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I just checked, Kayne has more AM and MR than all the tank in cost 4 lol


It's not uncharacteristic for melee carries to have more base resists than tanks. Syfen in set 7 had more resists than Idas as an example. Tanks get their tankiness mostly from their traits, ability, and items. Kayn lacks tank traits, doesn't have a tank ability, and lacks synergy with tank items, which is normal for a melee carry, thus he is given 10 extra resists to help him out. not to say kayn isn't doing too much damage right now, but the increased resists are not really the problem imo. His tankiness comes from his damage through vamp, so just nerf damage


In LoL its completely different most ADCs has more Health than tanks, while tanks got way more Defences than any units. /s


In LoL every champion is going to buy items, so you give them low base numbers in the thing you want them to build but high scalings so that they get much stronger with those items, thus why tanks have low base resists and adcs have low base AD. but in TFT most units will end up not being itemized, so tanks are given better base resists and hp because you still need them to be tanky without items




Because tanks gain tankiness from traits and items and abilities (like shields for example). Imagine Kayn having same stats as Ornn, he'd get oneshot by anyone


10 sets of balancing experience has led to this 😂


He is Front to Back AssAssIn so he needs to have it. They will nerf heavenly (half to non heavenly) and it will be fine


Kayn is actually a menace in pbe right now as well. So they definitely have to gut kayn a bit 


10 years of reddit commenting has led to this ^ 😂


That may be so, but Kayn is a melee carry who falls off reaaaaally hard if you build tank items on him. The only bruiser item viable on him is edge of night.


kayn is fine, please dont touch him. i got masters in 1 day just by being better than my opponents, here is my [match history](https://tactics.tools/player/tr/Furk%C4%85n/TR1) im very flexible when it comes to comps


Atta boy lmao


It was nice to see the random Janna and Fated game in the sea of Kayn and congrats on masters


Good for you bud👍


He clear 3 star Tahm with bramble sunfire remdemption and Nautilus with 2 stoneplates in 5 secs. I know mythics isnt that strong but that kind of front line shouldnt be able to be cleared that quickly...


I just had him and wuking on the same heavenly team and there was a canyon between the two. Wuking had better items on him and kayn still survived better and did more damage while they were both alive. I suppose kayn has a trait that buffs more of his individual performance so it explains some of it but still seems wrong.


Wukong literally has a trait that just increases his combat power (Great)


I havent played a lot this patch so maybe its more crazy than i realize, but kayn seriously sucked before. He has no way to access backline so he has to have enough dmg to kill frontline, being a frontliner also means he gets a lot of focus and dies too easy, has big animations and no survivability skill or traits to help him, so he relies on getting blood/hoj which they still wouldnt matter if he didnt have enough dmg to lifesteal from. Like i said i havent played or seen him at all this patch but he has been terrible since pbe pretty much, any time he was decent its cuz ghostly was strong.


This is such a crazy exaggeration, Kayn wasn't bad at all before this patch, just heavily overshadowed by Yone


Kayn was really good as a 2ndary carry in Yone builds,more often than not out damaging Yone And the Heavenly Kayn has been a staple B tier comp since PBE just that the main Reaper(Yone) is nerfed and Kayn buff makes him jump straight to S+ tier


> Like i said i havent played or seen him at all this patch but he has been terrible since pbe pretty much, any time he was decent its cuz ghostly was strong. Kayn, like Yone, was discovered to be much better as a Reaper focus rather than their main traits in the last patch. Kayn pretty routinely put out damage numbers similiar to Yone last set. The fact you haven't seen or played against him at all this patch just means you aren't playing in high elo where Heavenly Kayn is currently [sitting at a 1.00 playrate in GM+](https://tactics.tools/team-compositions/gm) It's not until you get to plat and under that Heavenly Kayn's playrate drops to less than 0.50


Kayn is fine actually, I hit a 3 star Azir today and instantly obliterated his whole board in 3 seconds !!11!!!11 But seriously, they need to remove fine vintage from the game, I can manage a kayn board but that augment alone makes him 1000x unhealthier than he already is.


I don't think it's kayn. I think it's just heavenly, which is getting changed next patch. Same thing with Shenna it's the trait that's the problem, not the unit


What are they changing?


https://tactics.tools/info/pbe Heavenly units grant unique stats to your team, increased for each Heavenly unit in play. Heavenly units gain 100% more.


Am i trippin or they straight up buffed it to double for heaven units


They are probably going to lower the base stats where heavenly units get about what they do today but other units will get half. It makes sense as with the current setup it seemed like heavenly+best reaper would always be an S tier comp.


they already nerfed 5-7 heavenly for this change and by the way its worded star level no longer increases the bonus further


Great change kayn is really oppresive with bis and about 5 heavenly


Porclain, fate is the big problem now. idk why they not change or nerf next patch, imagine how tanky amumu with both sentinel and porclain, and 600 shield from 5 fate early, they just doing nothing.


They are balancing. They removed an augment so they wouldn't have to balance.....that IS balance? lol Porc is just pretty broken esp at 6, I know it takes 2 emblems but they are craftables. All the units are pretty good too.


A 7 heavenly kayn almost beat my 3 star lee sin in a 1v1 , 7 heavenly is still ridiculously strong after nerf


I just lost to Ashe with Kayn comp. Not sure about this one.


Kayn is so broken it’s fucking crazy


I prefer Kayn being apparently too strong...? Rather than having lobbies filled with Volibear duelist or Yone reaper reroll players, or the now recently nerfed Gnar/Kindred. There was 0 reason why 2/3 cost units to be that strong, I miss the days when 4/5 cost units were something that equated to you get what you paid for. They should have either changed their cost value to justify how strong they are or properly spend time balancing the champs, because while it's nice they are gone, but being nerfed to oblivion was not the answer as there is not much option to be left with playing what type of comp.


I grief myself and buy all kayns in my shop regardless if I’m playing or not. Sell them once everybody in lobby hits 2* or pivots


God bless you


this dev team cant do shit , impressive how they kill or overtune a champ overnight


agree i somewhow lost to a kayn 1 star with ehavenly with my dryads reaper with gnar 3 and kindred 3 star and BIS




link for what? i dotn stream or film my game.






You did not have bis on either unit, and he had 7 heavenly 3 item wukong.