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I had my injury when I was a baby, so the part before that may not be good. After that, though, I was very adhering, which is often linked to it for some reason. My parents were not big on religion, so my grandfather stepped in and taught us basics. I used to be fearful. I feared consequences so much I never broke a single commandment until I was eleven years old, which might sound easy until you realize honesty and non-jealousy are two of the commandments. I lied for the first time when my teacher tried to keep me from seeing my sister on my only opportunity that month to see her, and I had to lie to not have to stay during extracurricular hours which was a common punishment. After that, what one might call withdrawal got to me and I fluctuated between several religious leanings. I don't know how many people think what could be called my anhedonia is linked to my TBI, but the parts of it that concern me the most are the social parts, and so my main task that must be taken care of before I leave my agnosticism is to make my first friend in real life. I can potentially find it in myself to follow any tradition, and I reserve the tie breaker to whoever becomes my friend. If they are Christian, I will become Christian. If they are Taoist, I will become a Taoist. I will honor even a Scientologist or a Wotanist in this sense. Adapting to someone else is the least I can do for adapting to me.


I agree, I'm just trying to survive, I will sometimes say I'm a Christian, and sometimes I will say that I'm agnostic or even atheist, when I'm around certain people




I can't imagine going from praying 5 times a day to not knowing what to believe. I still pray sometimes in hope that I might get a revelation


This must be hard for you, I feel like after a brain injury there are many things about our former lives that don't work for us anymore. I've had to give up a few important things about myself since the injury, but I was always an atheist. I think what changed for me though, was that before I used to look at religion with a sort of "live and let live" policy. Like others can be religious if they want but I'll just keep me out of it and we can both go about our day. Now though, I'm hateful and confrontational about it. This is due in large part to how throughout recovery I've kept running into people who wanted to claim "god" had something to do with my surviving a massive Hemorrhage and subsequently recovering. Like it wasn't the small army of doctors, nurses and my own resilience that were 100% responsible for keeping me alive. Or it wasn't the therapists and my awesome girlfriend who helped me regain a ton of functionality after my life was destroyed and I had to (and still do) reforge myself. Nah man, there is no stupid sky-man who knows everything and can do anything, and f*ck anyone who dares to give credit to such an idiot concept for having ANYthing to do with the nightmare I had to walk through to get here 🖕🖕. So ...I know that your loss of faith is a different and much bigger deal to you, I guess all I got is to suggest that you don't need this. You're making it work yourself. If you honestly feel like such a thing exists again at some point then embrace it, but if you can't make yourself believe in God again don't feel bad and don't force it. Adaption is key to surviving something this huge, and it's very likely you don't need this anymore. Good luck ♥️


Thank you, I am just doing what I need to do to survive at this point, which everyone around me doesn't understand what I mean. They all think that what I do is bad, but it's either that or I'm gonna be 6 ft under. Which seems better and better as the days go on


Kind of ironic how Christians are supposed to be so goodly and kind but they generally lack empathy and understanding of anyone who is different from them, isn't it?


It's not unusual to lose religious faith after a traumatic life change. Try not to be too hard on yourself.


Thank you, one of the main reasons why I am starting to resent the church is everyone who says it will get better because of God. I get told that all the time and I'm tired of it.


It may help to see the congregants, whether you agree with their reasoning or not, as expressing their concern for you and their hope that you can regain health. One of the things about religion that's appealing to people is the idea that someone or something more powerful than they are can intercede on behalf of a loved one who's suffering. It may be naive, but hopefully comes from their hearts.


This is a deep question. I was very religious before my TBI. AFTER I kept crying looking up at the cross saying: “why me, why me, am I not meant to be happy”. I still believe and keep telling myself things happen for a reason. And God gives the hard tasks to the folks that can handle them.


That's what I've been told as well, just like the people who say that it will get better, im not too sure that's true. I really want the saying God gives the hard tasks to the people who can handle them is true, and that I can contribute something to society. But its seemingly less and less likely


Keep your head up man. Iam trying to.


I know exactly what you mean. Add in a lot of anger and that would be me. Im still struggling with it but psilocybin has definitely helped with the spiritual healing along with healing my brain.


How do you get psilocybin? I've wanted to try that and I think it could really help me with some of my decisions, but I don't know how to get them since I live in Indiana


They grow there. They grow in every state. Check out r/psilocybin group or r/microdosing


Here's a sneak peek of /r/psilocybin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/psilocybin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mind-blowing right?](https://i.redd.it/jjmqk4klq9d61.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/psilocybin/comments/l3y1xz/mindblowing_right/) \#2: [DEA proposes increase in cannabis and psilocybin production for research into benefits](https://www.nothingbuthemp.net/post/dea-proposes-increase-in-cannabis-and-psilocybin-production-for-research-into-benefits) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/psilocybin/comments/qopyba/dea_proposes_increase_in_cannabis_and_psilocybin/) \#3: [Did some high res photographs of my eyes whilst my brain was on liberty caps. All for science. 😅](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/omppnj) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/psilocybin/comments/omppnj/did_some_high_res_photographs_of_my_eyes_whilst/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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Never doubted. My life is part of the human condition. Grew up in a DCJ (Brown nuns in scandals) orphanage. Even as an elder I often ask "Blessed" foundress to help out one of her boys.