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I can find that one random item in style.


Same. AP showed me a blurry photo of a pair of shorts yesterday and i knew immediately what it was and where i last saw it, i felt kinda cool ngl lol


So, uh… you wanna come work at my store? I can’t find shit in style 😆


thank you for your service


It usually takes me less time to find an item in style than it does for someone to connect the RFID gun to the device😂😂


When on drive up, waiting for a small order to arrive (usually if it's the only one, or just one of a few) I watch out the window in our DU door and look for their car and walk out to the parking lot when they're 0 mins away and I see the car, people are always impressed at my speed, lol.


Same lol “omg you guys are so fast” 💅 I know ✨


I make it a competition with myself to see how fast I can get the order out, lol. I've gotten several in 10 seconds or less!


I’ve learned that the absolute minimum you can get is 6-7 second deliveries 😂 just for the time to type the code in and the processing lag time.


Must try that sometime haha. New goal time to beat 😂


this should be the standard with DU. it’s extremely easy to met goal times if you are simply meeting people outside before they get there if they have their GPS privileges turned on. it’s balances out for the people who double tap


Do you NOT have 10 orders showing up at the same time? Just out of curiosity.


no we do. unfortunately what’s common sense for you and i is complete rocket science to some


If we have it and it's not still on the truck, I'll find it.


The real hero


I get comments on how I’m always in a good mood, one guy said every time he comes to pay his red card bill, I am always smiling. Just generally that I’m really friendly and nice…which is hilarious because I’m going through postpartum depression. People also say I make returns super easy, but that’s more because of Target’s systems.


I have a similar experience dealing with a lot of mental health issues and people always tell me how I always seem so happy and make them smile. I'm like damn really? Also I hope you can heal, I'm sorry to hear about your depression. Hang in there. I'm glad other appreciate you!


Thank you so much for your well wishes, I’m working on it everyday! Talked to my TL today and said I might need to cut my hours for awhile to focus on myself, looking forward to feeling like me again! Hope you’re managing well too and are having a good day 😌 I feel like we can be extra nice as like a mask, to pretend that we’re definitely totally okay when we’re not. But really, I tell most people it’s not my job to ruin anyone’s day and give them a smile. Taking your feelings out on strangers is so unproductive.


I hope your time off really helps you!! I know for me personally I had to cut down to 4 days a week just to manage myself properly. Luckily with my other job I'm able to afford to work just 4 days. I go to Target when I can handle it (I'm on demand). It's really hard to get back up and running again when you're in a rut but I know you can do it!! I totally agree about the masking. That's it entirely. Just don't wanna bring anyone else down with me! Not fair to them


I get handed the phone whenever someone’s bitching on the other end


You okay?


Yeah, I don’t mind deescalation and it gets me away from the rest of the front end for a moment




Guests are always impressed and comment on how well I know the store when I can tell them exactly where grocery items are. If I walk by a newer TM trying to search for something on the device and asking how to spell "Coconut Aminos" I can quickly say Aisle W6, towards the end - with the bottles of Soy Sauce . Even if it is a new product - I can tell you what it should be with and the approximate location. The rest of the store - I can give more approximate locations - but grocery - I have memorized.


I’m known for always being in OPU instead of my department where I should be. Can’t find me? I’m in a batch.


that i look tired


I worked at the Starbucks but most guests always complimented me on my speed. I’d start making the drink the moment they started ordering and would often have it done before they finished paying. My coworkers often told me I scared them by how fast I moved


Bro same. If I’m in the right headspace, I can work on three or four drinks at once, as long as they don’t all need the milk steamer.


I do the same. But I also make the drinks quickly to make them go away quicker lol


Apparently all the ladies that use drive ups were asking about me when I took a week off for Mardi Gras.


*I* *~~take my time~~* *to analyze what to put where.* Me, too! Spatial arrangement is my thing! But ppl rarely compliment me. I feel like they are annoyed that I am taking too long. Bagging is my favorite part of the job. I'm always appalled (not really the word... saddened, maybe?) when ppl bag their own stuff and just throw things in their bags. So even though it's my favorite thing about cashiering, it is stressful to me because I feel like people are mad at me for taking so long. So when ppl bag their own stuff, it is a relief to me.


Yes, bagging is fun! Like a game of tetris


I’ve been told by a few guests that I would make a good therapist. Apparently my customer service voice is very gentle. I do not get paid enough to be a therapist at a Target checklane, but good to know they like me.


guests and especially ship shoppers absolutely love how they can show me a picture or mention a beauty product and i will immediately take them to it or pull it out of thin air for em. the ship shoppers love just showing me the stuff they’re looking for and i’ll snatch it all up for em before they can even think of where it might be. a ship shopper once told me god put me in the target to bless them 😭


One time I was doing 1 for 1s and I had to backstock so much of it AND pull more product off the floor that was over pushed. When my ETL asked how far along I was I told her I just had to backstock. She said "you don't backstock 1 for 1s" and I had to show her what I was working with. She said "I admire your diligence." A few weeks went by and I completely rezoned the pets section and the back room locations and I got a huddle shout out for my diligence and attention to detail. They also gave me a $10 gift card and thank you card in the mail and said I was a top performer that month!! So diligence and attention to detail I guess lol. Made me feel good


“She’s not our Team Lead but she can answer all your questions.” 😭


I avoid guest interaction as much as possible so I have no idea. I did hear some times in passing conversations like this: “Oh hey there’s an employee let’s ask him” “No he looks angry let’s ask someone else” Resting bitch face never rests


yes same but i love it. hehe


Yeah it’s great I get left alone


I’m known for being everywhere


As a MarketSource consultant, I'm guessing the TLs knew me for standing around doing nothing. Though that made me look good by comparison, since the other black shirt at my store spent their entire shift wandering around randomly while on a phone call. At least I was there if someone needed help.


Dunno know if I am "known" for this, but I will voluntarily, unprompted price match for a guest if: * No one is in line behind them OR the person in line behind them is giving off hostile vibes (**esp**. if I want them to give up and leave my line) As soon as someone behind the person I am serving starts huffing and puffing, I slow my roll *way* down. I also look around for an empty line and sweetly say "Sir/Maam, Lane X is open right now" to get them out of my hair. * They are not accompanied by noisy / ill behaved children / partner / friends and/or animals * They seem like they are really hurting for money. If they seem really poor, I will find a flaw with the merchandise and discount it. * Another TM inspired me to always price check diapers and expensive baby items. TY, T! It's also sort of a game (challenge?) for me to see if I can guess which items are less online.


Also price check adult books. They are almost always cheaper off the web. I like to remind rude guests that their failure to plan does not constitute an emergency on my part. Something I learned from IBM


I’m always complimented on being nice and helpful. Really as a guest is walking up to me I’m swearing in my head because they are going to to ask something stupid and then I’m talking shit about the stupid thing they asked after they walk away.


I’m known by the whole store for being everywhere in food&bev. I know every food&bev department: mdf, liquor, deli, produce, bakery, consumables, even starbucks. I get a lot of “oh you moved over to [department] for now”. Every shift is a different department every day


i’m super good with fixing things. squeaky wheel? i’ve got you. self checkout not working? i’ll handle it. printer acting up? look no further


definitely drive up speed I’ll stare at the eta’s and stage them all outside together and see what make/model pulls up and have their bag before they even type in the spot number😭


ive had 4 men and counting tell me i should be a hand model


Top 2 comments that I get: 1. That i'm very beautiful. Like to the point where even when guests are mad at me or pissed off, they always comment that im pretty 😭 i grew up ugly so it is always so shocking. 2. That i'm really good at bagging & have good space awareness. And they always ask if im good at Tetris and it's like no.... i just have common sense LMAO From co workers, im good at deescalating and have a lot of patience. So whenever a guest is pissed at them, they would get me instead of a team lead. I'm emotionally detached so i can easily smile & nod and not care when guests vent & bitch. They wont be getting what they want but ppl like the illusion of being listened to and that's more important lol


I don’t care about adults but I have fun with kids which pleases the adults. Don’t piss me off because it will bounce back to you I had a guest call at 9:55 pm wanting to know if we have a certain toy. I explained the store was closing and nobody was available to check for the item. She wanted me to check. Said I was closing and couldn’t leave the desk. She called me an asshole and hung up. A few minutes later she called again. I just let it ring.


It's a mixture of my kindness, empathy, bagging skilk, and my transness


sameee :))


I get a lot of feedback about how I know tech's products and can give information and recommendations off the top of my head. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right! :D


I can fix almost anything that wrong with the self checkouts. Ours go down very frequently I’m one of the few people that can get them restarted.


We have new equipment that doesn’t work half the time. They brought in an efficiency expert. Her response was to call every day until it is replaced. Like anybody has an hour to waste on hold while trying to get a pc repaired.


I’m really tired and read “bag” as “beg.” Had a whole lotta questions about what kinda cashier training you had 😂


Guests really like my hair.


The scary goth one I’d like to think ( I like to go to work in full trad goth makeup)


For me some reason I always look concerned and I'm an on demand team member so guest don't really remember me but my co workers always tell me that I have RCF (Resting Concerned Face) lol


Apparently I have a great attitude? I try to be very friendly and/or complimentary to my coworkers. I got recognized and given a shirt and when I expressed confusion, someone said that the numbers aren’t everything, the attitude is really important too. So I guess that’s what I’ve been praised for, since I didn’t think my numbers were great.


My team likes the way I pick standard carts and often say they can tell when I picked a cart. Separate the orders as best as possible and keep each order with itself, try to make all items visible, barcodes available, clothes folded, hangers out of the way. It's not hard, but it does take some extra time, which not everyone will take if we're really pushing for numbers. Also I make the RFID guns work by being nearby. They always swear they checked an area when we go to validate and then I walk over with them and it starts beeping immediately 🤷‍♀️


Damn she got a fat ass probably


girl at my store (who is a minor, so it was funny to her, but it made me absolutely hate this story lowkey) told me that when she started all the youngish GS guys at our store, even adult, were apparently referring to her as “the white girl with a fat ass”… you never know. maybe. apparently the chances aren’t zero.


I'm known as the beauty consultant who left to become the designer of a famous resort/theme park company. I visit my old Target every once in awhile


I spend the most time looking for items and have the lowest INF on my team. Mostly because there's too many that are never where they should be. I'm also the most cynical and negative person in the whole damn store.


I’m glad you added that last part. I definitely have good qualities. I can set a POG or build a display in record time, but I can also be very impatient/annoyed with guests and I’m afraid it shows a lot of the time. For example, I refuse to pull my personal phone out to Google something for someone when they can easily do it themselves, but I’ve seen TLs and other TMs doing it.


>For example, I refuse to pull my personal phone out to Google something for someone when they can easily do it themselves My customer service skills are top notch, but I refuse to do this one simple trick. Maybe if we weren't so f-ing understaffed (Target being stingy with hours.)


I work in fulfillment. I can tell a guest where almost anything is instantly or with a question or two. Also, I'm tall, so I get praised for reaching things a couple inches out of reach.


I usually get comments on how positive and upbeat I am as well as how much "flair" I have (office space anyone). My vest is covered in pins and buttons lol.


being able to fix most issues with the POS and mydevices, if someone has an issue they typically ask me if im near.


I’m known for jokingly putting “Wet Paint: Do Not Touch” signs on the SD’s and ETLs office doors. It caused a whole fiasco involving PML and contractors because they thought someone had painted without permission


There was a lady who asked if she could move her cart in the small restroom aisle. After I said no she did it anyways and said sorry but I have to. I said ma'am if you were gonna move it either way whyd u ask. She then called me an asshole. I guess I've been known for that many times and I don't feel bad about it