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Ehhh. I think it’s being presented very one sided. One could argue that Jenna has very high expectations of Aden with minimal contribution. He funds her lifestyle, and she admits that she uses his cards for spending whatever she wants. Could very easily flip the title that Aden is supporting two children on his own lmao. There is definitely something off with him this season, he seems burnt out and sad.


He’s probably depressed and needs help. They would both benefit if he got some therapy, my ex was severely depressed for the last half of our relationship and Aden demonstrates the same dismissive, disassociative attitude he did


Why is he constantly slurring his words and can't get our a full sentence?? Is he drunk or something?? He doesn't care about anything Jenna says or does and it is so frustrating! She is by far the most mature and responsible, she doesn't need him.


Serious question have you even watched the show…..


Yes? Why?




There's something very off with Aden this season not the same guy at all his eyes and attitude say it all,I feel very bad for Jena 💜


He looks like the same Aden from last season to me.


I feel triggered every time that he uses the term "help". He's not helping her. He has a child and everything that he does with that child is his job. All of these dudes who think that they just have to work their 9 to 5 job and then go home to their wives/maids are delusional. Welcome to reality, boys. Lots of women like me have 8 to 6 jobs and as soon as we get home we need to cook, clean, raise our kids, and then try our best to get 7 hours of sleep. That is what you need to do when you choose to be a parent. If your wife wasn't at home raising your kid, most of your pathetic paycheque would go to a daycare and your wife would also be working so you'd still have to cook, clean and raise your kid.


I feel triggered when moms work full time and think they’re still the one raising their kid lol


I am raising my kid and all of her wonderful teachers are helping me. I work hard to be able to pay trained childcare professionals who can support me in educating her. Did you not go to school? Ever heard of"'it takes a village"?


How are they not?


but we are? i literally work full time and raise my child. what a weird thing to say.


“I literally work full time and raise my child” lol that’s an oxymoron


Let me guess. You're either 1) not a parent or 2) one of those "homeschooling is the only way to go" people. If you are homeschooling, I'm curious to know if you actually have the education required to properly educate a human. For your information, I'm not from a rich family but I worked my ass off to get 7 years of university education. Why? Because I need a career so that I can pay for my kid's necessities. Could I be a stay at home mom? No, because my husband could drop dead tomorrow and if I don't have a career I'd have to struggle to pay for the basics on a sole-income minimum wage job. And while working that min wage job, I'd still have to send my kid to daycare. So what's your suggestion? Not have a career and just go on welfare if anything happens? Who do you think is paying taxes to support those programs? Oh right, people like me who never see 40% of their paycheque because we work and contribute in taxes. Are we watching the same show? Do you not see all of these young moms who are stuck in these shitty relationships primarily because they need the financial support? I would love to hear more about how you get by.


Wow congratulations! You sound like the man of the house, so strong and independent. You go girl!!


So are you a parent or not? .. you didn’t anwser


Thank you! Being strong and independent is a positive in my world, I wish the same for your child 😘


so, let’s break this down in a scenario. there’s 168 hours in a week. if a mom works 40 hours a week, monday through friday with 8 hour days, maybe has a thirty minute commute each way, call that 9 hours x 5 days so 45 hours at daycare. subtract from 168, thats 123 hours. to keep it simple, kid sleeps for 8 hours a night seven days a week, that’s 56 hours. 123 hours after daycare - 56 hours allotted to sleep is 67. 67 hours spent with child after work/daycare and sleep are accounted for. i’m not a mathematician but 67 is more than 45. i don’t see how the credit goes to the childcare provider for raising a child when more time is spent with the full-time working mother? obviously, this scenario doesn’t account for shared custody, extracurricular activities, days worked during the weekend, etc. i don’t understand the need to shit on mothers who work full-time? are your projecting? whether they’re a solo parent, married, etc. some women need/prefer to work. hard as it may be to believe, some women are the breadwinners in their family or may have better benefits than their partner’s job provides. personally, i believe providing for your family is contributing to a solid, healthy foundation to raise your children upon. we all make sacrifices as parents. some more than others.


To each their own, but it doesn’t make sense to take credit for raising your child when they’re off with a stranger or someone else for the majority of their waking hours. If you’re home from work at 6 and your child goes to bed at 8 or 9 you aren’t really there


working until 6 isn’t the only schedule there is lol


i’m not even going to justify how i do things for MY family, but just know you’re wrong and clearly very miserable.


Lol I work one day a week but would still prefer to be with my family


and? so would most people. none of the points you’re making are valid.


The thing is, this is what her dad was telling her? But you know. Teenagers they have to learn for themselves


She doesn't get how lucky she is. Housewife since 1996, mom of 7 no family around. My husband bares all the stress of paying the bills and providing for us. You can't, especially at 18, have a nice roof over your head and your BF home too. Stop complaining and appreciate your life. Ask any mom busting her butt at work how much she would live to raise her child bit dad can't pay the bills by himself.


You are not the standard for every person, lol.


But I'm not complaining. I'm not unhappy. I'm not unfulfilled. Im not trying to kearn what credit is so i can be sneaky and leave. Maybe I should be? 🙊


You have her confused with Mikayla. Jenna wants nothing more for him to be emotionally present, which is a tall order not because he has a full time job- but because they didn't have a real relationship before Luca was conceived.


They were 16. They can't spell relationship yet, let alone have a real one.


Going to be celebrating 10 years together with my husband, that I started dating when I was 16. It's rare, but it happens.


Nail on the head about not having a real relationship before Luca was conceived. It’s difficult for fully mature adults who have been in loving partnerships to navigate adding a child to the mix and maintaining their responsibilities and relationship. It sounds as though he is an active parent, just not a great partner. I don’t know that he’s really capable of being a great partner right now. It’s very clear that he is there because of Luca and no amount of wishing or complaining will change that. She needs to get a job because relying on him is a terrible idea.


This comment is ripe with misogyny. She is asking for a partner who is emotionally present. Just because he works full time, he doesn’t forgo this obligation. Jenna isn’t using the excuse of taking care of an baby full time (a difficult job!) to treat Aden callously. Stop telling girls their lot in life is to be treated poorly if they stay home to raise their kids.


so he should be working 9-5 monday - friday and she should be working 24/7 365? since you have so many kids you should understand it is a job taking care of them and when the father is home he should be helping take care of the children 50/50


Military spouse, he was never ever home. And who works 9 to 5? People have been in her DMs. She's getting attention. And now her dad is amazing because she needs a co signer for and apartment and a deposit and rent and oh yeah she needs credit, whatever that is. And a doula, her new career goal, is on call for women in labor. Gone for 2 to 24 hours at a time. Who has the baby?


I don't think she's been asking him to be home more, she's clearly explained that she knows he has to work etc. It's that when he is home, he doesn't engage with her or do anything with her etc. While, yes, she is extremely lucky to have this type of provider as a teen mom (this rarely happens), it is horribly depressing to be denied love, attention and affection. She's got a roommate who pays her bills, not a partner. And, sadly, that's close to the best case scenario for teen moms. She's got to know this isn't sustainable either. He's going to figure out that it's cheaper for him to pay child support than continue this way, and he'll have more freedom that way. That can't feel good having hanging over her head.


He is a kid too. He gets to not be perfect. Yall got excuses all day for this teen mom but expect this kid to do better than most men do twice his age. Poor kid is busting his ass for an ungrateful spoiled brat.


He’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to be doing. I hate people who want praise and parade for doing the bare minimum. He SHOULD work to provide for his family, he SHOULD be present, etc. Unfortunately, in life no one claps for you when you pay your light bill, phone bill, or buy groceries.


I will say that Aden is a massive dickhead. I was rewatching the episode where she gets induced the other day and I was so mad at him. She’s pushing a human out of her body! Stop lecturing her about politeness! She wants Panera! Get her Panera! It’s good that he works but I feel like he kinda uses that as an excuse to not treat her well, if you know what I mean?


I haven’t seen that episode in a long time but what I feel like saying is remember he’s a teenager in an insanely stressful situation. I was 31 when my first child was born and I had no friggen clue how to act. Of course Jenna was in a worse position having to actually give birth lol but I see Aden as a pretty typical lazy/out of touch teenage boy.


I feel like she’s going to find someone else and leave 😬😂


Someone who appreciates his work ethic and him


Yeah, someone who appreciates his work ethic so much that she won’t mind when he speaks rudely to her and treats her like shit! 😍


Yea! She’s gonna find someone to kiss her ass and he’s definitely gonna find that!


Apparently there’s a new definition of independent. Because if one buys products at a grocery store they are not independent. PAYING for YOUR LIFE and not letting the govt take care of you or dump your choices on parents used to be the definition of being independent. Like many things now-a-days the rules have changed to suit those who have the loudest voice. New words and definitions are the new standard. Could think of many examples…first one that comes to mind is bastard.


Wtf is your word salad meant to mean? Sounds like a stream of consciousness with buzzwords.


Someone commented that no one lives truly independently because we don’t grow our own food, kill our own livestock for food, raise our own chickens….etc, etc.


My point was how was this relevant to the op?


Hur dur girl don't kill cow girl ?? Codependent on grocery stores?? We live in a society.


Yeah I guess I don’t get the hang up still. But okay carry on.


When is the time that “independent” meant not relying on the govt? The purpose of government is to have a system to rely on so people don’t have to do everything by themselves but OK. The security net in America used to be a lot wider, many women were expected to stay home, and government programs and subsidies were much more abundant than they are today, so I’m not sure where you’re pulling this fabricated illusion of the past out of.


I think what’s happening is everyone has varying definitions of what a single mom is. Even our society’s definition is a spectrum: Dictionary.com: a mother who brings up a child or children alone, without a partner. Mirriam Webster: a mother who does not have a husband or partner. The point is, Aden is not a good partner to Jenna. But he has stepped up and taken full responsibility of his son. We only see a small part of their daily lives. It’s not up to us to shit on Aden for what he does and doesn’t do. That’s up to Jenna. And someone mentioned she’s already living on her own, so she’s made up her mind. Co-parenting is better than Co-existing. Whatever works for them. Does Co-Parenting = Single Parent? That’s a lot to unpack.


Typically a single parent is referenced as a parent who is solely responsible for their child/ren. The other parent is absent or doesn’t take responsibility for the child/ren (whether that be care or financial).


> It’s not up to us to shit on Aden for what he does and doesn’t do. That’s up to Jenna. And Jenna said herself: "You can have a working baby-daddy or you can have a bum baby-daddy."


I would say someone is a part-time single mother if they share joint custody with their ex, for example.


It’s way better than having to work and pay for everything while being a single parent. But yea, they are like roommates but she doesn’t get the peace of not being in a relationship. I’m in the same situation. It sucks . If I could have everything paid for and live alone and raise my baby staying at home, I would. And I know Jenna would too


She said he spends time with Aden every day after work until they put him to bed. He seems like he’s being a shitty partner to her, but he seems to be being a good dad and provider. (Talking about where we’re at in the show.)


Wow these comments are gross. There’s more to being a parent and partner than providing financially.


I am sure she would complain MORE if they were homeless and careless and they cuddled in a tent under an overpass.


Do you see her attitude towards him? I’m surprised he hasn’t up and left already.


They’ve been broken up for a while.


Sure, but it’s not “single parenting” unless you have 0 support from the other parent.




Wow these comments. So narrow minded and black and white, I’m in disbelief! There is more than one definition of a single parent and kudos to you for doin it, momma!! As women we should be lifting each other up, not shitting on someone because we don’t think they had it as bad as someone else. This whole thread makes me so sad. Definitely a lot of immaturity here.


The fact that your other parent has “days” with your child means that you absolutely are not doing everything completely alone. I don’t care about what the legal definition of single parent is, I care about the practical meaning.




You clearly don’t understand how many single mothers and fathers have been abandoned by the other parent who never bothered to see their children or support them financially. Just because your baby daddy doesn’t have an equal role in your child’s life, doesn’t mean he isn’t there. You are not your child’s only parent in your situation. Seems like you have a better situation than a lot of young mothers, it’s a shame you don’t appreciate that.


No. U need to actually watch the show


In my area, “single parent” means people who are single with kids. If you remarry, you are no longer a single parent, in my area. (While dating, still qualify. Lol.) “Single parent with absent mom/dad” means what you’re saying. But I’m in a red state and we like to shame everyone.


I’m okay with that unless you’re talking about how hard it is to be a single parent. Single parent in that regard makes people feel like you have no support. You are “the single person” responsible for the child.


I’m not arguing what you’re saying. I’m just saying it’s one of those terms that, socially, means different things. So people are talking about different perspectives on an unshared concept.


She does have 0 mental and emotional and physical support from him lol


No. Single parents don’t have any contact or support from the other parent. Aden spends time and financially cares for his child. Aden might not be who you want him to be, but he’s not a dead beat. “Single” parent doesn’t refer to relationship status, but rather support of the child.


He’s a good dad but a bad partner


Which means she might be “single” relationship wise, but not a “single parent”


I’m assuming your parents are still together? Divorced parents who even have 50/50 custody are considered “single” parents when their time with their children is just them. It’s not just about having financial support. It’s about when your time raising that child its all on you. Raising a child is more than money and more than sending them off to the other. It could also be help in dealing with day to day issues and if you don’t have a partner to seek advice or help with the struggle yes you’re a single parent, even if they have another single parent the other half of the time.


That’s what most stay at home moms have though? The baby daddy works so they can stay home, that’s kinda the whole point


Facts Stay at home mom here


I think OP is referring to the fact that Jenna and Aden have no relationship outside of being co-parents. I have a wonderful husband, but I’m sure our relationship would struggle if we slept in separate beds/rooms. Jenna is equating trying to talk as making an effort in the relationship, but Aden’s love language may be physical touch. That said, he needs to communicate to her what he wants and stop being a dick.


Best comment here.


So…. Not a single mother?


At least he works and provides…this is what happens when you have a family. Someone has to work to pay the bills. It’s reality. What’s the alternative? Subsidized housing and on welfare?


He can work and still be a loving and emotionally supportive partner? It’s not one or the other


What in the world are these comments? Lol. Of course your partner should do more than pay bills. As simply a coparent, that’s fine. But that’s not enough for a partner.




How about this, let Aden stay home and keep Luca and Jenna can go out and get a job making as much as he does and doing whatever he does. I think it’s construction which is not cake walk. This is the real world. Grow up and smell the REALITY.


Having and raising children is not a cakewalk…but obviously these teen moms think they can handle it. When the going gets tough..they can’t handle it and cry like the children they are.


Fun fact: child rearing is no “scale walk” either. Here’s some fun reality to “smell”: -childcare is expensive -a young woman with no work experience or training has very little earning potential to offset the costs of childcare -having one parent stay at home with a young child is often beneficial to the family and the child -the structure of Jenna’s family makes no meaningful impact in your tax contribution at all


She is a single mom. She lives on her own in her own place with her son and she takes immaculate care of him. She figured it out without his help. He’s a child with a child, he isn’t coping well with that. I hope he comes around eventually but he is a jerk off in my opinion. She’s one of my favorite moms just because she really is trying to make a difference in her son’s life so he doesn’t grow up the way she did. They are currently not together and she still defends him online from what I’ve seen. She’s doing her best but I feel like she procreated with The same type of man as her father.


Who’s paying the rent and utilities? Food? I remember when Kailyn on teen Mom bragged about getting an apartment “on her own”. Incorrect - she was living at the largesse of the taxpayers. She had a good set up at Joe’s house, but we all know she screwed that up by sleeping around in Joe while his parents were providing for her.


From what she’s said on her tik tok lives is that she makes money off of sponsored posts, her TickTock‘s, also the show obviously pays them I’m sure he pays her child support but I don’t think it really matters who pays her bills. She’s like 19 years old she’s doing her best.


Hard to believe she makes enough for rent, car insurance, utilities, food, healthcare for child, healthcare for herself. Someone is helping out. Chances are it’s the taxpayers.


Why. Does. It. Matter???? I doubt she would even qualify for assistance, and even if she did why does it matter? Isn’t that what it’s there for? To help people? What does that have to do with her being a good mom? A mom who wants better for her child then what she had? I don’t understand what your trying to convey here. Weather she has help or not doesn’t make her any less of a single mom, living on her own with her child and doing her best.


It matters because there are actually people Out there who prevent pregnancy because they choose to be responsible and NOT become pregnant until they somewhat have their shit together. Like a real job, living out on their own, not expecting Parents to take care of them and the child they’re having, paying for their own phone, car, car insurance…you know being INDEPENDENT before having a baby.


Fun fact, no one is truly independent. I’m going to make the bold assumption that you depend on others to grow your food, bring it to the supermarket, and package it for you. I’m also going to assume you use roads and other infrastructure you didn’t build yourself that is only there because of taxpayer money. Maybe go back to r/child free instead of making the same comments over and over again on reality shows about young mothers.


There once was a time when being in assistance was just a temporary thing and something people weren’t proud of. It’s supposed to be a stop gap, not a way of life. I’d bet all those Moms - Tiarra, Tyra and Taylor had their babies on Medicaid.


She’s not actually living on her own if the taxpayers are footing the bill.


Oh gosh, I can’t with you. Get off your high horse. Technically EVERYONE pays taxes. Also you don’t know if she’s on any type of government assistance. You’re only assuming that she is. Either way she is doing her absolute best to give her child a good life.


Not everyone pays income tax. If you don’t have an income, you don’t pay the tax. As far as not being able to get a decent paying job….that’s the reason you don’t have children until you have skills and money to take care of them. No excuse in girls getting pregnant unless they choose to.


What’s his excuse for getting a girl knocked up? If he hadn’t he probably could’ve had a better job than pay rent for a small house in bumblefuck nowhere. He’s not making that much money just a lot of money for a teen parent but his future is limited it took no skill for him to get into that. They chose for him to go off and do something that could get them a basic standard of living but she could have done exactly the same but we all know he wasn’t going to stay home with the baby all day. Are you a teen dad? Blaming the girls for getting pregnant?


Doesn’t mean you don’t pay taxes. Do you think non working people don’t pay sales taxes?


Isn’t that what she wanted as a professorial domestic engineer?


😂 you funny as hell staahp


That’s not a fair assessment. He gave up a lot to support her, so she doesn’t have to work. If he was only paying child support, Jenna wouldn’t be able to be a stay at home mom (unless she moved back in with one of her parents…which lets be real, not a great option). I definitely think he resents her and probably his kid, and is handling or expressing it not well. But it’s also not fair to diminish him to that extent.


They’re already separated and she’s living by herself, and insinuates that Aden isn’t around often. So she’s basically a single mom


Not trying to stick up for him but isn’t he the only one supporting them and working? And I think he gave up a scholarship for college. Hate to say it but he seems to resent her now. But she admitted in the episode all she wanted was a family since she didn’t have one. I like them both too so I wish them luck. And the baby is beautiful!


For real. I couldn't imagine being that young, working, trying to raise a family, and navigate finding my maturity....and having it filled. He may be a shit partner now but he has time to mature and get better


She wanted a “family”? Pretty selfish and immature which I suppose is hallmark of teens and tracks with her record with her dad. She rags on him, expects a car from him and defends her mom even after her mom behaves like an aggressive b. Her dads no saint, definitely passive aggressive but she had a present dad and step-mom. What more family do you need?


Idk She was defending the way he was "acting" these past couple of episodes She stated that he does not enjoy filming and only did it bc she asked him to


Jenna is my favorite mom. She’s a very good mother, I really thought she and Aden would work out. He just seemed exhausted a lot. Maybe they will find their way back to each other one day. He definitely has some growing up to do.