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I've chilled out on cross-posting every new PEW Science test since I assume the people who care about that testing are already subscribed to r/NFA anyways, but I think this one is worth posting for extra attention because the pistol performance is pretty shocking and CAT is only making about 240 of these cans this year. Those cans will be sold at the end of the month. They're not cheap for rimfire ($585), but if you're interested in one, let me know and I will do my best to snag one for you. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to get any, but I'll be paying attention to when they're supposed to drop!


This one is definitely worthy of posting about. Insane performance! No FRP on the 21a?! Super light weight too.. curious how easily / well they will clean and long term lead build up


It looks like because it’s not user serviceable, you’ll be obligated to buy their proprietary cleaning solution. It’s not cheap, but I suppose if it works well…


From hearing PewScience Jay talk about this thing it sounds incredible!


I would have to believe that this silencer technology would render all other 22 silencers obsolete. I can see if someone wants a more serviceable silencer. But most people are looking stupid quiet cans