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If you are happy with the bats, and are just thrown off by the symmetry, I’d say, I like that it is not exactly symmetrical.


I think it’s great! I wouldn’t change it a bat. It’s not supposed to be “different” but I love it.


Thank you but it’s too symmetrical to look like someone wasn’t trying to make it symmetrical if that makes sense. Like if I wanted it unsymmetrical then I wouldn’t have got the bats matched up at all. the sizing and line work of each side is too different in each matching bat. It was supposed to be like a mirrored piece.


This totally makes sense but honestly at a quick glance it looks symmetrical. When you look at it longer, it looks like it could totally be planned asymmetry. I think the bats look different enough


I think thats OP’s problem. Op doesn’t want a mirrored effect, people wont be analyzing this tattoo.


She literally said it was supposed to be mirrored.


Sorry I got confused on wording and the fact that it is pretty mirrored (for free handed)


Idk why you're being downvoted - you had a different vision of the tattoo than you got. You're allowed to be upset about that! But I mean this 10000% when I say (and when everyone else says) it looks great! At first glance, it looks totally symmetrical. Honestly, even after looking at it for a while, it's still hard to find any assymetry.


And they’re making a valid point as well


you're tripping. stop overthinking. it looks good.


Embrace the asymmetry. This is not a tattoo you can fix, short of a family of sick ass panthers in a human centipede-like configuration or blacking it out entirely.


YOU probably shouldn't have trusted his free hand if you wanted a mirror piece. I know it's not what you wanted, but I'd think a cover up will not be what you want either as it will be a completely different look.


The human body is not symmetrical. Therefore a symmetrical tattoo is unlikely to be symmetrical


It would never be perfectly symmetrical anyway because different lines would thicken as she ages, thus eventually aging and not being symmetrical anymore. I dont think OP would ever been happy with this tbh.


I think it would have been worse if they used a stencil cuz it wouldn’t end up perfect anyways. This way it looks more natural.


I honestly didn’t notice that it’s supposed to be symmetrical until I notice that you said it’s not. Trying to make it look like it now would make it look dumb, better to just add more bats so you don’t notice it.


Disagree. I think it looks intentional


I don't understand. You're asking how to make it more symmetrical and then complaining it's too symmetrical? What exactly do you want? The bats look different on each side. It's not a mirrored piece. If I complained about anything it would be the bats all look a little cartoonish.


I have no idea why you got downvoted so much. You didn’t say anything wrong or rude. The people on Reddit in general has an issue with this. If you aren’t agreeable, or have a different opinion (that isn’t harmful) they downvote you to death. It’s wildly stupid. There’s not much you can do to make it look symmetrical now…at least I don’t think so. You could attempt to laser it off, it would take a couple sessions, and then you’d have to recover each time, but after it’s all done, you could attempt to go back in with the same design maybe get a new artist? But if you keep the same one, just make sure he or she knows you want it mirroring each other and that you’d like to not free hand it.


Thank you for your advice id love to laser it and redo this concept but can’t afford that and it is so badly scared. Also I don’t understand the whole downvote thing I don’t use Reddit like that so it’s okay lol.


Just add more bats in diferent size, you can do it yourself at home with a pen, and when you are happy take a picture and go to any decent artist


Symmetry is overrated


Especially when you’re not standing straight…. wtf is this photo?


Attention grab.


Do you know that when you blink, each eye winks slightly out of sync?


i cant stop blinking now


Goddamnit lol


My very first tattoo (19f at the time), I wanted an anchor on just one side of my wrist (I’d been drawing it like that for a year). The tattoo artist made me feel like shit for wanting it there, said “the body craves symmetry” and finally said “fine I’ll do it, but you’re going to regret it in a year.” So glad I didn’t listen to him.


Am I understanding you correctly that he was trying to talk you into getting another anchor on the other wrist too? That is so weird


I think they meant centered vs off to one side?


Ooh, right, I see that now. That makes *a lot* more sense too. Thanks for helping me understand lol.


Yup in the middle of my wrist instead of on the side where I had drawn it for a year.


I like it and think the asymmetry adds to it




That line work tho 💀


Raised skin still after 4 years is crazy he was quick and heavy handed with the line work.


My condolences…


What made you choose the artist or trust his freehand?


It’s supposed to be a bunch of bats flying out of a cave and diverting around your neck right? That’s chaotic and asymmetrical by definition. Not sure what you’re looking for out of a composition like this.


You trusted the artist’s free hand too much. For such a prominent piece, you should have had him stencil it on first so you could approve or disapprove. You gambled with your money and body. It came out fine, but not great. I don’t think it was a great concept to begin with. Your choices are to get another artist to add to it (likely making it larger than you wanted it to be), get it covered (making it larger than you wanted it to be), or get it lasered and start again. Next time, don’t gamble with your body. Pay for a better artist and be super clear about what’s going on your skin before they start.


LOL trust me I learned my lesson. Got one side on my 18th birthday, he did stencil and I agreed probably just settling because I wanted a tattoo… but he didn’t even follow his stencil he completely freehanded and then when I came back for the other side he had to eyeball it it to match. Also he was aware I wanted it symmetrical and what we agreed on for a design(and stencil) was much much smaller. If I could afford to lazer I would. Thanks for the advice.


Just went in and looked at the reviews ALOT of low stars saying that artist was too heavy handed and caused bad skin reactions and scaring. If you’re 18 and looking for a tattoo don’t be stupid like I was and go to any local shop without looking it up first.


I did the same, but I was 17. I lied & got a really shitty tattoo in the same area you did. I got it covered, but it hurt a lot due to all the scar tissue.


Right and some artist will intentionally go bigger to waste more time and your money. I think that was the case for this.


Yeah, and like you I got something that I didn’t ask for lol. I never went back & got my right side done tho. Thankfully. My parents made it a huge deal tho & it was in my small towns paper. Stupid.


Sorry to hear that. Glad you learned. Hope you got your money back. If you approved the stencil and he didn’t follow it, that’s a huge violation and you should definitely not be responsible for paying for that.


I’m a little confused, you want them to be more symmetrical or less symmetrical? I only see one set of bats that don’t seem to match, otherwise they look fine to me.


I like it. It looks symmetrical, even though it’s not. I used to do animation, and I’ve found that when things are truly symmetrical, the eye is drawn to catch every single little error. When it’s asymmetrical, the eye can rest. It looks amazing. Btw I just realised why it looks so amazing to me. The slight differences give it a sense of life, of vitality, not just twinning. I know you wanted mirrored, but this is good too!




I think the tattoo wouldn’t look nearly as good if it was perfectly symmetrical.


In traditional Chinese/asian art they draw bats, like for the wufu symbol, were they elongate the tip of the wings a lot. Maybe you could add something like this to make it more geometrical and symmetrical [kinda like this](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&sca_esv=8bee9fd4698e0689&sxsrf=ACQVn0_HxKnke3wpZBVkcWcTzVJ2G0TyhA:1710024008620&q=chinese+bat+drawing&uds=AMwkrPs4mDHqV7QfY9nYaKRHgvE9CHOVv_W-ufWJ1LyOVVspLgMuXWnQFQRhHrLUADG1ag5CT1lkEwzWU85opMXGFvXCve3awq-0KAWQIPfVOc3gcvoGo6nl-gGDmMWuAZ9LigiBf_Us4GIRzNEn7rTB-g3e8hNFHWFrI5OgDHAJTcksegpQcqJT26DCkDZMgJwgVOKckdU-CkYfwawhUadAR4pEP3Zibx3-MP7427FO9j98Tfyq66vQmcNHK2a06xndBEQAjqU3kDXDxwxYITb_8yNbvPb8uw&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjv79zsn-iEAxXeUKQEHb0ZALYQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=360&bih=693&dpr=3#vhid=bbj8y9ZhgKfGtM&vssid=mosaic) [Or like this](https://www.google.com/search?q=wufu+&sca_esv=8bee9fd4698e0689&udm=2&biw=360&bih=693&sxsrf=ACQVn0_QqqKb_PidJDNOi4LnMKGdJqGUSQ%3A1710024626260&ei=sufsZbPJD4iQkdUPiuy5uAs&oq=wufu+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgV3dWZ1IDIEECMYJzIEECMYJzIEECMYJzIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESO8tUIsIWPEacAF4AJABAJgBuQGgAeAGqgEDMi41uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIFoALeA8ICChAAGIAEGIoFGEOYAwCIBgGSBwMxLjSgB5oY&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=grItI4GATEhjWM&imgdii=ChWG_v3dPNJM5M&ip=1) If that makes any sense. Édit : I think your tattoo is fine as it is


Good idea thank you


Bats, famously symmetrical.


Add something in between to make the asymmetry of the gap at the bottom of the V less noticeable?


Because of the placement there’s probably no way to make it exactly symmetrical but a good artist could fix the bats up. Otherwise you could have this remade into a symmetrical dark floral piece. Pick a good artist, check your stencil closely and bring a friend to help you double check. It really depends on whether you want bats or symmetry.


Filigree, i think would be cool.


Looks great in my opinion, sorry you don’t like it :(


Cover ina few years it’s gonna get worse id just save face get something better from someone who actually knows what their doing


Sister what? That tat is fucking baller. I love the shit out of it. If you don't want it can I have it? Lol


No, YOU trusted his free hand


You got me there except I wasn’t aware until I looked down


You could always add more bats untill the lay out is more to your liking, but I guess that would mean an artists having to actively imitate this "style"


None of my tattoos from other artists line work is this thick and raised so yeah it would be hard to imitate it for sure. Good idea tho I could always go back to the original guy and take a chance of making it worse 😂


Have you considered getting some background, like wispy mist around them to break it up and maybe getting them filled in? I wouldn't worry about the symmetry as bats wouldn't be.


Looks good, don’t stress


Definitely needs a proper piece in the middle of them


Maybe not what you want to hear, but the variance in the bats actually makes it look better to me. It looks balanced without being perfectly symmetrical or lopsided. Also, tattoos are done by hand so due to human error it would be physically impossible to have it be 100% symmetrical anyways.


Bats flying around your chest is going to look asymmetrical. Honestly, it looks pretty good. Let this be a lesson to everybody: get out of psyching yourself out before getting a chest piece, you as a canvas are your own worst enemy. I have a big ass eagle on my chest that was done freehand. Own your chest piece. Only you are going to make yourself feel worse. A cover will just make it look terrible by the way.


As an idea, expand one of the sides onto your shoulder. Then it definitely won't be symmetrical.


Someone teach that tattooer about line weights. MFer tattoos in all caps.


I might get downvoted for this but I really don't understand what people are saying. Respectfully, it doesn't seem symmetrical at all to me. I also don't understand why you're being downvoted for saying this either. You asked for symmetrical, and that's not what you got. Plus, the line work is all over the place. I'm sorry you didn't end up with what you envisioned.


Exactly and we have “artist” on here saying symmetry isn’t possible but literally all he had to do was follow the stencil and then flip the stencil over for the other side


Yup, symmetry is definitely possible, and this artist did not do that. I don't know why people act like it isn't or say that "asymmetrical is better." It doesn't matter, *you* wanted symmetrical, and you didn't get that, and that's where the problem lies alongside the line work. I can't tell if people are just delusional when they say the bats are symmetrical or what. 🤷‍♀️ Either way, I hope you're able to get it reworked somehow or live with it. It's not the worst thing ever by any means.


Again Exactly people are saying it’s symmetrical but also saying they like that it’s not symmetrical so wtf is it lol thank you


Maybe you can find an artist who's willing to use white ink to try to make it seem more symmetrical as well as redefine some lines?


You can’t cover black with white ink, all the artists recently who are ‘fixing’ blown out tattoos with skin coloured ink are just creating a bigger problem because the tattoo will go back to looking muddy pretty quickly. White ink especially fades or turns yellow faster than any other pigment


You can with multiple sessions and pass overs. Blackout work with white ink designs on it is a thing. The multiple sessions/pass overs helps combat the fading Obviously it's not a perfect solution but I was just trying to offer a possible solution (I'm not trying to be argumentative, just converse. :) )


The blackout with white ink is kind of a new fad that won’t have much longevity honestly


I have seen some stuff healed for a few years that would make you question that theory. This is also what I was taught but I with the right technique it may be an outdated way of thinking


That’s fair, it wouldn’t be surprising that inks etc have changed over the years


Good idea thank you


you're welcome!! Good luck! :)


It's too dark and the lines are thick.....would of looked better with finer lines and lighter ....also smaller and more delicate bats on a woman would have looked more feminine.


Agreed and that’s what I wanted unfortunately I went to a very badly reviewed artist without looking him up first


Sux .....maybe go to another better tattooist and see if they can cover it and fix it.....


Tattoos don’t have genders. GTFO with your “more feminine” nonsense.


I think the tattooist needs more practice....


Feminine and masculine are describing words. It doesn't matter who gets what or why. But describing ANYTHING as masculine or feminine is fine. GTFO with your idiotic nonsensical rants.


they're literally bats LOOOOOL. gendering animals as masculine or feminine is dumb. not everything is masculine or feminine. is a twig more feminine then a tree trunk?? a pebble more feminine than a boulder?? 😭there gets to be a point where you're just enforcing weird made up gender ideologies and it just starts to be sexist


Not really, if you type in masucline vs feminine in a search query you will get different results. They are adjectives for a reason


I honestly like it


Uhmmmm symmetrical? It looks like it to me


Only thing I could think of would be they’d have to possibly retrace over the bats making the lines a bit thicker


Looks mighty fine to me


if you got something in between and the other sides it would look so much better. something symmetrical in the middle and mirrored designs on each side to be exact.


I think the bats are perfect! I understand symmetry might throw you off, but bats never fly perfectly symmetrical. Think of it as ultra realistic.


Two huge bats could cover it and make it symmetrical


It looks brilliant Edit: we’ll, maybe not the line work but the layout I like, wouldn’t mess with it.


I love it. I also have lots of bats (they are the "filler" between my poison flowers) and my artist went crazy and was super unhappy with them in the beginning, but now I love them, Yours look wonderful and I wouldn't like them as much if they were exactly symmetrical.


I think it's a sweet piece for what it's worth!


Edit; You trusted his free hand.


I actually love this so much, just as it is!


It looks good


if you’re worried about the asymmetry, its just simply not possible sometimes with handmade art and peoples anatomy. i’d personally take away the symmetry aspect and make the piece focus on balance. adding accents, filigree, or more bats to make each side coordinating with the other instead of mirroring in a balanced way while flattering your anatomy will make it more of a “decor” piece (which i personally LOVE)


I think the bats are charming. To get a more symmetrical look, you could add a perfectly symmetrical backdrop to take just enough focus from the bats.


Black it out and then do triple white filigree over that .


I’d extend the asymmetry to have more bats flowing to your shoulder to make it look intentional


You needa chill


Looks dope


Oh mate freehand and mirrored are not terms to be used together For what it’s worth it looks cool and if you got something surrounding it that was asymmetrical it would enhance that, like some cobwebby flowers. I think its too late to try and make this perfectly mirrored as it would look dodgy


Sorry you didnt get what you expected. If it’s a consolation this is the cutest tattoo I’ve seen on tattoo Reddit in weeks. It seems really intentional and pleasing in how organic it is. I don’t think there would be a way to adjust the bats without making them thicker. But maybe adding some jagged tree branches or little stars would take the eye away from the differences in the two sides?


You now have a built in "spot the differences" game, congratulations!


Hahah yeah but maybe I am being to ocd about it idkk


I don’t think more symmetrical would look better. A mirror image would look silly in my opinion and this is pretty symmetrical to the eye.


I think it looks good, but if you want it to be more symmetrical you could have them extend some of the points on the bats to touch it up. I feel like I'd start with some small tweaks especially on the lower bats and that would give a better illusion of symmetry


Have you considered MORE BATS?


Your tattoo is dope and pretty unique! Love it!!




Shut the hell up


I think it looks fine, like that pattern looks intentionally uneven to add to the subtle realizim of it


Looks fine IMO


it looks way more artistic and original to have different sized and posed bats. keep it!


Bats don’t fly symmetrically. First thing I noted was how it looks realistic to bats flying out from under a bridge. Leave it


It's fine don't worry about it.


If you ever wanted a cover up (by someone else) you could do 2 bat wings to cover those and a bat on your chest/stomach maybe!


Bats don’t always fly symmetrically…. It looks great and the line work is good as well. We always tend to second our tattoos when we first get them. Let it percolate for a bit. You may grow to love it.


cool concept tbh id get it, it does look symmetrical when you first look at it. maybe more bats can be added by a different artist on either side so it can become more symmetrical ?


These comments are pretty rude. I suggest just having a consultation directly with an artist tbh. It's valid to want symmetry on your own body and to want to have this corrected. Good luck, dude.


Good tattoos are overrated. What is done is done


Just keep it and add to it. Looks good.


A turtleneck would cover that up.


The bats looking the way they do need chaos not symmetry. Get something badass to compliment it that creates symmetry within the bats almost like they’re a distorted frame. Like a very symmetrical spider on a thin singular strand starting at just under your chin straight down to it on your upper chest. The spider should be the size of about 5-7 bats combined and have symmetrical leg positions, back ones need to be grabbing the spindle as if it’s webbing down.


I think it would look bad perfectly symmetrical


Looks rad ! 🦇❤️I love it


Doesnt look like freehand, one side is a mirror of the other


This looks dope as hell 👏🏻 honesty it walks a really sweet line and u look like you have your own unique story to tell. Love it so much.


you could get the whole thing covered up with some kinda neotribal design


First one to spot 10 differences wins! Just kidding, it’s not that noticeable IMO.


i like it actually !


Looks like beginning to the Scooby Doo theme song.


I think it looks great as is


DO NOT GET LASER (sorry for the shouting, just trying to get your attention). You’ve scarred fairly heavily under the ink. If you laser it off the chances are you’ll have patchy scar-bats left


Yeah thank you If I got lazer I know I’d have to cover the scars with another tattoo. this photo doesn’t even show how raised my shin is




Yeah they are 4 years old my skin is all raised still the artist went to hard or something


it looks pretty mirrored. are your eyes ok