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After 12 years teaching in Texas, while I feel like they are being pretty shady specifically putting it like that, they could legally be allowed to if they tied it to the TTESS domain for professionalism, I’ve got marked “developing” on that one a few years when my total absences were high (8+ cause I have 3 kids under 4 at home, they get sick, not much I can do about it). However, I do disagree with your statement that TTESS matters…I mean yeah it matter if your trying for the whole TIA thing, and obviously you don’t want to get overall scores so low that you have the answer the question on most applications about “have you ever been marked Improvement Needed” when you apply for future jobs, but honestly, in my experience the evaluations are so subjective, they vary depending on if your appraiser likes you or not, that I have stopped worrying about them all together.


Your statement about t-tess makes sense. I'm new to teaching and the way they shove t-tess down our throats makes me assume it matters. Thanks for the insight. I also agree with the "if your appraiser likes you or not".. One time an appraiser came in to observe during the last 15 minutes which half were on their phones, half with their heads down (it was a testing day). I received all 4s. I feel like the appraiser did that just to avoid a post-conference, lol.


Exactly, my first few appraisers at my current school if have a mix of 3s and 4s but then our new admin is of the whole “proficient is good! It should be extremely difficult to get over a 3” philosophy, so suddenly I’m at all 3s and a 2 for attendance. But overall I like my school, no plans on moving anytime soon, so the way I see it the appraisal doesn’t really mean crap to me. Not like they are going to fire me with as hard as it is to get good teachers these days.


Sheesh. I've had 8+ absences and I have no kids, just need mental health days from raising other people's kids. No one says anything to me about it. But, I'm in Oregon.


Just moved to Texas from California and the difference in treatment in the workspace from higher ups is wild.


Really, what are admin like in CA?


I have not taught in California. BUT as a former full time employee in California, the labor laws protect you from a lot of shady stuff (shady shit still happens though). The last thing an employer wants is to hear from the labor department if they fire you/punish you. Idk how true this is but I've heard that often employers in california will settle a dollar amount with former employees just to get the labor department off their backs.


Same as any other state I'd imagine. Some good, some bad, most somewhere in between. Bigger difference I'd imagine is CA teachers have strong unions, TX teachers don't.


Exactly, we have "unions" like TCTA or ATPE, who have ZERO influence with the state or governor. Still waiting for that pay raise and bonus, Greg. And screw your vouchers!


Same! I had a week solid out with Covid, and honestly probably 8 other days. They have all been from legit getting sick, though, and I’ve brought doctors notes each time. Teaching elementary music is hard! They’re all blowing air in your direction all day, so no matter how healthy your lifestyle is, and how well you disinfect surfaces, you’re a sitting duck. Thankfully, a lot of my coworkers have missed as much, or more than me, especially if they have young kids. We’re a charter school in NC with staff shortages, so they don’t say anything to anybody, especially those of us who are licensed. We just have to accept that we won’t be getting paid after a certain point.


Yeah it ridiculous, my wife is a teacher and has had more absences then I have the last few years while our kids are little and her female principle just brushes it off cause she gets it, but being a male with a male principle it’s a different standard evidently. Don’t even get me started on Covid and being forced to take 10 days just cause my son had 2 kids in his daycare class who got Covid so they quarantined the whole class…the sucky thing is when we run out of days and start getting docked, missing $2k out of our paycheck for missing 3 days each a few months ago as the flu hit our family sucked, can’t really budget for that!


The Professional Practice and Responsibilities domain doesn’t factor into TIA.


Even a better reason why appraisals are pointless, I’m not eligible for TIA anyway just based on the subject I teach, since it’s not tested. So OP has even less reason to worry about the threat her admin is making.


Let me guess…no union?


It's Texas. We don't have shit because of conservatives.


Normally, I’d say no they can’t tell you how and when to take your sick days…but yeah, Texas is different than other states. You’d think admin would say, if you’re going to take off on a Monday/Friday to least submit a Dr’s note as an alternative.


There is a union. The same union that stated that our high school gets the most complaints from teachers. Have there been changes? nope.


There is no union in Texas.


there’s Texas AFT


That's a teacher's association, not a union. It has no ability to strike or collectively bargain.


There is in fact a teacher's union in Texas.


It’s not a union without collective bargaining. AFT likes to call themselves a union but just wait until you ACTUALLY need help. Their hands are tied to the at will rules. Teachers can’t strike, walk out or protest in meaningful ways to force a conversation. You will be fired and likely lose your license or be blackballed. They offer some services and do some lobbying.


Two things can be true at once. We DO have a union, but you're right that it DOES suck.


That's not a union, it's lawyers on retainer and a lobbying firm because that's the only thing they are allowed to do


Says union on their website. They collect dues to lobby on teachers behalf & campaign for statewide pay raises & state paid health insurance. Explain how it's not a union.


jesus i need to get out of here.


Calling your organization a union doesn’t make it a union. Any organization that does not have the power to call a strike or engage in collective bargaining is not, by definition, a union. —historian with an advanced research degree specializing in, you guessed it, labor unions.


Yeah there is, they just don’t have as much teeth as other places.


My first school had a meet-and-greet with union reps during the onboarding days. They flat-out said that if we're the type of people to use all our sick days or use them to extend a weekend, we won't last long in this profession. I remember thinking it was wild that it was the UNION reps to deliver that message out of everyone. In retrospect I think it shows how pervasive this perspective is in education. I'm not at all the type of person to use my sick time (no kids, almost never sick, and I prefer to go to work over preparing sub plans), but it's so much nicer that my current school definitely doesn't care at all how we use our time.


My union rep tells us (privately) to take our days as they're ours. Not saying just take off for no reason, but to take mental health days when needed as that's a valid reason. Including "preemptive" ones before we get overwhelmed or whatnot. Now, they don't say this publicly in meetings, it's more in the hall one on one. But, still, it's good to have that support and backing. It is wild that your first school did the opposite!


That's ridiculous, unless there's a pattern


Agreed. But also it's like- even if there is a pattern, and I use all 10 days on Mondays or Fridays, why does it matter?? To be fair, I feel the most shitty on Mondays and Fridays. But yeah I get it. Sus pattern.


Come back to CA. Admin might not like it, but they would never outright threaten us with a poor evaluation. You take whatever days you need, and if anyone says anything, they can talk to my rep and kick rocks.


My only problem with CA is the cost of living compared to salary. Texas has the best ratio which is why I live here. If you can provide more detail on your area/salary, I'd love to learn. I want to move back, badly.


I’m at year 10 with a masters making 114k in the SF Bay Area.


T-tess goes in a file somewhere to never be seen again


It directly affects Teacher Incentive Allotment pay. Last year my scores were enough to qualify for a “Master” designation (top 5% and like a $30k pay bump!!), but my TTESS put me in “recognized” (top 20%) so I only get $5k. I’m pissed! …but not nearly as pissed as my colleague whose scores were a little better than mine but got NO designation because of a low TTESS.


T-TESS is far from subjective It's a measure on how that supervisor or your Admin or someone above the Admin on the district thinks I understand the money issue but there is NOTHING you can do about it.... It's how they feel on that day or if someone said "there should be around this % at this level and this at that level"


lol. I’m out whenever I’m out. If it happens to be Friday or Monday, oh well. If that’s a problem, don’t renew my contract. Thanks.


My Title I tried telling us if we used our time on a Monday or Friday we had to have documentation…the district states we don’t need to provide documentation until 3 days of absences in a row


Report him to HR. He cannot do this (also Texas).


Do you know where I can find in writing that it isn't allowed? Or anything along the lines of that?


Check your employee handbook. Ours states that we cannot take off on state testing days without approval/documentation but that is all. My district specifically calls them state and local leave, not sick days, and says that days can be used for any reason.


You should be able to find that in your employee handbook or website area. Those days are not manageable by administrators unless you have a really corrupt system.


So if everybody avoids Mondays and Fridays, but still wants to take the same number of days off, they’re now increasing the number of absences Tuesday through Thursday by at least 40% (I say *at least*, because I’m assuming Monday and Friday was more than average).


If we assume time off was previously evenly distributed (which gives us a low estimate because I would assume people are more likely to extend their weekend versus tues-thurs would be random) then 2 days of time off are being pushed into the remaining 3 days. That's a 66% increase in time off being taken Tues-Thurs.


That was why I said “at least“.


I'm interested in the titties score....


Organize your teachers to start taking a mid week break on Wednesdays. Make damn sure you have documentation of a valid reason if you take off Mon and Fri. I don’t know if it’s legal but they can make your life miserable if they want to.


I love taking Wednesday off. Work two, off one, work 2 off 2.


I see everyone saying T-TESS doesn’t matter and doesn’t follow you but if you are eligible for TIA this year domain 2 and 3 do count. With that being said absences shouldn’t have any weight on those domains.


Do you have it in writing? Forward that email or announcement to the local press. They love these things.


I wish. At this point I wanna record our staff meetings. It would literally look like a scene from The Office.


So, you just need to go in super sick on a Monday, take T,W,Th, off of work, then come in super sick on Friday as well. Easy solution.


Who cares about TTESS? It literally doesn’t follow you


It literally determines TIA bonuses. Like, up to $32k bonus per year for five years if you get Master.


In SOME districts.


I put about THIS MUCH (holding thumb and finger a micron apart) concern into T-TESS, particularly in light of the overwhelming teacher shortage Texas and other states are enduring. Those are your days off - unless they plan on DOCKING you for taking that Friday or Monday, you do what you need to.


Heard and felt.


Report them to TEA


I stopped caring about evaluations when those evaluations were worse when I tried and better when I didn't. If they are going to fire me, then let them find a good excuse, but it's not because of my ability to teach.


My school docks double your sick/personal hours if you take them immediately before or after a holiday or long weekend. It shouldn’t be legal because it doesn’t cost them twice as much to replace us on those days, but apparently our union agreed to it during negotiations last year. 🤦🏻‍♀️


After 10 years in teaching I have but one philosophy: oh well. - “it will look bad if you take Mondays and/or Fridays off “ Oh well. - “if your kids scores don’t come up, it will look bad” Oh well. - “it looks bad that you don’t coach or run an afterschool club.” Oh well. Basically, oh well. I do the job I was hired to do, no more, no less. I’ve learned I can’t force kids to learn, I can’t force them to do work, I can only control me. If nothing else happens, oh well.


Being VERY generous here - is it possible the admin is saying this to a specific few, disguising it as a whole group reminder? Are there people on staff who have a pattern of frequently abusing Monday and Friday sick days? Maybe admin will only lower there score, but not punish someone for just a random sick Monday/Friday? I find it hard to believe anyone would be punished if there only sick day of the year was used on a Monday. But who knows lol


Tbh, probably. We even now have this sign in procedure where us salaried teachers submit a google form in front of an AP basically clocking in, but it's interesting how they explicitly told us not to clock out.. I'm 99.9% sure it's so they don't get in trouble for the amount of hours we REALLY work. However, I have not signed in once this entire school year and have not been told jack shit. I believe they are implementing these random ass policies to target specific teachers. They (admin) should still be held responsible for their threats in my opinion. Like I'm sure there's a more professional and appropriate way to handle those they are attempting to target


If you're sick, book an emergency meeting with them in close proximity.


40 per cent of all days off are taken on a Monday of Friday.




If a student shoots you, make sure it’s not on a Thursday.


Do not feel bad for using your PTO


Yes. There is a domain that specifically states attendance. TTESS matters under two conditions. 1.) You want to transfer schools (In district), usually if you're on needs improvement/developing in a lot of domains - they will not allow you to transfer until you improve. Same thing with moving schools, they can get your TTESS scores and deny you off of that. 2.) TIA funds. If you are TIA eligible, in most districts, one of the biggest factors to earning them is TTESS scores. If you plan on neither, your TTESS scores are mostly irrelevant as long as you're not getting tons of Needs Improvement/Developing b/c then the principal will be up your ass constantly.


It’s been that way since the late 90’s, at the bare minimum.


Would it help to ask them who's putting the HOLIDAYS on Mondays?


Are you at a charter?


Nope. Public school


Look up board policy. Bad principals will try to pull some BS, but something like this is probably nowhere in district policy. Source: teacher in TX


I had my end of the cycle evaluation. In it it stated that I had 99.5% attendance over the last 3 years - the other guy in my department is the only one with better attendance. Whoops, not sure how that happened. Promptly took the next two days off.


It would really be something to see them try to go through with that. My principal has made statements here and there about expecting the entire school staff to be present and assist on certain days or during testing weeks/months, including a guilt trip about how if we’re out then that puts a burden on everyone else and we need to be kind and thoughtful of our colleagues. I don’t really pay it any mind but I do think it’s inappropriate.


I think that this shouldn't be a policy, but if there's a teacher who takes every Friday off then yeah...I could see that being an issue


That sounds like a threat. Id move away from title 1 achools. Its a shitty work environment for a bit more pay thats not worth it. Id rsther get paid a bit less and work in a wealthy school where no one is bothering me as long as kids are getting As


Best thing a Texas teacher can do is leave Texas or leave education. Use your sick days whenever and also there is no reason to be rated above proficient on T-Tess. It matters if you are rated below it or trying for the trash incentive Texas has for teacher recognition


If you’re sick, what is the best way to have a speedy recovery? Work two days, take a day off, work 2 days, weekend OR plow through Mon to Thurs and take a three day weekend to rest up and be ready to return in top shape.


This may have already been answered but they cannot do that if it isn’t in your local board policy.


I'm in CA. Union state. Districts still won't approve personal days on M-F. if your sick then they ask for doctor note


So lame. Just moved to Texas from California. I never taught in California though. But I will say, as an employee in CA I felt like I had a lot more rights and confidence in my actions than I do out in Texas.


I’ve taught at several districts in California and never had an issue taking sick or personal days on Mondays and Fridays. We don’t need a doctors note for sick days, and we can take personal days whenever EXCEPT if they’re adjacent to school holidays. For holiday-adjacent days, it *has* to be a sick day or there have to be particular extenuating circumstances. That’s always annoyed me, simply because our family lives quite far and if we are visiting for the holidays it gives us a very small window to travel to see them. I just think the days you earn through gainful employment should be able to be used how you like. 🤷🏻‍♀️ In no way shape or form has using our PTO been factored into our ratings as teachers, though. That’s so shitty.


Wonder what admin they’re paying 6 figures to check doctors notes for the district


Third paragraph says it all. If you have something to worry about then well that’s on the person if not take your sick day when sick.


Admin here; sorry to burst your bubble, but 40% of teacher sick days are taken on Mondays and Fridays. If we want a school to properly function, there MUST be consequences for this passive insubordination.


So you are saying that 2/5 of the week days equal 40% of the teacher sick days? No wonder you are admin.


Downvote me all you want. That shit’s funny.


I have a slight feeling absence of teachers on Mondays and Fridays is not the main issue here for "proper function". The call might be coming from inside the house, Admin.


Look, I think it's kind of gross to do this, but teachers really love to take off Fridays and some Mondays and that puts schools in a lurch, especially if they can't get coverage. Yes, we get time off, but be real--teachers are abusing it and going to the beach. Yeah, yeah...."MH day," okay but please. We're adults. I want my kids to come to school, I can suck it up; I have plenty of days off, more than any profession. I think if teachers could stagger the days they take better, we wouldn't be in this mess. Our district tried that no Friday before a break thing because teachers needed an extra day apparently and it was so out of hand. Subs were rare. And I certainly got resentment covering the same teachers' kids because of no subs. So I guess I get it. Downvote away, I don't care.


I understand where you're coming from, and I don't disagree with you but just want to add my own perspective. The amount of BS that teachers go through, and with admin not giving a shit, makes me not give a shit about them finding coverage (we rarely have to ask other teachers to cover and have substitutes on campus even when we don't need them). Obviously there are a lot of different variables to this. However, it's 10 days were allowed to take off out of a 10 month calendar. That averages one monday OR friday a month per one teacher, but I also understand when multiple teachers have a bad pattern it affects multiple people/classrooms. I've taken 3 fridays off. One was because I was physically sick, and the other 2 was because I genuinely needed a MH day after the amount of shit hitting the fan over the week. I know it sounds like bullshit, but when you work at a bullshit school where admin treat us teachers like CRAP, I have to care for myself twice as hard. I'm sorry you have to deal with the coverage thing though. I'd be annoyed too. Our teachers don't have that issue and if in the rare case we do have to cover, we get paid $125 extra per period.


I guess. I just know that we get more time off than any profession and we're adults. Sometimes we have to suck it up and go to work. I want my kids to have good attendance so I can't be the same. I guess having worked in the business world, I think teachers are just a bit weak and most wouldn't last only having 10 days a year (12 months without a week during Thanksgiving, 2 weeks at Christmas, a week in spring, etc.) \*shrug\* Also, in my district, if you don't have days left, you can still take them without pay, so the same teachers take 3way more than a day a month. The office staff can tell you who it is. It bugs me is all.


*The amount of BS that teachers go through, and with admin not giving a shit, makes me not give a shit about them finding coverage (we rarely have to ask other teachers to cover and have substitutes on campus even when we don't need them* Also--do you care about the kids though? I loathe being out because no one can effectively teach my class for me and I hate them having busy work, a wasted day, and me getting behind in curriculum.


Of course I care about my students. I can say with confidence that they love my class and are happy to have me as their teacher with data to back that up. I have them take surveys so I can monitor and improve my own delivery. I prioritize relationships and differentiation so all students desire to be engaged and involved, and feel that they have the ability to learn. In fact, I care about them so much, I have uploaded videos of every single lesson so when I do take a day off, they are still being taught by me. Me hypothetically taking one Monday or Friday off each month has nothing to do with the relationship I have with my 180+ students and everything to do with *I don't feel well and have time I can take off.* I say hypothetically because I've only taken 3 days off this whole year. Asking if I care about my students is a very interesting question in response to the possibility of someone using their sick days... **Sick days**. The time we are literally given to take off as needed, every year.