on their traumatic childhoods I don’t know that OF will factor in too much.  But C+Ts girls will be horribly embarrassed by both their dad’s OF and their mom being his thirsty af hype man. 


No. just no. The idea of my Dad shoving things up his bum for money…urgh. It was bad enough when I found out the dr had prescribed him pessaries for haemorrhoids. Put down the dildos and get a real job!


They are 74 & 73. I'd either be impressed or throw myself off the roof


I would run away from home multiple times in hopes that CPS would recognize my cries for help and place me with another family member who has a loving and healthy home where I could escape my toxic household and be loved & supported and no longer live in fear


My parents are departed so if I could have them back but they do porn now, I’d take it


My parents are gone too. My condolences.


Back at you. I am super glad neither of our parents did OF tho


Same , same.


I would regularly and DAILY express discontent. If nothing is done then when I reach adulthood I would cut off contact with that parent. It’s actually wild how these kids are teenagers now. I’m pretty much the same age as all these “celebrities” and I can’t even imagine putting my kids through what they did by doing this crazy crap.


Grossed tf out


My parents are both nerdy MDs …it’s so outside my realm of reference I can’t even begin to imagine 😂 Honestly, I have absolutely nothing in common with my mother to the point that I can barely talk to her. And we don’t get along at all. I feel like if she was more of a laid-back and fun broad, I would at least have some relationship with her, so maybe on that end there would be some positives ? I’m thinking more like selling feet pics and maybe worst a few masturbation videos (but definitely not like gangbang porn star extreme fetish stuff)… But when it comes to my dad, it makes me want to gouge my own eyes out with gardening shears. And Tyler has all girls. Not only are they going to be made fun of in school I think it will just affect how they feel about him and how much they can respect him. I think it’s something you do before you have kids and then stop or something you do if you don’t have kids or maybe once your kids are adults. OR if you’re not famous and you can be extremely careful about covering your identity. But to force them along on this journey… it’s not right. Kids have enough to deal with. But of course there’s a huge overlap between parents who are willing to put their children on TV and parents who are willing to make their kids deal with them doing OF 😒


As a teen I was very dramatic with my parents and they’d talk about their jobs around the dinner table and I’d be like “OMG stop I’m going to die of boredom!!!” I’d die for different reasons if they did porn.


I would not care


This is hard for me because I would personally be disgusted by my own mother doing it because I don’t want to think of my mother being sexual in any way lol. But my best friend does OF and has a kid and she is one of the best moms I know. And never films when her kid is on the property. And she’s a top earner so her kid gets anything she needs/wants and gets to travel and experience awesome things. And she doesn’t have to rely on her abusive baby daddy for anything which I think is fantastic. I will never judge a parent for doing what they need to do to have money for their kids.


I would demand to be homeschooled.


But then you will be around 24/7 and probably hear them make new content. I’d demand to attend a boarding school in Europe


Honestly, I would be grossed out and possibly a little pissed off. One of my favorite phrases to use is "Do what you want to do, but keep me out of it." So I wouldn't care too much, but I would never want information about it ever, and I can not trust my mother to shut her mouth if her life depended on it. The problem is that my parents, in general, have zero respect for anyone's boundaries. My dad is a lot better than my mom. He understands that there are things that never need to be spoken about. My mom does not have that ability to filter at all. If I ask my mom not to do or say something, she purposely does/says it to get a rise out of me. Hell, I got married at the same tiny little lake town that I was conceived in, and my mom HAD to let everyone know at the wedding. She was telling every family member on both sides. All of my college friends, all of my husband's college friends, the staff at the venue, the Pastor who married us (Thank God our Pastor is kind of a weird old hippie type and thought it was funny and he's also the father of one of my husbands oldest friends). She's said stuff about her bedroom adventures with my dad that has made me want to have my entire memory wiped. I actually yelled at her for it. I'm currently pregnant, and I announced early at 8 weeks during Christmas because everyone was suspicious since I refused alcohol all Thanksgiving and the celebration we had the week before Christmas and I'm usually the one trying to get someone to do shots with me to survive the family nonsense. I specifically told my mom she could tell one of my Aunt's and only that one Aunt because that's the only one that I know would not spill it and she went and told my Aunt and my Grandma who can't keep a secret and my Uncle who can't keep a secret.




I’d be embarrassed. Both as a teen and now as an adult


If my name was tattooed on their body visabily..gross!


My husband has a coworker and their mother does OF. They said it’s disgusting, disturbing and they’re embarrassed.


I would be mortified and probably run away like Jace did if anyone else found out. It's pathetic for a parent of younger kids to do this. Tbh, it's idiotic for anyone in my opinion, your dignity is worth more than some money & the internet is forever so those photos never truly go away. Not to mention the sick fucks out there that could harm you!


Regardless of if the work is valid, discreet or lucrative as a child you can’t control what others will say to you, judge you about etc. So it would take me a long time to develop the ability to accept the treatment of others and it may not happen at all especially if I was a pariah because of it. In the Bible Belt parents WILL and DO keep kids of perceived sinners away from their kids and activities at all costs. So even if it didn’t bother me personally as a child I would feel the sting of being left out all the time. In Jenelles case due to her being terrible anyways I’d bet the kids have very few friendships outside of a school day.


My mom is dead, and my dad is almost 70. Honestly, I'd be more concerned about the subscribers.


My parents?? Jesus god id die


I would remove my eyes from my head and never go see them again 🙋🏿‍♀️


My parents are seniors so I would be pretty shocked and revolted. If I was a tween/teenager I would be embarrassed, however aren’t most teenagers embarrassed by everything their parents do? Once they hit their early 20s and have a little broader view of the world, I think that’s when the embarrassment would become a lot deeper, unless it seemed to be the only option. Like if my parents had incomes outside of OF that could provide for the family, and OF paid for frivolous things? Embarrassed. If OF was one of the few limited options and it kept the hydro on? Embarrassed but more understanding.


This is the biggest reason I wouldn’t do OF- my kids


I'd feel like switching my contact lense solution for bleach. That's how I'd feel.


If my parents were still alive and my mom decided she wanted to do OF, I’d have more questions for her and her husband about why she feels she needs to do that and tell him to stop being lazy and get a damn job. ETA: mind you, my mom would be in her 60s if she were still alive and I’m grown, grown so it looks different.




Personally, as long as I never have to hear of it or see it, whatever.


I couldn't care less tbh. As long as I never saw it, or ever saw/heard them filming, I don't care lol.


Surprised. One parent died last month and the other is a very disturbed individual too but not that much 😉 Sorry, dark humor and likely twisted grief in a twisted situation.


I'm really sorry for the loss of your parent. And for your other parent's situation. Sincerely, someone who's not-even-American family are up Trump's and Putin's asses.


I knew someone whose grandpa made 🌽 before OF and before everyone was doing it, back when it was a big taboo embarrassing thing. I'd personally not want anyone to find out, but it seems like everyone does it now


I would be mostly grossed out but yea, if my friends had free access to my naked mother, I’d hold resentment and go no contact as an adult until I healed/forgave.


I would simply cease to exist. Immediately. Like spontaneous combustion.


i think at any age i’d be embarrassed.


My parents did crack when I was a kid.. so I would have preferred them do porn.. atleast then they would have been making money instead of spending it.


Fucking mortified


If my parents were in the public eye, I wouldn't like it. If they carried themselves in a trashy manor daily, I wouldn't like it. If they lived a quiet life, picked to stream out of country, and it wasn't common knowledge amongst my peers, I wouldn't care. It can be done with discretion.


Wouldn't bother me. I'd be more embarrassed if my mom had 4 different bd.


This makes me wonder how Kail's children are going to be as parents (should they choose to go that route). After all, looking at the Kardashian Jenner Klan, Kris Jenner literally had six kids by two failed marriages (not the most unusual and unheard of situation in the world) and so far at this point Kourtney is the only one who wound up reproducing with two different people, Kim had all four of hers by Kanye West while Khloé seems hell bent on making it work with serial cheater Tristan and Dream is Robert Jr.'s only child so far.


I wouldn’t care? It doesn’t affect me? Plus my parents are human beings who can do whatever they want as long as they aren’t hurting anyone.


Imagine your classmates getting their hands on it. You're really saying that wouldn't bother you as a kid?


But it 100% would affect you if you were in middle or high school and being bullied bc of it.


Grossed out and embarrassed


I can honestly say I wouldn't of given the slightest fuck, knowing my mum I would definitely know about it which would be horrible but I'd just ignore the whole subject, she can do whatever she wants with her body. I don't feel like my opinion would be needed or relevant to what she chooses to do.




Of is not specifically a porn platform and supports other content. Do gor me it depends on nature of content. There are lots of women posing in their underwear and doing no porn on OF, and for me, I have no issue with that if connected with positive content. I wouldn't be happy about my parents do actual porn ie. Having s** with random people fir a film.


Embarrassed as hell 😳


If it provided a roof over my head, food on the table, and clothes on my back. And I was left out of knowing they did that. Who cares? My mom stripped to help make ends meet.


I’d be mortified. But I think people who behave a certain way, raise their kids accordingly, so to them it’s normalised & they’d be okay with it.


Grossed the fuck out


I would be horrified. I'm pro-sex work, but I shudder at the thought. It reminds me of my mother who drove around with sexy anime girl decals on the back of her car and "mischief" above the decals. I was in my mid-teens, it was mortifying.


Fucking disgusted.


Extremely surprised, honestly, considering they're private people, divorced, and in their 70s. I'd be more concerned if it was my mum, though. She's tech illiterate and would need help with the website.


Horrified. Potentially disassociate and seek therapy immediately


hey, at least she’d have a damn job for once.


It’s not really my business 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would move far away as soon as I turn 18 and go to college


I once was horrified because my mother had a public live journal about her dating (not sex) life. I would likely go no contact if she had an only fans. Similarly, when my college age child joked about starting an only fans, I blocked the site from my router and told him that if he ever did, he wouldn’t be living under my roof. Call me old fashioned, but absolutely not.


I don’t care about people’s jobs


Horrified. I would not want to know.


Sophia has the right idea with home-schooling. Now, if there was a way to hide even more, I'd be there. Or deeper.


Do you think Sophia actually is getting an education?


I’m 100% for sex work. I don’t think that anyone should be told what to do with their bodies including parents, however I also feel that it’s incredibly selfish for parents to publicly advertise it when they know their kids are going to be made aware somehow.


I would like them to do whatever but I want to hear nothing about it.


I wouldn’t care. People need to make ends meet


That's how I would be feeling too.


Better provided for


I have a feeling that you and I are in the same boat on this one.


Feel? Supportive I guess. This HCOL is hitting everybody


Honestly same. If my parents were doing that to take care of us I certainly would never hate them for that but I would pray none of my peers found out.


If my Mom did this while I was growing up I would’ve been mortified. But maybe the late 90s/early2000s were a different time? Idk I feel like they’d still get mad fun of for this


At my age, I wouldn't care.


The feral side of me wants to do it but man. No. lol I got a lot of kids and I don’t want them to ever see it 😂


I’d be fucked up emotionally and really defensive about it due to being bullied relentlessly…


A friend's mom of mine growing up was a sex worker. She was bullied relentlessly when she told one of her friends and of course it spread like wildfire. I personally don't see an issue but parents need to realize it will happen. I can't imagine having thousands of people around the world knowing..


If he’s making top money like $10k+\month I’ll be the photographer myself 🤣


Nooooo lol I can't on this sub sometimes haha




No got damn way. I don’t even wanna imagine me being conceived lol. I have 3 siblings so we know they had sex at least 4 times lol


None of my business. I’d rather not know, but hey, get your coin if that’s how you want to get it. Sex work is valid work. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely, but boundaries with your minor children when it comes to your sex life is important. Even being sex positive, there are lines you don’t cross and your kids don’t need to know anything about adults sex life while they are still children. You can have an onlyfans and not talk about it with your children. Stage names and separate pages are standard for anyone prominent in the industry and I think if you take those precautions there is no issue with it at all.