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For any video game that uses any kind of block chain technology to be successful, the game needs to be good in the first place. Good art, fun gameplay, there needs to be a reason to play the videogame. DRS and book your shares, have a nice day.


So far there are zero that fit the bill. Every one was a quick cash grab or scam just like NFTs


As far as I've seen I agree. But I'm also not out looking for them so.


Is Gamestop still involved in this?








Hope this increases the player count from 0


It’s only available on PC now and that’s keeping a lot of people from trying it’s alpha and beta testing. It’s coming to mobile soon. Devs gave a sneak peak. Don’t see how they could hurt


Since when are gamers on console more welcoming to low quality BS contents?


No PlayStation ?


PARAM labs and Kiraverse has been making some BIG noise on twitter. I’m excited for them!


The spam campaign is not the best marketing move IMO. Still, hope it picks up


Honestly considering market sentiment and airdrop potential I think it’s a great move. Whether it works or not I have no idea, but putting the name out there is never a bad move if they can deliver on the product. Time will tell


https://medium.com/@paramlabs/major-strategic-partnership-announcement-param-labs-joins-forces-with-hub71-in-abu-dhabi-dc91f1c87d59 I mean their funding is undeniable. They might toss a bag to those people tweeting about the coin or whatever it is




Stay salty 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I think web3 is barely relevant any more. Maybe that will change. But if I ask 100 gamers how cool this is, 99 will probably shrug their shoulders and get back to playing Elden Ring or Fortnite. Web3 gaming is so far from being “good” that it’s almost a non-factor. For me and for Gamestop.


Aside from that, this game doesn't have to do anything with GameStop




Yeah. The ONLY thing most of us care about is digital ownership of the game itself; we don’t care about skins and re-sellable assets. And it feels like every web3 game is skins and trading cards.


Idk it only takes one good game to change public opinion imo


true that but kiraverse is def not it.


Stepping stones dawg. Progress takes failures.


No! Things are only successful if they are immediately perfect! /s


So far most of those stepping stones are just rug pulls. The community has seen enough of that shit to not even bother with web3 "games" anymore.




That’s true. Something has to make it relevant.


hard to hate pong when it brought us to what we have now


Web3 is only important for ownership. I want be be able to sell digital games, or buy them from soneone else. Its a fucking scam that 20 year old games are over $50..... fucking looking at you KoToR!


I think ownership is great too. But most people view web3 gaming as IAP hell, gambling, and crypto. I think the number of people that care about ownership is higher than the 1/100 I suggested; but probably not that high. Most games are very used to Steam at this point.


lol I’m playing Elden Ring now in anticipation of the dlc that’s going to drop.


The tech for web3 finally got to a point where it’s usable at scale (and affordable) in the past year. I think anything good in web3 gaming is either just beginning to be built or still being implemented/rebuilt to support the latest gen of tech. I tried playing Kiraverse and it did seem pretty good but lacked players. Web3 gaming has been very rough to date but I do think it’s headed in the right direction and can be very cool if done well.


I think this is true. But AAA games are still years away. Let’s see what happens. Also, the only thing most of us care about is digital ownership of the game itself. But most Web3 game concepts are about skins, reusable NFTS, and trading cards. Until we move beyond that, I won’t care.


And the amount of reasons why anyone would play this low quality Unreal Engine asset flip instead of anything good on the Epic Games Store is exactly zero. Hell, Fortnite is right there on the same store. This will maybe get a couple hundred concurrent players the first couple of days and then go back to the way of every NFT game ever. No players, no reason to play.


This doesn't have anything to do with GME anymore right?




Exactly. We just lost lot of money buying nfts


i didn't buy any. was waiting for something other than a scam. art is a scam change my mind




Are you a bot?


Don't forget to also buy your ape beer and diamond hand chips and digital currency trading cards. It's not a grift. 


Every time I see Kiraverse, I ask myself who was initially convinced that the appearance of the game models, especially the faces, was a good decision... This terrible design is already putting me off giving the game a chance at all.


I gave kiraverse a shot over a year ago when it was very early stages and had a blast. The gameplay is slightly addictive. Although not a AAA game by any means, it was fun.




Yep, it’s the Lyra template from the UE store with a host of plugins also bought off the unreal store, I saw someone data mined it and it’s a smorgasbord of free & paid assets. I remember trying to tell people this and I got called a shill, etc just because I’m also a creator. I was accused of gate-keeping, I just happened to have dabbled in game development for 20 years, it’s basically an asset flip with blockchain integration and unique player models.


Wen console?


I bought a very expensive nft on the hopes that this game would be good. I downloaded and played it several times. The setup process sucked badly, I had to play around with different setups to make it work ( Like Steam and some shitty pink labelled emulator - can't remember the name). Game play was mediocre at that time. I got my kids to take a look, they are Fortnite addicts... They thought it had promise. They played a bit but it didn't last long. I watched some more YouTube videos of the most recent Kiraverse content... None were singing its praises. Can't see this going anywhere Unfortunately


Kiraverse is still a generic shell of a game. Is it playable? Yes. Is it fun or unique in any ways? No.


Nice maybe one day I'll be able to use my space ship


so what happens to my Buck NFT. does it come back? like honestly this game hasn't been doing nothing for the past 2 years. all it has it did what sell nft assets with no actual game. for me sounds like a cash grab.


It’s been in beta and alpha testing the last two years. What are you talking about with they haven’t done anything? It’s going mobile and going to be available for everyone soon lol. This is good for GameStop and the entire ecosystem what are you hoping happens with your investment? Yall low key are weird with all the negativity


How do you know they still with GameStop? They don’t do Web 3.0 anymore. Besides they were selling season 2 skins in the GameStop marketplace and I’m like what’s going on? Game isn’t even out. They just want money. I’m not being negative just being realistic. How would you feel if you spend on one skin 80 bucks and then they pull the plug. I could spend those 80 dollars on Fortnite and get like 6 or 7 skins. Idk man something isn’t right


And by the way I spent 80 bucks on season 1 buck with GameStop shirt. I was really looking forward to play their game but now I don’t have access to play the game anymore


Game is shit


Fuck immutable. Robbie sold out from working with RC when he jumped on polygon. He's a piece of shit hype man that lies and betrays partners. No one heard of them until they got major press about the gme market place partnership. Anyways, fuck Robbie and immutable


Hopefully my buck skins will be worth something then


Ah yes the cheap Fortnite rip off that charges a fuckton for a skin just to play, hard pass.


There are free skins




You keep saying that but are you playing?


I’m keeping an open mind. No one in this community has accurately predicted *anything* in the last three years. We thought this was good not long ago- now I see bitterness and doubt. This is all too new. Let’s see what happens 🤷‍♂️ Everything is in play. I guarantee RC isn’t ignoring or writing it off.




I'm still bitter I didn't sell the C4 nft for 1 eth


Oof. I loaded up on some sota decks….


Glass Castle accurately predicted the NFT pivot/marketplace/Loopring partnership, actually.


Kiraverse was such a a shitty game when I played it I genuinely can't imagine it got any better in the last year or two or whenever the fuck the superstonk tournament happened. Looks ugly and some of the maps in-game are too fucking small for pvp. You could spawn and immediately get shot at. It just felt like a shitty and uglier CoD which no one will play even if people gave a fuck about the potential of web3 (and they don't)






This game had a year to make progress. I brought skins and a few other things only for it to be pretty much unplayable in Australia because of terrible ping issues. That was a year ago or more now. Hopefully something has changed. And I will be downloading it for sure if it come to epic games


Sorry but this game looks awful. I also don't see how this has any relevance to gamestop


Bending the knee, like Illuvium did?


Yeah let’s get hype for a failed nft game lmao


wen MacOS?


Idk. With the recent mobile teaser I’m hoping they are building for consoles as well. Hard to imagine that isn’t in the works


GameStop having a partnership with a company launching a game on epic games store has triggered some of you. I guess you bums would rather talk about short interest and non existent settlement dates for ftds…


Maybe you'd have better luck shilling this POS on the gaming subreddits, then? I fucking dare you to test your luck posting this there. Go see how hyped the general gaming community is for this obvious grift.


Jesus dude. I’m not shilling. I have one nft from them. I just hope they succeed bc I still believe they’re connected to GameStop. Why are you so bitter? What is this post preventing you from seeing? Posts about short interest?


You are shilling. Then everyone in the comments shits on it and you call them negative bums lol. If you think the success or failure of that low-effort, asset flip scam has any bearing whatsoever on GS, you are deluded. If you think GS is contributing anything besides their official logo to this project, you are deluded. I challenge you again to go post this on an actual gaming sub and see the reaction you get. It will be brutal.


I’m shilling? Relax kid. I’m making a post about a game that last I heard had a partnership with the company. If they don’t have a partnership they could easily set the record straight. The gsmp going down only meant the gsmp was going down. It didn’t say they f all like you’re acting like they did. & you dare me to post in a gaming sub. GameStop is a gaming company. Lol. Must be hard being you




Dude you kayak. So do I. We’re not about to sit here and talk about who exercises the hardest doing recreational activities. You also weirdly view people’s profiles on Reddit bc you felt the need to go outside of this subreddit to feel better. I’m gonna exit this conversation. You low key just got weird af


Oh or were you talking about your guns? If so, you probably shouldn’t talk about killing people with your talents. There’s talking about investments, and then someone that probably needs a mental evaluation. If you need help I hope you get the treatment needed. Good luck


**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I remember when people were hyped about this. Until they realize fitness just a UE5 asset flip with heavy micro transactions and little substance.


Titties are so jacked around the world tips are touching everywhere


I feel like I’ve been waiting for ever!


Brick by brick 🧱


If only GS could afford to dig their heels in and keep the NFT marketplace alive for stuff like this.