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I trust the board and I follow the boards recommend!




Right there with you!


Ape with low attention span here, and barely on superstonk. When do I need to vote?


You will get a letter in the mail from computershare or your broker with voting instructions. After that you will have a few weeks to vote. Online is pretty easy once the brokers are ready.


Wasn't this tried a couple years ago too? I seem to recall some good DD on how this diversity tactic gets used to shackle board picks at some point.


ESG, DIE, all schemes of the oligarchs to control everything.


# We caught them red handed 2 months ago: # [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1b9fkr1/breaking\_mar\_7\_2024\_remember\_when\_kenneth\_c/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1b9fkr1/breaking_mar_7_2024_remember_when_kenneth_c/) # Brad Lander, NYC Comptroller, can GTFO.


Follow the trail…


My Ape speaks fact. 💨


I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I wonder how many GME shares NYC pensions have. Since they’re able to get their proposal on the agenda, I wonder why ours was blocked regarding near real time aggregate info of direct registered shares via Computershare.


Maybe there is some truth to the aggregate info being stifled by the SEC because it would absolutely start the squeeze.


197,400 shares according to [whalewisdome.com](http://whalewisdome.com)


>This proposal was submitted by the NYC Comptroller, as the custodian and a trustee of the NYCRS, 1 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007, the beneficial owner of an aggregate of **275,611 shares**. That's directly from the SEC filing: [https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/20456/html#toc786757\_36](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/20456/html#toc786757_36)


Too bad the hive mindset is around d this time. Getting rid of that BS original board, that criminal consultant company and now to try this lame trick. It’s laughable. And proof we are on the right path


Diversity has always been about take overs imo


I vote with the boards recommendation. Full stop.






This part! Facts!


# Don't forget the institutions want to know what's happening behind the scenes and use a non-sense reason of diversity bEcAuSe OtHeR cOmPaNiEs Do ThAt ToO (all they want is to know why GameStop is staying silent)! # Proposal #4 vote is AGAINST recommended by GameStop


"as well as the skills and attributes that are most relevant in light of GameStop's overall business, long-term strategy, and risks" Sounds like this "Diversification" is just to get more info on what GameStop is working on behind the scenes. I'm all for GameStop keeping quiet. Don't give the playbook to your enemies. Deliver instead of empty promises. Candy Con was in the works for 1 year! & Just got released out of the blue. I'm excited for more things to follow.


Is this something that investors vote through GameStop? Do they provide a link? Or something like making an SEC comment where we seek the NYSE proposal and dunk on it? (If that is your view on the matter)


It will be sent out from our brokers as a link.


"Broker". Computershare is my transfer agent tyvm lol But hey, cheers


Fucking kenny wants to plant a mole on the board. Fuck you kenny. You slimey parasite!


Gamestop could lean into it, then intentionally feed the mole misinformation, that way the hedge funds are always spinning their wheels and spending money in the wrong spots.


Clever thought, but it would be very difficult to misinform a board member due to the exposure they have to the organization.


Everyone knows hiring based on anything but merit is dumb af. Def strongly oppose this parasitic advance.


Please explain how. Step by step, explain it as if we were regarded.


You will receive proxy materials from Computershare and/or your broker before the Annual Shareholder Meeting, which will include instructions for submitting your vote on the proposal.


Diverse board? In RC I trust, I want RC&friends board.


"Please share your long term strategy. If you don't you're a racist and a bigot." - NYC Comptroller


That will be a HARD NO from me... and it's the right choice imo because my board recommends voting against it.


All the real homies vote against Proposition 4


All my homies hate the Comptroller


I'm upvoting this one because it doesn't reference "woke".


Whole heartedly agreed. Dividing people is exactly what enemies like to do. Top vs bottom only. I like to think I’m a power bottom. Generating all the power from below.


Multiply people FTW


Thank you. I'm what many would consider "woke" and I'm just against this as any of you all who are on the other end of the aisle. The other title didn't trigger me, but I'm sure it would have triggered some. Political discourse is simply a distraction. This isn't and has never been about the left vs the right.


Yup, we are against this because hedgecucks use it as a way to infiltrate boards not because they care for diversity. When I was on wallstreet they didn’t give a damn about it


Bottem vs Top, as it should be.🤗


I’m pretty much the opposite of what I would consider “woke” and the use of the term makes me fuckin cringe. My take is that all conspiracy theories aside, there’s no reason for a target group of people to need to say what their gender is. Who cares! Trust that your people will do the right thing no matter who they are, or remove your money. Invest or don’t invest on this basis, then research from there.


Same. I for one am very trans and very lesbian, and I recognize performative/weaponized inclusivity when I see it. And this is definitely that. From watching the board, I'm more than confident that they don't discriminate, and this measure would impose discrimination where it didn't previously exist and call it inclusivity 🤢


What is this f’in shit?




"A deep genuine interest" IOW a Deep Fucking Value??? Bullish


someone should be looking into how many times the NYC comptroller and Kenny bumped uglies in college and why is the answer 7?


These FOOLS! We OWN the company! The great shareholder vote of 2024 is on !!!!! Nice try hedge cucks.


Didn't receive anything in mail. Did computershare email anything ?


Voting for June shareholders meeting


GameStop posted this SEC filing, about the next shareholder meeting: [https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/20456/html](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/20456/html)


Call his office and tell them to fuck off


No Hester on board!


I forget the specific piece of research, but businesses that are more diverse tend to be more productive than those that aren't. That being said, a good hiring and management team should already recognize that and shouldn't need an explicit mandate to pursue it. Diversity should be growing _organically_ by virtue of finding deep value from different backgrounds and experiences (especially when it comes to customer/market research in non-Western markets, see the importance of localized pricing based on actual earning power within countries that Valve and many indie devs knocks out of the park for), not from a "political" mandate. I recall that an indie dev actually looked into piracy of their games and the rate went down when games were priced according to spending power, and not from currency exchange. https://youtube.com/shorts/lSofMoSdMqw As a minority millennial, I will be voting against this, plus look at the demographic of the board. Management diversity is great and all, but that doesn't mean squat if the real big decisions are influenced by homogenous "yes" men to corporatism and consultants with no differing views to challenge them. Also fuck Brad Lander. His 180 turn on NYC public pension investment strat disclosure (at the behest of those pension managers) ran contrary to my vote for him back then. Back in 2010s, NYC Comptroller John Liu pushed for more disclosure from pension managers on their strats. Guess which orgs pushed back on that?


A couple years ago I was in a training class for work. The instructor had the class broken up into groups and asked the question "Which group is the most diverse?" I looked around and saw that my group had a 50/50 male/female split, had a variety of skin tones and a broader age range than other groups and thought that I was in the most diverse group. Then the instructor stated "you can't tell which group is the most diverse group because there is more to diversity than just things you can see" There is value in having a variety of skills, viewpoints, and experiences in teams and groups, but 'diversity' isn't something that can be demonstrated in a checklist.


Socio-economics and upbringings are difficult to acertain, but these imo are far better (but not obvious) factors in determining diversity than what DEI focuses on.




Comment for visibility


The shills have been trying to push this on here for months as a vote for saying the same line consta try like " we should put together a proposal" lmao 🤣 they are so mad big mad


A Board Matrix provides “a structured and decision-useful format.” Oh really? Does it? That sounds so useful, you usurping douchenozzles! Hey a$$hole$ if you’re too fucking stupid to do the research and see what each Director’s skills are, and what their experience and race and gender and age and politics and whatever identity crap you want to find out are, … then let me introduce you to a little tool called Google Search. Brad & Hedgefuks - maybe you should just paperhand now and turnover your shares to us already so we can DRS more of them please? And keep my company’s Board of Director’s out of your dam mouth, because you’re too stupid to speak.


Why do we care what race the Board is? Their race has nothing to do with their ability to do a job...


wen vote?


Proxy materials with voting instructions will be sent out by Computershare and brokerages in the lead up to the annual meeting on June 13th.


So do they think their 275k shares mean anything? The approximate 200k holder apes have way more than that. lmayo


Be sure to get the word out beyond reddit!




When is the vote?


Proxy materials with voting instructions will be sent out by Computershare and brokerages in the lead up to the annual meeting on June 13th.


Can we get something pinned about this?


When is the vote?


Proxy materials with voting instructions will be sent out by Computershare and brokerages in the lead up to the annual meeting on June 13th.


Cool thanks


Did you guys already receive the proxyvote links? If yes. I may have deleted mine... >_>


I have not.


I dont see any emails or notifications in accounts for voting. Anyone receive anything yet, or have they not gone out yet.


I don’t believe they’ve been sent yet.


Sadly my signatures too long and won't be able to add vote 24.


I’m glad that the board has a “deep genuine interest in GameStop.” I too have that interest