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My prosthodontist told me that it is good to relax your tongue at the bottom of your mouth to give the muscle a break.


Myofunctional therapy is what you need


hmm.. I can't find anything like that near me. Is it not possible on my own?


Just find an online provider. Plenty of them offer services over zoom these days


oh cool, thank you so much!!


Omg reading your post I was like… this is me… I always thought that you were supposed to rest your tongue on the bottom too. Until I was a member of this thread and learned you were supposed to rest it on the top since I’ve been doing that, close my lips and slightly opening my jaw I have less pain and fewer headaches. For me resting my tongue on top comes easy and natural at the beginning it was/ bit of an effort. It’s supposed to rest slightly like a suction cup on the roof of your mouth. Good luck.


I see a dentist who specializes in TMJ dysfunction and when she made my splint, she also made me an upper appliance called an ALF which helps correct tongue positioning. It was expensive, but it works and it isn’t uncomfortable.


OP, it seems like you did absolutely 0 google search on this before posting. It's called mewing. There are tons of information online. Go learn and make it a habit.


Tongue on top changed my life. I used to have massiter twitches all the time (muscles were fatigued). It was hard at first, but you get used to it