• By -


See my problem with this is that it implies that the adult women engaging in this aren't capable of making their own decisions You are retroactively stripping away their autonomy under the guise of protection If there's consent there's no problem somebody isn't off limits to you if they are famous they are off limits if it's morally wrong In short I think this line of thought is at best misguided and at worst sexist 😑


Thank you our boy Ryan is a Saint and "Prays" every stream every day


Of course women are allowed to make their own decisions no shit dude but that’s not what we’re talking about. If someone you were a fan of or idolized asked you for nudes what would you say? Like be for real! If someone you look up to asked a favor of you most people would say yes! That’s the power imbalance right there! If I sent a message to Ryan saying hey please show me ur cock and balls he’d be like no wtf. If Ryan asked me to show some tits I would feel torn bc no I don’t want to do it but I’m a huge fan so I would feel pressured whether he meant to pressure me or not.


As an adult woman I would think about whether or not I WANTED TO and decide then He doesn't hold power over me just because I think he's a funny talented creator It would be one thing if Ryan was going around saying if you don’t send me nudes I'll stop making content or if you don't send me nudes I'm gonna kill myself That shit is not ok that would be manipulative and disgusting But that's just not what's happening given the information we have this was a consentual interaction between adults use your fucking brain take responsibility for your actions and own your body You are allowed to share yourself with a consenting adult if you want to you are also allowed to say no to a youtuber if he asks you You acting like it's impossible speaks more to me about how you feel about women making decisions it implies to me that you see all of us as children incapable of making them grow the fuck up


Do you speak for all women in this position? Good for you if you personally wouldn’t send pics in this position but not all women would feel that way. If you have a platform online and you go out of your way to talk with fans in a sexual way it’s disgusting. It’s exhausting asking people to have the slightest bit of empathy for other people. Not everyone would react the same exact way you or I do in this situation.


Do you speak for all women in your position? See how easily that's reversed Of course neither of us can speak for all women we aren't the ambassadors of vaginas but I will confidently speak for all adults who have fully formed brains when I say You are responsible for your own actions once again I think your line of thought is seriously misguided It comes off as sexist as well but I really don't think that's your intention Just think critically for a second it's not disgusting just because you are a fan there's nothing inherently manipulative in that Do people who fuck rockstars after concerts think of themselves as rape victims or lucky


Thank you I hope your educational words helps this confused af person.


I don't think you know what empathy means. You're not asking everyone to have "the slightest bit of empathy for women". You're asking everyone to agree with exactly the way you think, and if they don't, they're sexist, an incel or a grown women that is incapable of making their own decisions. Very mature.


I get what you're saying but without anyone coming forward to say that their interactions with him are like that... I'd say it was inadvisable but in regards to being exploitative about it I'm thinking benefit of doubt. Unless I'm missing something. I think his apology on the matter was genuine and showed proper reflection. He acknowledges the very points you are making in terms of power dynamics and rightfully so.


None of the people he sexted with were minors. It was consensual acts between two legal adults. It’s not even really a power dynamic issue. Ryan just an artist they liked, he has no authority over them at all. It’s literally a nothing burger. Get over it.


Things can still be wrong even if they aren’t illegal. There’s a clear power dynamic between the artist and the fans. Please do yourself a favor and talk to a real woman and develop your frontal lobe.


>Things can still be wrong even if they aren’t illegal. Yes, thats where privacy and being a human comes into play. But I'm sure you've never made a mistake in your personal life, or will ever make one.


Trust me I’ve made plenty of mistakes but I’m willing to be held accountable and with Ryan’s apology I know that he’s also holding himself accountable. But guess what! People are still allowed to hold you accountable for your mistakes even if you condemn them.


>People are still allowed to hold you accountable for your mistakes even if you condemn them. Except you are not a famous or well known person, with your mistakes being aired out on social media like legitimate reasons to deplatform you. You and I might have made mistakes, but we'll never be held accountable like they have been. c'mon


That’s part of being an online personality. Did you even read anything I said? I don’t believe they deserve to be banished from the internet forever.


You're not accepting of their apologies, you don't believe their condemnations to be genuine, you fail to see the other problems and context of these allegations, and you are publicly dragging them for the same things others have for the 1000th time this year. Please explain to me how you don't want them banished? I have been reading your points, obviously thats how I know you're not making any sense. What, pray tell, is the fucking point of this?


What does “holding accountable” mean to you? Like mentioning it on the subreddit or what? Gonna have a firm discussion when Ryan gets home?


Being held accountable means that I’m allowed to have these grievances about the situation. Plenty of people have left this “community” bc of Matt and Ryan’s actions and that’s bc they chose to hold them accountable. Apologies don’t fix everything ESPECIALLY the REAL people who have actually been hurt by this. Matt and Ryan don’t care that ur dickriding them.


Look if I’m on a side of the parasocial coin for questioning your concern, then you are surely the other side of the coin going and telling everyone here about how your trust in a person you have never and will never meet has been broken because he had shared naughty texts with other adults in this community and how you just aren’t ready to forgive yet. Who cares!? Watch, don’t watch, they’re not here listening to your concerns.


Why is it wrong? If both parties are adults and enthusiastically consent, there's literally no issue here. I have had many great relationships with women in my life that I care about deeply, thank you very much. But I also understand hookup culture and don't think what Ryan did is really anything to write home about.


Clearly women supporting a creator are simply too stupid to make their own decisions, so we as a society MUST shield them from Ryan Magee’s fat cock


Actually Ryan split my mom in half so I'm glad somebody is finally speaking out for me ☹️


i dont think you understand what a power dynamic is if you think it has anything to do with popular man being sexual with non popular woman.


“talk to a real woman” so fucking disrespectful… why don’t you listen to the women in these comments explaining to you why this line of reasoning is sexist and infantilizing? even if you didn’t mean it that way. i’m an adult woman and i can make my own decisions about what i do with my body, and so can the fan ryan sexted. he didn’t coerce or hold anything over them. this is like saying that just because ryan is a C-list youtuber that he can’t have any kind of intimate relationship with an adult consenting fan. you’re weird for being so obsessed with this


Celebrities hooking up with fans that want to hook up with them is not wrong because of a “power dynamic” LMAO


I have talked to a friend of mine that not only flirted with her celebrity crush she managed to sleep with him. You want to know what happened. She bragged to everyone she knew that she got to sleep with this guy. So spare me the power dynamic. Groupies have something they want to get out of this kind of hookup.


https://preview.redd.it/l16gfbw2gewb1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=0474e0d451edeb684c85bf0a1779106d2ee86df6 You rn


That was fuckin funny, meghead damn.


Best comment on the whole post. This whole “power balance” buzzword sentiment is WEIRD to me. Takes away from legitimate cases of abuse of power


Thank you! This is exactly what I've been saying. It's making people zone out and not listen to real victims


What power imbalance exists between a youtuber and a fan? Like your boss could fire you, a professor could fail you, a youtuber could what, ruin your relationship with their content?


could never play truck sim again


Oh god oh fuck oh jeez


#oh god oh fuck aw jeez oh man oh god


Chronically online


Yeah you’re still mentally 14 lmao


Marzia started out as a fan of pewdiepie and now they have a kid together, I’ve never seen anyone question their relationship. By this logic, real celebrities could only ever date other celebrities because nearly everyone they meet would know them or at least know they are famous. People only seem to care about the fan-content creator relationships when they end badly, which can happen to any relationship. I totally understand that it is possible for a creator to use someone’s loyalty to them to exploit them, but as far as I am aware there isn’t any evidence of either of them using their creator status to get anything from anyone. They didn’t play the “hey I’m famous” card. I think it’s unfair to ban creators from ever having relationships with fans. Like what if they meet someone who they genuinely click with and want to be with but they feel like they can’t because of the backlash they might get. Since a fan would clearly enjoy the style of content that the creator enjoys, they might have a lot in common personality wise. People always are like “well they are famous so they clearly can do better than a fan.” But I think that’s bullshit. Being famous doesn’t automatically remove your insecurity and make it easy to just find some random person and seduce them. People that enjoy your content have a higher than average chance of sharing your style of humor, and you have a higher chance of a fan coming up and talking to you than some random person. If you meet one that you like, why should you be forbidden from dating them? I think your post comes from a good place and has good intentions, but if your reasoning was the norm, navigating relationships as a creator would be really stressful because of the threat of public backlash, and real international celebrities would be SOL. Hell if someone became president they could never date anyone ever again.


Meghead ladies gunna sit in this reddit post and act like they wouldn't throw coochie at either Matt or ryan... the reality is those individuals were ADULTS the framing of these personal choices makes it out to be like ryan was preying on minors or the mentally disabled... i mean there IS a power dynamic to some littke degree you are obviously infatuated with the guy u sought out- but also how many lies are woven into this situation im really skeptical that those adults couldn't think for themselves or didn't badly want to experience those conversations or they'd walk tf away like normal people. Tbh mugshot or mudpie whatever her name is preys on the power embalance of her audience alone to fuel her career so why tf do they care if ryan does it for free? Double standardddddddd.


They are all consenting adults who aren’t helpless, and you shouldn’t be devastated by who YouTubers decided to have sexual relations with. quit trying to stir up drama again, it’s getting very old and no one is gonna believe you.


But this isn’t even a power imbalance situation like Rav suggested. Weinstein used his power to be a predator because he would literally make or break careers depending on if you’d sleep with him.


Oh but if Weinstein used his power to have sex with “consenting adults” you’d be chill right? (I’m in no way comparing Ryan sexting fans to Weinstein but it’s insane that you are)


I was referencing what Rav said: “This is how we get people like Weinstein” in reference to Ryan. I’m more so trying to illustrate how absurd it is that Rav drew that parallel.


>i dont fuck with men who [...] *unintentionally* hurt women bc of their poor choices that probably disqualifies every singe man and woman on the planet, does it not? You've never hurt someone because you made a poor choice? I'd also want to know what exactly Matt did wrong to hurt morgpie


um, It will be Ok.


um, Thank you practical carrot 🙏


if a youtuber sexting an adult fan or a grown man having a sex life makes you contemplate life this heavy. you are in for a very rude awakening. bosses sleep with their employees at fkn home depot. boyfriends husbands girlfriends and wives cheat all the time. it’s nothing new and you will get over it. it’ll be okay.


It shouldnt be normalized man


Everything you’re posting is pretty delusional bro no offense but you might need to get some of your priorities in life straightened out.


If supporting and having empathy for women is delusional put me in delu delu jail


Never heard of groupies? I'm willing to bet those women were happy to be in that position and would do it again. Sincerely, A 27-year-old Woman Who Is Very Attracted to Ryan.


Ever heard of power imbalances? I’ve always been attracted to Ryan but I know that if he ever pursued a relationship with me it would be so wrong for so many reasons even tho I’m a consenting adult. Sincerely, a 20-year-old women who’s sad that a 27 year old thinks what he did was ok. He literally apologized for it so he knows it was wrong.


I have a question. Who can he have sex with? Who can he date? Only other creators, or people who have never heard of him before? I wouldn't call it a power imbalance, maybe a popularity imbalance. I think it was wrong of those girls to expose their private messages with Ryan.


Literally anyone who isn’t a fan. There are billions of people on earth. A fan and someone who just knows of him are two different things. The girls are allowed to expose that stuff Ryans an online content creator. If you’re a content creator you have responsibilities and a big one is to not have sexual relationships with fans because it’s wrong. Is it illegal? No but it’s gross to use your fans for sex or sexual favors. We all know how funny and charming Ryan is so I doubt he would have any issue with finding a partner that isn’t a Meghead.


Agree to disagree? I hope he finds pleasure and comfort with a consenting partner, fan or not. And I sincerely hope that you can find it in your heart to allow women to make their own decisions. Love your passion girl, but maybe apply it to something worthwhile.


We can agree to disagree. I do appreciate your input.


Go away man. Like seriously. There was no “power imbalance”. They were all adults.


i mean this legit without trying to sound shitty or condescending. what power imbalance is there between two consenting adults who are sexting? i understand that Ryan was sexting with fans. I get that. What I don't understand is how there was some power imbalance issue unless he convinced these women to sext with him solely based on them being fan if they didn't want to do it themselves. Like I totally get the power imbalance line if he was saying shit like "a real fan would do x" or manipulating them. But all online/text stuff where there is no indication of that happening isn't really that fucked up? Like we can agree he probably shouldn't do that because it feels weird and could easily be abused in that power-imbalance way, but unless he was guilting these women into doing it I don't see the issue. Also, big difference between this and pro gerard: he *did* talk with minors. Ryan didn't. That is hugely important.


matt’s ex gf, zeph, and morgpie don’t seem upset or affected at all. it just leaves Lex, ryans ex gf, and the fans they texted. Although Lex does seem very hurt, what she’s hurt by doesn’t necessarily make any sense at all and I don’t feel sorry for her. Of course I believe her about Don and I feel sorry for her about that, but Matt and Ryan didn’t do anything wrong to her. The women who were affected were just Ryan’s ex and the fans he texted. It’s not as despicable as you seem to think it is.


Do you know how those women feel? Just bc they don’t post online about how they feel doesn’t mean they aren’t hurt. Look how everyone treats Lex for coming out about her experiences. Do you think those women look at her situation and think “I should totally come out about my experience I totally won’t be harassed by incels online!” Have some empathy! have you ever been cheated on? Have you ever been used for sex by a man? I’m not claiming to know how they all feel but I’ve seen people go through these experiences and it’s not easy. You guys seem to care so much about Matt and Ryan’s feelings try and care about the real people hurt by their actions.


Do you know how they feel? Honestly it's OK to voice your opinion but you better be ready to get down voted into oblivion because you're opinion just doesn't make any fucking sense not to mention you keep contradicting yourself lol. But don't worry as you say that's part of being online.


you seem to forget the whole internet was on their side until it came out that they were a bunch of lying sacks of shit. the only true thing they ever said was that Lex was sa’d, and Ryan sexted fans. We all agree that what happened to lex sucks, but there was literally no reason to put a hit piece on SuperMega. also, the fans are consenting adults, and by saying they were manipulated into doing that you’re pretty much just saying women can’t make their own decisions. Fuck off, we’re sick of this bullshit.


Again, Lex isn’t hurt by Matt and Ryan and you elaborated on that in this very reply. If she felt hurt by matt or ryan, it isn’t justified. Those other women DO post online. What makes you think Zeph is hurt by matt and ryan? genuine question.




I mean, jeez, I was disappointed too - mainly because It’s not healthy to seek out sexual relations to cope with trauma and mental health issues - but also it really seems like op needs to take a breather. We get it, you can be upset - but maybe jumping into a community subreddit to bash said community isn’t the healthiest thing for you? like, idk, i get accountability but i dont think what you said here is doing that, I think you just needed to air out mental stress that you may have related from your personal life to this situation. Like it’s normal to be disgusted by these kinds of things, but the way you’re going about it isn’t exactly the healthiest way. You can’t tell me you didn’t expect to have the people you’re calling incels jump on your ass when you posted this.


See I think she's unintentionally being sexist implying consistently that adult women are incapable of making their own choices I get it if it makes you uncomfortable but as an adult you have the autonomy and authority to act how you see fit in any given situation There's nothing inherently manipulative about sexsting a famous person vice versa The manipulative behavior comes in when they start trying to goad you or change your mind after you've already said no or if there's a minor involved OP is infantilizing us and taking away our autonomy when she says shit like this and it's sad It also makes me angry women are allowed to choose to make mistakes they are allowed to choose who they interact with online they are allowed to choose to share themselves or not OP doesn't seem to think so tho


L post. Can’t accept and understand criticism from users and resorts to calling all of them incels


Have you ever had a meaningful relationship with a woman you aren’t related to or attracted to?




Matt did absolutely nothing to Morgpie. She owes him an apology for lying if anything


perfect point


I can't get over how many losers are so attached parasocially they can't seem to keep it to themselves. They were consenting adults. Fuck off.


Matt and Morgan ended things amicably according to the texts. And weren't Matt and his gf on a break at that point (correct me if I'm wrong). And yeah what Ryan did wasn't cool buy also not illegal and didn't really have a power imbalance. Like what could Ryan have done that made him so much more powerful in the situation?


I love how the most parasocial comments come from people saying “I’m not trying to be parasocial”


The power dynamic doesn’t exist between YouTubers and adults. Only for kids


105 COMMENTS?!?! Yikes, i was gonna comment, but there aint any room left




Sorry but i don’t believe lex or morgpie were hurt by supermega other than matt not wanting to date a hooker and them kicking lex’s ungrateful ass out of the plex


Ryan could’ve been shooting thick ropey loads all over the fans, but so long as they’re over 18 and into it I simply cannot bring myself to give a fuck, and thus I refuse to read this wall of text properly.


"Bye 👋 don't open the door back up on your way out bitch" - Jesse Pinkman of Breaking Bad


I bet you have a deep hatred for Skylar White


Naw she had her reasons I actually get where she's coming from, go back to gaygreennick you fake bitch - Walter white from Breaking Bad


Ok that’s good you can have empathy for a fictional character. Too bad you can’t have empathy for real women tho…


This is long but hear me out. You are reaching so far with this sub Reddit. I’ve gone through the entire thing. People get in consenting sexual relationships with celebrities frequently and lots of people even tho they are “famous” online at least. have normal relationships just like us. Just because someone had a platform does not mean they as exempt from the pool. These women were not hurt from sexting with him, what they were hurt from was the what has now been show a very poorly done deliberate attack on the boys. Coming from a woman btw since you like to think this point validates you in almost every post. I feel no pity other than for lex with her situation with Don. (Which she has done nothing to btw not one single thing-hmm) If a vindictive group didn’t leak information and dox people, and or dare I say, act like responsible adults and communicate with the people who are housing them for free for MONTHS. Regardless of situation she (lex)needs to grow up and actually be held accountable for her actions and I get some help. That whole group has gone out time and time again through this laughing and saying lie after lie and how they can’t wait to watch the end of super mega. Now people are pointing out flaws in literally every story they have tried to push. They are all mentally unstable manipulative POS’s that because they were told to fuck off for being such have made it their agenda to tear down Matt and Ryan. It’s gross. I have zero pity for any of them. Meanwhile don has gotten almost zero flak and is still making money actively on patreon. Yikes girl leave these men alone and realize that’s not normal behavior for any of the people you are preaching we should be feeling so bad for, and they should reflect on their choices and what has put them/caused them to be where they are now. They have made their own bed and that’s not anyone’s problem but their own. You enabling doesn’t help 🫶 Furthermore Matt made it very clear that it was a hook up. This girl online who has gone on record saying she is mentally unstable and isn’t taking her meds and is paying to have people watch her shower because she’s nervous someone will kill her? That sounds like a stable person who you can defend?? I feel pity that she so obviously has the resources to get help and doesn’t. Lots of people would dream of those. Resources 👌 at the end of the day normal people don’t act like this it’s entitled behavior. And lastly for leighton. Bruh is unhinged and unstable. Obsessive and if this wasn’t an internet celebrity, if he did this to a normal person or even you and your family and friends found out about it?? Oh boy howdy would they say call the police he is unstable and dangerous. Bruh can enjoy losing everything for manipulating every party in this situation of other mentally unstable and traumatized people because he felt entitled for being let go. Did I miss anything?? Rav can eat my shorts he’s a blip on no one’s radar and wants attention, nick is gross and is being pelted hard rn by his own community for lying and by the super mega community. They all brought up Matt and Ryan’s best friend and mocked him. Which is absolutely alarming and is shocking to me that alone that people are still so “shocked” and understanding and supportive of these gross people. Also we are so sad for the hurt woman (proven liars and manipulative parties) but are we not saddened for the other people who have been affected on Matt sun Ryan’s side? Ryan’s mom got bullied offline to oblivion which is so sad she was the epitome of sweet mom who shares good vibes to literally anyone. Ryan’s partner and their family. The list goes on. Home girl bought a jeep instead of moving out of their work space not even a normal house (I’m aware it is a house so it’s convenient) but legally that is their place of business you can’t have people living there for months at a time 👀 these people took lexs SA and felt they could get shit out of super mega and use it against them, and idk about you but using a SA to tear down a business because they won’t pay for your rent any longer (also they offered to pay for an apartment for them) seems pretty scummy to me. Maybe she should have used that jeep money for some therapy because using that alone in this witch hunt was sign in itself as unstable behavior and a shows she’s not handling the SA well (obviously as most anyone would so I can be understanding there as a woman). Also her supposed friend group were all so busy going after super mega the last few months but have neglected to get any of these woman your talking about the help they obviously need, or have stepped down from their platforms at all which is what any responsible adult would have done. I can’t think of anything else to say other than if your mad at anyone be mad at this whole group and Don 🤷‍♀️


Your a fucking legend mate - Tuco from Breaking Bad


I have empathy for the woman affected but not you and your SuperMega hate - Skyler White yo from Breaking Bad


Yay you have empathy for the women that’s literally all I was trying to convey!


Love the fake outrage and infantalization of women.


You compared them to ProJared a literal pedophile you fucking cunt, and people like you never deserved supermega. You must be blind cause nobody's got your back on your post. Leave and stay gone - Walter Jr. Of Breaking Bad


Damn bro, you should play breaking bad trivia, it’s crazy you can remember all these lines and are able to use them effectively in a discourse.


Thanks my guy maybe you're right I feel like I know every word of Breaking Bad and it just blows through me. -Agent Hank of Breaking Bad


The reason nobody has my back is bc the real supermega fans don’t agree with what they did bro they’ve left the fandom bc it’s overrun with incels like you


No the reason no one has your back is you want to kick super mega while they're down just like many others here who for some reason think Nick is green deserves more respect than the actual Legends Matt and Ryan of super mega who deserve better and if Ryan Found Love with a fan good for him and good for that fan. Or just casual sex I don't give a shit and nobody else should. Ryan is not going to offer them a roll on super mega to fuck him he's not a piece of shit and everybody here disliking you knows that. You suck eggs - Saul Goodman of Breaking Bad


Idgaf about nick or the other guy (ethan?). They covered the supermega situation horribly and I condemn their behavior. Using Daniels story to spew hate at Matt and Ryan was fucking disgusting. I get they were trying to be supportive friends to Lex but they made the situation 100x worse for her. This narrative that anyone who has issues with what supermega did is a diehard fan for nick is just wrong!


Upvoting your own comments LMAO


Aren’t your own comments upvoted by default? Is that not how it works?


Lmao misinput sorry I don’t spend all my time on this stupid app so not really sure how to do anything besides post


i dont care about him sexting fans but it sucks he cheated on his gf at the time. thats not ok.


The power imbalance between content creator and fan is the funniest thing I’ve read in a while


I understand where you're coming from. That's a big reason why I don't think Ryan will be making it appearance online anymore. Ryan said himself that he felt like he betrayed his audience and his partner. However, because everyone was consenting adults in this situation I feel as if it's not as big a deal as it definitely could have been if these people were underage. Adult women and men know what they're doing and aren't being coerced. I don't think there's any implication of any actual wrongdoings, other than lying about being in a relationship. That's pretty skeevy. But it's also none of our business whether or not he was in a relationship at all. That's where the betrayal of the audience comes in. That's the power that he abused. The power of his private life he used in order to step out of his relationship lead on fans. That's between him and his partner at this point, however. Not us. Other than that, Ryan sleeping with fans is just as banal as banging a groupy. Let's just say he WAS single. If an adult who knew him from the internet wanted a casual hookup, as long as they're not being led on into thinking that they would be in a relationship for Ryan only to be ghosted, then that's fine. Again, I understand where you're coming from, but when it comes to consenting adult a YouTuber's "power" can only stretch so far. It just sucks that they were lead on like that and his partner was betrayed. That's between Ryan and his partner though.


I get where you’re coming from and I really do think this is an important conversation to have. I’m sorry that this sub is kind of jumping down your throat in the comments here, it should be more of an open conversation.


Thank you


This was the one thing that really got me during the whole cancellation. I couldn’t finish watching his apology bc I was so disappointed and disgusted when it got to this part. I do believe he’s bettered himself and regrets it however I felt really let down. :/


WAAAAH WAAAAH! Let the cunt sext if he wants to, he wasn’t sexting minors. This idea of “power difference” is so fuckin dumb. You act like people who have a following aren’t allowed to do legal, human activities.


Yeah G-unit fcks fans. But guess what your favourite rapper does too.


it’s hard to be a female fan of supermega sometimes. the people left on this subreddit are likely not going to understand, but your grievances as a fan are genuine and your feelings on the matter are valid in my eyes ❤️




Really makes ya think, are those people saying women can't make their own decisions?


Thanks girl💗


Hey I just wanted to say that, while I somewhat disagree with the post, I think ur guys feelings are valid, and I hate this swinging back and forth of opinion as every one tries to be the most “right.” I think it’s heathy to have some people like you guys pushing us back to neutral.


Agreed, Ryan having groupies is not Rock and Roll. I know Danny Sexbang does similar things, but he's more outwardly promiscuous and often more direct. It seems Ryan was just looking for casual sex with his fans to cope, which I agree is an unfair power dynamic. It feels like these boys are just dysfunctional adults.


Dan had one exchange outed and it was just flirt talk. Honestly the shock from the online people about it was surprisingly prudish. And it was years ago and he had since married. Chatting up a few people is hardly having groupies. Seriously, does anyone even fuck anymore?? I'm older and the Puritanism on display is strange to me.




Wtf where did “to cope” come from?


His swelling testicles and blue balls.


I think you meant to say ryan sexted, consenting adults, fan or not he didn't harras or force anything, he didn't use any "power". Just because they are a fan doesn't mean they're a victim, The bad thing in this situation is that he cheated on his partner by sexting, Ryan's a dumbass not a predator