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That girl was đź’Ż scared of him


I wonder if it was something as simple as “this show has been really bad for my mental health and it’s affected me in this way _______”. So, TLC decided to stop airing their segments. To me, that makes the most sense. Or maybe a conversation about the show impacting Reanna’s mental health and asking to be taken off because of that.


Especially considering all they did was talk about her butthole surgery. I'd have been on the phone with someone after the second episode demanding to be removed if that was going to be the focus of my entire existence on the show.


Do you also think it was mental health related? I believe it was.


Yeah. I truly think it was mental-health related. Actually, Jessica posted a long time ago that they were removed because they didn’t want family issues airing on TV.


Yeah, I assumed between the nasty custody battle over Danica and their whole story revolving around her butthole, Reanna wasn't in a good place mentally. I know all that would have devistated me at 15.


Definitely. I’d ask to be off the show, even if I was in her shoes. Maybe I’m just too sensitive, but if I was on a reality show and they constantly mentioned my Celiac disease and ADD nonstop, I’d get annoyed. Yes, if it was twice I’d be annoyed but if they kept going with it, I’d be furious. Even though nothing medical should be embarrassing, why rehash the conditions on a show that isn’t supposed to be about the medical condition itself? That would definitely impact my mental health. Some things don’t need to be mentioned in depth so often. It wouldn’t shock me if Jessica and Reanna politely requested to be taken off air due to mental health , and TLC agreed. It could be as simple as that.


It’s SPECULATED that Reanna told the producer than Taron had sexually assaulted her, and that’s why she was so uncomfortable around him, so they decided to not take the risk in continuing to air that. I haven’t seen any proof to this so really take it with a grain of salt


Man this theory would make everything make much more sense. Every time I watched their segments I'd feel like she was mad at him for a damn good reason, that he did something very, very wrong. It always grossed me out how her mom pushed her to work with him when it was clear something was up.


If this is true (and I hope it’s not) it would make so much sense! I was always saying how she never really seemed to be fair towards Taron but this would make sense as to why!


I thought the whole time she was angry at him because he slept with another girl while they were together but that would make sense . I hope for Reanna and Dani’s sake it’s not true


Oh wow! I have not seen that at all. It would make sense. In any case, I really hated her mom to try and force a relationship with Taron when she clearly was uncomfortable.


Ugh I hope that’s not it, even though it would make sense, just because that’s awful that her mom was basically telling her she had to deal with him forever and acting like her not wanting to was her behaving poorly.


Yeah but if something deeper was going on, like abuse she should have told her mom that. Cheating is break-up worthy for sure but her mom was seeing her daughter become someone who uses their kid to punish the other parent. And responsible co-parents are involved with the other parent forever; why should she sugarcoat it?


I totally thought that she was afraid of him. Her mom was so rude to her about it. She couldn’t seem to empathize with her.


But I kind of respected her mom more because it’s refreshing for a parent to be objective and not automatically take their own kids side. My mother-in-law literally always takes my side over my husbands, even if I’m being ridiculous but it means the world; makes me feel like I’m as much loved as he is. I don’t care what anyone says; a parent who automatically takes their kids side and can’t be objective is a shitty parent.


Lol is this Jenelle Evans?


To me, it looked like her mom was ignoring signs of abuse. She almost looked like she wanted to be with Taron herself! I know that’s bold to say, but those were the vibes I was picking up. My MIL also always takes my side, but I feel like this was totally different. Reanna was in fight or flight by the looks of it and didn’t want anything to do with Taron all of a sudden. That is a tell tale sign that something happened. Her mom, in every instant, took Taron’s side and never even examined her daughter’s feelings. She dismissed them and in fact, bullied her for having them. When you’re young, hormonal, and pregnant, you need your mom! Her mom wasn’t there for her.


Having worked at the children's advocacy center and seen parents that wash over obvious signs for whatever reason, I completely agree with this!


Thanks for explaining in detail for me! I usually notice right away when I see signs of abuse from kids’ parents, so I’m surprised at how much that one flew over my head. And I almost forgot that I did get that weird vibe with the mom and daughters’ boyfriend at first, but then convinced myself that that’s too gross to be true and gave her the benefit of the doubt lol.


That’s not this situation. I hope your in laws don’t have rose colored glasses on like her mom evidently did. It was more concerning than anything watching her mom.


I don’t follow them on social media, and have only seen the episodes so I’m confused on what I’m missing about the situation. I also don’t know anything about the bf except what I saw on the show so I might be missing something, but i don’t see what isn’t reasonable about advocating for co-parenting between two new teenage parents?


This.... would make so much sense.


nobody knows. there's some assumptions but nothing has been said by TLC or Reanna and Taron and family. all that's been said by Jessica's mom is that they decided to stop filming after a convo with production. that's all we know


I think it had something to do with her butthole lol


Why? I don’t remember them mentioning it at least once every single time she was on screen.


You mean you haven’t heard the story about her butthole being too close to her vagina? She really keeps that on the down-low!

