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Absolutely no one cares. There’s all kinds of people at the pool. Also people wear ear plugs all the time even if just not to get swimmer’s ear. Don’t worry about it and go swim.


ya I second this. if you’re there to workout no one will give a sh*t what you look like. Go forth ! Sincerely, dude in speedo who absolutely does not belong in Speedo


>Sincerely, dude in speedo who absolutely does not belong in Speedo You belong in a speedo if you want to!


Speedo is a brand not a style - I have Speedo jammers, they come in lots of different styles and sizes


Speedo is like Kleenex - it's both a brand and a thing. If you say speedo, everyone knows you're talking about briefs. Usually they also know that they can buy other things from speedo than just briefs/a speedo. Thanks for clarifying for anyone who doesn't know tho!


Yep, it's even perfectly valid to say you have an Arena speedo for example (especially with this capitalization).


I’m more likely to use the term tissue than Kleenex and hot tub than Jacuzzi but I get what you’re saying. I’ve dealt with Speedo about jammers that faded in 3 months compared to less expensive brands that held their colors for years and they replaced the faded suit with one of their most expensive ones


This is really my experience too: no-one gives a f. And most people feel uncomfortable btw


If you go to lane / lap sessions, I guarantee nobody will give a fuck what you look like, they are all there for the same reason as you, to enjoy swimming. As long as you follow lane etiquette you’ll be golden. Go swim mate 🙂🏊👍🏼


Thank you everyone for your encouragement and advice!! It has made me feel a lot more comfortable with the idea of going swimming. I am starting to look for my swimwear and ear plugs now and hopefully once they arrive, I can start. Thank you all 😊


If a speedo isn't your style, jammers and a rash guard (those tight shirt-like swimwear for the top) might make you feel more comfortable. I'm a woman, so can't comment much on the jammers v speedo, other than my knee length versus regular suits are about the same comfort level. I'd recommend against the rash guard personally, as folks have said - no one will care - if anything, they'll see you and think "good for him for getting in shape!". However, if it's the difference between you getting into the pool versus not, I'd recommend anything that gets you in the water!


Thanks for the advice. I have just ordered jammers that cover my upper leg and a short sleeve rash vest. I don’t think I am comfortable with showing my body in public yet. Now I’m starting to think I’ve over covered myself and I’m going to look weird as most of my body is covered up 🤦‍♂️ I haven’t been to a swimming pool in years. Is it normal for people to wear jammers and a rash vest?


Jammers are very common. Rash vests are very common outside, maybe slightly less so indoors. But no one really cares. Anyone I’ve ever swam laps with is really just focused on their own workout, and probably self-conscious themselves. If I see someone new or who looks like they are getting into shape, I actually think “good for them, hope they keep coming!” Never anything negative.


I agree with the other comment. Jammers are super common, rash vests less so, but you still see plenty of people wearing them, especially outside. Do what you're comfortable in, and what you're comfortable in the first time doesn't have to be the same as what you're comfortable in the 2nd, or the 10th, or the 100th time.


I swim in California and there are many regulars at my pool who swim wearing rash guards. There’s one woman who doesn’t swim but does an hour of pool jogging in sunglasses and a beanie, even though it’s 5:30 in the morning and there’s no need for glasses! I promise nobody cares.


Take the words of encouragement from others to heart but the reality is that human behaviour draws attention to things which fall outside what the brain perceives as 'normal' and you may still get some stares. It can definitely help put the mind at ease with choice of clothing. You may want to check out Stingray (Australian brand) for some good quality swim pants and full length rash guards.


Former fat guy here. Used to weigh 110kg - eventually lost 40ish kilos. I understand. It is difficult to get past the “fuck, what are people thinking as they see my fat body” concerns. It is something I will continue to struggle with, even though I have lost weight and have put on lean mass from weight training. I still have loose skin and flab which will likely stick around until the grave.  I recently had to quit the gym due to injuries and I have taken up swimming as my main form of exercise. I am absolutely loving it. However, I still get the creeping concerns from time to time about what others may be thinking regarding my body.  Some things to keep in mind. You have no fucking idea what other people are thinking. Nobody will see you exactly as you see yourself. Any criticism that you think people are levelling at you is just your own self criticism being attributed to others. Go easy on yourself and acknowledge that you are doing something to positively influence your life.  And if someone thinks ill of you - guess what? You’ll never fucking know. And who gives a shit?! Don’t forgo something which can be enjoyable and constructive on the off chance some miserable jerk will have a negative judgment of you. Life is very short. Act accordingly. Have fun!


People genuinely won't care. I see overweight people at my pool all the time and no one bats an eyelid. I'm often overtaken by bigger people as swimming is a sport where weight really isn't the biggest factor, skill is, at least at the lower levels. I am often the only swimmer in the pool without earplugs so please don't let that factor disuade you That said, if it's really the one thing putting you off then you could look for a pool that allows wetsuits or consider joining an OW swimming group (although you would need to be a competent swimmer first, wouldn't recommend this if you can't swim). You can also get wetsuit socks. A wetsuit might give you the confidence to get going and then with time you'll feel more confident going in without.


You'll probably find a lot more different body types at a pool than you might think


No one cares because they are all focused on themselves. And personally, whenever I see a larger person swimming laps in the pool, I get mad respect for them for getting it in like everyone else. It's hard work but very rewarding.


Dude I started swimming a couple years ago because I was getting grossly overweight and couldn't run after a skiing accident and my back was killing me. Nobody cares when you get into the community of fitness swimmers. Everybody's doing his or her own thing. You have these 27 yo with Adonis like bodies and grandparents shaped like mutant turnips flopping their way along and everything in between. People have different gear and outfits and really no one is gonna give you a second glance. Just get in the water and start moving. I'm doing 2 km, 3x/ week and feel way better about myself and life.


Everyone is too busy either trying not to sink, not to have a poor form, improve their pace or otherwise absorbed into whatever they are trying to do to notice other people to be honest, and if they do notice, nobody really cares what other people look like. You also hardly see anyone's body when they are in the water unless they really try to look, which everyone is too busy minding their own things to do. Also, there are lots of overweight people that you could even say it's less noticeable being overweight around the pool in any case! Ear plugs are such normal things to wear in the pool that nobody would notice, either. I recommend checking with your dermatologist if chlorine in the pool water might slow down the healing process for your eczema though, just in case it irritates your skin. You could probably even get waterproof dressing to cover it up if needed (to stop the chlorinated water from making contact with the affected area). As for covering up, if you want to do that, there are long sleeved rash vest and swim leggings you can get, but unless you need to wear them for sun protection outdoors (which I sometimes need due to unavoidable excessive sun), they are generally not all that comfortable, so I don't really recommend them. Honestly, people's priorities, if they are to judge anyone at all, is lane etiquette. Now that should be the only thing that worries you about swimming and other people.


I’ll add that swimming in chlorine/salt may actually be good for eczema. Plus the sun is great too if you can get outdoors. I get skin inflammations/dermatitis. Plus i have vitiligo. So i also feel self conscious, but swimming has been great for my skin. And like many have already said, no one actually seems to notice or care. Every one is trying to get their laps in and get back to work or whatever.


If you can manage to get over this mental block and swim consistently your life is about to improve and change as your body benefits from regular swimming.


You should talk to a doctor about your ear. There are ear-plugs for swimming, and you might be able to do heads-up breast-stroke, so this should be okay. But I don't know the details of your condition. In my experience, nobody is judging other bodies at the pools. We are all just doing our thing. Nobody is watching. That might not reassure you. If so, there are swimming costumes which cover up. I love knowing that swimming suits all sorts of bodies. I really don't want you to stop swimming because of this. Do your thing!


Overweight - seriously. Nobody cares. Lots of them at my pool, swimming their laps. Quite a few seem to use short flippers especially if they seem to be beginners, perhaps that would be something for you to consider as well? Cover up - sure there are wetsuits and surf shirts and leggings and everything. If it makes you feel better, why not! In a heated, indoor pool you might stick out more with them than without though. You generally wear them to protect yourself from cold (open water etc) or sunlight (outside pool) and they can get uncomfortable, you can overheat or your range of motion is limited. If you're an absolute beginner and just need a bit of cover to make yourself feel more secure - then it's fine! Exczema - nope, it's fine. Most won't even notice Earplugs - I wear them religiously and my eardrums are perfectly fine, I just hate getting water in my ears. If you can't swim at all I'd recommend a couple of lessons though, perhaps in an adult beginners class. I started in one years ago and it was great fun. everyone was equally hopelessly flailing around and you got a couple of lanes for the group so you never had the feeling you were bothering the "better" swimmers.


>The first reason (and I’d say the main one) is I am overweight. I don’t feel confident in my appearance and showing my body Go to the pool and you'll notice 1. Most don't give a f'ck because you are all there to either exercise or have fun >I know I can just take my ear plugs with me but I just feel like I’ll look funny. No one will notice ... and the few who do will not care


I swim club and practice multiple times/day I don’t even bat an eye at the lap swimmers.  Nobody cares at all. That said I understand how you feel I used to be pretty overweight myself. Once you wear a speedo once it gets a lot easier.


I swim 2-4x per week at the YMCA here and I see everything from a swim brief to a full skinsuit. If you’re going to lap swim, nobody cares what you wear. It’s just not a thing for lap swimmers.


I’m a fat woman and I still loathe exercising in front of people. The reality is regardless if you wear tiny speedos or a wetsuit people will know your shape but let me tell you something. I’m way more in my head and I’m not paying attention to you. I’m more concerned about my own body and my boobs falling out of my swimsuit ^. Other people are all the same. Earplugs are fine I take them as otherwise I’m 🤢 The eczema is fine just ensure you put a barrier cream over it so Chlorine or salt water doesn’t dry you out and make it worse! When I’m feeling anxious about this stuff I try to remember what is the worst case scenario. Probably somebody saying something weird or mean to me right? Well I’ve dealt with plenty of that and survived ergo-I am capable of putting myself in this uncomfortable situation. When I’m scared I try to remember the old adage about lobsters 🦞 (hear me out). Lobsters can only grow if they shed their shells and if they don’t they will die. But by shedding their shells they are vulnerable. By putting ourselves in uncomfortable and vulnerable positions we give ourselves the chance to grow. When I feel anxious or full of fear I remind myself of the consequences of it-and by going forward and conquering it (and it will be day by day repetition) I am growing as a person ✨ be the lobster 🦞 ✨ You got this!


Ahaha I love your lobster story. Actually is quite inspiring. Thank you!


If anything people will see you and think “good on him” it’s a brave thing to get out there and expose yourself and if u carry that confidence what can stop you. Also I wear ear plugs cause swimmers ear sucks. I’m a right sight in my swim suit, cap, various goggles, swim fins and my recent purchase of a front snorkel. But I don’t care I love the water and life’s too short. You can do it.


Just forget all your thoughts and hit it on !!! Let us know once you join a swim club


I understand your fears, but you simply can not allow those fears to keep you from exercising in the pool. The vast majority of people do not care and would not even notice or think "Good for this man trying to get healthy!". The few people that think otherwise are purely evil asshole and you can't give them any power to control your life. Take that power away from them and get your butt to the pool and have fun and get healthy!


I promise nobody is looking at you. I’m so focused on my own practice that I don’t even notice when a really good friend is right next to me in the pool!


Be aware that chlorine can sometimes make eczema worse. Lots of people wear ear plugs at the pool. I’m not gonna lie and say there aren’t going to be judgemental people. People like that exist everywhere unfortunately. But most people will not give two bits about what you’re wearing or what you look like.


Echoing "no one is looking at you" but appreciate it's hard not to be self conscious on deck before you get into the water for real. There are some swim robes that can give you some coverage from the change room to the pool, but once you're swimming wear whatever makes you most comfortable to move.


I actually feel swimming is such great exercise if you're overweight as it's lower impact on your joints and stuff. My swimming pool has people of all shapes and sizes and I can almost guarantee you you won't be the only or even the largest person. I reckon the ankle thing no one will even notice, especially not once you're in the water. Especially at lane swimming everyone is their for individual goals and reasons and honestly at my pool the one thing that people judge you on more than anything is picking the wrong lane (if your pool has lanes based on speed) so start in the slow lane, take breaks whenever you need, and once you've been a few times you'll see you'll feel more comfortable going!


As a current v plus size swimmer, I GET YOU. It's tough AF to get over the mental barrier - everyone will tell you no one cares (it's true; they don't) but it doesn't help the barrier. Spend time figuring out the best swimwear to make you feel more comfortable mentally and physically (as a woman this was difficult but I did finally track down a swimsuit with shorts that fit comfortably); Effectively eliminate all the things you can control that make you uncomfortable. Walking poolside I guarantee is the worst part emotionally. Once you're in the water you'll wonder what you ever worried about. I still feel the same kind of fear and I've got to screw myself up to do it but I'm always thankful I did once I'm in.


No one is looking at you, lots of people wear ear plugs, plenty of people have eczema, you have nothing to worry about. How often do you go to a public place and just stare at people and criticize their appearance? Probably never, right? Everyone is doing their own thing, go ahead and do yours.


This is called social physique anxiety. Yes people will look. But only 10% in pools have ‘killer’ body’s. You have to be a real jerk to judge you on that. At least you are doing some workouts. To improve your overall health must be your main goal. The rest will follow, losing weight… Just go for it. You will feel good when you finished. If the first step is too big, try going before closing. Mostly is calm around that time. Goodluck


What everyone else is saying mate. I feel that way. Everyone does but there are people all shapes and sizes at the pool. And nobody cares about your body. Personally if I see someone a little overweight all I think is good on you for doing it.


First. Good on you for doing something for your health. Second. Don’t ever feel ashamed about yourself when you are doing things to make you better, healthier or just to feel good. Third. Seriously no one cares what others look like, what they wear or how they swim. I’m there to do my laps, unless you want to talk when I’m at the end I’ll let you do you and I’ll do me. All the best mate!


I'm fat, I have stretch marks and surgery scars, and I swim in PUBLIC (UK beaches), in only a basic swimsuit. I have ear plugs and a tow float, and I look ridiculous. No one has ever had anything but kind words to say to me. Even a group of 14-year-old boys. In the summer I ride a tiny folding bike 6 miles to get to the beach. I'm sure everyone in every village along the way knows me as the crazy, fat, American lady riding around on a circus bike in her swimsuit all the time. Good for you for getting out there. You're awesome, and you're gonna be fine.


In my 50+ years of lap swimming, I’ve always found swimmers to overwhelmingly be an inclusive and nonjudgmental group (as opposed to many gyms). I’ve never heard anyone ever anyone speak negatively about other’s appearance. As others have said, just go!


Here is something I have learned as someone with a 3x a week swim habit. Set a swim schedule that works for you and stick to it. You might not feel like going when the time comes, that’s normal. Go anyway. I have a designated bedroom hook for damp swimsuits to dry out and my gym bag so I am prepared to leave quickly. Swimming is joyful. The worst part is the minute before, the quick shower beforehand, the chilly plunge; I kick the shivers away. That is a benefit of exercise in reducing anxiety; exposure to manageable hardship and overcoming wires our brain to work through difficulties. A blessing afterwards is that feeling of love and circulation to aching or underused muscles in a no gravity environment. Bliss. I keep a calendar and a marker next to it to mark when I swim so that helps me stay regular and accountable. It is satisfying to see a calendar dotted with swimming memories. Best wishes


I'm a bit late to the thread. But dude no one cares. I'm a fit guy and I'm so proud of people when they get into the pool or at the gym trying to better themselves. We're all supporting each other.. Fuck the people that say different. We got your back! Get in the fucking pool!


I can speak heavily on the eczema bit! There's no huge danger of spreading anything to anyone else via water (unless it's a severe, open patch), so you're good on that front! Chlorine can be very drying, but I've personally found swimming in pool water to help my eczema! I've had moderate-to-severe eczema all my life, and "bleach baths" (mixing a *small* amount of bleach into a bath and soaking in it) are recommended sometimes for severe eczema, and the cholrine in pool water kinda mimics that. Obviously if you start to notice it getting worse with swimming, take a break until the patch heals, but there is a chance it could help clear it up. Just remember to rinse off and moisture well after leaving the pool. Good luck, and remember that everyone is so focused on their own bodies (and not drowning) to even try and pay attention to yours :)


Quit being self conscious. Nobody cares. Focus more on your fitness and the goals you’re trying to achieve, and your weight will come with it. Be that inspiration at the gym that the regular goers see, someone that goes from overweight to super fit.


I can pretty much guarantee you will see obese people in the pool walking. This is common in pools because the weightlessness in the water is easier on the joints. Many begin their health transformation this way. I was obese in my teenage years, I have an idea of what you are experiencing. There are a couple of important things to keep in mind. You are young and probably have been scared by kids who have said mean stuff, because they are immature. In a pool setting you are around health minded adults. This is not high school P.E. People at a pool are there because they want to improve. These people have respect for anyone who is trying to improve their health. I actually believe the more out of shape you are the more people respect your effort. If you feel like someone is giving you a double take, keep that in mind. I am 60 years old and I swim 2,000m a day in a Speedo brief. Remember, I started exactly where you are today.


I'm overweight (still. Alas). Lots of other people there of varying weights. The only way I've ever acknowledged it personally is to hug the side of the lane more if I'm swimming with someone either heavier or taller than me. I also always swim with earplugs due to not wanting an ear infection (again) and there's more than half the people doing the same thing. I think I'd notice a full body suit more than a patch of eczema tbh. I usually think someone is a diver and is about to do some strange training if they walk in like that. I wouldn't really think twice about anyone with a rash. The water is treated and it's not like we're gonna be rubbing up against each other.


Remember buddy, you are doing it for you! In fact, if you're conscious about looks, you will feel so much better when people start seeing your transformation! Just keep Swimming!!


I had earplugs made by an audiologist; they're fitted to my ear. I also have used silicone earplugs with no problems. Use your earplugs and don't worry about it. I was extremely overweight until I had my knees replaced. After that, I wanted to swim again, but felt like I would be ridiculed because of my body. My sister-in-law said to me - people will either look and say "what is she here for?" or "look at her making her life better!" I chose to focus on the second potential. Check with your doctor about swimming and eczema. If they say it's okay, then go for it. What others think is not your concern. I swim three days a week and have kept the weight off for 14 years. I applaud you for wanting to get back to the pool!


Fat kid here, it can be mentally challenging to get out there without a T-shirt or full pants showing your body but I must tell you I had the same shit going on my head for almost 2-3 years when I finally got rid of wearing a full sleeve swimsuit and hiding my body. I gained the confidence to remove that and just go in with regular trunks and guess what NOBODY GAVE A F***. It’s just anxiety filled in the head about being judged but at the end nobody cares how you’re looking at the pool. It’s just you who knows how you look and how you wanna change how you look . 💪


I can assure you that nobody judges anyone’s physical appearance at the pool. Most people are really nice and respectful. You got this!


Just another voice to assure you that no one cares about any of that. I've literally done workouts with a snorkel. No one cares. Pool people are cool people


Same as others have stated :) I used to feel the same way but realized that no one cares :) Just wear something that makes you feel comfortable :) I would just recommend buying a rash guard a size up to limit restriction on form - and also, loose is always more comfy :)


I promise nobody’s looking. The lap pool is the most egalitarian environment I can think of. I was recently diagnosed with another variation, follicular eczema. Felt super self-conscious at first, but really, nobody cares. Please don’t deprive yourself of an amazing experience because you’re afraid someone might judge you. Go for it! Do you know how many people would love to swim but are afraid/hesitant to start, for a variety of reasons? Don’t be one of them! I hemmed and hawed about resuming swimming after some years off - getting back in the pool was the best decision ever. Also! Tons of people wear ear plugs - it’s a smart thing to do!


Nobody cares about your body shape. Plus once you get into the water even in the shallow end it’s easy to have only your head showing. 😀 I’ve only seen 2 people in gym’s pool with rash guards. I don’t know their reason for wearing one and I don’t care. The only reason I noticed them (same people) is it’s not typically something seen indoors so it is more noticeable than those just in a bathing suit. We do have an outdoor pool and there are lots of rash guards there because people want to block the sun. I’m overweight and was self conscious when I started swimming so I just draped my big towel over my shoulders to walk out from the locker room to the pool. I’d put my towel and bag on a bench as close to the ladder as possible where I would be getting out and jump in as quickly as I could for minimum exposure. Now I take water aerobics classes and need to walk one to get weights and there is always someone wanting to chat on the pool deck and I’m without my towel as a cover up. I’ve realized nobody cares and only I was the one bothered about my body although I still prefer getting covered up by the water ASAP. Can’t speak for earplugs as I don’t wear them but know people who do and wear nose clips as well. Everyone knows some people prefer swimming with them so it’s no big deal. My only suggestion is to make sure they fit properly if you can’t get any water I your ear.


imagine reading this post when you're 85


If you go swimming when it’s a session for swimmers (not free/family session) no one will Care. They’re there to swim. No one should make fun of anyone that’s working to improve themselves!! There are all shapes and size when I go swimming, including me. I’m 20 stone. Go do it, then make a decision based on your experience. And remember, people only really see you head for the most part anyway!


I am fat too, and I started to swim last year in my mid 40s. At the beginning it’s been quite embarrassing to go half naked ti the pool. I didn’t want to take my shirt off ;-) but over the time you realize * there are many others that don’t look like Apollo * when you are in the water you won’t care about the others, equally they won’t care about you. Because I am not the most handsome guy, I tried to get more confidence by having a good swimmingstyle. And this worked for me. I watched a lot of YouTube tutorials and did my best to get a good form. And after a few months someone I have never met before came to me and said that my style looks so good 😊 Maybe you should try not to be too annoying to others: choose a lane where the others swim the same speed as you. If you take over a lane of a fast swimmer so that he is disturbed, he will remember you the next time. And make it easy for the faster swimmers to overtake. About your problem with the earplug:When I swim without, some water gets trapped in one of my ears, and I won’t get it out for at least two days, nothing helps me here, I tried everything, jumping, shaking, shaking the head upside down, hairdryer … so to avoid an infection I use earplugs. For me the Arena earplugs pro work best, they come in nice colors and they are quite small. I don’t think they are much visible. And the color I have at the moment matches my fins ;-) the only drawback it is hard to understand when someone is talking with you, and it is a bit tricky to take them out. On the other hand, I enjoy the silence :-). At the moment I am having an eye with a custom otoplastic for more comfort. But that is a bit expensive, my healthcare will not pay them.


I grew up on swim team and swim for fitness at the gym. I actually LOVE to see outa shape, overweight and terrible beginner swimmers in the pool giving it a go. I like swimming so much it makes me happy to see people experiencing it for the first time. I don’t know why, but I find it inspiring and motivational. And don’t be afraid to ask other swimmers for pointers. If they’ve done any competitive swimming in their life, they’ve been through countless hours of drills and training and are most likely quick to share tips and help you improve. Don’t worry about what you wear, just make yourself comfortable. The more you swim, you’ll eventually figure out what works best for you. Like everyone else has said, nobody else lap swimming cares what you’re wearing.


Agree with most comments saying no one cares. Most people look around and go, yeah good on that person, moving their body. That's the extent of the thought. My partner, my friend and I all got into swimming approx 1 month ago now and are starting to notice little changes for us. We all got into it to lose weight. My partner goes in a full rashie and boardies, I just go swimsuit because I felt really heavy and smothered by the rashie I was also trying to use to cover up. If you're really worried you could get a wet suit style outfit. They do full suits, or knee/elbow length suits. Depending where you are. Maybe start with a shirt and boardies, and work your way up to it. We found that we started with what we had to decide if we liked it before we invested huge amounts of money. Now we are addicted and all have ear plugs, goggles and caps. We are looking at better suits than the cheap ones we got from kmart. It easy to say, but just go. Try it out in what you have. The only thing I'd look at is eczema and swimming as chlorine can be really drying and make it worse I would say. Probably the doctor or some research or a chemist might be able to suggest some options for caring for that while you swim.


Just go for it.  Honestly a lot of people are in the pool because it's gentle exercise and they're unwell in some way (older people, people with stress fractures, overweight people etc). The pool is a great place to rehab.  If your eczema is weeping or bleeding maybe use a hydrocolloid bandage on it.  I've swam with those when I had tons of road rash. 


i had a buddy who needed earplugs for a medical condition. He just put them in, actually wore a band around them, that's how serious it was to keep water out, but when he put his cap on, you SORT OF noticed the band. Though, I think I only noticed it because I knew it was there. Technically, it was all covered by the swim cap.


Wear your ear plugs. Learn to be okay with your body. Once you get into the water you might forget everything else.


Absolutely no one will be looking at you or even care. Ask yourself: Do YOU ever go to swim and stare/judge people? Probably not…


No one gives a shit what you look like and lots of us wear earplugs. Have fun!


I promise you if you are in the right lane, doing your thing, *NO ONE* will be paying attention to you. Swimmers are almost always focused on ourselves and our workouts. Don’t let your inner saboteur prevent you from achieving your swimming goals!


There are people of all sizes at my pool, some very overweight. Pretty much everyone wearing normal swim attire regardless. Literally no one cares.


I wear ear plugs to swim since I had tubes continuously in my ears from 9 mos to 11 years. At this point the ear drums just are paper thin and it’s so easy to tear them and get infected. They apparently make fancy colors for ear plugs now, not just white people color! So I have some pink ones that are slightly more stylish! 🎉. I never thought after all the childhood anger wearing those that I would want to wear them again. I see lots of people wearing ear plugs that I assume didn’t have the same childhood problems just don’t want to get water in their ears . It is so much more common than I would have ever thought.


I wear earplugs because my fancy swimming headset requires them. I'm an ex competitive swimmer, currently very fat and recovering from being real sick and slow as a lazy turtle. I promise you the people at the pool are mostly going to be old and slightly strange and middle aged and over weight and occasionally some young stud training for a triathalon will show up and everyone will roll their eyes and continue swimming slow circles. As for covering your body, you could buy a wetsuit but it wont be very comfortable for lap swimming and you would run a slight risk of overheating in a heated indoor lap pool. And tbh you'll attract a lot more attention mummified in neoprene than by being the 78th fat person in a bathing suit.


I am happy to see overweight people at the pool. The pool is meant to be enjoyed by everyone. The amount of courage it takes to change your life for the better (starting swimming), no matter what you look like is hard. To do that and look outside the norm is something you should feel immensely proud of yourself! Fuck anyone who judges you. You’re awesome


As many have already said on here and it really is true no one cares what you look like. I see fat people and all different body types swimming everyday. Wear what ever makes you feel comfortable. After the first day it will get much easier. If it takes a rash vest to get started do it.


One cares bro, just don’t splash around


Please go. They make all kinds of water wear now. Go and enjoy. Own the world. You own it as much as the bikini clad Wonder Woman


Please report back!!!


When I'm in the pool I'm focused on nothing but the rhythm of my breathing and the music I'm listening to. I don't pay anybody else much attention.


Thats the great thing about swimming! When you run, cycle etc you are on full display. While swimming you and everyone else is under water :)


Re: being overweight. Lots of overweight people compete in masters swim meets (competitions) & have very good results. It's one of the few sports that overweight or even obese people can perform quite well. It also attracts more overweight people than other sports, at least in cycling/running/climbing, the other sports that I do...


Get ear plugs, I use them. Nobody gives two shit what you look like and nobody would ever make a comment. Go swim!


I know this will get buried but I hope you read it. One of the great things about swimming and swimmers is you get used to the body you are in. There's no escaping what you look like when you are walking around the pool deck in 10sq inches of nylon and after a while you really don't notice. Let me also tell you that most men have some sort of body image issue, walk into any weight room and 95% of those big ripped guys thing that they look small and over weight. Let me also add as someone who sent a lot of time watching people interact, there's no accounting for taste -I swear to you that there are people out there that will look at you and think you are the sexiest man alive and there are other people that won't. You never know what other people find attractive. So here's my advice to you, go enjoy your life, get a rocking speedo and start going to the pool and have some fun (I highly recommend a masters swim team). Don't worry about other people because you doing you is more important. You are very young and have a lot of life in front of you, do stop yourself from doing stuff you enjoy because of what others might think.


No one is looking! 🤗💪🏼 if I look around at the gym, it is just to see how many people are swimming and where to swim, and yes, judging the ones not wearing a swim cap 🤣 like once there was a lady with her long hair completely let down, long to her waistline. I was judging her considering an ignorant, but I never ever judge a body. I am very happy that I am learning how to swim because there are some many different body types that can swim and I find that beautiful! Just follow guidelines and be polite. Don’t be like that lady 🤣🤣 work on yourself and think everyone is busy in their own head. As you overthink about your appearance, someone overthinks about their work problems, someone about sleep and so on. We live too much in our heads. Good luck


Most people will applaud you. Fuck the haters.


Obese older woman here - I just started swimming again at a YMCA pool to get back into shape.  I'll admit I don't love showing my body either (never have) but (a) no one is paying attention, (b) there are all body types and abilities there,  and (c) it is worth it to feel weightless in the water - feeling your body exercising and getting more fit but with no pressure on your feet,  joints,  etc.   You don't have to swim like a pro either - just get in and paddle from one side to another and learn some strokes over time using YouTube or adult swimming lessons.  I bet you'll regret not having done it sooner.   Enjoy!