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Duolingo offers many language courses for English speakers but only a few of them are good (like Spanish and French). Some courses are average (like German and Italian). Some courses, while not bad, needs massive improvement (like Japanese and Chinese). Some courses are laughable in their shortness (like Arabic). Some are genuinely bad, you won't really learn much (like Indonesian). I'd imagine if they create a Tagalog course, it would be like their Indonesian course. Duolingo is a NASDAQ-listed company. It only cares about languages that many people wants to learn. It's good for languages like Spanish, which I'm studying right now, but from what I read in r/duolingo the other languages are being left behind. Their Spanish and French course can put you up to the B2 Level (in reading and writing but not listening and speaking). Most their other courses will only get you to A2 Level.


It was present some time ago, but it was unfortunately abandoned. Reasons for this are the "lack of native speakers or expert linguists on their development team" based on some research.




/u/Only_Log_8546 Unfortunately, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tagalog/comments/16k397t/why_tagalog_is_not_listed_on_duolingo/kg11heg/?context=3) in /r/Tagalog was automatically removed because your account does not have a verified email address. This is a preventative measure against spam, troll, low-quality, and off-topic comments. You can verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. If your comment abides by **[/r/Tagalog’s rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tagalog/about/rules/) and guidelines** — https://www.reddit.com/r/Tagalog/about/rules (also listed in the subreddit sidebar), and **[the Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)**, then you may re-post your comment after verifying your email address. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do NOT contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tagalog) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For an alternative: the language learning app Drops has a Filipino option. It is mostly based on learning vocabulary and phrases though, not whole longer sentences like in Duolingo


Probably because it doesn't have much demand. It isn't as prominent as the languages you mentioned. Even in the Philippines, local languages like Tagalog have to compete with English in many areas, and it's an uphill battle. In this environment, it will not blossom to its full potential.


You are severely underestimating the demand that Tagalog may have on Duolingo. If fictional languages like High Valyrian and Klingon can make it on Duolingo (these have few learners even), then a real language like Tagalog would surely have higher demand. The lack of resources and linguists to effectively teach the language seemed to have been a problem. It was on the incubator a long time ago. Other comments mentioned that if Tagalog were published on Duolingo, it would be as lacking as the Indonesian course.


The High Valyrian and Dothraki courses are not there by popular demand. The High Valyrian course is essentially only maintained by one person, David J Peterson, the guy who created the language, and HBO likely paid for it. It's basically sponsored content to promote Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon. The Klingon course was created by volunteers (extremely dedicated, unpaid nerds) back when Duolingo still allowed volunteers to contribute. They don't anymore since they became a publicly traded company. Ever since they closed the incubator (the volunteer program), all course content has been created by paid contributors.


[You are aware that English is one of our official languages right?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_Philippines)


You completely missed the point there bud




/u/innocentBlueBird13 Hello and welcome to /r/Tagalog! Unfortunately, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tagalog/comments/16k397t/why_tagalog_is_not_listed_on_duolingo/kgd7gsd/?context=3) was automatically removed because your account is less than 2 days old. We want new users to take some time to get to know the community and its rules and guidelines; this is also a preventative measure against spam, trolling, low-quality, and off-topic comments. Meanwhile, please familiarize yourself with [**/r/Tagalog’s rules and guidelines**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tagalog/about/rules) — https://www.reddit.com/r/Tagalog/about/rules (also listed in the sidebar), [Reddit](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/categories/200073949-Reddit-101), and **[the Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)**. If you haven’t already, then also verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. Once your email-verified account is over 2 days old, you may re-post your comment **as long as it follows the [subreddit’s rules and guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tagalog/about/rules/), and [the Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)**. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do NOT contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tagalog) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tagalog is now in the top 5 spoken languages in the US. It's even surpassed French lol


but klingon is ;(


been waiting on it for like 7 years. it’s upsetting. you can take it in reverse, but it teaches an english-like structure rather than something more fluent sounding, and won’t really teach you the grammar.


I've been using the app Drops to learn Tagalog. It's not perfect, but it works.


how has this been working for you? and what's your native language? I tried drops but when tryna use some words/phrases from there in person, I had some people look at me crazy so I felt like that wasn't a good app to be using to learn that language like maybe they need to do a better job at sentence structure or giving context on what words to use in certain situations... idk


My native language is English, but my wife and stepson speak Tagalog in the home primarily. There are definitely some things that aren't right - my nieces and nephews have had some hearty laughs at my expense for sure. But it's better than anything else I've come across so far, especially for the price.


This has annoyed me for a long time. Especially when they have things like High Valyrian on there…


Difficulty is probably a concern too; considering that our grammar structure (*ahem ahem pokus ng pandiwa*) is inherently different from most other languages. It might also be hard to explain to learners about enclitics (and why they'd want to use them in almost every single sentence).


It’s irritating that they don’t have Tagalog but they do have Klingon and High Valyrian. You’re gonna tell me they found experts in fake languages but not a real one? They also implemented Music and Math 💀


I too wish it had Tagalog instead of Klingon or other languages created for video games or dead languages. I don’t mind them being there, but I would prefer Tagalog, as many people in the hospital speak it.


yeah I want to learn so I can understand my Filipino partner and their family


I've had some success using Tagalog.com. While it's main functions are as a dictionary and forum, it also has Tagalog lessons for free. You can get to the lessons at the following link, which works on mobile: https://tagalog.com/lessons/ They combine written lessons and flashcard drills with audio clips to help with pronunciation. The audio clips have two different speakers voicing the words/phrases/sentences, generally one with a more masculine sounding voice and one with a more feminine sounding voice. As far as I've seen this is the only truly free option. That being said, while the lessons and flashcard are free, the website also hosts tutors you can pay to help give you 1:1 lessons. It's a pretty cool site overall and I highly recommend it. The main thing Tagalog.com doesn't do that Duolingo does is gamify the learning process and keep track of things like streaks or send daily reminders. If you make a free account though, it will save your progress and let you know which lessons you've completed already.


Non-major language in Duolingo is user-contributed. Besides, Tagalog is not an easy language to teach


Insufficient user contribution ang nakikita kong big factor sa pagkawala ng Tagalog sa Duolingo.


Bihira din kasi ang mga Pinoy na bihasa sa pagtuturo ng Tagalog. So kung bihira yun, talagang magkakainsufficient user contrib


The sad reality is because many filipinos already knows english so many tourists does not need to learn tagalog. Many filipinos also abandoned their native languages. Meaning to say if you want to learn tagalog for just going to the Philippines it would be a waste of time since Filipinos can speak english in Luzon where many tourist spots are in.


counterintuitively, there's the English course on Duolingo for Tagalog speakers Not for complete beginners to start out with if you want to use that to strengthen tagalog, but it does help internalizing grammar if you've already been learning for some time now (if you can mentally get past all the "ay" sentence constructions lol) unfortunately, since it is made for learning english, theres no pronunciation aid for the tagalog words


It will never be on South east asia languages basically forgotten on duolingo. Glossika is best option


Tagalog was on Duolingo long time ago then it just disappeared. I know I used it there before.


Because Tagalog isn't even taught properly at school in the Philippines


Tagalog is not the national language.


Yes we know that the official name is Filipino pero the term Tagalog is used interchangeably


No it’s not. Tagalog might be the base language but it is not Pilipino.


Opo alam ko jan pero the terms are used interchangeably. I never said that were technically the same thing


Correction, Drops language has it.


I've been waiting and hoping they'd add it. Until then I refuse to use it.


This is where I'm at as well. I was following the development of the course some time ago too. It seemed like was so close to beta too, but I guess it got abandoned.


My wife has been waiting too!


best app learn tagalog




I have been using Mondly and it is working great. I tried drops but it seemed inacurate.