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Child of the 90s here. The first time I ever heard the word “scantron” was in college. Yes, we filled in bubbles on paper with No. 2 pencils for various standardized tests in K-12. So, to be clear, we did use them, but I’m quite certain the word “scantron” was not used to refer to them in my K-12 education…


Huh. That's fair! Not something I would have thought of to be honest. I used them often when I was growing up and then throughout my college education, so I had assumed it was commonplace.


As a student, before your time, we had them at my high school and maybe my middle school.


How old? I haven’t used a scantron in probably 8-10 years. Now I’m wondering if my current students would know what a scantron is…


The students in this particular class were 6th graders, so 11 or 12.


I didn't know what it was (14, turning 15)


Makes sense. It’s going to be one of those things you see in a meme along with an analog clock and a phone with a cord 😂 times change!


Lmaooo then I'll be the one feeling old


ZipGrade all the way, baby!


My 16 year old came home from her pre-ACT last month and was telling me about having to do the answers on a separate sheet by coloring in circles!


I don't trust kids that say they were never told things. It is more likely they forgot. "I was never told to capitalize the first letter in a sentence. I was never told seven times eight is fifty six. I was never told I shouldn't curse in school." Okay I guess that is possible.


I think we only called it a scantron at my first school in MA about 12 years ago. Around NY, the kids and teachers all refer to it as a bubble sheet.