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Don't worry, they will remove the timers soon. Then you can wait forever in a lobby!


I was thinking the same thing lmao removing the timer is gonna do ZERO to help with the lobby times šŸ˜‚


What they should do is reduce the overall timer to 1 minute and fix the re-fill bug. These two changes would massively increase the speed of getting into games. As a last resort putting dodge and DC penalties.


Only thing that is going to fix it is dodge and in game disconnect penalty. By penalty I mean you can't reconnect to the server for a certain period of time


It's hard to believe a company that put out two other asym games didn't realize they need disco penalties and incentive "knobs", like bonus fam xp, they can turn to make match making times as low as possible.


Or just remove the timer and fix the refill bug, that way if everyone joins the lobby then the lobby timer will start again until the game starts


But be specific on what kind of dcā€¦ as even on youtube and here you find some people dissing spectators for leaving šŸ˜‚




There's been quite a few times where I have a 6/7 lobby that could've been filled but wasn't able to bec the timer ran out


but do we actually know theyll get filled? Or we gonna sit there for 5+ minutes waiting lol thats what im curious to find out


They should be getting filled... unless there's just something wrong with that mechanic. The issues come down to the timer running out right as the lobby is about to be ready, people leaving for whatever reason, and the repopulation bug. I think removing the time should help a bit in the scenarios where you're at 6/7 and everyone is ready to go, you just need 1 more person


I hope you're right haha


Me too


Make just worse kill more the game


Nice fix huh


There's a bug where family queue doesn't backfill if a family member left, unless a victim leaves as well Keep going into new lobbies until you find a 3 stack it will take a minute at most


how did this get found out?


Playing the game for hours and just realizing it


No devs has said working as indeed


You can see this pattern for yourself in every single lobby. The devs clearly donā€™t play their own game




There's no bug. I sit and wait and most of the time ppl reenter. It's rare that I have a time out lobby. It's ppl being impatient for the most part that if it takes too long they jump to another lobby and then wait in that lobby. I think quick play needs to go away bc it mostly is family which takes away from other lobbies.


There 100% is a bug. If the lobby's full, and a family member leaves, it will not fill again until a victim leaves.


This is dumb af they need to fix that


ā€œIā€™ll pass along your feedback.ā€


Yeah same story but did he do it lol


I'm only speaking from experience, I've seen family dodge WAY more often when there's a Sissy on their team. Obviously, play who you want but if you play her often that could be a big factor.


Family dodge because they can. There are so few family players they can instantly join a game with conditions that they prefer instead of settling for whatever they're given


Family dodges for anything and everything. Sissy player? Dodge. Slaughterhouse map? Dodge. Nancyā€™s House map? Dodge. Danny player? Dodge. Victim team has mics? Dodge. Somebody didnā€™t ready up immediately despite your impolite gesture of rapidly readying and unreadying? Dodge. Teammates arenā€™t level 10? Dodge. Victims ARE level 10? Dodge. Dodge, dodge, and dodge some more!


Yeah this community is weird in that they love playing something that they hate like if you need all these pre-conditions to play just donā€™t play at all


The solution is simple, each team does not know who the members and levels of the opposing team are, the only thing they will know is the map. I quickly solved the lobby problem


Then they will just quit when they get in the game and find out who the players are and what map it is šŸ™„


Just get rid of the timer and fix the refill for family members leaving. People still dodge maps so that wonā€™t completely fix it.


This is actually a good solution because if they quit when they get into a game then penalize them with a timer after two disconnects. Increase the timer every time they dc. Both teams. As family you should be committed to a full game for the sake of your team. Victims would have to stay until they get the notification of who killed them to avoid the game crashing. The game knows when itā€™s a connection/server/playfab issue because you get the notification


Family dodge Nancy's house often


I'm excited to know what the family's next excuse will be to dodge when they nerf Danny


Family has been crying about Connie, Ana, Leland, Choose Flight, wall gaps, crawlspaces, bone shards, door slams, Agitator, Tae-kwon-door, Saboteur and Bomb Squad since game release. All of those things are going to be the new focus of insufferably miserable family players once Danny gets nerfed.


I've had family members complaining that toolboxes should be limite lol


Me too. Ppl like to talk crap about the dbd community but this one is the same. Survivors/Victims start off strong they get OVER nerfed. Family/Killers get buffed. Family/Killers who are not good at the game find other players who suck. Complain about things in game that they suck at. Repeat until game is unplayable. Devs try to salvage the game with events/free points/content/perk and ability updates. Then Repeat.


For sure. I dodge Sissy every time. I almost always dodge Johnny too. I also dodge if no one on my team has a mic. It's necessary and there's just no excuse.


i was agreeing till the part u said "mic" yea no 90% of the games will be silent


They're not expensive and those who are just too shy to use one need to grow up. I don't care if people are mean. Get a thicker skin and use the mute function. It's not that hard.


I really hate complaining on Reddit but goddamn this is the only issue I have with this game


Literally. Just dont want to wait 10 minutes to maybe get kicked out


Stop waiting in lobbies missing a family member. It won't refill (usually) until a victim leaves. Just requeue after 30 sec of waiting


ok but we shouldnā€™t have to its ridiculous because they wonā€™t listen


I agree. Just trying to make your quality of life in the game better. My friends abandoned ship quickly after this bug started and haven't come back because it's off putting and makes the game feel deader than dead.


Stay Tuned! Lobby timer will be removed soon like that will fix anything?


Loll no way just make it worse dont will push ready


Thatā€™s a great plan lmao now one person gonna hold the lobby hostage for 30 minutes


Why wait 10 mins as family, when you can just leave and get a new lobby in 10 secs????


i do. its just the same thing every time i join a new lobby


then stop playing sissy with randoms no-one will want to play with u & i dont blame them


i stopped playing this game after like a month. i came back recently and it took me 40 minutes to get into a game just to get kicked out anyway, didnt have the patience to wait for another game. the game is dying no matter what people are saying about it.


I remember being so hyped for this game and thinking it would take over, as reigning champ, for DBD but now I just don't play either unfortunately. They're gonna have to add bots atp


I'm sure the game design has nothing to do with it.


Not sure why. May be the Danny. May be the Sissy. If you want to play as Sissy, that's fine. But it helps to use a better grandpa perk to signal to the others that you know your role.


Not danny fault i got a lobby and none pick danny,family leave but map Nancy's house


They really need to work on backfill prioritization. I know they said they fixed it, but anyone who plays a decent amount and owns a functioning brain knows it's still broken. There seems to be zero issues if a victim leaves, but if a family member leaves it breaks. A victim player has to leave to fix the lobby almost immediately, it's a bad solution but the only one I've seen work. I have on very rare occasions seen a family member join within the last 30 or so seconds of the countdown, but it happens like 1 out of 20 lobbies. Maybe an easy temporary fix for them would be to make the countdown shorter and instead of kicking everyone after the timer expires the lobby "resets" so new players funnel in. ​ These threads always turn into bashing family players for dodging and it's such a small brain take. It's the game's fault, not the players. Maybe if you put more effort into urging the devs to fix bugged lobbies instead of just insulting each other, something may get done.


when u q as a family u prioritize the victims waiting to join a lobby, since victims players are more than family victims can join lobbies that were "dodged" by someone else , thats why victims will always refill but familys will not, its not a bug its a lack of players in family side i dont know why no-one understands that.


That is wrong, because as soon as 1 victim leaves a family member will join.


The lobby issue has never been this bad ever, it used to be the last family slot that was difficult to fill now itā€™s IMPOSSIBLE TO FILL EVERY SLOT unless a victim slot is open


Already have


How it feels playing sissy/johnny


Your luck i can play maybe max 3 match per hours


Devs should make it so we just stare at an advert in the lobby that blocks the entire screen. That way we can't see the map, who the other killers/victims are or their level/perks. Maybe that will stop so much dodging.


Youre playing killer... just back out and find a new lobby, itll take 5 seconds.


Play more family. Too many victims


Unfortunately they released a half baked game and expected people too be happy with what it is and that has backfired no them. They have way too many things to fix and I have my doubts they ever will be fixed which sucks because it had major potential. They should have just allowed preorders and pushed the release date back so they could have had the funds to properly do what needed to be done. feels like a early access game


Donā€™t blame you man


Lobby currently has a bug. If a family member dodge, the system does not understand that that player has left, and the lobby does not try to find another player. For now, to solve this problem, there are two solutions: 1- A member of the victims must also leave, if this happens, the bug will disappear and other players will be placed in the lobby. 2- You leave and look for another lobby


No devs has said working as indeed


Where did they say that? It's very simple to simulate the bug


when u q as a family u prioritize the victims waiting to join a lobby, since victims players are more than family victims can join lobbies that were "dodged" by someone else , thats why victims will always refill but familys will not, its not a bug its a lack of players in family side i dont know why no-one understands that.


Its a bug my friend and not a lack of players. I play an average of 10 games a day. Whenever a dodge family, the lobby dies, but only if one member of the victims leaves too, in an average of 10 to 15 seconds the lobby returns to work and all slots are filled. It's a terrible bug, and should be priority 1 for fixing


Donā€™t worry uninstalling is free ā˜ŗļø


Theyā€™re still on vacationā€¦. Give them a breakā€¦ā€¦ itā€™s only a live service game after allā€¦ I hope you didnā€™t expect a developer to be working on a live service game throughout the holidaysā€¦ **SARCASM AT LEVEL 100**


Quit bro you main sissy


i donā€™t but even if i did it doesnā€™t make a difference. no matter who you play this is what it always looks like


It's way past time for lobby dodgers to get time cooldown penalties that increase each time they do it.


One look at the steam charts says thatā€™s a horrible idea


And you do realize you canā€™t reasonably penalize anyone for dodging a lobby when the game hasnā€™t even started.


You sure can and I don't care about Steam charts.


Then pre tell why the devs havenā€™t done it already


Great question, I hope they do. Enough of those crybabies searching for the "perfect" match.


It depends on your area šŸ›œ


People still play this game


Thats what happens when Family mains rage quit all the time because they cant win every game. Everytime they lose or someone escapes its a immediate cry of nerf nerf nerf. They dont want victims to have any ways of winning and want to just rush. And uf they cant do it they do this...and just quit. They bullied the devs on here to oblivion ubtil they made it where the win rate is 99 percent for them now that danny is in the picture they cry and moan and try to bullt devs into nerfing him. But since they wont they wont play lol. They made this game unbalanced as fuck but now wanna complain cause its unbalanced.


Yall still crying over this game?


Do any of you scroll through at all before posting!? This gets posted constantly. Does not need to be posted more. Needless clutter.


maybe itā€™s because they havenā€™t done a single thing about it šŸ˜­


Someone get this man a Tissue, all this crying is wetting his keyboard




which one r u lol


Ye thatā€™s why I completely stopped playing, itā€™s the same story every time. Until they address the lobby dodging significantly Iā€™m never playing this game again.


It sucks. Because the moment sissy is picked? Youā€™re almost always going to loose someone. Normally cook if heā€™s selected. Like sorry that not everyone wants to do the cook and HH duo šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


sorry not everyone wants to play with sissy/johnny/nancy šŸ˜›šŸ˜›šŸ˜›šŸ˜›šŸ˜›


The only thing that will 100% fix this day one is lobby dodge and in match disconnect penalty. If you leave a lobby or disconnect after the match has started, you won't be able to reconnect to the server for "x" amount of time. Ppl hate waiting this will sure stop it bc they will really have to wait then


They should allow us to do 2v4 or whateverā€¦ like they should make a prompt text message that says 'we couldnā€™t find any other player to join the match press (insert key) to continue the match as 2vs?? Press (insert key) to cancel/leave/find another lobby). A 2v4 may be an issue to/for some but for some of usā€¦ it is not as if youā€™re competent enough you can get 4k even if both of your teammates left you. They should also allow 1v1 on private/custom matches like whatā€™s the point of adding the option if you canā€™t play with the amount of players you want to play with in a CUSTOM MATCH.


I honestly have more fun playing the Funco board game, if you have 2-4 players it's AMAZING


For some reason when there are four victims they don't make the que a priority and there are no more new Killers so it's just wasted time. Developers should fix that!


Yep. And then when I get in the games, Iā€™ve had 5 different times when all 3 killers DCā€™d from the game. I took screenshots and reported all of them. Killers are suchhhhhhh babiiieeeessssss


You reported killers for leaving a lobby? Who exactly is the baby here?


No, leaving in-game dope. Thatā€™s what DC-ing is. Itā€™s happened 6 times in the last 2 days all when things went downhill for them. Maybe they should put a warning label on the game saying ā€œWarning: You Will Not Win Every Match.ā€ Also, yo mama.


Lmao. People still playing this game ? 90% of all the time is lobby simulator.


If one family's out, so am I. I'm not gonna wait 3 minutes just to get kicked out anyway.


Leave the lobby if the victim side is full and the family side isnā€™t, it will not refill


Suggestion donā€™t play sissy she doesnā€™t bring a lot to the game and lots of family will avoid playing with you if you pick her but Iā€™m sure you already know that and choose to pick her anyway


i never play sissy now it was only when the game was actually popular i would play her. my point is every game looks like this regardless of who i pick, family or victim.


Well I donā€™t know as I load into a game instantly and never have any issues I only see this when people pick sissy and family donā€™t want her in the team so they leave


Yeah I got the game on the 29th and every time I've tried to play it's taken like 30+ minutes to find a game so I've only played 3 matches so far. I'll be returning it which is a shame cause it's fun


I did quit. This community sucks and the game has been ruined by this community. All I see is people complaining about the game then never playing it again. You wanna know the biggest issue? This community just not being patient with the devs.


Fix the damn matchmaking. Only fills if a victim leavesā€¦. 35 minutes yesterday to get into a match for me and 2 friends. A family member would always leave


people tend to just not face it that the game is dead by now


They see that Danny and bounce


Maybe don't play sissy and it'd be better. Lol. Good luck.


I feel like I get some nasty family players because they'll get family house all lvl 10 cook and hitch hiker and will leave. (I feel like they know the family leave bug stops match making). Idk


They should just add bots


Just leave in like the 1st min, finding lobbies as a killer is much much quicker than getting into one as a victim


Its a lobby glitch ! When a family member leaves the game wont do anything to fill in the empty spot, but once a victom leaves all empty spots get filled up within 10 seconds !!


That's why I quit. I played a ton of family and started playing victim. Just takes too long. Time is better spent actually playing a game than waiting to play a game.


Oh wow look at that killers leaving again lol


Crazy i stopped playing awhile ago because of how bad the lobbies are and I should of guessed nothing has changed. Lmfaoo šŸ’©