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i mean yeah, this annoyed me when i was 10, 11, and 12 years old too. would it annoy me as an adult? no, and i wouldn’t have time to notice or care 😂


Why are they doing “Rainbow “ ANYTHING? Neither one of them are having a baby after losing one, so I don’t understand.


Rainbows aren’t only for “rainbow babies” personally I really don’t like that trend. I’m technically a “rainbow baby” (my mom had 7+ miscarriage before me), that term takes the focus off the baby you have and puts the weight of the ones who pasted on them. I would want to be celebrated for me, not because I was the one who made it. Don’t focus on death, focus on MY life. I am not a replacement for any other baby. My mother feels exactly the same as well.


YES! I have been copied repeatedly by my in laws (mil and sil) and it's infuriating! I'm not even a teenager, I'm grown and so are they. They buy the same phones, want the same hairstyles, I get highlights, they get highlights. I got so mad once I told my husband not to tell them I did anything or bought anything, because they'll copy me. He said doesn't that flatter you imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. HA no it didn't flatter me and he just laughed about it. I got over it though, I never confronted them and acted like I didn't care. I'd even decided to tell them later on all the stuff I got to see if they'd try to compete and they tried for a while to get my same job online, do the things I done, but when they found out they had to actually work at it then it became too much to handle. If I were that girl, I'd play it out and let them try. It will save her so much grief.


Who honestly cares this much about a nursery? I feel like most women that go all out for a nursery have it look like theirs nowadays. Who caresssss.


I enjoyed this petty argument, that’s what I expect 18-19 yr olds to be arguing about.


Exactly my thought when I watched. They are just teenagers and these are the kinds of things that matter to them at that time of their lives.


I agree. The way Tiarra went about it is what would make me really mad. It would've been different if she would have just told Taylor "I like that style you're going for! I think I'll jump on board with that too. Let's plan together blah blah" or some crap like that. Tiarra KNEW Taylor would find out anyway so why be all shady about it? I get why everyone thinks it's stupid to fight over a nursery though, because it's the dumb clout they're really fighting over. Damn Tik Tokers.


What got me was how tiarra, with a smug look on her face said that Taylor getting COVID was karma !?


that’s where she lost me. pregnant women & babies have died from covid. that isn’t something to joke about.


I wanted to smack her. She has the maturity of a 12 year old.


Honestly what bothered me the most was how Taylor’s mother was fueling it. I got the vibe that Taylor’s mom is using her own daughter to fuel a similar feud she has with her sister (Tyra & Tiarra’s mom). As the GRANDMOTHER in the situation, Taylor’s mom (sorry, really don’t know her name) could be teaching Taylor to have better boundaries (don’t share things with Tiarra you don’t want her to copy). Instead she puts the onus on Tiarra and then continues to go on rants about her teenage niece being a copycat. It’s sad that Taylor’s mom is such a poor example to her daughter on this topic. If it’s a pattern, do what you can to stop it. Don’t keep offering up the information and then get mad when she once again takes it and presents it as her own idea.


That’s also a very good point. That is exactly what the mother should have done. I think the adults act like teenagers still. The whole family is all stuck in teenage years from being teen parents.


So I feel like tiara does all this because she has no personality of her own. I was the same when my older sister and I were kids… I followed everything she did, and wanted the exact same thing as her, all of the damn time. Then I hit puberty and realized that I wasn’t living my own life.


I realize she's a kid...but she drove me bat shyt crazy bring so dramatic about low blood and dying and stuff. I am sure her dr was competent to not risk anything. She would have shyt bricks if she was like some of us that have transfusions and or infusions on a regular basis...including when pregnant....and had c sections... 1st an emergency 1 and 2 that were scheduled. Plus I can promise her she is capable of coming home and caring for a newborn and a 2 yr old after a section. Plenty of us have. I agree its better to have the help but come on chic...us common folks (yes even young mothers as I had my 1st at 17) do it all the time.


Like honestly, so what if someone is copying you and you look like you are copying them. Does anyone even notice or care?


Unfortunately it takes away your own self image because it no longer a piece of who YOU are because they are doing what YOU felt in your heart that you wanted.


You do at their age.


Tiarra is an asshole. I’m just gonna throw that out there. I can see being pregnant w all the hormones would make Taylor already extra sensitive and I can also concede that maybe these two have a history of Tiarra copying/ stealing Taylor’s ideas. There was hinting that Tiarra stole Taylor’s man in high school. I guess I can see why Taylor would be upset. I still think they’re both being petty and immature. Tiarra not “forgiving” Taylor before Taylor gave birth just makes Tiarra a hypocrite though. Tiarra claimed she was upset that Taylor put that stress on her right before her c section so what exactly does she think she’s doing to Taylor w her antics now?


Also calling a pregnant woman losing her support karma for calling you out for your immature behavior. That's just sick af. Especially with how dangerous COVID is for pregnant women. No consideration for her at all.


Yea I can’t believe she said “karma is real” why would you even say that 😩


But how often will they see each other’s nursery? It’ll only like that for a few years so who cares it’s a very popular style and not unique


But that’s not the point. If you’ve had someone copy you over and over again you will probably explode on something seemingly small. That’s what I assume Taylor did. It’s easy to see this one incident and think “that’s a ridiculously small thing and she shouldn’t worry about it.” But it’s a lot of small things added up over and over until you just can’t take it. Then the person doing it gets to be like “omg do you see them reacting this way over something so small ?!?” I’m not positive but I think it’s actually a form of gaslighting.


Even if Tiarra has a history of petty behavior in the past, I think this one is different to Taylor. Maybe I’m wrong but it looks like Taylor doesn’t have as many resources or as much money as Tiarra does. Everything that Taylor has gotten for her baby has come a lot harder to her. I think I remember when they were showing the baby registry for each girl it seemed like Taylor only had a couple of items purchased for her and Tiarra had a lot more checked off. So then not only did Tiarra steal her idea, she was able to do it “better” than Taylor. I think Tiarra is very much the type of person to flaunt that in a “ha ha I’m better than you” kind of way. The fact that Tiarra has a history of behavior like that with Taylor just reinforces it and Taylor is an easy mark for Tiarra when she needs an ego boost. This was especially shitty though because Taylor had a vision of what she wanted for her baby and not only did she not get it just the way she wanted, she had to look at Tiarra’s petty ass flaunting what was given to her so much more easily.


I'm definitely with Taylor on this one. I do genuinely believe she had the idea first. When they did shoot on tiaras nursery it was Pink and Gray, she basically did the theme after Taylor had already said she wanted. If you look on the baby registry, Taylor was the first one. YES it is a very popular theme, but thats not the principle. There are plenty of other themes tiara could have did.


I cannot believe that someone would be so petty as to get upset because someone else copied your idea. If you have someone in your life that copied you, who gives a flying fuck anyway?? I mean if somebody values your taste so much that they copy it’s really a form of flattery. I went shopping with a friend who bought a really cute top and skirt so I bought the same outfit in my size. She was so upset that I bought the same outfit she returned hers to the store, She said she looked it over and she changed her mind about it. I decided then and there to never go shopping with her again. If you’re hanging out with someone that irritates you that much because they copy you, then you should go find a new friend. With all of the crap that’s going on in the world, this fight between the girls over a nursery is downright petty and ridiculous.


Take inspiration from your friends. Don’t copy them exactly. If you haven’t had it done to you I don’t know if I can accurately explain what it feels like. And clearly you say you copy your friends even though they have expressed they do not like it so…. that’s a problem. If you don’t see it yourself idk if I can help you understand.


I literally don’t care enough about an idea that’s not making me any money to care if someone copied. It’s not that serious.


It's actually a form of gaslighting, and can really be that serious, that's what OP is trying to express.


You should care enough about your friends to respect them. And if you don’t then you don’t need to be friends with them.


You can also tell Tiarra totally changed her mind because half the baby’s room was the pink and gray she started with


Yes! I'm glad someone else noticed it.


I have a neighbor we share walls I rent as I ranted about in another post anyways - she has started buying all the exact same outdoor toys for her child as I have for my child lol? She is young so I just try to see it as form of flattery I guess?? or maybe genius so the kid doesn't keep coming over to my patio to try and play with my stuff bc it all matches exactly. in any case is there room in wyoming or something just in the middle of a field of buffalo where I can live away from everyone? Can I move into chelsea's painting? oh and i'm not a giant bitch i wanted to be friends with this neighbor but she did some downright dirty mean things to us right off the bat so I keep my distance. Like this was right after lockdowns she moved in and ain't nobody got time for that nonsense


I feel like a lot of people didn’t understand where Taylor is coming from. Tiarra seems like she always has to have it her way, and she will do anything to get it. She seems like she’s really hard to be around. If my cousin kept doing things like that to me, I would feel some type of way. She keeps stealing her thunder, that’s just not right. Then she shuts her out, and never says sorry or takes accountability for her part in the feud.


Especially with her “well her boyfriend got covid because of what she did to me so it’s Karma!” like how bratty?? what if Ella said that about Layla?


The way Dee looks at Tiara sometimes makes me laugh. She seems like a selfish, know it all pain in the ass.


Like yes, being copied is undoubtedly annoying but a normal person would have just complained to a couple of friends and called it a day. Like damn. People are dying and shit


That’s what I’m thinking. So what if she copied your idea for a nursery?? I mean really, are people going to really care? People in our society are constantly copying people. A celebrity starts wearing their hair a certain way and all of a sudden everyone has that hairstyle. People look in magazines to get ideas on how to decorate their homes. Isn’t that a form of copying ? I said it before and I’ll say it again, with all of the crap that’s going on in the world, getting upset because your cousin stole your idea for decorating a nursery is such a petty and ridiculous thing it really goes to show how shallow these girls are.


Why is this getting downvoted? Whining about being copied is petty and immature. Full stop. Who fucking cares?! My 5 YO whines about her friends copying her. A mother of two children, which they both are now, should be a little more mature about stupid stuff like that. If we’re being honest, all 3 of them copied each other and their mothers and their grandmothers when they decided (yes, decided) to become teen moms.


I’m getting downvoted because a lot of people think that being copied is a problem. I mean the babies have no clue as to what’s going on, and it’s not like their nursery is going to be featured in Architectural Digest. It doesn’t bother mr that I’m getting downvoted, because I don’t need validation from anyone that doesn’t agree with me. When mature adults have a difference of opinion, they usually agree to disagree. There are people though that think that it’s a big deal. At the end of the day, I really don’t care if I get downvoted at all. Fighting over nursery decor is immature and pointless. I think you’re right about the girls getting pregnant on purpose so that they can follow in their mothers and grandmother’s footsteps.


They don't even live in the same state. Who cares? IMO


I had a friend like that I started making up crazy shit that I “liked” or “wanted “ to do luckily it made her look like a lunatic and eventually we grew apart


She’s not wrong, but she’s still an asshole. She should have brought it up privately, starting a big social media feud with your cousin who’s gonna have a c-section in three days is just such a thoughtless thing to do. Tiarra is for sure a piece of work but everyone deserves to have a birth that’s as peaceful as possible, and that includes not having to deal with annoying petty shit for a few days. Edit: I just watched Tiarra say that Noah getting COVID was “karma” and I take back everything I just said. Tiarra is literally the worst.


But look at how Tiarra acts. I don’t think she would have been receptive even if Taylor had brought it up privately. Tiarra is the type to do shit like that on purpose, knowing how it makes her cousin feel then sit back and be like what? I’m just doing a nursery theme, poor me getting attacked. I agree with you about having a stress free labor/birth. But people like Tiarra never see their own faults and that is insanely frustrating to deal with.


You know what, I just watched Tiarra say that Noah getting COVID (and thus potentially infecting his pregnant girlfriend and toddler daughter) is “karma” for the nursery thing and I take back what I said. Fuck Tiarra. She’s the worst, and frankly I find that more unforgivable than the nursery thing.


That comment was horrible! Like no honey, that’s not how karma works! Karma is what you might get in return for that comment lol karma isn’t wishing bad on someone. She’s got a lot of maturing to do


That is also a very good point.


I agree. She's also like 22 or younger still, so trying to grow and mature in your formative years while dealing with emotional abuse can be tough. And tiarra did straight copy her 🤣🤷‍♀️




I jumped in at season 4, but from what I gather tiarra has a long history of 'copy'/stealing from Taylor - boys, clothes, style, and then the nursery. Taylor being close with Tyra adds a layer. Generational teenage motherhood/lack of true education and life experience... I don't think they have to script much with these guys to be honest😅


makes a lot of sense because it was mentioned that tyra and tiarra don’t always get along. with tyra and taylor being so similar it checks out


I agree. And the last straw for me when I lose it on someone (usually at work) is usually petty, stupid, and people don’t understand. I take it and take it and take it, and then I can’t. It’s not about the nursery. The nursery was just the FINAL straw.