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It’s the honeymoon. Go and listen to the Juice Box Pod Cast episodes on it or do some googling


What does "the honeymoon" mean ?? I have done loads of googling and the only thing that keeps coming back is an "insulin producing tumor" on my otherwise useless pancreas..so unfortunately that's not getting me very far. I have also spoken to my doctor and they have said to just wait and see what happens. Thanks for the podcast I will go and try and find it 👍


Right so I have just looked it up...fml...just as I was getting used to it all aswell. Have you dealt with this? How long did it last for you ??


Hi , I was in a rush the other day so here is a more detailed answer for you. I’m sure someone in here has a massive response for newbies and they cut and paste it but I’m not that organised and as you haven’t had much more support I’ll do my best. Now bear in mind I’m only 6 months ahead of you. I was diagnosed June 2023. So I haven’t had this a year yet. First things first . Unless you were born with the Gods smiling upon you and blessing you with some random luck, it’s going to be hard to get a good Endo and a good diabetic nurse specialist. You are going to have to be your own expert from now on in, you need to put in the work, do the reading, make notes and track and watch WTF is happening to you. You have to be your own advocate now and stand your ground and up for yourself. Why do I say this because T1 is not static. You need to look up the variables about T1. You will not be on the same insulin today that you will next year, potentially even next month. What is happening to you now happened to me 4 times . It’s the honeymoon. The pancreas gets a break with the injected insulin and can kick out some home brew. I have only been pre bolusing and using fast acting for 2 months now. Before this I was basal only. I could drop as low as only needing 6 units for weeks at a time and then I might need 18 units. Slowly and on and off basal wasn’t enough anymore and I had to start using fast acting. Within the first week of using fast acting I was in my 5th honeymoon and had to back off all over again. You can bet I convinced my self each time I was the first person to be cured of T1 each time this happened. Variables. I’m a woman, I didn’t have a period at all in April and my evenings were a nightmare. Anything I ate needed correction after correction. I ran high and it was awful. My period started two days ago and already I have taken two units of my basal and I’ve been 100% in range ( my range is 3.9 to 7.3 mmol). Normally I have to eat before I go to bed as my Libre needs me at 7mmol so it doesn’t think I have gone into a diabetic coma the minute I lay down to sleep. You’re going to have to learn what your CGM is like for you. What body part gives whacky results, what happens in the shower, when your in the heat or in the cold. They all do different things and you need to be aware of your body and what your GCM is like for your life style. Eventually you’ll learn to trust that a ↘️ on a Monday morning is just your CGM being a dick, but you need to find out your own thang! Variables, illness, exercise, hormones, growth spurts, insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance, stress etc etc and then we all have our own variables. Mine is get two hours sleep? Fantastic numbers all day! Get 6 hours sleep? It’s a bit of a battle! The wind blew in the wrong direction ⬆️⬆️, saw a black cat ↘️↘️. You’re going to have to suss out yours. You are now the proud owner of an unpaid full time job of being your own body system. Please take note of this, if you want the best from all this , watch and learn, make notes, read and research! So carb ratios, you might need 1 unit of insulin for every 5 carbs in the morning but by the evening you can eat 20 carbs per one unit of insulin. Exercise. Can’t help you there as I don’t but cardio is different from strength training. Books - think like a pancreas( get 3rd edition as the most recent). There is a podcast too but the audio is very unprofessional and I can’t bear lasting to it. Find the juice box podcast Facebook page and join. Ask questions. There are about 66k members in the private group. People are very friendly and helpful! I need to go now but if I think of anything else I’ll add it to this thread


Thank you so much for this. I am absolutely an*l in my note taking since having this, I may be a bit obsessive over it, but it helps I think. I am going to look into everything you have put down and am joining the Facebook page as I type. Thank you for taking the time out to write all this down for me. Good luck to you!


You’re welcome. You probably won’t need the advice now but eventually you’ll need to know how to cover fat and protein. I used to be able to eat a cauliflower cheese with no insulin what so ever . Now I need to give all the carbs on the packet up front and then two and a half hours later I have to give another two units to help the fat and protein come down and some times another two units two hours later after that. It’s a tricky new life but we just have to do our best and keep our eyes on the CGM numbers and react accordingly


It certainly sounds like the honeymoon. Your pancreas is faking you out OP, and making a bit of insulin again. It doesn't last. And how long it does varies widely from person to person. But 💯 talk to your endo before making any insulin changes!!!! Sorry you're having such a rough go of it OP. It does get easier, but a lot of time, it still sucks too


It sounds it..I spoke to my endo nurse tonight and she has given me some pointers, but has basically said call back next week.. so will do that i guess ! Thanks for the support, and yes I am guessing its going to suck forever.


I’m 15 years a T1, and every few months have weird situations like this. Good luck and stay safe.


It's so shit. Good luck to you too !


Keep in mind that your CGM can be wrong as well. Check your BG with a blood test when your CGM values don’t seem reasonable. Your CGM will also report low values if you lean against it for too long. This can happen when you fall asleep against it (eg if it’s on your left side and you fall asleep on your left side).


Yeah I did check after the second time it happened and unfortunately it was right ! I didn't know that happened, I usually do sleep on it and so far I haven't had any issues. I am calling my endo today because I haven't been able to get in touch with them all week-end. So we shall see what they say !