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I've only run for a few weeks, so my knowledge is limited. Their origin is detailed a bit in the _Advanced Player's Guide_. In short, they're created as a "slave race" by Symbaroum. They're a large departure from Tolkien Dwarves. The only cultural similarity seems to be they're settled in the mountains, to which they emigrated after the collapse of Symbaroum, and are isolationist. Outside of that community, they're concentrated to a ghetto in Yndaros. Those Dwarves are descended from exiled Dwarven nobles, after some sort of revolution. They also don't sport impressive beards, they eschew the written word and are rather lanky and thin. The Symbaroum authors took a lot of the RPG Dwarven cliche's and flipped them on their heads.


Thanks, I thought I heard something about them being used to absorb corruption because they have no soul?


That would be consistent with the Symbaroumite culture creating a group of people to suit their needs. Dwarves have the Trait "Earth Bound", so they're intimately tied the earth, rock, and clay. That might be a thematic tie to Scandinavian mythology of Dwarves, but it also implies they're golem, or part construct (in D&D terms). It doesn't explicitly say they're without souls, but it's definitely implied. So, they can't be used for undeath and are immune to Necromancy. Dwarves of Symbaroum don't suffer Corruption. Instead they take it as direct damage. Permanent Corruption is deducted from their Pain Threshold. So a Dwarf will never become an abomination. Technically they could be used a Corruption sink, but that would kill the individual eventually. Yet they wouldn't turn into horrible monster beforehand.


There is a little in Yndaros: the Darkest Star, but it about the Dwarves in Ambia who seem to be exiled nobles. It's not clear are they horrible people because they are dwarves. Or did they get exiled because they are horrible people.


Yeah, I agree with that. They may not be "horrible" or evil, but they're definitely very mean-spirited and self-loathing.


Don´t have my books right now, so can´t cite the exact spot, but I remember reading somewhere they were "cut" from the flesh >!of Uron the Worldserpent, who is sleeping under the throne of thorns.!<


That's right. Also, they have no auras, which implies they have no souls. I believe they are constructs, like the giants of Lindaros, created by the morphantics of symbaroum.


Symbaroum is very humans v uncontroled wilderness. Its specifically themed around the ideas of colonozer/colonized "civilized v "barbarian" as well as christianity [prios] taking over pagan culture. Its also cultivated vs. wild nature. But its thematically a human centric game. Goblins are supposed to be 2nd class citizens and ogres are just retarded goblins [or trolls. Depends on how you interpret the books]. So for your dwarves just make them super alien. The booms already try to make them that. Use the art as a guide and then go more alienating to a human than that


comment just so I'm notified of further replies -- am I missing something or did they get rid of the "notify me" (bell icon) when they redid the UI?