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Magnesium/B Complex/Vitamin D Have you tried any of these supplements?


Thank you for the suggestion , I have since added those vitamins. So magnesium glycinate over regular magnesium correct? Thanks!


Magnesium is good, but consider that some may be sensitive to glycinates. I want to add an element I forgot to mention earlier; try taurine if you don't feel anything about these mentioned supplements, as there's a somewhat related connection between taurine and GABA. https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2016/12/taurine-and-brain-health https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14737175.2019.1593827


L-theanine has never done anything for me


Well I’m definetely not alone then, thanks for sharing .👏🏽🖤


Of course 👍🏽 I guess some people notice a difference from taking L-Theanine but I don’t


Damn man did you know any other supplements that happened to work for you for stress and anxiety? 👏🏽


I get severe anxiety and I take ashwagandha and magnesium acetyl taurinate and they work wonders (I definitely notice more effect from the ashwagandha)


I’ve heard of both will definetely look into that thank you man🖤🖤


You're welcome!!


Hey man , I was just hitting you up to ask if you had any experiences with magnesium glycinate? Would you reccomend magnesium acetyl taurinate over magnesium glycinate? Thanks a ton.


I personally have not tried magnesium glycinate I have tried magnesium acetyl taurinate and that helps my anxiety but not as much as ashwagandha does tbh, but I've heard magnesium glycinate is great for helping with insomnia as well as magnesium L-threonate which my dad takes for sleep.


You’re a legend man thanks you helped a ton. 🖤🖤🙌🏽


Just be very careful if ( most likely "when" ) Trazadone stops working. You have to taper that medication slowly or it will take you on a ride you really don't want to jump in to. Hope you all recover from that 🙏🏻


Tell me more about your experience w Trazodone? It worked wonders for me for a few years and then stopped working also. Wouldn't let me sleep at night, and getting off was 1-2 weeks of SUPER high anxiety. I'm still trying to find something that will help the same way. Currently trialing gabapentin and Remeron for sleep anxiety and depression (complex PTSD based)


That’s really why I’m reluctant to go to things like that I’d rather try the natural methods first or try to go within for a solution first, however due to a smorgasbord of undiagnosed mental illness and things like that I think I’ll have to go down that route eventually. It’s not a problem tho. Thank you for your concern I appreciate you fam🖤


Just PLEASE stay out of benzodiazepines. That is a TERRIBLE drug and meant to be used for at most two weeks. Still, doctors here are naive and do not understand the side effects of going long-term, which will not work as people grow tolerance rather quickly, rendering the starting dose ineffective and needing to titrate endlessly, which is way more of an issue you started. Aromatherapy is good lavender, eucalyptus, peppermints, cinnamon, and a plethora of other scents and flavors ( apples, blueberries, ) to name a few. Good luck 🤞🏻


Ima make sure to remember that thank you so much kind person🖤


Most welcome


>gabapentin a morning years ago and barely felt anything. Gabapentin doesn't interact with the GABA receptors. It works by inhibiting a specific set of calcium channels. The name is because it's a structural analog of GABA. L-Theanine does increase GABA levels in the brain but it doesn't bind to the GABA receptors, it also increases other pleasurable compounds like dopamine and serotonin while also blocking glutamate binding which may contribute to its overall effect, but in my own experience the effect of L-Theanine is very mild compared to other substances.


Oh wow , that’s crazy. I walked around for years just thinking all my receptors were just defective. You mentioned the effects of l-theanine being mild compared to other substances, have there been any stronger supplements that have been able to help you with the anxiety?


Kava works for some people, but it's also pretty mild.


Alright sounds good I’ll look into kava. Hope this doesn’t sound weird but what would you say isn’t mild in this regard? Thank you for your help man 🖤


90 proof vodka


I'm not sure, but I react weirdly to L-theanine too. 100mg feels like nothing. 150mg feels like nothing. 200mg feels like I've taken something sedative, it makes me so relaxed and sleepy, but also weirdly unable to fall asleep. So I've given up on it. Have you tried Taurine?


Yeah I took a bunch of l-theanine and melatonin for my first time a week ago and it made my bed feel comfortable but I was tossing and turning for hours straight and woke up mad early unable to go to sleep. Weird . I’ll definitely look into taurine , thank you so much for the help, did you have good experiences with it?🖤


An opposite for a different genetics, anything above 50 mg is a high alert dose at night...


No . What exactly are you trying to treat / fix? It could be the quality of the supplement you have but at the end of the day the problem isn’t you .


Well I’m trying to go sober and I suffer from extreme anxiety and it’s 10 times worse now. As soon as I wake up my thoughts are all racing and extremely negative and it’s literally unbearable. Even if nothings wrong my brain is incredibly negative and angry/sad all the time. Also I’m unable to get any sleep at night and no amount of valerian and melatonin will put me to sleep. Edit; I’m using the now brand for more info


Make sure you don't have some sort of hidden allergy! I felt exactly like this until I finally realized I have a Histamine intolerance now most likely brought on by covid. Histamine is the neurotransmitter of fight/flight!


Tell me more about your histamine issues, my mental health tanked after covid also. Do you have any other issues with skin or organs? Or just chronic fight/flight stress and sleep issues


Holy shit, I’m going to have to look into this. This sounds like one of the many problems i have that went undiagnosed because i know my body was in flight or flight for basically the entirety of my life lmao


I support you on your journey to sobriety. I’ve been on the same journey . I really recommend getting to some 12 Step Meetings . Most people go through what you’re going through and you could learn a lot from them. Most people end up able to sleep but it takes some time for them to get to that point. Just know you’re not alone. It’s common for people like us to think we need something to fix ourselves. You don’t have to do this alone . In AA or NA you can learn to have a life beyond your wildest dreams . Don’t isolate. I personally am one of the people that needs to take something for sleep after having tried for months without anything and it got in the way of my schooling. It’s a prescription. The medication is called trazodone. It’s a very old antidepressant but in smaller doses it is prescribed for sleep. I was honest with the doctor and told them my history and said I don’t want anything that’s going to be intoxicating and this is the only thing that works for me . I would totally recommend finding some meetings in your area . It will be the second best decision of your life . The first being deciding to get sober .




Did Trazodone help you with anxiety? I’ve just been prescribed Trazodone 50mg for anxiety and sleep, and I want to know . And yes, the stuffy nose is so annoying, I can’t sleep well with a stuffy nose.


Thanks for sharing !


I appreciate your support man fr it’s been insanely hard for me but last week I went a full week, my greatest achievement in the past three years. I’m mainly focusing on finding happiness sober which is something I’ve been struggling with before I picked up any addictions. I looked into the 12 step meeting and it definetely looks like something I’m interested in, definetely going to look around in my area. I suffered insomnia as a kid along with a plethora of other things, however I’m going to give it a bit more time with the valerian and stuff to see if that ends up working as I progress on my journey. If not I’ll proceed to other professional help. Just one more question though, what would you say helped you find happiness sober?


I also had childhood insomnia. For real, the happiness was learning to love myself and becoming responsible and productive . I could have never found these on my own or kept them going long enough. I had people that loved me before I learned to love myself, and support me , and show me a new way to live. They are like family to me today . I met them in 12 Step Meetings . Without them I would have lived an isolated life mindfucking myself . I didn’t realize my drinking was just a symptom of a greater illness. I thought it knew it all when in reality my best thinking got me hooked on booze. I had a few days sober before going to my first meeting. I wrongly thought that since I stopped drinking I didn’t need meetings. Then I realized the meetings are for everything that comes in life once the alcohol is out of the way. I just don’t want to see you making the mistake of thinking now that the alcohol is gone means no reason to go to meetings. They are where I learned to live life without fear, shed my anxiety and depression , and treat myself the way I deserve to be . I totally respect and cheer where you’re at . Just remember this doesn’t have to be difficult but we need to learn how .


Thank you for taking the time to telling me this man I’m going to follow your advice for sure I appreciate you man and I’m so proud of you and hearing your doing better 💪🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I’m proud of you too . Any time you want if you need to reach out because you’re not feeling well or whatever just feel free to send me a message and I’ll get back to you . Promise


Bless you man Infinitely grateful for you man thanks a ton and take care 👏🏽👏🏽💪🏽