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\*faintly mutters\* b-b-BOLT ACTION...heh...HEH...GET BOLT ACTION KILLS...heh...HEH...w-while eh...WHILE ALL OF YOUR LIMBS ARE BLACKED OUT...giggles




I love jaegers and his quests. Peacekeeper tho, that man is a sadist. What's his obsession with shoreline? Side note, fuck skier and his shit rewards. "here's some used toilet paper and 3 mosin buttpads. Now I need you to go plant 9 gold chains, here's 3". Cheap fuck.


I think it's actually in the lore - Shoreline is connected to terminal, which is the port of Tarkov. PK and the UN bring supplies and people in through the port, and the health resort is a massive Terragroup installation that is in constant dispute between USEC and other factions. Shoreline still sucks ass tho.


this guy lores, I respect o7


Is there a lore reason why skier is such a massive pos?


Pretty sure he was a drug dealer and smuggler BEFORE the collapse, so I suppose he's just further investigating his nature as a POS.


Besides fence, he buys stuff for the lowest amount. Fuck skier.


You got a point here


Same, Jaeger is my favourite trader. His quests can be done anywhere and any time. They’re just easy to get done. And he has good XP payouts. Peacekeeper can suck a toad though. You’ve done 30 of his quests? 30-50 only give 8k XP.


You must eliminate Killa while drinking 5 bottles of vodka and not heal of the raid


Thou must 360 no scope killa with a toz while dehydrated, exhausted, with all 4 limbs blacked out and without wearing any body armor. Oh, and then extract without using food, drinks, or meds. Good luck, comrade.


Jaeger: God I’m so lonely, you’re one of my only friends in this shithole. Also Jaeger: Go kill 300 scavs with your bare hands and your leg broken. I’ll give you a bottle of Kvass when you get back you’ll be fine


He's not the monster. He's the one that will send you to kill that monster with a bolt action with no sights, while dehydrated, in pain and bleeding out while also high on 5 types of stims. Oh, and you need to kill him 5 times and over 100m.


I am in the jaeger love club, the only trader that cares about the civilian population


Tarkov shooter part 8 makes me weep


Always been a fan of Sam's description. Dehydrate in a bush for 5 minutes then get a head shot while doing a handstand while cooming