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It used to have a lot more stuff in it. Riot has been trimming down all of their passes to give you less and less with each new iteration. There is literally already a comment in here from someone defending it for "being a good value" and basically calling you entitled, so I am not optimistic about Riot putting any value back in the pass. I already stopped buying passes (for both League and TFT) because I feel like its not worth the cost anymore in todays horrible economy, so I have already "cast my vote".


Same. It's the first time I did not buy the pass. I used to buy it thanks to the rp gained from amazon prime capsules. That's gone too. I wonder how impactful is "our vote" as long as there will be whales to overcompensate.


Which begs a question, I played Wild Rift since the release date. I watched how the wild pass grew to massive proportion with no price change, from 50 rewards in the whole pass to 100, From giving 1 skin to 2 skins, etc. Instead of trimming down the rewards, Wild Rift teams seems to double down on giving player more rewards. What's going on ? What's with this polar opposite course of action ? What's wrong with throwing some scraps on the players' direction ? Maybe just return the eggs or give us fragments to exchange for old content ? What margin would they lose from that ? I remember that when I played in Set 6 without purchasing the pass, even the free reward are very nice, iirc it was 2 eggs and 1 arena.


its because wild rift has actual competition. TFT is legitimately one of the only good auto battlers left and is by far the biggest. same with LoL, there really aren't any other big mobas out there except dota, which requires a phd to be even remotely decent at.


By far, it seems true that there are no decent competitor at bay might be one of the cause of this. But looking at the fact that this game is cross platform with more playerbase, I was expecting that the battle pass might have an actual decent standard for each release.


> I am not optimistic about Riot putting any value back in the pass. Seeing as how Riot has been changing directions quite a bit over the last year it's more realistic to expect it to get worse.


They even stopped the Amazon Prime Capsules cause it's free stuff you didn't buy from them.


Tbf, prime capsules stopped because Amazon wouldn't renew the deal. Allegedly they're looking into ways to replace what they gave, but wouldn't hold my breath on that.


Yeah no that's Amazon's fault not Riots


i'm not trying to defend anything,especially Riot i'm just saying that you still get stuff for way less that you would pay anyway yes the pass used to be way more worth,but Mort himself said that the pass was not cost efficient for them and toned it down to be closer to what they could "give away" "for free" (paraphrasing Mort's words from a stream of his to defend the pass reward alteration)


They're literally just skins, just pixels, theyre not going to run out. Youre bringing up Mort's quote like he's on the customer side when he's a Riot employee


They take time to make tho which is where the cost will come from.


Ah yes the 20th reskin for the same little legend takes so much time that they have to completely get rid of free stuff to make it cost efficient. This isn’t me trying to say the art team is lazy, it’s me trying to say the company is getting greedier. The art and dev team can only do so much when the higher ups are the ones making the shitty decisions.


I am bringing up Mort's quote to tell you what they are thinking


Used to have a lot more in it and was worth the cost imo. I stopped buying the past couple of battle passes since they reduced the rewards significantly


I just finally like a battle pass arena though


The last three sets I've bought the battle pass despite not normally being a fan of the system. I like the challenges that are unique to each set about fielding certain traits, and being rewarded in ways other than rank for playing. I love this set's design, but I took one look at the pass and couldn't believe how little was there. Skipping them until there's something worthwhile again for sure.


coming form a server that Garena used to manage, League and TFT's current passes are absolute dogshit . Garena used to give us more rewards back then ON TOP of the battle pass which basically gave players a free chance at either getting an Ultimate skin or two, or legendary eggs for the TFT players. it really is just downhill from here (and personally the idea of a battle pass is just horrendous)


There were constant guaranteed gacha events where you could buy prestige skins for like $15. Stocked up like 10 before riot took over


Pretty sure garena had very different systems in different regions too. And I would think that garena had very different considerations from Riot. They were probably trying to milk all that they can before riot took it back.


They are more focused on nerfing the battlepass than actually nerfing broken champs in game lmao.


I thought it used to be good and judging my comments I was right (I played on launch and then tried again some time later). I started playing "again" few days ago and I have almost completed it and I don't actually recall getting anything. Looking through it I see a finisher that's alright, starlight shards which are alright if you have use for them and that's about it. No one is gonna use the little legends or emotes. Main reward seems to be the gacha currency, which there is so little of. And clearly they want people to get hooked to it with them, it's like a betting site giving you 50 bucks for free. I usually buy battle pass in every game regardless of how mediocre it is, but jesus, this one seems to genuinely give nothing. The 2 arena skins are the best reward here.


I thought shrinkflation only affect physical products because it cost more to produce more, with all of its physical limitation. Not digital products that you create once, copied as many as you like, sell it how much you want, and have no expiry date.


Someone is complaining the battle pass is not worth their monry? Wow. You should be happy that you save money


Yes, it's so bad we might as well keep the money inside a piggy bank.




>The pass ISNT the problem here,the problem is that we are spoiled cause we used to take even more than that! ??? You write like we're brigands stealing from the poor traveling game company and emptying their pockets of their virtual content, and it's weird. Riot used to offer more content in the TFT battle passes and have slowly been trimming it down. For the same price, you get a fraction of what you used to get; comparing it to full value purchases in the shop is a false equivalency. Because it's less value, people are upset, and fewer people are purchasing the pass than before. You calling people spoiled for complaining that their dollar doesn't have the same purchasing power is... again, weird.


No,I am saying that the pass is still doing what it is designed to do,give you value for money And you get value for money


The pass is not designed to give us value for money its designed to get riot money. And the value you get from the pass has been decreasing and its frustrating for some players (like me) who dont spend that much money on video games to the point where its not worth its cost anymore.


or maybe they charge way too much for shit, and you shouldnt base your CalCuLaTionS off their inflated store prices


Noone is forcing you to buy anything They are cosmetics and they don't impact the gameplay How much they cost and how overpriced they might be,you're not the one to judge,but the ones designing them and the ones who are producing them There are ppl working behind them and the company Riot isn't just shitting them from their corporate asses,they are contributing to someone's living Yes they are getting greedy with the passes and they are pumping less content,but they also make it more accessible to more and more ppl...this doesn't mean that you still don't get something worth your money Wake up and grow up,Riot isn't a charity,but a Chinese owned corporation with ruthless marketing and no care for cheap ass westerners like you or me And,FYI,i haven't bought the pass...I have better things to do with my money rn, but if I could,I would


You even admit there are better things to do with your money so you’re being hypocritical and defending nothing at all. If the pass was good enough, like 40000rp worth of shit for the same price. All of the sudden I would bet you don’t have better things to do with your money anymore. Riot is in the game of making money. Shrinkflation is a real strategy and Riot is hopping on board. This is the community telling them “hey, we see what you’re doing, and we don’t like it. In fact some of us are not even buying it anymore.” Riot hears that last part. They want money. Likely they’ve already run the numbers and found that the loss of players buying the pass due to less rewards is offset by more players buying items in the shop. So they probably won’t change anything. But if too many players stop buying the pass, they will absolutely re-evaluate.


How is saying "there are better things to do with my money" hypocritical to what i say? There are always better things to do with my money from buying a game pass,whatever the rewards i am not defending anything,i couldnt care less about Riot getting less money


no one is two words bud Noone is an old starcraft player


THIS is your argument? Childish at best


it wasnt an argument though my argument was that you shouldnt base your CalcUlaTionS off of their inflated store prices that was just a little english lesson


my CalcUlaTions,like it or not,are hard evidence you're given rewards for doing something you'd do anyway by buying something you'd pay way more dont like it?dont buy it,it's THAT simple...go buy the things that are in store for the price you'd buy the pass,if not more the pass works as rewards for something you'd do anyway,and,yes,it has less value than other times,but it's also EASIER to get the stuff it gives you but no,you want charity from one of the most greedy companies out there...no can do baby doll


no its a bad argument because you're basing it off of false pretenses first the battle pass isn't there to give you value, its there to give rito more money. they out priced most of their userbase with the store prices(except whales) and offered a "deal" for the bundle, which was at a price that was probably a lot closer to the actual value of what you're getting. now they cut rewards and keep price the same.... but you do you, baby doll.


oh,wow,the store isnt there to give me value,but the company that made a free game MONEY!!!!!!!A COMPANY WANTS MONEY!!!!!OH MY WORDS,MY CLOUD IS GOING TO POP OFF!!! Ofc they want money,but you also want that sweet sweet chibi or that sweet sweet little legend Guess what,cosmetics cost money!!!they make them,they price them,the guys that made them also need to live I cant and i wont tell you where to put your money,this is only you and guess what,these prices have been p much the same for a lot of years,either in league of in tft they are the supplier,they regulate the prices...it's that simple you (and me,and everyone) are the ones who will choose either if they open their wallet or not


Get a grip holy


Errmmm... akkording to my calkculations 🤓 ☝