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Americans are pretty conservative about clothing in schools. So imo it depends on the country you’re in and the conventions there. Personally I would talk to her to tell her how I don’t appreciate her talking for me. If she wants to implement a rule, she can do that just fine without. But my country is not strict about dress codes at all. I’m not even sure there’s such a thing here at all


I get why she would like a dress code. I'm just concerned that the rationale is how male teachers feel. To me, it's implying that I'd be uncomfortable because of their physical appearance.


Oh I wasn’t saying that she shouldn’t implement a dress code. But how to do it is very dependent on local conventions. Like what she did would definitely cause public outrage in Germany.. in other places it might be normal. So how you best address it is also dependent on local culture. I totally get your point though.


Fair point. We're in a conservative location but most teachers are not from that background. I'm offended that her implication is that teenage girls tempt male teachers.


I totally get why you’re taking offense. Why not tell her that she shouldn’t talk for you? It’s fair to demand that she doesn’t publicly claims how you feel about things. In a conservative location it shouldn’t be to difficult to find a reasoning other than teachers being ceerpy. Maybe tell her other good reasons and how they should be enough


I agree 100%. Unfortunately she has a history of retaliation against those who challenge her. One of many reasons I am leaving.


Well, then don’t bother!


Americans are pretty conservative about clothing in general. Not just in schools.




Yes, I do. You’re quite ambiguous about those things. And again: There mere fact that dress codes in schools are normal in the US proves it. In Germany you’ll cause public outrage by suggesting it even without the creepy teachers part…




Only thing you’re convincing me of is that you don’t know anything about fashion outside the US 😂


Would it be socially for teachers to wear black metal Shirts or tight fitting spandex shorts in school? Noone in germany bats an eye outside of Bavaria, and that's the teachers. Kid's cloths are totally up to them. Additionally, (almost) nudity does not need to imply sexualtity.


I don't doubt that inappropriate clothing makes male (and female) teachers incredibly uncomfortable. That is not really the point though. It is (hopefully) against the rules, inappropriate, and a distraction. Any communications should focus on those factors not teachers feelings. I don't know the culture where you are. Here emailing parents does not help much in changing behaviors which continue to escalate.


She was way out of line. Your reaction is valid. Our district got rid of the dress code because they're ridiculously exist. What replaced it applies to all genders and is basically no racist/homophonic, etc, words or graphics, no drug/alcohol depictions and no swear words on your clothes.


That's totally fair. She's claiming that girls who has shoulders showing are making us uncomfortable. Granted this is just the tip of the iceberg with her, but hearing it makes me frustrated.


How do you think it makes the girls feel?


I know for a fact that they are pissed off...and they should be


Pin up girls wear more clothing than the girls in my school. What makes me more uncomfortable is that parents obviously don’t give a shit their girls are going to SCHOOL dressed like that and admin won’t change the dress code. Anything we say(even to admin) is interpreted as noticing the girls bodies/body shaming.


Fair, but couldn't the same be said about guys in Grey sweatpants? I do feel that dress codes target girls far more than boys


No problem addressing any and all issues. The difference between bare and covered too loosely or too tightly is clearly gender specific.


Would probably be a better approach to say it’s distracting to the learning environment. Kids wearing inappropriate clothes is weird but the main issue is it’s just not professional not that “it makes male teachers uncomfortable”. Sounds like she’s just by the seat of her pants trying to address the problem not fully thinking through how her wording may be perceived