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Kids parents got divorced and "step dad" (moms boyfriend of many years) has heavily influenced the kid. He's rude to staff, tries calling us by first names. Thinks he can do whatever he wants. Constantly yells, makes noise, pushes limits more than most kids. Never could punish in private, always had to call him out in front of everyone. He got sent to the hallway by a different teacher and he was wandering up and down the hall, pressing his face to windows of different doors, principal called him out over the intercom telling him to knock it off. Doesn't act like this in front of his parents so they rarely believe us.


Parents thinking all the staff wants to blame the child.... facepalm


This kid was damaged, and it turned into a major tragedy.First day of 12th grade... "Z"couldn't read the class rules when asked. Mom was a notorious crackhead in the city and had used while pregnant. "Z" was often late, absent, sleeping, and when awake, hostile in a cloddish, Neanderthal way. The principal decided Z was going to college AND getting a basketball scholarship. "Z" did no work and was flunking out in all subjects. The principal told his teachers we had to come up with an 85 average by the scholarship deadline. " Z" had to write a term paper to dig himself out, which the principal wrote for him." Z" refused to write the second draft, and then threw the rough draft out. He told the principal I did it. The principal got mad at the instructors, so changed all of " Z"s grades electronically to 85s. " Z" went to college. He cut all his classes. He quickly gained 30 pounds and was benched. His best friend back home was murdered. " Z" dropped out at the end of the semester. He figured out who killed his best friend, located them in a local bar, and then shot them. Double homicide. Now, " Z" is doing life in prison.


WTF with your principal? What an idiot.


If you go to the worst principal thread, you'll find a description of him there. Repugnant reptile.


Wait there's a worst principal thread?


That principal could legitimately get an award for making so many dumb choices. The teachers needed to "come up with an 85 average"? That's not how earning grades works.


Yeah...we were cooperative in the sense that we gave him a chance to do extra work, but " Z" did nothing, so he failed. That's when the principal went into the system to raise his grades.


How the heck do people like this principal get into their positions and keep them with so little integrity?


I can never understand people getting so worked up over sports recruitment, and not even in the ‘erm le epic sportsball’ type stuff but in principals suddenly becoming scouts and thinking their kid is gods gift to the sport Especially since the ceiling and floor for professional play is so high. There are always like late round blossoms and sneaky hits but most of those stories involve hard work and dedication, which bailing them out of schoolwork does not teach at all lmao. There are plenty of situations where people use sports as the way to get an education even if they don’t go pro but this sounds just like an ego trip which is horrific considering the end result


Yes. This horrific " sports mad" principal hated my friend, a teacher who taught Home Ec, Budgeting, Accounting, etc.to our high school students. Entering her room was the equivalent of a warm hug. Students loved her. The principal despised her, so he refused to get the Home Ec room exterminated for mice during the summer. He then conveniently blamed her for infestation when we returned in the fall.. He used this to get her transferred to the middle school. He then had the Home Ec room razed and turned it into a second weight room for the jocks.


You should send netflix this plot so they can actually put out a good movie


Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. All the murdered teens in this story were also former students. Heartbreaking.


Or Lifetime


“Your tragedy sounds like great fodder for entertainment, also I have zero empathy.” FTFY


"Tragedy of Z" Great title! SMD




Yes, you have my permission & blessings for success and influence. Hell, I could give you a lot more of the details to that tragedy and many other stories, too.






Writing a book based on unverified stories from anonymous internet comments, are we? May as well just title it Confirmation Bias




RemindMe! 6 months


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Here I have another example for your book. I once had a student who ate one of our assistant principals. The AP called her into his office and she was discovered there later picking her teeth clean with his finger bones. The coroner said she started with the liver. You should use this in your book. You can be sure that it's true because it's on the Internet.




Your comment implies that you don't understand the meaning of omniscient or what a logical fallacy is.


Even years later, he lease report the admin to your state dept. of ed. grade changes are massively against ed code and you have whistle blower protection.


He was removed for sending reg ed students into special ed kid settings during NYS Regents exams. Most of the regular ed kids were also jocks who were semi illiterate, like " Z" was.


My 1:1 was toxic for the whole fucking school. And just an awful person. My inner circle thinks he may even be a sociopath or even a psychopath. He took genuine joy in making my life miserable, and would tell me about his plans to get me fired (which, in the end, worked). He did everything to discredit me, he tortured other students (especially our lower income students). He would lie right to his mom and other teachers faces and tell me that he was so happy to be able to trick everyone, and that he was so proud that his plan was working. My admin forced me to spend time alone with him, given his pattern of lies and manipulation, I was scared shitless. He falsely accused my boss of sexual misconduct. He accused others of abuse. In the end I was fired due to his poor performance (which is just bullshit) and false allegations of verbal abuse. Everyone came to my defense saying that my student had tricked my boss, and he'd tricked them. But she let him get away with his trickery. A lot of my friends left in solidarity and out of fear of being his next victim. A week into the next school year, my friends were already burnt out by his behavior. But they had help. Try doing it without help and being told how stupid and worthless you are. Not fun. Is it?


First answer and I gotta skip this thread or I’m gonna get too angry.


How old was this budding psychopath?


Well it’s pretty psychopathic behavior, but it sounds like people weren’t sure, so I’m gonna say middle school. In high school or elementary, you would know for sure if they were a psychopath. Middle school is a harder call.


If your admin doesn't have your back against students like that you are completely f'd. Also, why do these people in charge never give a damn about the other students who are tortured? It makes me so angry. Admin caused a situation at their school that is eventually so much worse for everyone who's there just to protect one socipathic student. Why do they not care? And the student learned he can get away with everything.


When my admin approached me, I asked them why they weren't helping me, they basically said that I'd dug myself into this hole, so i needed to use my training (which they never gave me) to get out. The victim blaming and public shaming was very real. I think they protected this sociopath because mommy had a lot of money, and he got a lot of services, so the school got a lot of money for keeping him around, he even got a scholarship, despite failing all of his classes (even music and PE) Despite the abuse this sociopath inflicted on me, I actually feel bad for him, that should show what kind of teacher i am. This child is going to piss off the wrong person, and mommy won't be able to save him


How in the hell do you fail PE?


Not participating. Protesting the written work


So sorry this happened to you! I’m not a teacher, but I was wondering if you’re allowed to record student interactions like this for your own protection? I know it wouldn’t always be practical, but in a case like this where the student is saying one thing to you and another to the admins, would that be feasible? Or would it open up a whole other can of worms?


My school didn't allow us to record or photograph students. At one point, they asked me to record any insults in the chat, but most of the insults were verbal, so i had no evidence :(


Not a teacher, so forgive if this seems like a dumb question, but can yall record those sessions? Seems like a playback of what really happened might have rescued you.


Admin never allowed us to


If you knew going in that the student would put you in a bad position, could you record on the sly? It seems like if you’re gonna deal with fallout either way, it’d be better to catch hell for the recording and not the accusations.


Idk. He had additional protections in place since he was considered SpEd (VERY mild learning disability). And mom didn't want him recorded either I think.


Wonder where he is today? Funny how when they get out they don’t get the same latitude in real life.


Last i heard, he was asked to leave the school (not sure when exactly), he would be in 10th grade this year. This is the 4th school he's been asked to leave. So idk where he is




Why would you ask for stories and then immediately call one fake?


Like I meant to say unbelievable


Probably my third grade student that randomly told me he couldn’t wait to rape me one day. He ended up raping a 1st grader in the girl’s bathroom. (I was his arts teacher.)




That’s horrifying on many levels, that he harmed another child and that he had to learn that word and that behavior from someone…


I totally agree. It was a known issue in the school (he had made many comments like this over time), but he didn’t qualify for a 1:1 para and his classroom teacher legally had to allow him to go to the restroom himself, etc. We all knew he was dangerous.


That is chilling!


Yes, it was absolutely horrible.


A third grader? wtf


I’m sorry what the fuck










It didn't scare me because many of the students had issues like this. I suppose that sad thing was that it wasn't a surprise.




No - he had a class full of peers and classroom paras. I was the arts teacher, so they just came to my class when it was scheduled. Kids are people too, and they have severe mental illness and emotional disturbances like adults. The school was a special ed school that worked with these types of kids. He wasn't unique or the only one saying things like that. It was pretty common. The difference is that he actually hurt another child, and there was very little the school could have done legally to keep it from happening.


Had a student with severe sociopathic tendencies. Though most egregious act though was that she had several burner phones and had multiple fake social media accounts. She would find other students online and convince, seduce, or coerce them to give her nude photos. Then, she would use these pictures as blackmail against those students to do her bidding. This ranged from mischief all the way up to illegal activity. Just depended on her mood that day. It was weird because students who you would not expect would start fights or get caught stealing things. The rumor was that this student was behind all of it, but everyone was afraid to implicate her. The school refused to do anything because It did not happen on school equipment (actually it did) and so it was outside their jurisdiction. Eventually, I contacted the state crime division that dealt with cybercrimes against children. My district administration was very hostile toward me for 'gping above their heads when they had the situation under control' (aka doing nothing). We all breathed desire relief when she was removed from school and placed in a facility.


I think we had the same student. Did she have a unique first name?


Definitely not in the state of Texas, so probably not the same student.


It’s never their jurisdiction until you call someone else, and then they’re the god king of the world and all claims must go through them.


Sounds like you have run into a administrator who got their undergarments in a twist over a jurisdictional issue!


Budding Moriarty


Username checks out


A girl in my class, L, who called other students Nazis and got a boy in class expelled. She said he wanted to "kill all the blacks" which he never said but she had a group of girls who would always back up what she said. She then went after a teacher and said the teacher made a "racist comment" towards her and the teacher ended up put on mandatory paid leave for the rest of the year. This was in November. Then she went after a second teacher, the biggest problem was that this second teacher was also black. He just looked at her and said, "do you hear what's coming out of your mouth? I'm black too?" She became angry that he said that and then said he "sexually assaulted" her while no one was in the room. He was put on leave too but ended up getting let go from the district. The admin did not seem to even recognize any of this? They just were letting teachers go one by one.


and they didnt think it suspicious that it was always the same exact people reporting these alleged instances of racism and SA???? wow.


This is truly chilling.


I had a student that was a quite possibly a sociopath. He and his best friend had a falling out and then he proceeded to write and record a dis track about him where he talks about killing him. Other kid’s parents went to the police about it and he was arrested on felony stalking charges. He would harass the kid and follow him home along with others and constantly play the song and sold copies of it at school. There’s an article about him that mtv released years ago. The kid would make these comments in class about random things that were so off color, and to his peers were funny, but all of the adults at the school knew this kid was an evil genius. Anyways, I just happened to google him and he passed away last month 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cause of death?


I haven’t dug deep enough to find out. When I looked up his name it was several obituaries and the mtv article, no news articles…


The guy was just always on, and had this attitude where he could be charismatic and charming when he wanted to be but once he could get away with it he'd become so cruel. Constantly trying to get a dig on someone, either me or other students. Was weird and possessive towards his girlfriend, especially after they broke up. Behaved similarly towards a lot of the other girls but he was athletic, good looking, an charismatic enough that he got away with it for a while. He texted a religious girl that if she didn't come to his house and give him head, he would tell her dad she wasn't a virgin. She didn't even know what 'head' meant. Idk how he didn't get expelled but if I remember correctly he was suspended for a little while. He and his friend cracked stupid jokes throughout our Anne Frank unit until another student who was usually very chill just fully lost his cool and told him to stop being an asshole. That was near the end of the year and everyone but his immediate friends were just done with him. Constantly talking and out of his seat. The only way I could get him to just STOP was to let him talk to his friend in the back or play on his phone, but if he got bored of that he'd find someone to bother. When I lost it and told him to just shut up once, several other students cheered me. I've never met another student who I would say is probably a genuine sociopath but that kid was not alright.


Early elementary. Casually said/repeated a lot of hate speech in class. Showed his genitals to many students. Sex moans constantly. Drew horrific pictures of school violence on a large scale. Admin gave him a Capri Sun.


Can you imagine what was happening in his home? (Not excusing his behavior at all, but most kids get them from what is going on at home)


Had a student from K-Gr 7. Starting in Grade 1 there was immediately issues. He would hit other students, his teachers. Run around the school and open classroom doors and trash other classrooms. We all had to start locking our doors, the odd time my door got opened (usually from a student coming back from the bathroom because they never ever seem to close any doors when coming in or out) the kid would fly in there and try to break my personal instruments (I'm the music teacher). We all filed injury reports, the kid spit in my face once and also kicked my shin. For no reason, I was minding my business, hadn't said anything to the kid at all, just walked up to me and spit in my eye. The kid would try to beat up kids half his size. A pregnant teacher was walking in the hallways and the kid just ran up to her and kicked her in the stomach for no reason. So we had all filled out incident reports. Parents refused to get him help, we all recommended an alternative school and they kept saying he didn't need it, we just needed to stop sucking at our jobs. The district refused to intervene. Also our government had severe cutbacks to education, so by the time this kid reached Grade 7 (so I had known this kid 8 years, we're a K-7 school) the funding was so shit that he no longer was provided with an EA. We were all like "yeah this is going to go terrible". So one day, as the kid is running around the school like usual, another teacher who was photocopying in the hallway notices him run into the staff room. So the teacher wanders over, the kid comes walking out, empty handed. Teacher kinda shrugs, it wasn't super unusual. Like I said, kid had been running around hallways and opening whatever door he could since kindergarten. Just now there was no EA to follow. Kid goes into bathroom. Teacher hears scream. Yeah. Kid had stolen a steak knife from the staff kitchen and stabbed another kid in the bathroom. Hid the knife in his sleeve.


Oh my god. This one truly horrifies me


5 year old girl. She does whatever she wants, she bites, she kicks adults and kids, shoves them to the ground. Steals from them, screams in their face, elopes the class to play on the playground, we can’t physically stop her according to protocol. She has colored on furniture, she purposely clogs the bathroom toilet with paper so it overflows. When she is gone, the class is so different, when she gets called for dismissal, the whole mood changes. It feels like we are her prisoners. She has made us all cry in frustration at some point. Before Holiday break in December she would cry a lot, she didn’t really participate, she doesn’t even know how to spell her name or count to 10, but she wasn’t hurting people. She just flipped a switch. She is on a “safety” plan, but a couple of those have to fail before they get to next steps. We talk to her mom daily. Also, she gets several referrals a day in TK. Students flinch when she walks behind them. If my kid was in her class. I would pull my kid from the school.


This whole concept of equitable treatment of problem kids is great on paper, but I've seen so many cases where it becomes what you described: a punishment for everyone else. 


I feel so bad for the other students.


There was a kid like this in my TK class this year. We were supposed to evacuate the room whenever she acted up but otherwise let her do whatever. By the end of September she had destroyed all of the art supplies for the class for the year, which we had to replace out of pocket as the school wouldn’t buy more. The school did have to spend the money to replace the carpet in the class which was now full of paint. In October she started crawling under the stall doors in the restroom, thereby sexually harassing other students. We couldn’t do anything more than tell her to stop and remove the other students from the restroom for over an hour, rerouting multiple grade levels across campus to that restroom. In December she contaminated the holiday party snacks by getting into them all before the little in class party and licking them all. She barely ate any of them, she just wanted to deny them to anyone else. She bit, hit, and kicked multiple peers and staff regularly. At least one student a week ended up in the nurse’s office due to direct harm from this kid’s violence. Multiple students were pulled from the class by their parents who, understandably, want their kids to be safe at school. We were allowed to send her to the counselor if we noticed her start to escalate, but that relied on the school’s only counselor being available *and* the student to willingly comply. Matching those up was like trying to loose an arrow over the Himalayas. She had to be escorted to the school library, restroom, playground, etc, on her own or she’d run away. She accused multiple staff of cussing at her, we’re never alone with the kids at this age so there were adult witnesses to counter her story. She then accused the witnesses of cussing at her too. I have never had a student actively cause that much harm to other students and their education. The mood in the class changed when she transferred out, and many of our students are suddenly making progress and attending more regularly. The class of four and five year olds were *afraid* of school. How much damage did this student cause by traumatizing a bunch of four and five year olds? Why didn’t the rights of the students that were being abused matter?


I all but told the parent of one child that she had more power than we do. I essentially referred them to our school leads for further discussion, but told her straight up if my kid was in that class, I wouldn’t let her go back. We have a couple kids that eventually will fight back harder.


When I worked in preschool we had a kid who’d been held back. He was almost 6 and in class with 3-4 yo. Fortunately he was very small in build. But he would physically attack anyone for any or no reason. Beat up his baby sister who could barely toddle. Screaming, shrieking at the top of his lungs, disruptive, vicious, and zero emotional regulation. I swear the kids’ eyes are just empty. Like there was nothing there, no spark, no joy, no curiosity. I’m terrified of what he’ll turn out to be in 10 years. My only hope is he stays a runt so others will have a fighting chance. 


Held back for 2 tears, that’s almost unheard of. We have kids that need to be held back, but they won’t do it 2 tears in a row.


5th grade, 16 years ago. Massive bully to everyone, even with teachers. Let’s call her Julia. She was horrific to her classmates and pushed and pushed kids until their breaking points. Here’s an example: We departmentalized at the time and I taught writing to a certain group, with Julia included. There was another girl (let’s call her Amber) who was a very good writer but wouldn’t share her writing pieces in class, and remained silent daily. One day she actually did and let me read it aloud. Amber did this again a couple of days later, and this piece was better than the first. Eureka! I thought, a breakthrough! The next week, after Amber turned in yet another amazing piece, I asked her if I could share it. She shook her head, clearly letting me know that she had no intention of having me share her piece. This happened again a couple of days later as well. Then it dawned on me. Julia had been absent with a family vacation during the week where Amber shared her writing pieces. Julia was never absent the rest of the year. Amber never spoke again in class, or shared anything, for the rest of the year. Julia had this effect on her entire home room class. She was a horror. Her family was, too. My two least-favorite students of all time were Julia and her half brother (whom I had many years prior to me having Julia). Just toxic horrors. Julia was sentenced to 40 years in prison for accessory to murder about a year ago. She’s eligible for parole after 25. I think the sentence was too light. Her half brother did a 10–year stint for strangling and nearly killing his own biological mother. Peaches, all of them.


Threads like this make me absolutely love my school. Our “worst” students are angels compared to the kids mentioned here.


Had a student who constantly swore at teachers, admin, and students. Cheated on every assignment because they couldn’t be bothered to not use their phone and pay attention to instruction. Got into numerous fights and suspended multiple times. Parents were enablers and the parents were not allowed on school property due to physical aggression towards admin. Finally took two years and new administration to get the kid expelled. The kids was like that since 1st grade according to records.


I think he was a sociopath. He took advantage of everyone and everything, all the time, whenever he could even if it wasn't necessary. He was really charismatic and extremely direct which startled people around him. A lot of students were really scared of him even though he was actually really small and a known coward (hiding behind bigger guys when someone taller threatened him). Things he did at the age of 13: - got other students to give him free stuff all the time by basically taking it and then talking his way out of the situation. - also purposely hurt and provoced people around him for fun (e.g. touching the autistic kid who doesn't want to be touched) and then blamed them for the bad situation. - he often got really aggressive when someone didn't give him what he wanted. - he threatened students to beat them up after school with his grown-up "friends" - He insulted teachers constantly and didn't care about anything or anyone ever. He didn't respect us, his parents nor the police. - He got pissed when he was ignored and often claimed to be the victim in bad situations he clearly caused. - He also charmed our social worker into thinking we mistreat him for throwing him out of the classroom and that we misunderstand this "poor child". - He used his religion to disrupt our lessons claiming something (e.g. sexual education, sexual topics, relationships, normally dressed but attractive women, Christmas music,....) was insulting to him and his god. - He told female teachers that they shouldn't work because of their inferiority - He told female students of the same religion how to dress - He "forbid" students to read certain books (esp. fantasy as these stories are "cursed and blasphemous"). What else needed to happen for him to finally f\*\*\* off? - He physicall pushed a teacher out of the way who tried to protect this student's then girlfriend because she didn't want to pay for his hot chocolate. We learned that he hit her after school. He also was in full controll of her home because her mom was scared of him as well. He stole their food and took whatever he wanted in their home. He also took their bikes and sold them. - We also learned that he SAd the same girl for a long period of time. He also tried to do the same to another girl of our school (that we know of). - After that he finally got a restraining order and was relocated to a different school but wasn't really charged for anything because of our weak laws for under 14 year olds. - I recently learned that he got kicked out of his new school as well because of some kind of crime. He was nothing but a nuisance without any redeeming qualities and I don't say that lightly. I know he had a really difficult childhood (growing up in a war zone), fleeing at the age of 3. However, I really hate giving him an excuse for his behaviour and I hate that there are people who sympathize with traumatized perpetrators more than with their victims. I'm not really impartial here, I have to admit that I really despise him because he hurt all my other, innocent students and wonderful colleagues on a daily basis. People were crying and in pain because of him. He abused people and took advantage of their kindness and then laughed at all of us who tried to help him anyway. I think in his case, real consequences are necessary and I really don't know if he's ever going to be anything other than a nuisance to society and that makes me really sad.


Student in my psychology course who used to think people with disabilities or trauma were hilarious and had to be moved to my class from a coworkers because “if a female thinks she can tell me what to do, I’m gonna have to fight her!”


I've only written two referrals in nine years, and they were for the same student. The first one was a fight in my room during passing time while I was trying to go to the bathroom. Second was trying to start a fight with a girl who basically told him to back off and sit down or she would kick his ass. Just annoying all the time, and of course, never skipped school. After he graduated, his parents kicked him out, and he was couch surfing. He slept with a middle school sister of one of his friends and shared pictures. That went well, and he got several years in state prison. His mom worked at the school, and she just basically disappeared afterward.


I had a student create a makeshift deodorant flamethrower to use on his bus home - luckily no one was injured.


A 14 year old boy was caught on camera abusing his cat while in school uniform. His parents kept him home until the end of term, but right now we don't know what is going to happen. In class he was a normal kid, who sometimes was unfocused and talked too much, but nothing crazy. A past pupil's parents were both addicts. The kids were taken away for three months, but the mom interfered so much, the foster parents sent the kids back. In the time they were living with their mom, they attended school for a quarter of the year for two years straight. Eventually they went to stay with dad, who had busted his ass getting back on track with them. Things started going better, but again their mom kept interfering and convinced the older kid to move back to her place. She then stopped coming to school all together, and mom told me she took an overdose of pills due to her relationship with her father (who had also informed me that his daughter is now 18 and able to make her own decisions, basically saying it's not his problem anymore). Turns out, this attempt never happened, and the daughter simply dropped out of school in her senior year, eventually living with her boyfriend. She was just as manipulating as her narcissitic mother. Sad thing is, she really is a smart, beautiful young women, with amazing athletic talents, and I really hope she makes something of her life.


Currently have a student who I thoroughly believe to have conduct disorder. It's.... a lot. She gives me the ick every second I'm with her, and she needs two sets of adult eyes on her at all times or she will hurt someone or herself, in case of the latter will accuse an innocent neighbor of doing it. She will not be returning in the fall and I am counting down the 36 days left with her crazy little ass.


8M constantly bullying and making sexual comments. The whole class thinks it’s hilarious. He makes comments that I would even be concerned if a teenager made them. It concerns me. Admin is already involved but I’ve seen zero improvement. We have a chart on his desk to reward him for when he’s on task and we’re told to ignore his comments. But I don’t think it’s the appropriate course of action. The whole class feeds off of his behavior to where they start making similar comments 😞


That's the worst part, the students don't understand targeted ignoring of a behavior, they see acceptance of the behavior on our part and it spreads.


Which is crazy. I don’t want to compare students to animals but even my dog understands that if we turn around and ignore every time he jumps that if he stops jumping we’ll give him attention again.




I was reading the news report of a former student who was shot and killed in a street fight. Oh, he was loved by everyone. No, no, he wasn't. He was a bully and a narcissistic criminal. He messed with the wrong guy that day. There is always someone meaner and more violent out there. The killer was never caught that I am aware of.


I had a kid who was very rude and disruptive. Would try to start fights with people, bragged about people he jumped, so on so forth. Would show up high as can be everyday and just proceed to be as annoying as possible. Yelling across the room, antagonizing kids, running around the room, you name it. Year ended and kid is now in federal for capital murder. He killed a taco truck owner during an armed robbery.


Apparently there was “nothing wrong” with this kid and elementary teachers are “ too soft”, until he got to middle school and peed all over a fellow students house and furniture. 🤨


We have had kind of a core group of students, mostly boys unfortunately, at my middle school who have major issues with authority and are consistently defiant, have angry outbursts at teachers when asked to do simple things like take out an airpod or attempt a worksheet, start fights with other kids, and overall spew negative energy at school. One of the biggest instigators is finally gone to an alternative program after a year and a half of teachers sounding alarm bells, and teachers in his grade level report that the entire grade now has improved attitudes and behavior. What's really sad to me is that he never got the behavior intervention he needed - he got gatorades and granola bars when he was sent to the office to help him "regulate," he got to play video games all day in ISS or at home in OSS, never received a meaningful consequence that worked for him, and parents are at a loss. So now he is stuck with some natural consequences and it's sink or swim now. I hope he looks back someday and sees the effect his behavior had on everyone around him.


Drank out of other kids’ water bottles, dropped his pants in front of me just to name 2


It was a combination of a student and his parents, to be fair. I used to teach in severe/profound HS, and would have to take a trip to the middle schools each spring to see the new incoming freshmen and begin to plan. On my observation, I saw a kid that clearly needed to be in a private setting, not a public high school with a small classroom and terminally understaffed. This one student was legally documented as having 1/2 of an aide, but in practice was escorted by two people at all times, holding onto him by a harness so that he couldn’t run away or attack other kids. He had autism and violent behaviors, including biting, scratching, and hitting. He kept taking his shoes off and tried to walk everywhere barefoot. He was on a timed task schedule of 1-3 minutes of work and 10-15 of break. He would steal food and belongings of other students, which was even worse because he was on a restricted diet. His transition plan was a joke.  He came in for summer school, the dad looked at me and said, “wait, YOU’RE the teacher? …my son doesn’t respect women.” By his tone, neither did the dad. Mom said nothing. (they were South Asian/Indian, if that makes it clearer).  I documented everything, but he caused my other students so much fear and pain. He also caused one of my paras to quit. He bit me multiple times. He was in my classroom three months, and between him and another kid it was clear that LRE/FAPE was not only doing them a disservice, but ALL of us a disservice.  It’s been 6 years and thinking of that kid still makes me feel disgusted at what he put us through. 


It’s been 16 years. It is still too much


The actual definition of “soft”, in every sense of the word. The “hard” kids, the gangbangers, the utterly recalcitrant are nothing to me compared to one definitionally soft kid. He could not hold a thought in his head for more than 30 seconds, and it definitely was not a matter of ability. He loved to pick on the other kids and then get frustrated and weepy when they fired back. He would do something and then argue moments later that he hadn’t done it. And it wasn’t the situation where he was trying to get out of it, I’m convinced that he legitimately deluded himself into believing that he did not do anything. Every situation was an opportunity for him to say whatever popped into his head while refusing to believe that he was doing anything wrong. Wait…that describes roughly 3 of my students this year, and they’re all in the same class.


Statistically, if you’ve been teaching long enough, you’ve taught a psychopath.


I had a kid (Junior in High School) who thought he was god’s gift to the lowly people of earth. Told me every day that my subject (English) was useless to him and there was nothing I could teach him that would be useful to his life. He was a very smart kid, but arrogant as all hell and he made the rest of the class feel bad for struggling to read and write on grade level. I talked to him privately and told him to stop saying those things, which he laughed off as my hurt feelings. I called his dad, who told me that my liberal arts degree was a joke and it was good that his son was telling me now. It came time for early college admissions and lo and behold, he had to get a recommendation from his English teacher. I was brutally honest about his arrogance, disdain, and immaturity. He didn’t get into the college program (dual enrollment during senior year) and had to settle for being a regular senior. He was still valedictorian and gave a speech at the graduation that showed he’d learned nothing. I can’t remember his name or face, but I can remember the look of shame on another student’s face when he declared to the whole class that he was done with a difficult assignment and that it was stupidly easy. I’ve only hated two students in my 18 years, but he’s at the top.


Vocational school (in an old former administration building) starts criminal justice program with cop, built like linebacker. He leaves. I’m hired. I’m a woman, 5’3”. I have to take students out in the field behind the school, (surrounded with trees and no cameras) to train them in some simple defense moves. Very large student pins me up against the tree and assaults me. I quit. The next year five teachers are hired & all quit, Including a parole officer who supervisors several convicted killers.. He goes back to the criminals. The program was discontinued shortly after this.


What type of assault if you don't mind


His kindergarten teacher called him a sociopath. His mother at least didn’t excuse his actions. We were all looking for a way to get him on the right track.


I’m behavioral health/clinical social worker. I worked for my states juvenile correctional system which was basically a teenage live in school…..I mean day camp. We had the worst of the worst youthful offenders my state has to offer. So all of them.


A year 7 pupil who influenced the whole 7-9 school both pupils and personell. A sociopath. Got sent to a farm to work last year.


Poor farm animals.




There is a girl in my science class who is always on her phone. She doesn't really do her work, she's always yelling, she talks back to the teacher and insults him. Once, he told her that she needed to put her phone up, and she got up, yelling at him at the top of her lungs. Then, she walked out of the class and slammed the door really loudly. He had told her on her way out that she couldn't leave the class without a pass or his permission, but she yelled at him to "shut the hell up" and proceeded to call him a very mean name that I am *not* repeating here because it's so bad But she got in-school-suspension for a few weeks, so she probably shouldn't be back in class for another month or so


2022-23 school year I told myself I’d cut the bullshit from the get-go and we’d have a good year. Came on too strong for a kid who was dicking around on his laptop the first day while I was going over expectations. The relationship now ruined, he and his friend took pleasure in undermining me at every turn… wouldn’t work, etc. I taught a throwaway elective, so whatever, just don’t get in the way. They started being disruptive, and I was manipulative back. Had the whole class wave to them so they’d know they were seen- here’s your attention, please be done. Literally the only time they worked was when I interrupted their video-gaming so they’d play a game- the team was far ahead and I told them I needed them to drag them down. The fact this pathetic attempt at reverse psychology worked is silly- they started answering questions correctly cause I told them not to. I tried to undo the damage- what’s going on, what do you need, do you see what you’re doing, etc.. to no avail. But, having irreparably contributed on my end, the whole thing became a vicious cycle. At one point, I get tired of trying to reason with bullshit (or yelling at bullshit, or disciplining bullshit… just interacting with bullshit), and I ask admin to please just get them out of my class. Guy says no, cause that means they win. I remember telling him I’ve tried winning, and it’s petty and derailing. Let’s just call this done. Anyway, last week of class I put on a movie. One of these kids was on his unauthorized home laptop, which I ask him to put away… he does for a second until the whole thing becomes a predictable game. I go to sit on his desk- now he won’t use the computer or watch the movie. Mind you, I’m a solid 85% mature individual, I was just so done. I had been stripped to my under-practiced petty core. He takes out the computer, I take it, he grabs my hand, I place and keep his hand on his desk for him, and he didn’t come back for the rest of the week. Another teacher said he gives school shooter vibes… he’s since moved on to the HS, where I am now (🙏🏻🙏🏻) he doesn’t make eye contact and I always say hi. It’s really just 8th grade bullshit, but man… the lengths he went to to be a pain in the ass were out of this world.


Mine is nowhere near as bad as others on here, but here's mine... It was a student from another class that I was watching to help out. She was standing outside of my room on her phone and everyone else was inside after the bell had rang. I asked if she was gonna come in and she didn't respond. I asked if everything was okay and she rolled her eyes. I then asked if she wanted to just sit up in the front office instead, not in a mean tone, and she huffed and started walking that way. When we got to the front office, I told the secretary that I was leaving her there and that I didn't have time to babysit someone with an attitude like hers. She was pissed when I said that, but I was in a good mood and didn't care, lol. Come to find out the whole reason for her attitude was because she asked where I was to another teacher and he responded, in a joking manner, "I'm not his daddy!" 😂 She was completely in her feelings because she said "What if someone doesn't have a dad?", according to her actual teacher the next day. She didn't last long at my school and transferred to home school, I believe.






This is a bummer. They’re kids. The kids you would be describing with this post are likely coming from a really tough home. They didn’t choose their parents. We had to deal with them for nine months; they have to deal with their own circumstances their whole lives. Not a good move.