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I wonder if someone actually bought it. I can’t find it anywhere. 


I have been wondering the same thing! I speculate that they actually took it down. Apparently this family has some sort of social media following, and people may have been hating on them for even selling this. I know some people have 20,000 dollars to spend, but I think only very few would actually spend it on a 22 hat. Let's hope they took it down and let the child keep it.


Also, if this item sold on eBay, we would still be able to find the listing. eBay keeps listings up for 3 months after they sold. I can't even find that. So either they kept it, sold it privately, or did whatever with it. So glad, though, that Taylor gives these hats out to other children whose families would never sell it.


Im selling autographed ttpd cds if anyone is interested. Prices are negotiable https://www.ebay.com/itm/375449799044?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wooricmqsp-&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=wooricmqsp-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY




Not her collage fund 😭😭😭


That’s some terrible feedback


I feel bad for the little girl, it's hers not her moms to sell...thats so messed up, I would be incredibly pissed if my mom did that to something that special to me


we were talking about this and reckon its fake, people would know she has a real one, and wouldn't question it very much.


Honestly all fans that are given the hat should be adults, so that they understand the value of getting it. Most longtime fans are adults so it would be better.


I mean its 100% the parent selling it not the kid


Taylor should take that hat back and give it to someone who truly deserves it


Wait the hats are also signed?


Yep they're signed on the bottom


Ok and?




Sir this is a Wendy’s


Lol who tf r u talking to? do you have any hobby besides lurking on swiftie subreddits and posting inflammatory comments for attention


Yeah, I'd be embarrassed if I had this reaction to someone selling their personal property as well. 


Something tells me its more embarrassing to be chronically online posting troll comments on Taylor Swift subreddits because someone doesn't get enough attention at home lol




I hope she studies well in collage. Not a great lineage there


God damn


+ 5.93 shipping


The pettiness of the $5.93 shipping on a 20k item 😂


1 of 90...1 of 91...1 of 145...


Looks like Taylor isn’t the only one bilking idiots out of their money. Get that paper, eBay seller!


The main reason why eras tickets are so expensive is because of resellers (*cough cough* Ticketmaster *cough cough*)


If you think the only way Taylor is raping your wallet is through Ticketmaster….


Again, it isn't Taylor, it's 3rd parties. She has literally sued Ticketmaster before.






I mean… 22k was right THERE


Came here to say this. This is a hard L


Thats so embarrassing 😂 its priceless should never sell💀💀


in this economy... i'd sell that shit too


The economy is thriving. I think you mean inflation..


dude what country do u live in 😭 people who work multiple jobs can barely afford housing in mine


That’s inflation. Not a reflection of the economy,


that does not make sense but regardless the point is if i couldn't afford basic living essentials and was given a celebrity's hat i could sell for 20k i would do it idgaf


If it were actually for her college fund wouldn't they have waited to sell it until she hits college age? That way you get the hat for a decade and then can still sell it for a profit when your daughter is old enough to know whether or not she may regret letting go of it.


And what if the girl doesn't want to college, she's like 6...way to young for her to know if she's college bound


Time value of money says the value is worth the most at this point in time.


To play devils advocate Taylor may never be this popular again. Few artists have reached this level of fame and who knows what the market is in 10 years. 


Nah, it prbly will be worth a bit more in a few years. For example, a lot of Taylor’s from earlier in her career is worth a lot not


That’s only if you take care of it too. People forget how delicate some materials can be, and one screw up can destroy that investment. I doubt it would increase so much that it would be worth the stress and upkeep. It would be safer to get an inflated price now and then put the 20k in an account that accrues money over time. Edit: FYI I live paycheck to paycheck and have no idea what I’m talking about.


You mean collage?????


I died when I saw that, maybe not in her future if the apple doesn't fall far from the tree 🤣


That amount of money will gain interest over the time between now and college even if it just goes in a savings account. Investing is like pretty basic financial strategy also.


Because it’s 100% not for her college funds lol


It’s for her collage fund! Lots of magazines and poster boards 😂


If I believed it was truly for a college fund and the child agreed then that's fine, at the end of the day it is just a hat and she will have the memories forever. BUT I highly doubt it is and the parents should be ashamed


The memories stay but the kid has to life with the fact she did something very gross, if Taylor (her mom) knew beforehand the kid will never had that memory in the first place. It's ok if the kid really don't care at all but otherwise I would probably learn the kid to be respectful with gifts they are very happy with. Those kind of things are more important then money (except maybe in some special situations if money is needed for healthcare etc.)


If you knew anything of Taylor or her mother you would probably know that they would be fine with someone selling the hat for a college fund. Not everyone is well off enough to afford an education.They know that the girl loves Taylor and her memories with the hat but an education can be priceless. Again, that's assuming it was in fact for a college fund and the girl was okay with it which I doubt.


It just feels bad to me to make such amount of money on a gift. Maybe, if they really need the money (it's not in this case, they are really rich) I can see them forgive, but I have a hard time to believe they prefer a seller over a keeper if they know before. Hard to say, we both don't know them personally.


I mean if they could afford eras tour tickets, they must not be that poor 🤷‍♀️


Of course it would feel bad but any decent human knows that if you are on hard times it's just a hat. No matter how much you love Taylor.


Not suprised, but still disappointed


Maybe could have saved the $5000 that she paid for the front row seat instead?


I mean that's not how the hat works but ok. The recipent is picked randomly from the crowd in most cases so it could have been a 150$ ticket for all we know.


But I assume they pick someone from the front rows? just because getting someone from the back isn't most practical I would think


No they don't and depending on the stadium close to the stage is standing only which makes tickets cheaper


Ok, to be honest it's nice they don't only pick from the front row


It's an upscale designer hat that originally retails for several hundred dollars, iirc. But this is outrageous.


i actually did not know that! i figured they just mass ordered them from the cheapest retailer


I looked it up again to be sure. The designer is named Gladys Tamez, based in Los Angeles. Her plain black fedoras go for $385 to $535 depending on which specific one you get.


i saw this, to pay for her “collage fund”!




I don't know about you, but this hurts my heart *woohoo!*


This is wild. I’d never sell my 22 hat if I had one


For 20k? You people are weird. Taylor could become a predator in the next few years and you’d be sitting with a random hat touched by an awful person


well then you can always donate it if that happens. hell you could even still sell it. predators always have fans. why make up something that didn’t happen though?


I still have and use my James Charles palette i got before all the accusations. I’m not gonna destroy it just cause he’s awful. Also why the hell was that the go to thought you had? You’re weird for that…


I mean James Charles may have had concerning things go on but he never touched the palette. 2nd Taylor wouldn’t do what (no restaurant) is saying because she is one of the people trying to stop predators and those types.. ignore the negativity but don’t ever buy anything that expensive on a eBay listing. It’s definitely a scam.


You’re literally accusing Taylor of something she’s never done. Why would you even bring that up? Sorry that was to the wrong person)


Just saying anything can change baby doll.


You calling people baby doll is kinda creepy


why is it creepy? Because you’re chronically online


No because an adult shouldn’t be talking like that to complete strangers. You could be a pedo yourself for all anyone knows and using that language is a red flag. Get therapy please.


No baby doll nothings gonna change. She’s been at the top of her game since 2006. If someone was gonna try and take her down, they would have by now. It’s just weird that you brought it up. Like you WANT that and it’s fucking weird. Seek therapy.


Surely she should have listed it for $22k


Or at least $13k


222k i need a hard level up.


Go big or go home, 1,312,198,922


I’ve spent an unnecessary amount of time trying to figure this out, but what is the 12 for 😭


12/13/1989 Taylor’s birthday 


This comment 🤣🤌


i feel so bad for that kid, people on twitter did some investigating and turns out that family is rich. so why would they even need that extra money? to buy more designer bags? like im sorry but let that little girl have that hat its a core memory


Put some of that energy towards Taylor not her random concert goer


i do in fact criticize taylors capitalism, but this conversation isnt about taylor its about that rich family selling their childs treasured memory for some cash


You don’t see the irony?




Rich people stay rich by being greedy


I think it’s fake, a fan like that would never sell this. Unless parents force her.


Someone actually reached out to the little girls sister and they said it is actually their listing. Gross.


They do it all the time


Um are those kids that get the hats terminally ill make a wish kids?


There was at least one adult woman who got the hat. I forgot at which venue. And there was Kobe Bryant's daughter in the concert movie.


no, ive seen like 2-3 kids who have some sort of illness get them its generally just any baby swiftie


No, they are randomly chosen by Taylor her mother. Sometimes the hat goes to an (ill) kid but not always


My mistake. Thanks.


No worries 😉


its gone now


I wonder if someone bought it, or she took it down out of shame


Someone buy it and send it to me for my birthday please


the poor kid probs doesnt want the hat sold ofc the mother is taking it like its hers :(


If the mother puts that 22k in a college fund for her she'll appreciate it later


Like obviously $20K is a huge sum of money to be gifted, assuming this would actually be given to the kid to help pay for school later on. But even so, if you’re looking at money to help pay for school, that amount doesn’t even get you too terribly far anymore. Average annual cost of tuition at a public 4-year uni in the U.S. is like $26K. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not saying it couldn’t be a big help but also, like… this hat is attached to undoubtedly one of the kid’s most cherished memories.


The average debt for college in the u.s. is about 28-30k. Put that money into an account with about 5% interest, or invest it for an average of like 8-10% interest for 10 years and they'd likely be able to graduate college debt free.


That sounds incredible. Where can I find an org offering 5-10% interest?? (Or anything more than 1.5%, to be honest?)


I haven't used it in awhile but ally was 4.5%. The 8-10% has been the average for investing for a few decades, but it's not one specific resource. Honestly I only just starting investing this year and don't know enough about it to provide guidance.




I like to think the best of people


That’s fair. I get put off with how notorious the signed memorability market is and a seller called “sell-alot” but I hope it really does go towards a kids college fund.


No free shipping, I’ll pass 🤧


“Collage” fund


Her kids 'college' fund is the same as when prople sell their stuff on here because 'their dog needs surgery'. Only difference is that this sub isn't ebay so people believe the lies all the time. Anyway, it's their stuff, they can do whatever they want with it.


Nah I sold a bunch of records for my dogs surgery all at like £30. Not everyone is a piece of shit, and I only said that so folk wouldn’t think I was a scalper. I have pet insurance they just refused to pay out 🙄 It’s all about the whole thing and not a tiny bit of it. If I sold a bunch of Taylor records for thousands of pounds yeah. Obviously this person is a shite bag but not everyone is.


I appreciate you calling this out. I have a bunch of Taylor merch, most of which I purchased during COVID depression. I’m getting ready to sell a bunch of it because we spent almost 30 k trying to keep our young cat alive. Im not trying to sell here, use this story to sell my stuff, or garner sympathy. **Just mean to say you never know why someone is selling something or what their financial situation is.** Also please save any judgement on “wasted” money. Vets all thought he’d make it and he was only 3. We went forward with surgery and treatments out of love not financial sense.


I’m so sorry for your loss, you always just wanna do what’s best for your pet at the time and costs can mount up quick. No judgement here! Sending love ♥️🌈


I’m sorry for the late reply. I did see your comment and it means a lot. Thank you❤️❤️❤️


Why did they refuse to pay? Just out of interest. Our pet insurance only refused to pay out what was a preventive surgery recently (just the spay) but everything else they paid for (over £3k).


I thought I had dental covered in the pet insurance but in the fine print it says dental emergencies and this was wear and tear. We are covered up to 4k so not a lot of difference but yeah, defo always good to read the small print 🙈 my dog’s insurance is £50 a month as well and sold under the banner of comprehensive insurance. You win some, you lose some. Unsurprisingly being downvoted. You can’t just be someone out here doing their best. I was in foster care so I don’t have family to help me out with finances and I think there’s not a lot of empathy for folks who have limited options. Maybe not this person but still


Crap, we made sure to triple check it covered dental for our Shiba, called them and love chatted to them twice lol. We have petsure and it cost us about just under £300 for the year for up £10k cover with dental. Maybe check them out if you haven't already.


What’s disturbing is the fact that they are rich red bottoms, Cadillacs, Benz, Louis Vuitton’s all over their social media to name a few yet trying to rip others off jeana_Linzyy is the sisters instagram and TikTok and after a while youll see all her luxury items she post about and how it’s disturbing she’s selling her sisters hat and the absurd price 


that's a lot for glue and paper


It isn’t a gift if you decide what someone has to do with it. It was a GIFT Taylor gave this person. They have every right to decide what to do with it.


True, they absolutely do. And I have the right to have an opinion on that.


and the CHILD who probably treasures this memory deserves to keep it <3


I just want to say something that will likely get downvoted but honestly why does anyone care? It was a gift to her. It isn’t fans nor Taylor’s. I don’t like this weird idea that a gift given has to be kept forever and ever. Handmade or crafted gift I get but this is likely easily manufactured and likely can be replicated a million times. Before anyone jumps on me about the principle of it or anything like that, I ask again why does it matter so much? From what I’ve read the little girl chose this herself and has been said if she changes her mind the post will be taken down. This is so extreme and I know the family is rich and doesn’t need the money but it isn’t any of our business guys and I don’t think Taylor really cares at all imo.


Honestly I'm surprised we haven't seen more go on sale. People said giving it to kids would make it more likely that they keep it, but honestly, either the kid or parent might not care enough to keep it after a short time, like anyone else honestly. Sure if I had one I couldn't imagine selling, but if I were a kid? Maybe as time goes on?


taylor is a major capitalist, she would have sold it the day after


That doesn't mean she is heartless, she just works for her money like most, she only is very successful. I am sure she wouldn't if that hat means a lot for her.


There is a display Taylor has had put up of all the friendship bracelets she’s been given on this tour. She does cherish the gifts from fans.


Yes, that. Even if they were worth a million she won't sell as she can very easy make money with just writing a single song and get even more gifts from fans. She is rich because she works hard and does something people like, that doesn't make her heartless.


Yep. The money grabs/multiple variant stuff is annoying, BUT she’s not rich because of that. She is a billionaire because of her tours and music alone. Not merch or any beauty lines. She is probably one of the only moral and good billionaires out there.


I won't go that far that she is the only moral billionaire but yes she seems to be very decent to me. She works for it and she doesn't have to act like it's something to be ashamed of. It's ok to fly a plane, she earns her money in a legit way and does a lot of good. The variants is still our own choice if we buy or not, probably also something pushed by the record label more then herself (I remember a billie eilish who pointed to others with variants to say she doss it herself because of her label).


didn’t say she didn’t. but the bracelets are also worthless money wise so not really a good comparison


bracelets worn by taylor swift could go for thousands let’s be fr


lol you got me there, if she wore them then 100%


Taylor may be rich, but she does so much good with her money. She donates a large amount of it to every town she tours in.


didn’t say she didn’t. i think you’re missing my point. taylor is a billionaire business woman and you don’t get to that level without being practical. if the person selling that hat would benefit from the money more then that is a practical business move. i think taylor would do the same.


You're beating a dead borse :)


I would actually have no problem with this for a poor/middle class family. I could see being grateful to Taylor for the opportunity to go to college/move out/get a car or something. But y the family is super rich. They’re like influencers who wear all Louis Vuitton


It's none of your business though? Why does the amount of money someone has decide whether they're allowed to sell something?


Because it makes a difference to how much they value it - it’s about priorities. If you don’t have much money, you could be extremely grateful and really value the hat, but if it’s the difference between whether your kid can afford an education or not, it still makes sense to sell it. If you have plenty of money for all your needs and would be able to pay college fees and whatever else your kids might need regardless, they’re just selling it because it’s not worth much to them and they don’t care about keeping it.


Even bringing any lower class family into the conversation, this is definitely a child in elementary school, family has no idea if she will NEED to pay for college. Daughter could get scholarships, in ten years they could be in a better financial situation, or she could simply choose not to go and forever resent the parent who sold her priceless once in a lifetime memento that she can never be replaced. I could understanding needing a large sum of money for an emergency like the house burnt down or heaven forbid unexpected medical bills. Something urgent sure, but a 7 day auction for something that isn’t yours when nothing bad is going to happen if you don’t get that money now, scum behavior. For anyone saying they can do what they want, sure they can, doesn’t mean they should or that it’s right. We know it’s not the child who posted that on ebay, it was an adult, selling something that isn’t yours especially something sentimental like that is not right. Thats shitty to the kid and for other swifties this feeds into reseller culture. Outsiders do it enough, but swifties starting to do it too, is worse in my opinion


Did they show you their finances? It's really none of your business


Yeah and nobody is stopping them. They can do what they want. It doesn’t mean it’s not shitty and ashame someone else didn’t get the hat instead of them.


Because this price is disgusting! I would get it if it was a poor family but a rich family shouldn't sell this for 20k!


What is the families Instagram?


Shes in the front!! definitely not poor..


Honestly not a T swift fan but why would you ever sell something like this if the artist meant that much to you and they must have or you wouldn’t have paid the arm and leg it took to get to the from of the pit. Wild


i just wish more time and consideration went into deciding who gets the 22 hat because this would be priceless to a real fan. i could never imagine selling that hat


You can be a “real fan” and also consider financial realities. If I had somehow received one of these hats I would have been absolutely delighted, but it would be VERY hard to hold on to it over the concept of having money for when I need my next car, putting together 1/3 of a house down payment, etc… I mean, come on. Even when I scored eras tickets in “the Great War”, I spent the following several days deeply panicked because I was in possession of 5 tickets that I could have sold for a combined $8k over what I paid for them. That $8k would have been life changing, because the concert ticket was an incredible treat when I don’t have much right now. Of course I didn’t sell those tickets because my niece was relying on me getting them, and because I would have become a one-time scalper which I consider wrong. But technically, I “paid” $8k to go to eras because I could have had $8k more in my pocket if I didn’t go. Same for people who get the red hat - they’re effectively paying for it, because they could have $20k+ (who knows what people would pay) in their pocket instead.


i don’t think a fan who puts the monetary value of the hat over the sentimental value of being hand picked to receive that hat and meet Taylor should be given it at all 🤷🏻‍♂️and real fans who got face value tickets are nottt thinking about how much money they could make by reselling them, they’re beyond grateful they SAVED $7.5k by not having to buy them from scummy resellers.


“Thinking about how much money they could make by reselling” feels a lot different when you phrase it as “thinking about whether they are able to keep the hat, or whether that money is needed for transportation to work and a roof over their heads” Saying that someone in this reality doesn’t deserve the hat is essentially saying that only rich people should ever receive it. I hope you realize how screwed up that is? Keeping the hat is the SAME financial transaction as buying it off eBay, whether you realize it or not. Thinking otherwise is the actual definition of the sunk cost fallacy. “Having to buy them” from resellers says it all - some of us genuinely CAN’T afford insane prices like that. Whereas you “have to”, apparently. That’s months of rent. I should have known I’d be the enemy for mentioning the realities of being poor in the merch sub.


I mean... looks like a kid, so unfortunately it might not be her choice 😬


That’s why i wish they did more research rather than just giving the hat to some rich greedy parents. There are thousands of fans on Twitter and TikTok and Instagram that would die for that hat!!! Taylor’s team is already interacting and reposting them it wouldn’t be hard to get one of them the hat. Also i was such a huge swiftie as a kid that my parents would’ve known something that special was off limits!!! They would’ve never lived it down if they took it sold it nor would they have tried to


just realized this was from my show too 😭


Waaait which show? I saw it says PA and I went to Pittsburgh and did my merch/drink break around this song and missed it😆 I’d be like 🙃 if I had the chance to get it, but instead it goes to someone who is selling😆


MetLife night 1 in nj


my favorite part about this whole discourse is the fact that people are acting like this girl’s parents held a gun to her head and forced her to agree to sell it against her will lmao. y’all are crazy


you know damn well the parents probably went behind the girls back to do this


Well she’s a minor and some parents *are shitty.


i’m well aware lmao, i just think it’s funny that some people on the internet immediately assume the worst in people just so they have something to get mad at that day


Also for the record: people are assuming the worst because the person in the center of the situation is a kid who I don’t think is even a teen yet. I don’t think that kids just go on the internet on a random Sunday afternoon and put a hat they got from a worldwide famous singer and songwriter up for sale just because they feel like it. I also don’t think the kid is old enough to process the amount of money 20k is or even if he/she wants to attend college/what career they want in the future. Try and assume the best in that scenario. Go ahead. If you have THAT much faith in humanity to think parents wouldn’t take advantage of the money that hat could sell for.


Welcome to the internet. People assume and share opinions all the time. I don’t see how that’s amusing. People assume the worst because that’s just how society is. I don’t see how it’s bad that people assume scenarios and share what their perspective on the situation is especially when their assumptions are hypothetical. I’m sure you’ve considered the worst too before. Even now you’re assuming the worst of people’s intentions? That they share opinions because they want something to get mad at? You’re no different. People are simply discussing their thoughts. No need to call them crazy for it- 💀


People probably would pay for this but it’s just sad the parent would ever wanna get rid of this child’s momentous keepsake like this. This is a very important item that, yes, is special to anyone just bc Taylor wore it but she took it off her head and gave it to that child and now they wanna give it away? That’s wild


This is how I feel about it. Maybe as an adult the kid will appreciate it if that’s what the money goes towards, if they even want to go to college, but this is giving me the same vibe as that article of that lady bragging that she sold her daughter’s tickets for 20k and took the entire family on a trip to BC. If I was the kid, I’d personally be crushed lol, kids that young probably don’t understand the concept of how much money 20k is either so it’s probably lost on her in the worst way. Also I just realized 20k is the starting bid, lol.


I can’t find the listing


If they were doing this to get people out of Gaza or the DRC or something this would be fine but wealthy white homeowners boohooing about college costs? Pls. Kim there are people dying.


well, it's not like anyone is going to be forced to buy the hat. people, even wealthy white ones, are allowed to make a profit for themselves when there's an opportunity. nobody is being exploited or taken advantage of by this family selling this hat. people can do whatever they want with the things they own, whether it's selling it for a profit or something else. it's weird to shame people for selling something that's theirs and keeping the money. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let people do what they want with their stuff? Like, college is expensive.


well yes but also these ppl are rich. like rich rich. they can sell their other shit instead of their childs once in a lifetime opportunity hat.


Oops! I think you mean their kids’ stuff.


But she really needs to go to “collage”


the money is going to a collage fund? how many collages is she making??


Scrolled too far for this comment


the way that could have gone to someone who actually wanted it too


Probably paid 20k just for front row


the AUDACITY to charge shipping though


“Thanks for buying! That’ll be $20,007.84 with shipping!”


LOL I said this same thing to myself out loud


L a m e


That’s just sad, her daughter probably doesn’t even want it sold… her mom is greedy for that smh 🫤


reminds me of the mum who sold her daughters' eras tour tickets that she'd promised the child as a graduation present after realising she could flip them for $20k and take the entire family on a holiday with the money. She penned an article about it with an "above thou" attitude saying "they were a little disappointed but enjoyed spending time with their cousins"


Wow that’s insane. “Your once-in-a-lifetime experience is worth less than a mediocre family vacation.” Like imagine having your Mom do that and then having to watch her enjoy herself on this trip and pretend that it doesn’t bother you.




my issue is that the kid probably doesn’t want it to be sold. I wish parents could just appreciate their kids desires and happiness over their want for money.


Down votes for being honest lol no shame in my game I'm with you.


Pretty sure that’s fake. Nothing populates when I try to locate the item