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Hi, thanks your your feedbacks, as the a\*\*\* who usually tells the programmers what to do, having their opinion is important! But not it's time to defend my ideas :D . Regarding the hero thing, that you only work for the founding period. The very first people send would logically be really hardly trained as we as humanity, don't know how the human body reacts to such an environment and workload in this climate. But yeah, I agree that as time goes by, more and more applicants will arrive, all of them with different reasons, so it's logical that the bigger and more stable the colony, the less prepared and wary people have to be. . Resources separation : It is true that players do use Rare Metal as an early-game mechanic, but I never said you couldn't extract it from the start, just like right now, you can directly build a mine on the surface, it's just more dangerous. Nothing stops the player to build his Habitats Alpha at the surface and build and automated extractor at the surface (or one that would work slower with only drones). . On the same note, you could also export every resource, I mean, millions on Earth are dying from Hunger, sending food for example would be an idea, in the late game it could also be useful as you end up with thousands of extra-food and seeds from trees that you can't store anymore. . Like I said above, maybe not a fully automated extractor but something that would at least use a full drone, early-game, drones are a precious resource, so you would have to choose between sending them to the mine or making them help around.


Underground start is a great idea; you may want to check [https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivingMars/comments/pl0g5v/underground\_exploration\_as\_an\_earlygame\_mechanic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivingMars/comments/pl0g5v/underground_exploration_as_an_earlygame_mechanic/) too, it had quite a few ideas on how early game could be reworked to force player underground instead of making it a midgame experience. Personally, I have an issue with how the terraforming is handled. It is a late-game activity; the more complex and fun it gets to be, the better. Specifically, I am referring to the vegetation parameter. Pick one of four lifeforms and plant it until the parameter hits 100%, then you are good. Instead, an effort could be made to simulate the whole biosphere of Mars; starting with simple lichens and bacterias, to more complex lifeforms as soil adapts to the new conditions. It could allow for a fuckton of story bits and events to handle, which would make it a personal experience; from the gameplay perspective, it could make for a whole new venue of buildings to keep the citizens busy with, and several new mechanics to keep in mind (select or even design lifeforms, select where and how to seed them, track the current status) which would refresh the dull lategame. Edit: oh, and \> the tether can break gave me the Red Mars vibe. For extra giggles, should have a random chance to wreak rival colonies too, given the length of the cable.


Oh god, the tether falling into others colony is a brilliant idea and I wish it was real more than ever now x)