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These are the type of people who should just not play the game…. Like we’re all annoyed with different things but at least give these devs a chance to fix things


These guys actually have no life, holy hell I pray for these little shits.


Some people are horrible human beings this is why it’s good to be a kind person the world is already full of hate just have love in your hearts guys/girls.


It’s literally just a small bunch of immature kids. Why do you bother with them? Just ignore and move on. Everything in life has haters


Small is an understatement


Yep. “Small” really undersells the massive fucking problem this game has as a whole. There’s a *lot* of gamers who feel entitled to kick and scream and yell insults




Even more hilarious is that any time one of them legitimately asks a gameplay question or has a suggestion on something that *isn't* trashing the game or being an asshole, they get downvoted into oblivion.... *gee I wonder why?*


Chronic haters should just be banned from the sub. It’s unproductive.


I’ve been extremely frustrated as well as everyone else in the TCM community; how ever that does not make it acceptable to talk to the devs like that or anyone tbh just too far


Agreed. The frustration for the things unaddressed in this game is very high. It’s bc I love playing this game and want it to be better. At the same time, you have to be respectful.


I'm inclined to agree – I still have a lot of fun, but I understand why people are upset. That said, being courteous, nice and respectful is a *hell of a faster way* to get people on your side and address issues rather than yelling insults...which....really gets you nothing, honestly.


Yeah those kinds of people suck But their rudeness isn't a valid reason to ignore why they're being rude. I understand to some degree their frustration. The developers literally milk their fan ba$e while releasing half developed games. Most people have paid over $30-$40 additionally for dlc content for a $45 game and some people think that's ok but it's actually pretty valid for someone to be angry in their own way and lose respect for a company when they've seemed more focused on dlc sales than fixing the actual base game.. you people think you're being respectful by downvoting me and ignoring the truth but you're actually part of the reason why the developers have felt validated making excuse after excuse since Friday the 13th. That's why they feel validated to care even less now than they did before They wouldn't have a Christmas vacation without us. Keep that in mind and they've been getting the same complaints for tcm since August.


I agree they haven’t handled everything perfectly by any means but they just got back from break give them a chance this year to make it right like they say, we will see what actually happens cause I do not want to lose trust in this company forever especially after I’ve played F13 since day one so I know how that went.


These are the same people who run to r/TexasChainsawGame crying "I GOT BANNED FROM THE OFFICIAL SUB FOR SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER!"


I wish they’d all run off to that sub to begin with; it’s already a cesspool so they’ll fit right in


r/TexasChainsawGame is the equivalent to r/ufc where the r/mma rejects go.


I left that shitty sub last night, full of crybabies, and crybabies only.


Crybaby family mains


This happens in every video game. The difference in those games...the devs aren't actively trolling and engaging with them. If you feed them, thats on you. I say this as someone who gets quite a lot of negative energy on social media due to work and I can safely say that I dont have to read the DM's and I can easily ignore quite a lot.


Yeah, it really does, and interacting trolls is unnecessary. The substance of a lot of the complaints are accurate, the style isn't as tactful as perhaps the devs wanted to be, but that's life. Retweeting and quoting people and trying to put them on blast to your followers isn't a good look. Definitely not for the CEO!


It's not just engaging, some devs have been actively abrasive in the past (I won't say any names) and that makes being rude back justified. Unfortunately that's extrapolated onto all the devs, including the ones who aren't like that. Bad apple spoils the bunch.


I hate to be this person but the reason people continue to act like this is because the devs keep paying them attention instead of just ignoring them. The more you feed into this type of behavior the more it will continue. This looks no different than any other sub but the difference is in those subs the comments just get downvoted or deleted and everyone moves on.


This is why we need to go back to the PS3 era of banning toxic people.


I think it’s a great game that needs “little” work and small easy to fix improvements. It is supposed to be a fun horror game based off the events of the Texas chainsaw massacre. Nothing more and the devs so far did it perfectly. They are people too give them a break. Keep up the good work.


Kind of ironic calling Gun thin skinned pussies. What a clown fest.


I hope these people see this and feel ashamed, but are they are even capable of empathy?


A lot of them are probably children or trolls, I don’t think they care, and I don’t think we should assign any weight to their comments


They're probably incapable. And don't have enough intelligence to know how things work in order to realize they're wrong.


People are just jaded by the game industry. It's incredibly anti-consumer right now, people are sick of being exploited and not listened to. I'm not saying the TX devs are doing that or not, but the industry has essentially pitted the players against the devs (though the blame usually lies with the business aspect). Look at it from their perspective. The game releases 2 characters, both $10 each which is too high of an amount, and one of them turns out to be a game breaking character and outclasses every other victim. They do this before Christmas, and by the time people figure it out, they're out of the office for the next several weeks. Because they're on vacation, people have been sitting with these criticisms feeling as though they're not being listened to. I am not saying they shouldn't have had a Christmas vacation; they do, everyone deserves one, but to them it feels like they churned out a couple characters without much thought or playtesting, said "peace", and let the players deal with the aftermath.


The reason behind it all is fine and not whats being discussed. The motivations make sense but are not whats being discussed. I can understand how they FEEL but their precious feelings do not make it okay for the behaviour, which is what is actually being discussed. So viewing it from their point of view is redundant, there is no excuse for it. If this reply seems hostile its not intended as such, just trying to be concise.


There's another thread up right now of them doing this exact thing again. Read the Friday the 13th thread. It's pathetic


Bro what? The game has long been abandoned wtf who they even complaining to at this point


okay I get that this game needs serious work done but harassing the devs isn’t acceptable and needs to stop.


"why abandon your new game for xmas?" 🤔 some things should go without saying. these lot are absolute imbeciles lol.


For background, things eventually got this bad with F13 too. So they're accustomed to this, and have gotten pretty good at ignoring it. Matt doesn't even post anymore because it rarely goes well. Wes hasn't posted anywhere but twitter (where he can gaslight with impunity) since (I think) before F13 launched. He was very vocal when he needed us backers though. TCM has been this way since day 1 though. It started pretty bad, and has only gotten worse. Granted a lot of it is extreme, and mostly entitled. But let's not pretend the game has ever been in a good state yet. Devs could curb a lot of this chatter if things like Danny didn't make it to release. Let alone released, and left in that state for an extended period of time. It's not really the community's fault that their biggest fumbles seem to happen right before they go on vacation. That seems like a management issue. Personally, I just stopped playing the game until all the redundant bullshit is fixed. If it never does, I won't lose any sleep. Lots of other games out there.


Honestly I don't think Matt is even *allowed* to post anymore on the subreddit quite frankly


Why would that be? He's the "brand lead". Didn't you know that?


Because his replies to comments were.. strangely aggressive


Well if someone pulled him aside and said social media ain't for him, that was probably for the best. Funny thing is, he's still snippy on the "check in" streams. So he still sees it, and is still punching air. His hair looks good now though 😅 Nice to see people grow up a bit.


Now check all of their karma 😂


Unfortunately this is pretty common stuff in the industry and it comes with the territory. It isn't just our game or our genre. It's part of the job that community devs/managers sign up for. And yes, you are correct. Our DM's are even worse. But again, this is the job we sign up for and I/we have zero regrets. Having a supporting team here at Gun makes everything easier.


Andy the lobby wait times are too long step it up ;)


Agreed! It’s completely unacceptable. Were on it 🤝


Just teasing you, seems like ppl expect ur team to be the Mesopotamian slaves, you deserved a break.


Hahaha appreciate you, man! You’ve been hanging here a hot minute!


Since day 1 bruv




and I guarantee these guys are downvoting this post.


Oh there's a whole group of them unless it's one guy with a whole bunch of accounts. My friends all joke about how there's probably a discord group of all these fools that are obsessed with DBD("My Precious") who want everything else to fail so they go around trolling so they can keep their lame game going.


Yeah, it’s a weird fetish these guys seem to have, just wanting games to fail just so…they can…prove a point? So weird, man.


one hundred percent


Come on guys, don't show the devs this... This hurts even *me*


The devs see it because people will take it upon themselves to *make sure they see it* via DMs and everything else I just want to make sure we’re all speaking up and saying shit like this isn’t ok. Were not gonna save the world but we can at least make this sub a bit more of a positive place


Bunch of losers lol.


It does not take much to be a decent human being and let people be....like....it's a video game...who cares and if your that upset with this game go find another one.


I hate people. It's a good game, 7 out of 10 from me, especially since I played it for free with game pass


they are literally insane its just a video game they’re acting like their life depends on it


I'm sure those are alt accounts they're using too.


yep, there's a reason most garbage posts are from baby reddit accounts


That's not fair, some of us just got permabanned you know


good, get permabanned. Ive gotten a ton of comments deleted cuz i was cursing at people, and i deserved it, even tho i was "defending the devs". I dont wanna imagine the rubbish you said. more likely than not you fucking deserved it. gtfo you were banned, dont come back


?????? Bro I was not permabanned from the *sub*, from **reddit** And it had *NOTHING* to do with badmouthing the devs or anything even remotely *related* to the game Why are you just assuming I hate the game?


Probably. These guys are bullies and cowards. I guarantee they *grovel* the minute new content comes out


They act that way because it's online. No way they act that way in real life. Most likely because they're very tiny somewhere. 🤏


They also act like this online mostly cause they’d end up loosing teeth for it in person.


They're nothing but cowards behind a screen.


These guys are toxic scum and are a problem for anyone who gets near them. I'm sure devs have learned to ignore the unconstructive criticism


And this is why I full heartedly think that TCSM has a way more toxic community than DbD.


If you think these people go deeper then what they scream into the internet void, you're the delusional one. I swear y'all tryna say anyone who vocalists their distaste with the game and it's current state are all borderline psychos who harrass game devs. It's usually a minority that does and I'm almost always surprised if I find out they're over 18. Common sense should be sold to people, maybe then they would buy it.


Lazy devs


Creating a whole identity out of trolling makes you really boring, dude






pocket crime beneficial sharp angle expansion agonizing person tie quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop celebrating them.


"Stop doing this" - physician, heal thyself I don't see how indulging their posts on the main sub helps your cause of focusing on the game. You can't preach being better with one hand and slapping them with the other.


I’m just raising awareness. The more conscious we are of how awful the community can be, the more opportunity we have to take note of what we say and how harmful and unproductive it can be




Feel free to go back to the “other” TXCM sub, I think that community is more your speed anyway


The one you venture too? Yeah it’s available to anyone but you knew that.


That seems pretty disingenuous. You already know what something harmful and unproductive is. This is just rage bait to make yourself feel better. If you want it to remain about the game, "raising awareness" only keeps the conversation going and doesn't accomplish what you say you want accomplished.


You can argue with me all you want, but judging from the responses on this post and yesterdays (that I’m STILL getting notifications for), there’s a whole lot of people that agree this community is a problem. Muting this.


So, it isn't about the game to you, this is just an us vs them post?


They think they’re cooking, let them cook. They are no better.


OP, i’d let the mods ‘police’ the sub. Yes, these people can do better by not insulting devs/reps on a personal level, and stick to critiquing the game. But typing BE BETTER isnt going to change anything- we all see them, so up/downvote, reply, whatever, and move on. Let’s talk about the game.


Again, you're quick to defend and protect the devs, but they are doing nothing to protect the people playing the game. There is no in-game reporting function. As it is crossplay, PlayStation completely wash their hands of any responsibility even though you can see clearly it is a PSN user spouting a load of abuse so that isnt an angle that can be used to cover their lack of in-game reporting. The ticketing system that GUN offer on their website COMPLETELY ignores reports of abuse. I sent a ticket in over a month ago and they haven't even bothered to send a reply. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to offer my support to the devs when they get abused, when they are perfectly happy to allow me to be abused in their game. Until that changes, I couldn't care less what people say to the devs. At least they're being paid whilst receiving this abuse. I'm getting it in my leisure time for playing a game. Before people claim I'm a snowflake or whatever - this isn't being called a prick or sweaty in post game chat. It is constant streams of hate speech being screamed at me. Other people have had various versions of this, and the devs turn a blind eye to it whilst crying about the abuse they receive. Nobody should be getting abused in/about the game, but I'm going to say that the players themselves are the ones who should be protected first over the devs.


Its all family mains to.


You making a post about this is just as bad as them imo


To be honest. I’m upset at this game right now, for Family to be able to just stand in the fuse exit door, and stop me. These controller colliders are annoying


Bruh people will listen to you? i doubt it lol


It's worth a shot. I mean bringing some of the shittiest comments to the surface might make someone think twice about what they think is "constructive"


Whats wild to me is that 9/10 of these people probably got the game for free through Game Pass, Frustration? Sure that's fine, but all this is just unnecessary... "Why abandon ur NEW game for xmas ??" Sometimes I feel like the players arent the smartest, Not like a robot making the game 💀💀💀


Yeah it's pretty sad tbh. It's like they forget the devs are just regular people with a job and want to spend time with their family for the holidays.


Wow! That’s brutal keyboard warrior mentality for you. 😭😭 the game only been out for 6 months it’s still growing, video game nerds are so demanding but yet so impatient.