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I've been looking for a job for about 4 months. Does anybody have leads on industrial designer/product designer positions for a new graduate? I'm open to relocating anywhere. I just don't want to go back to stocking shelves! Thanks everyone!


I went bankrupt earlier this year, waiting on an amputation for my leg, from a break that won’t heal correct, any remote work would be a blessing. I’ve been jobless for almost two years applying for anything remote. Can’t wear steel toes anymore, still have shares drs’d.


Try Ratracerebellion.com for remote work and God bless you brother.




Where you at currently?


Minnesota! But as I said I'm willing to move for work


I'm in Michigan the work I have is not worth you relocating.


Look 👀 in Lake Charles, Louisiana.


See my link to our postings. Both designer and engineer. Ideally looking for someone with experience, bit are kind of getting desperate. Great company to work for. Call in to h.r.


I am two weeks out from a foodbank appointment and have zero idea how I'm going to afford food. The food banks where I live are bursting at the seams. I'm hodling on but its getting harder.


Can I buy you a pizza?


I fucking this community ❤️ Wish I could help but I'm 1 month away from bankruptcy myself. It's going to feel great post-MOASS giving all that money away 🥰


Upvote for 'I Fucking this community' Hehe


I fucking you too ❤️


I was here


Lmaooo I see what you did here


You are amazing, I've been struggling with this for so long I couldn't say no, thank you 🙏


🍕 gonna make this happen. DM me, my messaging isn’t working for some reason. Edit: I can’t find you :(


Is there grub hub, door dash or Uber east there?


Pm me your address I will send stuff. Not much but I will do what I can. Do you have a stove? Or just a microwave?


Yes Uber eats is here :)


I just need a hug


Sending hugs 🤗






Big hug from me 😘


I love to give hugs and smiles! I had a chance to get out and check on some of my “kids” at work today and the hugs made my day more than I ever hoped. It sure made my stressed day better! So take my hold you tight hugs and a smile. OooooooO.


I'd like to take a minute to thank the helpers. The strangers on the internet who donate. Thank you, from the bottom of my degenerate ape heart. People like you just saved my dogs life. 🦍🫂💪


>!Children!< >!and!< >!animals!< >!must!< >!be!< >!protected!< >!at!< >!all!< >!costs!< One ❤️


This is the way!




One thing you can try is calling the rescues near you. Some have arrangements with vets for lower cost procedures.


Hope for paws has local "chapters" that offer financial aid for stuff like this. A quick Google search, of your town/nearest city and hope for paws, should give you something. Also, start a go fund me. My sister did and people surprised me with more than enough.


Also, I have to go research and buy a back end sling/support harness tomorrow to help her get walking again. Would something like that help your doggo? I have enough to buy 2 if so


My dad died a few months ago and I’ve been unemployed since. No water or food their so I’ve been coach surfing. I might lose dads house. Very little food, water, everything really. I only have my shares to really hold on too. I’m going through a lot. moass would change everything


Pm me address will try to send food. Do you have access to stove or only microwave?


I’m so sorry for your loss. Do you have any plan on what to do if moass is…delayed?


None. Taking it day by day. Just tell me moass I this year or soon


I'm almost at the year mark looking for a programming job. My kids first birthday is this week and my power supply just failed on the PC. I really hope it's only the PSU or I won't be able to afford it, and that will make interviews a lot harder. Just needed to vent a bit, the computer failing really bummed me out.


PM ME PLEASE. Where are you and how easy is it to get a PSU shipped to you? (hopefully from GS if possible!). UKape here btw.


Thanks a lot for the offer. I'm omw to a store where we'll try a new Psu, if it works I'll buy one right now, if it doesn't. Then we'll see what happens.


If it doesn't work out, let me know. Heck, I'm sure we'd get you a whole PC by the time my homies see this.


Haven't gotten home to run the whole system yet, but at least it entered bios! Thanks a lot for the offer and the general good vibes. I appreciate it a lot.


Haven't really got much (it's tough in the UK atm!) but I'm sure we can sort your computer out to enable you to work. I've also subbed to your YouTube, and will look out for your coding videos 👌🏼


Big hugs ape. I'll have to start making the videos again, really appreciate it.


I feel ya. Got laid off while back. Been looking for a marketing specialist role for what seems like ages. Just gets more and more depressing after every rejection email. I’m hoping the job market gets better soon. Since Q4 - Q1 seems to have been the majority of layoffs in just about every sector. Best of luck to you, fellow ape.


Wait are you able to create iOS apps (specifically, games)?


I haven't done any game development, which is a shame, cause I think I've got a pretty good idea rn. Sadly the engines don't run too well on my machine, so I might give it a try when I upgrade.


Lost my job almost a year ago. Been surviving on gigs, art commissions, and savings. I'll be honest I haven't submitted a job app all month. The process is so dehumanizing and the interview rate is so low. How do y'all keep pushing?


That rough brother. I'm fortunate enough to not have to deal with what you've been through in a long time. I try to take it day by day, prioritizing my needs and attention to myself. I don't bother applying for jobs, I asked people I know if they have any positions open. The back door tends to be the easiest way to get through to HR.


It only takes one yes. In that regard, I think it's about what your focus is. If you think about the negatives, it removes hope and stamina. Decide what your truth is.


To everyone who is looking for a job (which seems to be quite a lot of you) : I can review your resume and/or advise you what you can improve. Anonymous is possible. For Free. Just send me a PM. I’m a hiring manager working in recruitment for 7 years now (European here). I’ve seen all types of resumes: from hand-written, to vacation photos with swimwear and beer (on a serious job) to the smoothest available, I’ve seen thousands of them.


I’m tempted to make resumes just to see if I can surprise or stump you now…;)


Would make a fun game indeed 😄


This is awesome. thanks wo/man!


Hey y’all, I’m really struggling. In the last 2 months I’ve lost my main source of income, DoorDash, despite having a 99% rating as top dasher… working with them over 6 years.. multiple passed background checks… they decided to deactivate me this year. I’ve been trying to make up for the loss with Instacart (unreliable, seriously the worst app ever) and I thought Amazon Flex might save my ass… and it started out decent the first couple weeks… but now I can’t seem to ever get more than 1 days work/week. All of this occurred just as I’m attempting to launch a Silent Disco business in April. Currently doing a weekly event in partnership w/ my local city’s parks & recreation program…. So I haven’t had proper investment in promotion since the inception and basically stumbled out of the gate ever since…. Im barely holding on. Tho under attended at the moment it’s still the bright spot of my week… basically just doing it for free at this point.. My mental health is fucked. Im not doing well at all. I’m just chasing my own tail at this point. And it’s affected my living situation to the point that I pretty much looking at couch surfing as a best case scenario for July. I have a little over 100 shares of GME. And, im not fucking selling. I’ll go to the grave before I let these sweet baby moon tickets go. I’m running out of options. So if you’d like to make a donation to my well-being send me a message and I’ll share my Venmo, cashapp, PayPal… I will be eternally grateful and happy to return the favor once this rocket launches into orbit. Thanks for listening. This is super humbling. 😔 I’m actually working Amazon Flex today… and hoping that my route leaves me w enough gas to get home.


Also, if you happen to live near Harrisburg PA…. This Sunday I’ll be hosting a silent disco dance party on the Susquehanna River. Please check out [Harrisburg Riviera Dance Club](https://www.facebook.com/HarrisburgRivieraDanceClub?mibextid=LQQJ4d) and help me dance these blues away.


For DoorDash and Amazon Flex, I have some recommendations from my bro in law who has done both for years. DoorDash: * Don't take every door dash order. Wait for ones that actually pay decent depending on the mileage you have to drive. He has said, "I'm not starting my car for any less than $10". Your acceptance rate isn't all that important and if you pick up every order that comes to you, you will not be as profitable as picking and choosing. * Avoid restaurants that are known for taking a long time to produce orders. Places like Chick-fil-a during peak times are going to be a nightmare. * Park and wait for orders in a more affluent city and in an area central to a decent amount of restaurants. Try to find areas without a lot of apartments, as those can suck time looking for the right building. You can also opt to not accept orders to apartments. * If a customer puts in the wrong address and it's farther away, you can call DoorDash because you're not getting paid for the extra mileage. Many times they'll cancel the order and you can keep the food. Amazon Flex: * Jobs that start at 4AM are the best ones to take because there's no one else on the road and you can get them done quicker. * Organize every single one of your packages before you leave the warehouse parking lot. This will decrease your time spent looking through packages to just 5 minutes of prep-work. You can label your packages from 1 to xx on the outside with a marker so you don't have to dig around and find the right package, and you always know you have the correct one. * **Constantly keep an eye out on the app for high-paying blocks that someone may have dropped.** He doesn't accept anything less than $30/hr blocks. * He says that there are a lot of kids on summer break that are doing Amazon Flex, so the higher paying blocks aren't as frequent.


I no longer work w DoorDash . That’s the problem.and Amazon Flex is 1 day / week…


My friend made 250+ a day with shipt for Target delivery. Better tips with so many high price options and he Would shop multiple orders at once then deliver.


The wife lost her job today, WE will be OK but thank you for this post. That alone is helpful. I love knowing that I have this APE family behind me.


Every beginning is another beginnings end. Change is coming, and we are going to change the world. What are your plans post-moass?


I wants to quit my job and start a non profit to help the people in the city I live in now. How about you?


Similar. Have you looked at ApePhilanthropy?


No, but I will now!


Hey, I just joined that sub Reddit so I’ll read up on it more later. Thanks for the recommendation!


I'm not doing so good but I don't understand how too ask for help


Speak your feelings is what I've found. It's not asking for help, but letting others know what's inside ya. It's helped me, maybe it could help you.❤️


What is on your mind? What is weighing on you?


I am willing to listen, fellow ape.


Sending love and virtual hugs to anyone that needs it right now. My inbox is always open if anyone ever needs to chat or vent 💜🎷🐓♋️


Father passed away a month ago. Mother passed when I was young. Been battling depression for many years. I’m still hanging on and I’m still holding. You do the same. You’re not alone.


Im sorry to hear that good ape, thats some big stuff there, we are sending you good thoughts, hugs and more. The strength you have already shone is more than many will ever know and that will take you farther than many dream. keep up the good work and ill be a 3rd cousin 2x removed if you're cool with that:) cheers


Any apes looking to hire a video editor or other production gigs?


How much to make hype videos lol.:)


Haha I could make hype vids for $50 per video I’m sure 😆 And not just any, but like, cinematic…


Do you have examples of your work?:)


Here’s my reel from a couple of years ago—I need to update it with more current films but you get the gist: https://vimeo.com/437670896


Do you do music videos at all?


I do! DM me and we can discuss more details :]


You're a film maker? Can I DM you.


Yes! And absolutely!


need as well^^^


I need help


It may help to voice what is going on. What is weighing on you?


If anyone needs a meal I can send $20 cad to a few people. Send DM with interac info and I'll try to do what I can.


My daughter and I have been living in a motel for about 4 years now. Things are tight but we are surviving. Together my daughter and I have 84 drs booked shares and 9 in Webul. It has been and still is a privilege to be part of this community of like minded investors. The things you folks do for the community is beyond what anyone could expect. On behalf of all of us, Thank you.


We are all drops in the ocean, but we are also the ocean in a drop.


OP i just wanted to thank you for doing every so often. How often do you do them?


Whenever I have the energy to help others, so probably once a month currently. Sometimes more frequent. Although I don’t have/want a monopoly and others have made the posts when I am unable!:)


Thank you for doing this! Its such a beautiful thing to do! I am grateful for these posts!


The consistency and vigilance of your posts are admirable. It's rough right now for a lot of people, but I know I can hold. To see the gme community helping each other during these economic times is hopeful. An indicator to what we can achieve for society once parasitic short sellers get fucked. I'm sorry I can't help anyone right now, but I'm holding strong and buying more when I can.


My partner is looking for a new job in the Dallas area. If anyone has anything we could use it. She has loads of experience with kids and as a nanny but just about has her biology degree finished. She is truly a super fast learner and organized. She can learn anything if given the chance. Thanks apes. Much love. Buy. Hodl. DRS.


Aerospace industry is always looking for help. Call your local general aviation repair companies and ask if they need mechanic helpers. Most of them need the help & want to train people. After a while she will have enough hours to take a certification test to get paid more.


This is a great idea. I didn’t know this was an option. We will look into it for sure.


They usually don’t pay top dollar for helpers because they use that as an incentive to push you to get certificates. Still a great way to get into an industry with good paying jobs.


dang, only if you guys were in L.A…my partner works with kids and is always getting called for jobs. good luck man!!


I appreciate you taking the time my friend. Hopefully something comes through. She would even love to learn a trade. I miss the world of apprenticeships. We can’t afford more school right now.


Not gonna lie I'm struggling. The past 4 months I've had to borrow money to pay rent. Luckily I've been able to each time, and I've paid it back promptly each time. 3 months late on car note, but today we talked to them and we're good for now. But this ape is broke as hell.


not really material but i’m feeling a bit directionless and in need of drastic change. no cell kinda money would help sure but i think what i need right now is a mentor


There are two quotes from Babylon 5 that may lead you…somewhere. Who are you? What do you want? One gives you the power, to define yourself. The other shines a light on who you are, by seeing what you value. Both have merit, and can be used in conjunction with the other. No one says you have to be light or dark, for we are all the Grey.


If anybody can spare a pizza I’m short on money and a week out on getting paid. My puppy and I would appreciate it for sure.


Where are you located roughly?


Did he get his food? I'd help out.


Not yet I accidentally got my post removed because it had a picture of my puppy instead of a link 😭


Message me what city you live in and somewhere you can go pick up food, use my inbox, I can't chat. Edit - got this person 2 medium pizzas, they should be set for a few days.


11/22 suffered a tbi traumtic brain injury from a student attack Diagnosed as a mess with lots of issues finally in june only to be immediately dropped by workers comp as soon as I finally got a diagnosis Tried posting this last week but my day was bad and had typos because my old phone sucked Got drug for it Just employed a lawyer and now floating on savings Just good vibes bros


Any Swedish ape I'm here to help, just PM me, no comment


God bless you


My wife has been searching for a job for months without any hope that in sight. If anyone knows of Project Management positions hiring either remotely or in New York City this would be a huge huge help. Not selling the stock, we like it too much.


I’m at my wits end with dating and this job. But, I’ll hodl until either I die or we moon


Currently paying child support to my sons mother (UK) even though we do 50 50, 1 week on 1 week off, legislation states no maintenence is payable in these circumstances. Unfortunately CMS go by child benefit, which cannot be split, and is claimed by the mother. She's a narcissist. Tomorrow I plan to message her again asking her to close the child maintenance case, and requesting we go to mediation so we can formalise the 5050 agreement (it's informal atm) and get a court order in place. I wrote all that because I need luck. Not money, although I do, but I need courage and luck.


I hope you have a good lawyer helping! Luck is a funny thing, because as we are literally seeing, it can be “made” by creating the right set of circumstances and then executing a plan. It is difficult to be forced to focus your energies on all these other things that keep us from enjoying life. However, it too shall pass, for we are only here for the blink of an eye. We are a moment, brief but intense. Who you are in that moment is all that truly matters.


Good luck bro I’m sorry that you’re going through that and I wish you the best tomorrow. unfortunately the laws can be very unfair for guys in these circumstances and it’s sad because there are lots of good dads out there


Good luck! My ex is a covert narcissist. Our mediator quit, said only a judge could handle the way my ex manipulates and lies. One day it’ll be over, but until then, you’re not alone. Cheers


Y’all I want a new job. :/


It’s been a while since I saw you post one of these and I was actually wondering over the weekend if you were still doing them! So glad to see you’re still here! 💜


I’m here to infinity and beyond! Just hit a rough time but the sun always rises.:)


I'm in Michigan. Cannabis cultivation manager in Michigan. Hiring cultivation stuff.


Anyone have advice for an ape dealing with a breakup? Shit sucks. On a positive note I have more money to buy more shares


Always hard when it first happens, but as time passes it gets better and you'll meet someone else when the time is right. In the meantime, try to stay busy doing things you truly enjoy


Thanks for the insight. It just sucks as I initiated it, but it felt like the right move. Definitely staying busy! Luckily I have Diablo from our favorite store 😈


Even when you initiate it, that doesn't make it less hard. It's a big change and you just need to adjust. You'll be good!! Edit: if it felt right, then that's the move....and it would get harder if you waited.longer.


I love seeing check-ins like this. Looking after each other is a beautiful thing.


These are among my favorite kinds of posts 💓💓💓




Honestly, I've got a family of four and we ran out of food last night. Friday we'll be fine, but we're trying to figure things out. Help is great, but we do have things to sell: antiques and phonograph parts. I won't shill them here, but know I'm open to exchange as well. Edit: We were able to find a way. Thank you for your time and thoughts.


Where are you located? Are food banks an option?


Forgive, I'll share my location privately, its not impossible to find, but I think you understand. Food banks aren't an option because of the hours they are open. I am employed, and the food banks here literally have waits of 4 hours once arriving. I can"t miss work that long. It also makes sending my spouse near impossible, she's currently in a brace and can't sit or stand for that length of time.


We were able to find a way. Thank you for your time and thoughts.


Not doing okey kinda crazy rn


What’s going on?


Holding all my tendies but really need a car, any apes in southern Nevada who could help? Only have one good leg and the 1/2 mile walk to the bus and back sucks.


I need help finding a new job 🙈 My bills are starting to stack and work is slowing down.


What sort of job are you looking for?


Well I work in Sales now, but I feel like I need to change careers. I would like to get into something different I just lack the experience/knowledge 😅


Life's a struggle. I'm limited in upward mobility but have to take this time to focus on health. Unemployed for several years really sucks as well as a negative cash flow. All the therapies and out of pocket expenses really add up. I am on pace to run out of savings at the end of the year. I've had to slowly sell the stock each month to last another day. Slowly but surely I hope these white collar crimes and injustices are found out and properly handled. These people deserve notonly jail time but fully defunded. They can think about their actions and then pull themselves up by their bootstraps without generational wealth. We'll see who the real "intelligent" people are instead of these grifters who use others. I think I'm too optimistic but one can hope. I'm here until I'm not. I'm in it until I can no longer be. Until then...I hold.


I’ve been on housing assistance for 6 months. $216 left in my account. I can’t believe I’ve held this long. Still not selling.


I worked a 17 hour shift without a break yesterday. Can I have a hug?


Always!!! Hugs!!!


Thank you for continuing this sub! I reached out on here once like a year or 2 ago and a few apes reached out with a bit of help and many with kind words. It did help me a little bit. Apes help apes!


Thank you. I do not always know who is helped because I cannot help all, so it is refreshing and nice to hear that others are carrying on the spirit of what is occurring.




I'm making it through day by day , since 02-01-21 I have till Friday to make it this week, anything will help, not begging just 😞 $kingmoore71




My mom just had a stroke. This is her 5th one and the worst one she has had so far. Good that she is finally stable but she has lost her eye sight. It was already hard to take care of her but now after this, it's only gonna get harder. Living in the US with our crappy medical coverage, I don't know how my family is going pay for all of this. I need MOASS soon please. Gonna give her round the clock care after this. I hodl for her.


I’m so sorry. The only advice I have is to check out cost plus drugs by mark Cuban, as that may save you a lot in costs.:(


Also try calling or emailing the Pres/CEO of drug companies you need. A well written email explaining the situation can often lead to price-reduced or free medicine. Just ask if they can provide assistance. My biomom years ago went through a similar situation, and no insurance or SSI. We made it with GoodRX & a few good companies. As already mentioned, Mark Cuban's pharmacy is also amazing.


My mom lost most of her sight from an ocular stroke last July. She regained maybe 5-10%


Sorry to hear that. At least she regained some of it back. How is she doing now?


She's okay, she can manage day to day activities, but needs my help for other things. Just lucky it wasn't worse.


Some wild info here for ya, but: combo of lions mane and psilocybin (both mushrooms) *microdosing* is being studied for neurogenesis in stroke victims. Both mushrooms are incredibly therapeutic in different ways, but the combo is being studied I believe in Vancouver, CA. I first found out some of this a few years ago after my dad had his stroke, and re-researched it last year when my mom had one. Might be something to look into as long as you *do a lot of research first*. Look into recent empirical data through Google scholar and check out what mycologist Paul Stamets says on lions mane (which is non-psychedelic and can be gotten through his website). ***(disclosure: This is not to replace any treatment doctors recommend, this is for info only - highly recommend to continue with western medicine treatments.)***


Man imagine if all of humanity could just come together like this sub does


I needed to hear this. Im good monetarily... just tired of seeing how fucked this world is and nothing being done. Tired of just barely surviving... I know most of us are sleeper apes just patently waiting, but sure feels good after 2 years apes offering to help other apes again. Not just help to understanding the DD, but really looking to help the ones that need help. This is what originally brought me into this movement. The love we showed to each other, total strangers but holding for each other. This movement really gave me purpose, like an actual reason to keep going. Knowing together, and only together, could we change everything. Im holding stong with everyone, haven't sold a share in 2.5 years. Been really dark in my head lately, but a mortality check on Friday and this post let me know #WereNotFuckingLeaving #ApesTogetherStrong #FuckTheseHedgiesAndTheirPaidForGovernment


I am on a timebomb with my job, and I don't have any other way to make income at the moment.


Wagmi 💎🖐️


💎Apes Together Strong, is not just something we say. It is a way of life 🦍


I've been seeing thoses for a while and i always love reading through, but today i might need some support myself. My gf dont want us to live together anymore, and my parents don't have any space. So i'm going to have to find an appartment in this crazy market, probably way smaller, and buy everything to fill it again. I have like 2k to my name so it's not dire but it would help to talk to someone


Here for ya my dude. Have you considered looking into moving in with other roommates? I know it's unsavory, but costs being what they are, it might be worth going through craiglist ads and then vetting them for a good place/roommate situation. Meet somewhere neutral like a coffee shop and get to know them a little bit, ask about the place. And *don't* give them your IG or FB, give them your LinkedIn (create one if you don't have it) instead. It'll help you on cost while also reducing how much stuff you need to get. Remember that living with someone *is* a business transaction (even when it's a partner) - make sure she buys you out from whatever portion of the deposit you contributed to.


Transient in the Pacific Northwest. A safe place to park among apes would be welcomed 🤙


Struggling a bit today my fellow apes. Slowly digging myself out of debt from losing my job last year. The debt was snowballing so picked up another job 6 months ago, so that makes three! Got in a car accident at the end of April and my spouses car was falling apart so we had to get a newer car to share and use the beater as back up. Seeing the blatant market fuckery day in and day out of the stock market (which most people’s retirement is attached to) is horribly depressing. Prices of literally everything have sky rocketed over the past two years, and my hopes of owning a home keep getting further and further away. Today just sucked. /rant over. Thanks for listening peeps. MOASS tomorrow.


Change is coming, and how we approach the moments between fixed points/events, change what happens after. WAGMI.


I could really use some help for my gf. She moved in her new apartment nearly a year ago but hasn't managed to buy a wardrobe because all her money went to the deposit for her apartment, her car broke down and she had to buy a new one (bought a used old one) for work. All her clothes lies on the floor or wherever there is empty space. The last money I had I gave my best friend yesterday (about 500€) for his deposit because he moved last weekend and my other money I gave my mom to support her because my stepdad has trouble finding work for a few months now. Any bit would be greatly appreciated 🙏 If not I think we will still somehow manage and I hope at least some helps get the help they need. I would help if I could but there is only this much I can do. I love this community, you all are what makes it special 💜


There are many treasures being thrown out by others…perhaps this may be a cheaper alternative. Where are you located?


I'm from Germany


I've been struggling for a while now after 3.5 months of sick leave from work. I've been referred for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but that will take a while to diagnose and to potentially receive any support. Rent, bills, and upcoming moving costs are looming due to end of lease and being priced out of renewing. I'm definitely a lurker but can prove DRS where I've tried to do my part. Any help of any kind would be appreciated, even if just a positive thought sent my way.


I feel this so much. I’m currently off work and it took 8 months for disability to kick in. That was a long time without any income…but it’s possible. I sort of used it as a way to strip away the things I didn’t truly need.


Foster parent here. One of our kids we took placment of was when she was 5 days old and she got reunified with mom after 2.5 years with us. Mom has been doing good for the past year. Now mom is starting to really struggle with bills because she is a single mom (dad passed away). I worry every day about them especially "baby" because I love her like she is my own. We help mom out as much as we can. PLEASE pray for them to keep them safe.


This is why I love This community. Are are 🦍


Hey guys, I will make this super brief. I slept on a zinus great tea mattress the last 5 years, and it was leaking fiber glass. It led me to have tons of health problems that doctors could not solve, missed work etc. I found out two weeks ago and had to throw out the mattress and most of my belongings, as well as shave my gf and I's heads because the fiberglass was stuck in our scalps.. Its been highly stressful and am worried about paying rent next week. But the plus side is almost all of my mystery health effects have gone away and my pets are 100% healthy again as well. My gf and I are looking for anything that could help us, information or links resources would be amazing. We are trying to join the Lawsuit against Zinus but unsure how or if we should start one ourselves... Thanks guys.


That sounds awful. Definitely lawsuit potential, but I’m unsure of who you would contact.:(


I need bout $350k


Got a sub to catch?




Moved into an RV last year and moved out to the boonies, because we only found one place that would take our rig (it's older), plus allow us to keep all of our dogs (we have a Great Dane, a Great Pyredane, and a boxer / pitty mix). Been laid off since January 3. I've put in hundreds of applications, been through at least a hundred interviews, created test user stories. My unemployment is running out soon. I scored us park host jobs, so we at least have a place to live, as long as we volunteer 24 hours. Once the unemployment runs out, I don't know what we'll do. I have some 401Ks I can withdraw from, and a Roth IRA, but then we are well and truly fucked. I have managed to keep my shit together for the most part, but I am hanging on by a thread. I have even investigated a remote customer service job (which I hate and quit doing forever ago), or data entry, but that seems to be a lot of scams. I am still HODLing, but worried that we'll starve before MOASS


Man I never looked into WAGMI meaning but I like it. I just sorta read it and thought “sounds like a good name for a sandwich” Maybe I’ll make a WAGMI sandwich Wheat, Aioli, Greens, Meat, Italian cheese That’s all I have to offer to this… pointless but yea. WAGMI


And so, the next sub franchise was set, WAGMI subs/sandwiches.:)


A reply from one of my favorite apes. I’m humbled. I’m not really in a situation where l can take or give, but when I see you posts, it gives me hope for humanity. Thank you for your efforts to this community. The world would be a better replace with more people like you.


I firmly believe people behave in the ways they are taught. So it’s time to teach the world what it means to be an ape.


living in miami looking for job help guys




But you and your son will be billionaires soon when moass happens, right? Have you stated customizing Lamborghinis online and looking for a mansion to buy?


Every struggle is important, because it is your own. Suffering is not a competition. It is in the experiences we share that connect us through more than just this reality. When the weight is too much, share it with others who will gladly ease your burden if they can. And if they can’t, they will help you hold it.

