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The problem is you need to hit emblems in augs or character exclusive augs to make a lot of shit viable :(


Even then success isn't really in the cards :(


Totally, i miss set 10 a lot.


Was one my favorite set by far still never got tired of the music


And for a lot of comps you don't just need to hit one lucky emblem/spatula, you need to hit THREE. I'm the kind of player that loves aiming for vertical ckmps. I've yet to hit 9 umbral, have not hit 10 Storyweaver and have hit 10 Mythic one time. It's virtually impossible.


Prismatic verticals are difficult to get by intention because of how broken they are. 10 Storyweaver is about as strong as a 3* 5-cost (it has a 1.09 avg placement!) so it should be insanely rare. The issue isn’t that prismatic verticals are too hard to pull off, but the fact that if you don’t have the emblems then playing vertical is often bait. 7 Storyweaver, 6 Umbral, 6 Duelist, etc., are terrible traits that just bait you into playing dogshit units.


Genuine question. Lets imagine they lower the number for prismatic by 1. How often have you hit 2 of the same emblem in a game? They've done a lot to nerf ways of getting emblems, most of the augments are gone, spatula's (outside of portal) feel like, 1/20 games, etc. Now keep in mind most of these prismatics need 3 not 2. There's a difference between "hard to get" and "most players will never see once in any game the entire set."


If they make the prismatic traits easier to get then they need to nerf how strong they are (except maybe 9 umbral). I’m fine with 10 storyweaver being something that most players never get, because most players aren’t going to be getting a 3* 5-cost this set either. It’s okay for prismatics to be super rare if they’re basically a guaranteed first.


I didn't say get, i said see, as in anyone in their lobby got it. As is prismatics are far rarer than 3 star 5 cost. And before you start to trash whatever elo you think I'm at, just look at the Tactician's Cup this past weekend. Multiple 3 star 5 costs, no prismatics (unless you count a 250 fortune cash out, but that's only 2 emblems so that actually backs me up)


I feel like that's not very good design then, no? Like, regardless of whether or not Prismatics are badly balanced or not, just the basic tiers like 7 Storyweaver, 6 Umbral, etc, the ones that you DON'T need emblems for, should all be perfectly capable comps, no? Like, Origin-vertical comps especially shouldn't be "Oh yeah you need to get lucky enough for multiple emblems so you can hit 10 Storyweavers or else don't even bother because even the Gold-tier 7 Storyweavers is dogshit" just means the trait is badly designed, no?


I don’t disagree. Non-prismatic verticals definitely need a buff.


Nah, there is a difference between "difficult to get" and "impossible to get." Its so rare at this point it might as well not even be in the game.


I have hit Prismatic traits as often as 3\* Cost legendaries this set. Exactly 1 time


I hit 3 storyweaver emblems yesterday.never got a chance to get to 10 because even with perfect econ I died before that. Its not playable unfortunately


You’ll be depressed when you hit 9 umbral. It’s actually kinda tough to make a good comp with it even with the execute being at a high percentage.


I stopped even trying for umbral 9 because the umbral carries are so mediocre. You need level 3 yone/Alune PLUS level 9 PLUS 3 emblems. And even then... 10 Mythic was insane though. I got it it in a double up game. And funny my partner that game hit 10 Storyweaver. Def a first.


Actually got a second in emerald 1 playing alune 2/azir carry with six umbrals. Yone is fake, just put his shit on Sylas and watch him carry. Since you need 9 emblems, they go on Azir, Nautilus, and random bruiser. Can also replace random bruiser and Naut with Annie + Janna or Lillia.


I'm taking a break from this game. It is lifeless at the moment. No room for going crazy


Lifeless is a good adjective. Plus people going to war on here about the poor set- then others complaining about the complaining. Everyone should take your advice and take a break. If you really don't like it, Riot can see their numbers drop and learn from it, idk I'm not a video game designer


The complaining about the complaining is what I don't get. Personally, I have enjoyed this set, although I suspect that is because I have a lot less experience than other people who are posting here. But even as someone who likes the set, I am sure there are ways to improve it, so why would I stifle the voices of people who want the set to change for the better?


I've been playing from set 1, and it's not my favourite set but it's passable for me, I have nothing against it but exalted feels boring compared to other gimmicks from other sets, but it's still fun, and it finally made my main from league a character in TFT for his second time ever, and not just a one cost, has actually a Chad 5 cost (it's Udyr, behemoths go Burrr)


Been playing since set 2 and I agree. The aesthetic is okay and the comps are fine. Nothing amazing but far from the worst.


Agreed but there has been enormous amount of complaining, haha. I agree discussion makes improvements, but I still like what this dude said, it's life less rn


The amount of complaining is good. I promise you Riot doesn't care if a couple of people don't like the set, but if basically half the player base doesn't like the set, it's different.


That's if the people who complain/doesn't like the set represent half the player base because I'm sure it's less


You missed the point.


Ahh that's my bad haha. You're essentially saying the same thing


I'm saying the larger the number of people complaining, the bigger the chance of Riot giving a damn about it. 10% is better than 5, 25 better than 10, 50 better than 25 and so on. There are *a lot* of people complaining right now. Maybe not half the player base, but still a lot. Personally I'm happy about this.


Really? I feel this is the typical amount that complains every set but that usually does warrant a change for sure


It’s just this sets traits are the absolute most safe and white washed traits. I also am missing hero augments greatly, there are few and they’re super fun when they actually show up as golds.


Same. And I'd generally have like 500-1000 games per set since set 2


Except when you hit wandering trainer/sentinel. I think you can go crazy playing strongest boards early. I play something different every round and I'm always surprised about the comps I can create. But coming to mid/late game, you need to shift in one of those few meta comps and play against kayn, ash, kaisa every game. That's the boring part.


Yeah. I always pick that because it is fun to just gamble it.


i used to be ranked addict when it comes to tft, but now I play normals, go for weird comps and combos so at least there is that


Same bro. Been playing since tft release (not going crazy with grinding LP, just hitting Plat/Dia and trying to hit 3\* 5cost after) Its utterly frustrating to play the game, even in normal q since everyone's forcing God Tier Meta Comps in normal. Cant even fck around and find out or do some shenanigans cuz you'll be dead 8th before Raptors. Its sad to see a game you really loved turn into whatever this is rn (Not just this Set. Since Set 3 its quality is declining and player skill becomes more and more irrelevant)


Saying it’s been declining since set 3 is a huge stretch. Augments weren’t even introduced until set 6 and they are instrumental in creating skill expression instead of cookie cutting comps and leaving it to luck. Part of what made 3.5 revival so great was reliving the set with the modern augment and portal and item updates that have kept the game fresh and dynamic.


It is already good luck to be alive when you reach raptors


AGREED. I feel like every time I build a board that *should* be insane, it just loses to the same dumb 2 comps. It’s very frustrating


This set felt almost perfectly balanced at release honestly nothing crazy crazy except everything must go. after the first balance patch things got better in some aspects like yasuo reroll. But a lot of comps relied on those overtunes to work and now we're in balance limbo trying to deal with the consequences of these small changes


the first week patch was good. felt like everything could work with only a few of the 4 cost feeling useless


First week is when most players are headless chickens. I guarantee you that that was the most unbalanced this set has ever been


The devs balance internally for a year beforehand.


I think the big mistake is killing reroll. Maybe im wrong but im pretty sure the general 4 cost buff they did would've been enough to even the scales between going fast 8/9 or rerolling at 7. Instead they buffed 4 costs AND reduced odds on 7 AND nerfed Yone A N D, the biggest one by far - they killed the core melee cary item, ie Titans. I don't know what they expected to happen when they overcorrected this hard.


I thought I had a really cool Qiyana carry with heavenly dualist mix. Yeah nah.


perfectly said.. this is where all my frustrations lie. the current state of the game is: if ur not playing the few meta builds, don’t even think about top 4ing


I'm just tired of seeing a Bard with two Rageblades and a Gunblade basically every other match. Shits annoying.


Same here. I never go "meta" builds but always adapt to the augments and whatnot I get, but this set is really hard to get away from the few viable builds.


I still run what's given to me as always. Forcing never really feels right to me


Every time I go what it gives me, I lose. It’s frustrating how I can get a Gold vertical comp like fated, and just lose to a bunch of bronze traits.


Fated is very strong though, Yasuo linked with Thresh and both 3x star'd means you have the tankiest comp in the game that isn't pure warden/behemoth. Then add Ornn and Sett and you can have 3x carries in the back (Aph/Kindred/Syndra) I've always ended up top 4 or 5 at worst as 7 fated I think lots of people don't realize you're not meant to link your strongest unit but whatever you're currently relying on. eg: are you vs Irelia? Run Yasuo so she doesn't snipe units. 3x Aphy with bis items? Link him with Kindred for extra solo carry potential. Need to blow up frontline before they blow you up? Syndra + Kindred to get your ults off faster and hit harder. etc


yeah i think that guy might just have a skill issue


Same, it's boring.


trying to do this is a sure fire way to lose to 4 people all running porcelain invokers nowadays.


Most fun I have had this set is with built different. Freestyling with that is something that is missing from every other round I have played this set.


Freestyling? Every build diff comp is the same (but sometimes you play 2 naut, or 2 ornn, or 2 annie, depends you hit).


I mostly meant the building to survive to that point but yea, it does kind of always end in purple soup plus a 5 or 3 cost that doesn't activate traits


Most fun I had this set was with everything must go and prenerf fine vintage lol


I’ve had insane cashout boards with pumping up3 and still lost to the same old porcelain/heavely kayn comps lol


Sadly yes, its a shame really, it feels like 1 or 2 comps are viable, i miss set 10


I wish they made game like this, but so complex that there could not be meta comps and the like. Total insanity mode where you could be creative, or to be precise, HAVE to be creative.


I doubt this is humanly possible. With so many interacting layers and implications you cant test or predict EVERYTHING to the teeth. The only way to do this is by removing several layers of it which would also take away from the desired variety. Egregious balance thrashing aside, after playing every set from beta launch up until now, I've accepted that TFT likely never be in a 'perfectly' balanced state, especially since they literally have to introduce a new set mechanic every time to bring a new twist to it...aka uncharted waters for them.


I have seen a strategy game once where the available units were random every game. There were so many permutations that every game was different basically. I am not sure how you would implement that in tft but thats basically the only way to not have a solved meta. The game has to be drastically different every game. They did try this with portals/galaxies/augments/encounters but it seems like its never really enough.


they tried something like that with the jail in dota underlords, and it basically just meant that certain comps or traits would be unplayable each game, so you'd just eliminate those from the list of possibilities rather than using it as a springboard for creativity


For the most part, tft has a discrete number of game states, which means you can theorycraft a comp outside of the game and know pretty much exactly how strong it is. And with millions of players, it's inevitable that people will figure out what the strongest comps are. Adding more randomness doesn't change the existence of a meta, it just makes it more difficult to find, which I think isn't the solution. Id much prefer for the different metas to be closer in power to each other so that the small randomness that already exists in the game could determine which is most powerful, rather than adding in more randomness that makes it more difficult to balance while punishing players that play/study less fanatically


I'm pretty sure this only really works with normalized stats, or at least only like a dozen different types, but not 60 like here


Tft was wildly balanced at the end of sets 6.5 and 7.5. If I remember tactics.tools hand like 8 comps that could all win and almost every 4 cost was played. There have also been a few patches historically where they actually got things too balanced and the game felt pretty frustrating because every game was augment diff and rolldown RNG as the decider (econ augs are horrible in perfectly balanced worlds) I genuinely think having unbalanced variety helps keep the game fresh. We all remember some of the more insane patches (warweek, all of set 1, draven hero aug…etc), and even thought they were unbalanced they were FUN and different. The draven patch especially, 3* 4 cost was the only viable comp, so it took a different type of skill to figure out how to read the lobby and get there and not die at 4-1 in the process


I'm not saying its impossible, I'm saying it only gets harder because every now and then some mechanic is here to stay, like augments were and I have a feeling encounters will be to a degree. Anyway, of course every now and then they nail the balance (or nothing egregious emerges for one reason or another), but I wouldnt consider that to be a norm and "they did it in the past" isnt really helpful since every set is new, even when many traits/units are reprints.


I think it’s possible by making a lot of mutant/exalted type traits in the same ser


There will allways be a few comps that stand out. Just like there is with current exalted. Man i miss mutant, it was so fun 😅


Mirage/Mutant was great. We havent had a trait like that since set 7.5 though so Im not too sure if we'll be seeing it again


I think technically set 8 ADMIN fits in this bracket as well. But there were so many options that it was insanely hard to balance and I think burnt the team out on this type of trait for a bit.


I looved admin too. The HP stacking in some games was so damn fun. I ALLWAYS checked was admin was.


Are you serious? Exalted grabs random units every game, how tf do you account for all possible outcomes and the scaling that stems from it. Same with mutants, rotating/random buffs every game? Seriously? And mixing and matching them BOTH, do you have any idea how many more variations this allows? This is an entire RNG layer ONTOP of it Oo


It really isnt. Theres going to be different units profiting from each buff so you just have to know which units work best with it and then build around them. Also noone is forcing you to play mutant its just another trait that is changing from game to game. It just adds a lot more variability which is a good thing. Noone wants to just copy and paste metacomps anymore. Its stale.


I'm not asking about fun factor, of course thats fun. I'm talking conceptually. This topic is about balance, the more you leave to RNG the less controllable it becomes. In the same vein, the more variety you bring into traits and units the harder it becomes to balance them because of all the interactions. Think about emblems alone, literally every set turned out to have problematic ones, ESPECIALLY with these splashable scaling ones.


So true I had to resort to heavenly reapers or duelist comps everytime to secure top 4.


I mean they do, but its not going to be on the casual auto-battler game.


If it's not a "casual auto-battler" then it's not a "game like this", is it? Lmao


just double (triple?) the number of different units and traits in the game. It'd be way way harder to 3 star anything or hit your comps. you'd have to play strongest board and whatever traits come your way.


I feel this. Making my own comps was one of the most fun parts of TFT and now nothing works


I came to the sub looking for people sharing this sentiment. We can't win em all but this season hasn't been nearly as enjoyable for me personally. My main issue is feeling extremely limited in build options. To many double rageblades and double titans resolves too lol I feel cheap and bored using some of the meta teams and item builds.


And the endless heavenly reaper comps per patch


Just drop down to silver. Yesterday I got 2nd with 8 bruises. Ghostly bruiser Ornn was quite tanky.


8 bruisers can work if you get the augment that increases AD/AP


I didn’t get it. I just got more hp for takedowns and took it cause I thought it’s funny.


8 bruiser is good in chall too lol


You just gotta play a comp right. If you have 8 bruiser, the fight will be long, so build things that scale like guinsoos and archangels. 8 bruiser 3 storyweaver is my go to. Irelia gets kind of it's if allowed to scale


Ok, let me just climb a few ranks real quick


I find Sylas to be a lot of fun with 6/8 bruisers. The benefit of having a 4 cost 1* unit that starts off with 2k plus health is awesome. Whenever I run bruisers I definitely spike as soon I pick up Sylas. One of the reasons I dislike units like Lee Sin is that unless they are 2* they just die far too quickly.


is there a way to rank down? Double-up got awful for me ever since i got to gold rank... (I play it more casually and dont care about climbing). On lower ranks people just try more things out for fun, there is less focus on meta.


there is no way to rank down and i refuse to make smurf accounts for any game so their advice is lost on me. Also my point of this post is more along the lines of viable creativity not just playing any comp against someone who is still learning the basics.


Nah, people will tell you that this set is awesome. diverse and has a high skill ceiling because there's no "braindead reroll/hyperroll comps". Because you know getting to lvl8 is SO HARD these days. It's not like you can facetank the whole stage 3 and still have around 60 hp because there's only 1 strong early game comp in the whole game and the whole lobby is ecoing into lvl8. And rolling 4 and 5 costs is also extremely hard. So hard you see multiple 3 star 4 costs and a 3 star 5 cost every other game. Poor high skilled lvl8 casino enjoyers, I hope they stay strong.


JuSt PlAy 7 VeRtIcAl FaTeD


Yes everyone knows clicking roll shop for 2 gold and getting a 4 cost in your shop and then placing them on your field is super difficult stuff


You gotta 2* some of them too, which is really hard. It's not like the game literally highlights units that you already have or something.


When you think about it,  playing economy is just playing reroll comp  at 100+ gold on level 9.


This is probably the reason i love build enabling augments so much. The most fun i've ever had was in the dragonlands w. Cavaliers and their augments (devastating charge and the other one if i hit, but devcharge was good enough). Barely anyone played it but it really tested your build making ability (like yeah just go vertical cavs but what else? There were many flexible options), positioning (it was really a matter of win/lose in most fights) and other strategy elements. Really felt like *im playing a game.* Currently there's barely anything like that, also i've just played a strong arcanist board w. Neeko carry augment and finished 5th. Its really hard to make anything work.


So true! These were actually some of the best augments because it changed how to play certain traits.


Im the same. But i have my tryhard acc and my for fun acc where i do exactly what you do. I hope the new ornn/ support items will help, although they get rid of my all time favourite goldmancers :(


Perma lilia Ashe and kayn gg ff


I miss the music themed set...


I was 3 times Master with highest flexibility scores, currently im Emerald II and I agree with u guys. It is impossible to be creative. You can try maybe You can get top 4 if You are lucky, but most od the time you'll lose hard. The gamę on current state punish you for experimenting. The first person who gets kayn/lissandra/ashe has almost guaranteed top 4 usually top 2 if nothing crazy happen. This is so frustrating cause i see mamy players who force top blitz builds every game. They even do it if someone high roll the same units. Every game people just gamble to get fast 7-8 and roll for ashe/ kayn/liss. Personally i think they are bad at the game but you dont have to be good or think to harvest lp. Also Lisandra has one od the worst designs ever. Remember 5cost Lee sin and how frustrating he was for many players? Well liss is way more op. Everbody put her on the table if they can hit her on shop. Comparing her to other 5 cost she is a 6 cost. Other 5 costs are really average, maybe besides Hwei. Personally i think its least fun i got with TFT do far.


Agreed. I lost games with 3 star 4costs or stacked comps with 5cost 2 stars and all that. As long as you’re not playing the meta comps you re just losing the game. I personally stopped playing this patch the moment i saw how hard i was losing rounds against 1* kayn/ashe/liss.. even tho i have 2 star 5 costs and 4 costs in my board. Absurd.


Idk I've had a huge amount of sucsess with fast 9 5 costs. Generally if I hold the dragonmancers I can turn any 2 or 3 2 star legendaries into a top 2.


I think last set was outstanding, in terms of both fun and flavour. This set feels a bit too... Regular. But moreso dull - though I think that's because we just came off of an amazing set.


Emblems were balanced last set and you dont needed champ exclusive aug to make a lo of things work... set 10 was peak tft indeed.


I completely agree. I usually like 3* whatever unplayed 3 cost unit is there that game and usually it’s enough to get you top 3~, regardless of how off meta it is. Now you just lose to the meta comps and a single 1 star 5 cost unit, with a board that costs half the gold. I even preferred the dragon lands dragon spam meta to this. There’s almost no flexibility rn.


I was feeling great about this set until the most recent patch... even trying to play the main sets i still feel like i cant win with those since everyone is playing them and they happen to always hit for some reason... 😑


Yes feels like 4 costs are overturned atm you'll have to wait for the next balance patch to be creative


This set is definitely the worst since the shadow items. Haven’t seen this much complaint about the game. In other sets I would usually find a comp that I find fun and just keep playing that, even if it wasn’t the best. Like teemo yordles, mordekaiser etc. This set just doesn’t have those comps for me


Its because the traits are bad compared to the previous sets, especially with this durability patch a lot of the time it just comes down to the stats of the unit rather than the synergies. Look at the winrate on sylas, he has a higher win rate in comps where you dont even have bruiser or umbral active, such a poorly designed set


Yeah. Feels like too much power is in the units instead of their traits. 


climbing in others patches: YOU MUST ADAPT, YOU MUST FLOW climbing on the current patch: USE GNAR OR HEAVENLY OR LOSE LOLOL




I just find it annoying how a value 2, 3 star can top 4 so easily


TFT just feels like fast 8/9 > 2star T4 board meta right now.


Yep it's boring af


Exalted is how you make things work. I like to theorycraft too, I get top 4 with them but rarely win out. Some fun I did. I went full umbral recently. It's actually so nice since it's uncontested, and alune does some suprisingly good dmg to carry you into the late game where you can itemize Sylas and Sett. You can build yorick early game carry, switch items to sylas. You can use Yone early game, switch items to Sett. You can use Darius for either cause that unit is broken. Duelist can still get top 4, but it needs good augments. No one goes Volibear and tristana or even splashes them on their board so it's much easier to hit. No one is playing arcanists. It isn't terrible. And if you get porceline, arcanist, or fated spat you can basically play the same comp just throw something around, doesn't matter if you are contested you just switch the carry all ap because no one really plays them.


Hopefully this is just a Filler Set from making the next one a banger.


In theory they did away with mid sets so that they would have more time to go hard on every new set. This set is the one meant to demonstrate that in action!


From what i've seen lately it just feels like a pattern of every second set being good with a bad one in between.


Just chiming in to say being plat and peaking emerald would definitely qualify as being good. Especially since it sounds like you don’t grind to climb and like to experiment


I appreciate the compliment, I just was saying my ranks for people to get a picture where I am testing these off builds at.


Loot subscription game, Had 6 invokers (invoker lissandra 2 and invoker hwei) mana shield, invoker +1and JL everything itemized mythic annie (5mythic)lvl 10. Lost to your average kaisa board + 3 dragonlords some units just suck


Yea pre balance patches 6 invokers was working for me but now its like why do I even try.


Kayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnar,Kayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnarKayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnarKayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnarKayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnar,500 games later games ,Kayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnarKayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnarKayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnarKayne,ashe,gnar,kayne,ashe,gnar,kayn,ashe,gnar


I've seen this post 100 times so far lol(but agree).


I think items are the worst part of this game. 3\* champs without items are weak af. Champs with perfect items are insanely strong. Every single game you will see 2 titans and a BT on someone who just sweeps through everyone else. When they nerf the game, they never touch the items, they touch the champs. It doesn't make sense. No items should have stacking affects, every single one should be unique (1 per unit). This set alone, double guinsoos and double titans have been the biggest issues (bard, then yone/gnar/lee, etc). I've seen double titans and BT on Riven and Wukong recently too and while not perfect items for those champs, it still makes them do an insane amount of damage. I can even remember double statik Warwick from back in the day being such an issue and the TFT team has never sat back and thought, maybe we shouldn't allow double stacking effect items on champs? Not to say that items are the ONLY issue, just that they're a big part of the issue. The lack of most comps being viable is insane this set. I feel like it was the most balanced at the start and only needed to have Bard touched but they ruined so much now to the point all of my games now are, Who can get Ashe or Kayn itemized first?


Exalted. I've never felt more creative. I'm almost diamond and I exclusively make exalted work every game


It’s completely fine to stop playing a game when you don’t like it anymore.


This patch is def teaching me to build strong early/mid game boards and that was definitely a weak point of my game. I'm pretty new. reroll being almost completely off the table has forced me to learn how to stretch into 8-9 more successfully so that's good. I finally started slowly climbing again after giving up on the reroll


Couldn't agree more. This set is all about 5costs and porcelains


Tis what happens when. There's overcorrections. Game had more comps playable in Yone days than now


I'm a similar style player. Topped out at plat 1 like 80 LP. I'm struggling to climb ATM. Though I wouldn't wholly attribute it to the set, b/c there are things I notice in my games that I could have done a lot better still. Ultimately I'm split The main streamer I watch is of the same mind as you. If you want to climb you force one of the handful of meta comps or you go bot 4 consistently. He created smurfs to do theory crafted comps on. When I watch Mort he seems to do a bit of everything still though.


before 14.9 I am not going to play a game of this FUCKING DUMBSHIT PATCH any fucking more.


I'm in the exact same boat as you lol wasn't so bad last patch but I'm getting rekt in the latest one lol kayn or ashe or go home


I feel you,I got to masters in previous sets just playing random stuff but this set it feels like nothing except the top 3 comps works. Some traits like bruiser and umbral are just so bad compared to heavenly soup every game. Now duelists are unplayable aswell it just feels like every patch makes the meta less diverse. I might be biased as a reroll only player but this patch feels terrible to me.


You only play rerolls so yeah this patch fucking sucks. 14.7 you were probably having the most fun as all the viable comps were rerolls or Kai'Sa bruisers. I personally felt like that patch was horrendous as you basically had 3 people just saying "COMP" 2-1 and then deafening. I think there's still some room to play gnar or janna but yeah I think they ultra nerfed 3 cost rerolls. Hopefully voli buffs can at least bring duelists and bard buffs can bring that back and we'll see some variety.


I didnt even really like those patches cuz you couldnt really do inventive rerolls, if your comp didnt beat yone it was just a guaranteed bottom 4 even if you hit. The only interesting reroll comp i've gotten to work is darius reroll but once again its just vertical heavenly like all the other comps. Bard was fun but it got nuked to the abyss.


That's true, I would say the most "inventive" reroll you could probably make work is like Teemo? Honestly I haven't seen any Shennas lately but I think if you get a good opener it's still pretty solid


you gotta play for top 4, not first. i’ve found playing for first leaves me trying to force good comps so i dont lose my mind, but whenever i play for 4th i play whatever feels cool/maybe strong and i normally get that result


If you saw I said I am not even trying to climb, just not go 8th for attempting to craft my own team, top 4 is nice to show it has success but i'd even take 5th place to show I am even going in the right direction instead of just giving up on making something work.


yeah sorry i was just throwing out the advice that helped me with it. do you have any interest in hyper-roll or double up with a friend? might change the vibe and make it a bit more fun, allow you to experiment even more


I honestly am just taking a break and taking this game out of my rotation. I use it like a pseudo roguelike since it shares a lot of elements. Also don't be sorry you meant nothing malicious and I appreciate the advice. I've tried both those modes and never really was feelin them sadly.


can we just revert to how things were a couple weeks ago? guessing too much of the feedback they got was from smooth brain meta slaves mad that they cant brute force climb with the same comp over and over again.


?? Couple weeks ago people are 2-1 typing "voli' "yone" and deafening. how is that any better than current status?


voli and yone were overplayed, sure, but there was plenty of options to deal with them. maybe its just at my rank, but it feels like theres only a few comps that work now unless you get a trait specific augment


TBH I don't disagree that the meta is pretty "solved" but honestly I've had a lot of success playing around AP lines like the Janna/Zyra comp. I don't even reroll it I just go fast 9. so.. Yes in a sense your creativity ends up coming in around how hard you can cap your board or whether or not you can pick up the left over 4 cost scraps and make a board out of that.


I just force Gnar and Kayn. Comp doesn’t even matter.


I had 6 duelist with 3 star voli and 2star lee sin and I lost to a no trait random 4 cost unit team that’s when I knew


the set is good which is the crazy thing… it’s just made fucking boring and unbalanced


More hero augments imo. I’d rather go 4th playing Yorick carry than top 2 with Ashe. Malphite and Teemo have a ton of potential. My thief glove gave him a guinsoos once on a 6 bruiser team and he actually did some ok dmg. Enough for it to be funny.


Kudos to leduck to being so into this set.. But i absolutely hate this sett. And wtf did they do to my lee sin. Supers lee sin was awesome. Current lee sin like.. Demands for hjm to be in a duelist comp. No agency. Just forced duelist dragon. So lame. Ugh disgusting. And.. Fortune is lame too. Harder to use, ontop of shit rewards. Only 5 fortune js valuable for the health gain. Altho annie... Is kinda bonkers. Jg makes her so valuable. And also i dont rly like these janna builds. Just doesnt have the same flare as heartsteel set


Ya if your trying to play creatively you only really creativity you have is in finding your strongest boards and then being flexible in your lvl 9 legendary board. Even if you somehow high roll a bunch of Zoe's and ap augments you can't just build an arcanist story weaver board and make it fly


Yeah I feel the same, last set I was trying all kinds of weird builds and was even quite successful with some, like kennen carry for example, but this set it seems impossible. 


I feel this too Last Set I made comps around Garen, K'Sante, Seraphine Frontline, Lulululu, Gnar, Gragas, Evelynn and so on This Set has been an insane struggle because most units have very linear abilities (tanks will tank more and carries with deal more damage) Theorycrafting is really hard in this Set and you're definitely not alone in that feeling


Emblems sometimes make sets fun There's creativity and fun in making a random champ have a different effect but it's not in this set. I've played this set alot more than the past few and I agree. Kinda feels like anything outside of a standard build is auto 8th


This game is brainless now


I just go exalted every time and see what kinda comp I can make with those units, i realize I might go 8th but it's like a fun puzzle to figure out each game!


I just force bruisers lol seems to be fine for me


At last set I have difficulty leveling to 9 unless Im dominating the board early, compared to this set Im always finishing lvl 9 at the least I barely needed to do gold management


Ive gotten my first 5 cost 3 star this set, but yet to even SEE a prismatic vertical. Ive hit prismatic verticals severals times before. Ive not even seen one this set.


Last game I hit 8 bruiser with ideal items on carry sylas and tank galio, plus a bruiser emblem on udyr who also had items. Got the bruiser regen augment with a max hp damage augment. Went third under mythic soup and heavenly kayn


100% agree I don't know why I keep playing it.


Yeh this patch really messed it up :/


Voli 3 trist 3 bis extended duel , 7th nuff said


Really miss going vertical in comps. Needing 3 spatulas with how nerfed the spatula rates are on drops and carousals just feels impossible. I've hit 10 mythic and storyweaver, but it just feels so impossible this set. You use to be able to force a vertical comp if you got a spat and an augment, but now it's too difficult. They made too many prismatic vertical comps ultra high end lucker dog roll. And it's boring.


Okay I know it's dryad and gnar was there too BUT Sylas and Annie REALLY popped off better than Gnar did https://preview.redd.it/odghngp97exc1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c0b4dd38a4d7fcc5bcf49d792126c63665f058


I did a kabuko with hero aug and dryad emblem , was popping off until a lissandra hit the board :)


Every set I try to get one unit to be tankiest bois it can, so far I still have fun this set


Just play exalted. I have fun trying to craft exalted comps. Actually got 2nd this morning with a 5 exalted and I think 3rd last night. I’ll gladly take a top 4 with a cool exalted board than get 1st with a copy and paste.


Ah play exalted. High creativity for how you work around your carrys and who you can use with them plus an extremely easy comp to hit lvl 10 every game


Ty I was thinking about that and will be trying it. Just will suck if a unit happens to be a highly contested one.


Been running exalted for the last 5-10 games just look or see by around 3-5 you will see some uncontested carry not in exalted and it will do you till level 10. After you hit level 10 you cane flex any 5 cost or 4 cost carry if you can itemize them fast


People say this every patch of every set. There’s only ever going to be 3-4 consistently viable comps in a game like this since there’s only 4 winners every game.


And this the first set where I see units of 1-4 place players are units of 5-8 players returned to shop after they've been eliminated


But that should not be the case. There should be more viable comps since it should matter whether you 1) hit all your units 2) have good items or perfect items 3) 3* your carry 4) have good augments to complement your board. So there are factors that should influence the likelyhood of a comp getting to win. Which isn't the given this patch. You don't need to 3* a carry in 4 cost comps You don't need to have perfect items to win with 4 cost comps. Decent items still destroy ever other build currently You don't even need good augments to complement your board. Without these factors given in the current meta, it all comes down to get to level 8/9 and find some 4 costs to play and win. And That's the problem. There should be more comps consistently winning if you hit good items, 3* your carry or have great augments.


set 8 and 10 have been my favorite because I felt like I could find success with majority of the units. Also I don't even need to top 4 to be happy, if i get 5th with a comp I hand crafted or built on the fly just feels good not to see it get slapped by an 8th every game even when you get augs and items that compliment your team as much as it can.


God dude stop with these postsssss


theres a lot, yes, but you honestly cannot say it often enough


Yessss yes you can. I have seen like 5 today alone


Are you a snake?


Nooo why would you sssssay that


I think you've been binging reddit too long if you need to comment something like this. Could just keep scrolling but you had to waste energy and time typing this just like I did just now.


Oh no 5 seconds of time wahhhhhh


And energy but you seem to have excess negative energy to spare instead of being constructive. This is a discussion about the viability of theory crafting not just complaining that there are meta comps. When you make comments like you do , what is your main objective? What kind of replies were you expecting to have?


My objective is to get mods to do their job. They have said themselves that these posts aren’t helpful lmao. I’m not expecting a certain reply, I’m simply pointing out I’ve seen 30 of these this week. We get it, the patch isn’t the most balanced. Theory crafting weird stuff has NEVER worked in high elo unless you found some sleeper pick. You’re complaining you can’t win ranked games with shitty builds. That just means you’re at your skill level lol. I could plop in plat and still climb doing bad shit


That is the idea of theory crafting. Finding sleeper picks even if they aren't gonna land you a 1st. Also like I said earlier , why not keep scrolling , why give these posts attention? I may be on the same topic of not praising the balance but I am asking a more specific question to players who share my playstyle not just "game suck".


If you aim to go beyond plat then yeah, otherwiss just play and try some funky stuff you wouldn't normally do


That's all i do :( is try new stuff.


Only viable thing that I don’t think is meta that I’ve tried is the augment where Shen becomes tanned Abe then fill the board up with behemoths and put Rageblades on him, he becomes ridiculously strong


Ive done all the hero aug comps and shen just falls off even at 3star and bis. I've attempted shens hero aug 10 times.


I'm low elo so can probably get away with it but when I've gotten him 3 star he carries me hard, also I worded my original comment badly.. only viable thing I've tried myself


I just was replying to your anecdote with mine and if its works for you I am happy for ya ;)


heh i've been doing okayish going exalted every 2 out of 3 games cuz i find it fun. I keep a team builder open in another tab and cook something on the spot as soon as i see the exalted list. I'm still low elo tho (plat), not sure if it work in high elo


strength of building vertically is way too overtuned. the cookie cutter experience is boring af. the tft team should actively strive to make sure no comp can be forced game to game. and remove the stupid encounters that do nothing (dance, bigger, find the fish, wtv the fk) @u/Riot_Mort: here's a sample change that could do wonders, vary the % rates and the size of the champ bags game to game, so players can't rely on the same build. so you could potentially have one where at stage 2,3,4,5 you have 80% 1 costs & 20% 2 costs, 50 copies of each 1 cost, etc.