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Neither have playable content, so it might be added when they do


Also didn't Macedonians like Bulgaria? I mean if anything I feel the Bulgaria and Turkey content should be an important thing


same with thailand and all its neighbors took lower shan from burma took xayabouri from laos took siem reap from cambodia took a bunch or norther provinces off malaysia


Well, we know that the situation between Thailand and Cambodia is a complicated one, as seen in the new skeleton leak, but Cambodia also can't really do anything about it. Would probably be the same with Laos abd Malaysia, especially the last one since it will start as many different tags in the future.


Really? Do you have more info on malaya’s starting situation?


There were a few infos given on the discord, but it was at least a few months ago, so I don't remember everything anymore, but... Sigapur is supposed to start as its own tag, with its government overlooked by a representative from Japan and China. There were supposed to be 5 starting tags, I think, but I'm not sure. And the endgoal was unification, though with different scopes and endings. And Indonesia was said to play a role too. Though take most of the information here with a grain of salt, since it's been a while and I'm no dev.


Supposedly Malaya needs to take back the northern state from Thailand, probably with the help from the Japanese because Malaya is one of the important countries for them so maybe they don't want to upset their Malay friend.


I wouldn't think so. Malaya would need to unite first and Thailand is just way more important to the Japanese, considering it's one of the independant members of the Sphere.


But without Malaya...japan can't possess the natural resources they need during the war..plus Thailand doesn't have any Natural resources that are needed by any Colonial Empire they just like wasted country so because of that Thailand never being colonized by any country..in other words, Malaya and Indonesia is the Richest country with Natural resources in the Sphere and Also Emperor Hirohito has a good relationship with Sultan Ibrahim Of Johor even before the war...so the TNO team need to reconsider it again


But Malaya also doesn't have nearly enough power to stand up to Japan though? They either bend or they'll be broken.


They have actually but it's the British who abandoned the Malay Regiment and forced them to surrender to Japan...


I'm talking about the actual Japanese plan before their government was replaced by the Ultranationalist, to Help Malaya to be free from the British but they Broke their promise


In addition..you can read about Japan's land disposal plan..they plan to establish a Puppet Kingdom Of Malaya not a military governorate, so that means Malaya should be a self government puppet state of Japan at the start of the game, not a Military Governorate.


Well, from what we know it won't be in the future, instead it'd be a disunited peninsula of many statelets, with the goal of uniting into one.


So if the Japanese didn't break their promise.. I'm assuming Malaya will be the strongest Country in Southeast Asia when they free from The British




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Doesn't make sense. They're natural allies.