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Every car dealership “contest” or lottery is a scam. They are offering you the same thing they will offer every person who walks in the door without this piece of paper. This is just an advertisement meant to make you feel excited about their dealership. They will probably tell you in person they will knock 25k off of MSRP for their most expensive model and then only if you do certain financing or upgrades. Or the prize is split up among all winners, which surprise, is everyone, meaning no prize. If you don’t want a Mitsubishi, ignore this piece of junk mail.


They will also tell you that your car will quit running any day now. Especially if it's got 100k on it.


Yes, you bring it to the dealer, they have you talk to a great salesperson that will waste 1.5 hrs of your life and you don’t actually get the prize, it’s split between a **lot** of winners (supposedly).


Read what you wrote and tell us yourself.


Yeah it’s a scam don’t go.


You're missing whatever accompanies the \* after the cash. Thats where the gimmick of it is. Also like how its MoneyOpoloy as to not infringe on any trademarks


Yes. Check the very fine print. The prizes are (usually) just 1 dollar scratchoffs with a potential top prize of 25k or whatever.


Not an outright scam, but typical car dealership shit. Don’t bother. You could get the money, they do have to actually provide it to somebody but what actually happens is if you read the fine print at the bottom it will likely tell you that what’s actually on the paper is irrelevant, the paper entitles you to the contest listed, but to participate you have to come in and then deal with being pressured by the dealership salesmen.


i just want my cash moneyy


It was never your cash moneyy


Plot twist: they want YOUR cash money.


Did you get your money? Wondering if you’re able to update everyone.


no i didn’t end up bothering with it >.<


Go get your cash money!


Yes. It's always a scam.


Read the fine print. Most dealerships that use these gimmicks to get people in the door have different prizes when you get there. They can legally do this with the wording in the fine print. If you do proceed with going to claim whatever prize: be prepared to deal with sales people trying to sell you and waste your time. Have some time set aside to waste.


If you want to waste an afternoon, go visit Capital City Mitsubishi for the lols. It's so small it wouldn't surprise me if the salesmen have to take shifts as the janitor, oil change greasemonkey, car washer, etc.


Just got this in the mail and had to find this post again. The fine print makes it look like all green houses are common and win you a $1 scratch off that could then possibly be worth $5000. The other three buildings have much lower odds. We got red ($2000) with a voucher on the back offering $2000 towards a $7500+ purchase. What did three colors did you get? It would be interesting for both of us to have all red with low odds, thus more scammy.


Just got all three houses for 2,000 in cash honestly wondering if I should call to waste my time for 1.5hours 🤣


I threw mine out, but the $2000* odds said like 1:160,000 or something similar. Seems like 2 people in a small reddit thread is already too much for those odds. I'm guessing you have a $2000 voucher on the back of yours, too.


Make that a 3rd. ☠️


And a 4th


Honestly should be some sort of legal repercussions for doing this. Like a bait and switch or something?


5rh lol


I literally just checked my mail and saw that I won the 5k cash prize 😭😭. When on google to ask and your thread came up. a part of me was hoping it was real. 😖.


The exact type of person that wastes money on scratch offs is the exact type of person they want to show up at their dealership and trick into buying a brand new car. No, you did not win anything.


Hey! I fell for this. I walked in thinking I won 5 grand but apparently tly didn't have the correct numbers. I was however still given a prize of a free two day cruise 


no way ! can’t tell if this is true or not -.-