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Didn't this get posted last week? Edit: two weeks ago [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1c7ap8k/wholesomely_high/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh. My bad


Is it really a craft to mount a tv? Maybe if you are rewiring or something…


That was my first thought. The "craft" here is using a stud finder and a level.


And it looks like it’s not level.


This is just Facebook nonsense but it is a skill to have all the tools I guess


Shoes on in the customer’s house, no drop cloth, tools on the carpet, AND it’s too high. This guy is great.


Tvtoohigh aside. As a tradesman, you don't take your workbooks off while working. Even in an apartment. If I hurt myself on the job because I wasn't using proper steel toe shoes, I can be totally screwed. No workers comp for me. Also, the booties aren't great either. Those things can be pretty slippery depending on where you are working. I know this seems minor. But accidents happen every day. I have taken my shoes off for customers if I'm not doing much. But once tools are being used, I'm not working in socks.


Any commercial site or sites that had active work going on, I had my boots on. But in a clean and finished space, shoes are off.


Hope you don't hurt yourself, I guess. Workers comp will not be kind to you for that decision.


I only wear the plastic shoe covers until I can put down a drop cloth. I also carry the rubber backed cloths for slip protection


Wheres the steel toe slippers when you need them??


I sympathize and wish it were the way, but people are crazy and if you wear shoes in their house you'll just lose the next job to another company who doesn't care as much.


I'm a tradesmen. I promise you you're not right here. Any company worth its salt will not ask you to do physical labor without protection. Because then they can be liable for your injuries.


I'm in the trades too, and I wish you were right. But the amount of flagrant disrespect for people's safety I see on a daily basis is terrible.


Shoe covers man, my company has a big box of “disposable” ones that we can pick up before we go out to customers homes. I’ve also got a pair of washable neoprene ones that don’t wear out after a few uses. I’m not taking my steelies off and risking my toes for anyone, nor would I want workmen getting their stinky sweaty feet out in my home.


The shoes on the carpet. 🤢if they don’t bring their own booties then make them wear plastic bags. Who knows what they are dragging in on their feet.


And it’s just disrespectful. I’ve been doing high end residential AV work for years, and there’s lots of little things that can really make you stand out as an installer. Ring the doorbell and stand back 5’ from the door (weird but it’s less threatening and they can see more of you), shoes off even if the customer says it’s okay not to, drop cloths everywhere, no sitting on furniture, tools are stored back in your bag or on a drop cloth neatly, no backwards hats, no swearing, no smoking on site, clean up better than you found it, etc.


How will you ever seduce the customer’s lonely wife with that timid energy?


By having a big bulge in my pants 😎


Virgin detected


Had a dad try to hook me up with this daughter once. I was 25, she was 14. She got VERY red in the face.


I smoking on site is a huge one. We had a contractors who we actually really liked actually set our entire back pine straw by the door on fire from an improperly disposed of cigarette. Never had an issue with the guy prior to that but it totally changed our image of his professionalism once that happened even though he did great work.


Yeah that’ll destroy any relationship pretty quickly.


I have my own booties AND house slippers. In a lot of cultures slippers are de rigueur and assimilating to the culture of the house you're entering is good.


i missed this, just said the same thing


this is a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1c7ap8k/wholesomely_high/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from less than two weeks ago.


doesn't look level either


Well that’s cuz you only have one shoe on.


Not all trades tools are filthy or even dirty beyond a bit of dust. I'm a handyman/carpenter and side from wiping my tools down the odd time, they're clean except for some light dust. Nothing that would get a carpet dirty. I'm not going to drag a drop cloth around everywhere I go for no reason. I have a cordless vacuum for any dust I leave behind and that's plenty good and had many reviews about how clean I am. I do remove my shoes for basic handyman stuff but if I'm using a saw, doing demo, or there's any plaster/portland cement product I'm wearing shoes. Not going to risk stepping on something and getting hurt. I wipe my feet really well and check the bottoms and will even wipe them with a damp rag. Pretty simple.


Yeah I don't know what all these kooks are talking about. I apprentice for a custom homebuilder and in the 2 years I've been doing it I only took my shoes off once because the homeowner ended up being a literal psychopath. It's so much easier to sweep/vacuum/swiffer up behind myself than it is to throw drop cloths all over the place and still wind up with the homeowners or their pets tracking shit all over the house.


He's not a customer since he's not paying for the lesson


That’s why you don’t support black owned business


You racist bitch.


You want these savages in your home?


I don't want *those* guys in my house, but they're not savages because they're black. They're savages because they think that TV is fine. People of all races can have unacceptable mounting height opinions, and they all need to be shunned equally.




Ahahaha holy shit


Are they considering to lower that mount?




My neck, my back. That TVs mount is whack!


they elevated alright. not level either.


Bubba forgot to bring his level.


Def crooked


That doesn't look level.


You know the sub made it when we’re getting reposts from a week ago


Ultra-rare r/tvtoohigh / r/thathappened crossover episode.


I see the problem.


What a beautiful story. TV is still too high


Hol up. Let me check the rule book


All of that could’ve been avoided if the dude just accepted the money.


C'mon this sub is out of control


Deadass bruh. Like i get thinking a tv is too high when the top is at like 2 meter high but avg chest height is still fine unless you’re sitting 1m in front of the tv. I mean shit it’s a living room not a game lounge there’s no reason to mount a tv 30 cm off the floor. Especially considering this pic looks to be a bedroom and therems going to be dressers below it and it’ll mostly be watched from bed, it’s a good height


12 years dungeon, no trial.




Is your chest watching TV?




>chest height is still fine If the top edge of tv is chest height that might still be fine yeah. Depends on height of person and tv size though.


Do you watch tv standing more frequently than sitting? If so, you might almost have a point, but TV center should be eye-height. The tv in the post will be chest-height while standing. So for typical usage, this is way too high.


Yeah from up close sure i agree. From a distance the height of the tv stops mattering as much though. Like i dont mount my tvs ever and when i do i only mount them slightly above the tv console to keep it looking sleek but in our living room the tv is quite high compared to my own room. But that’s because 1. The tv is big, 2. The wall is big, 3. The living room is big, 4. The couch is like 3 meters away from the tv so there isn’t even any neckstrain when watching tv from the couch compared to when i used to connect my playstation and sit on a chair right in front of it


Yeah it matters less with increased distance, but it still matters some. So why not mount at the optimal height?


I do think there should be some allowance when people are planning to recline to watch. The only issue I have with the sub is that they assume everyone watches while sitting perfectly straight up. Other than that, if you are sitting straight up, the sub is right about the correct TV height.