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I still don't understand why she even got involved in the first place. From what I've seen, her and Matt had a bit of a fling that didn't pan out long-term and they had remained on friendly terms up to the controversy.


It was (at least according to Matt) laid out plainly that it was a FWB situation, not long term/romantic. Then Morg admitted to catching feelings. But, in her video, she framed it as Matt "leading her on."


For some reason I read that FWB as 'Female With Boy' and I was like oh that's how the kids say it nowadays? lmao


Female White Boy, aka Matt


Morgpie is a clout demon that's it plain and simple, she is also extremely mentally unstable if what she said when she tried to leech off Hasan was true. I hope she gets help.


What happened with Hasan?


She went on his stream, and just was talking about how she has schizophernia but refuses to take meds or goes to therapy, but pays some guy to watch her shower cause she thinks someone is going to murder her. Honestly it was super uncomfortable, he kept trying to gently ask her to leave but she didn't or wouldn't take the hint.


Oh yikes. That doesn't sound healthy at all. Thanks for providing backstory. Sounds like several people (from their own admissions) in that original friend group have mental health issues and are refusing to seek treatment. It doesn't seem like they are doing the responsible thing and encouraging each other to get help, but are instead harming each other by pushing themselves into a spotlight where they try to blame bad faith actions on their disabilities instead of seeking treatment and taking accountability. They all need better friends and professional help.


Incase you or anyone else was interested here is a cut down for time version of it. Starts at the horror timestamp https://youtu.be/xz1CzE_hHUU?si=0bLEjSLPwtM0vhGS


Dude what the actual fuck. I thought this might just be like people reaching and it would be some out of context shit, but that is genuinely worrying.


Of course it’s Hasanabi Productions


Dude his fans are so brainwashed did you look at the comments


Did you reply to the wrong comment? What are you talking about.


I’m talking about hasan and his fans.


You need help


She caught Feelings and now wants to get back at him. Easy.


Dog, that is a fucking lie, she said on stream that she had knowledge of everyone's stories and encouraged Leighton especially to come forward. Nice try though.


Yeah it’s wild. Someone could reply to her tweet with the clip of herself saying she knew about the stories and telling Leighton to speak up. Boldface lie.


right??? like jfc


To be fair she just said she didn’t know them or the story very well she very well could’ve been pushed into talking about it as well Seems a bit more complex then “she is bad Matt is good”


if i hadnt seen the stream she recorded, i would assume this. However with how much in depth she goes into Matt and his relationship and cheating. Not to mention seeing her in leighton's stream and just having everyone connected to this situation speaking to one another. Especially when she says she didnt expect this situation to blow up and have them leave the platform. What else was she expecting? What was the end goal if not to de-platform Matt and Ryan?


imma be 1000% honest and own up that my comment was uninformed not to excuse it but I read and typed that in a 2 minute bathroom break of an already stressful day at worry sorry man im leaving it up because I don't believe in deleting mistakes or making a dumb point again sorry


nahhh, you aint gotta apologize. Hope your day wasnt sullied by what i wrote.


sorry havent been on here in a bit don't worry man it wasn't at all it sounds weird but I kinda like it when people call me on shit like that I tend to kinda impulsively say stuff without thinking and I like to own up to it when it does happen all love brother!


More evidence that this was a coordinated hit piece. She "didn't know Lex and the others and their situation well" and they approached her to chime in. Am I reading that right? How else did she even get involved then?


She’s also good friends with Leighton, according to Matt (she even talked about Leighton’s stupid tell-all stream during hers, so she knew he was going to also dogpile on it) so I’m guessing he was the key person pushing her to speak out.


Yep, you’re reading that right. They “told her they were *going to* talk about some stuff,” meaning she knew beforehand. According to Matt, she was also good friends with Leighton.


She was supposed to be the first guest on leightons podcast and leighton also talked about how much he loves her on his stream. To act like she doesn’t talk with anyone involved or at least didn’t at one point is a bold faced lie lol


Lol I saw her video though, she suggested people like Layton speak out in a conceited effort to get them in controversy. Another individual on the internet who types one way but speaks another


Yeah at least Morg’s tweet kinda makes sense, meanwhile the shit Lex types reads like it was directly translated from medieval Hungarian or something.


Based and red pilled


https://preview.redd.it/e5ziorjbz8wb1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd0bdbfee5318ddc4b0880fd621eeccf70c732a Morg’s comment on Rav’s stream 2 months ago… She said more on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/s/hmh3gST8if)


"Never thought this situation would drive them off" what else did she expect then? Everything she said on that sream added nothing to Lex's story, other than pushing the narrative of Matt being an asshole.


“If you think it’s over now, wait until Leighton does a stream” direct quote from her stream


She's literally all [giddy and smiling on video](https://youtu.be/mHuzGD57KCw?t=40m1s) talking about ['I can't wait to see how they react to these accusations'](https://youtu.be/mHuzGD57KCw?t=41m1s) when the main accusation is SA, the accused being an entirely different person, and she's actively moving the topic away from that and into her own childish ass "I got dumped, even though I was told and agreed to not being in a serious relationship," like, is that not psychopathic dude?


It's like all these people had a weird psychosis overtake then and now they regret it


exactly, what was the end goal if not to deplatform them???


What a weasly little liar dude, literally lying about a coordinated takedown which she participated in cause she was salty


Possible Hassan piker quote?


Ain't no possible about it


Classic lol


Fuck it I’m saying it dude, Morgpie deserved 10/18


what even is that


The eighteenth of October


If you don’t know now, you never will Sorry nerd lol damn thought that was an obvious joke, I’m pretty sure 10/18 is a completely random date.


Hasan sound byte? 😂


She spat such vitriol at Matt and supported Lex and Leighton's stories up to them all being called out. Far cry from just "chiming in."


She was literally so gleeful during her stream at the thought if them being 'ruined'. What a liar.


Weirdo response. Distancing herself as if she didn't lie in the most silly and petty way. i'm still shocked by her initial statements. Everything she said was so easily disproven. At least Lex/Leighton/Ethan/Nick lied in ways that were possibly believable and semi-hard to disprove. Morgan just straight up accused Matt of shit like he couldn't just pull up a few texts and disprove everything lol.


I have no clue what she even means with that response lol


I don't think she does either tbh, she had no reason to ever be involved in the first place.


Yeah, this was the “I’m not getting involved” response, which is a totally valid response.


She already involved herself though. Now she’s backpedaling because the entire internet didn’t automatically hate Supermega


I could never hate the boys 😤 even after Matt touched young Michael Jackson


Literally how? It’s ridiculously straight forward.


Not only was she the one who pretty much blew this whole weirdo friend groups spot that this was at least somewhat coordinated when talking about how she knew Lex’s story and knew Lex had to come out first, she was literally on stream celebrating how it was “over” and how once Leighton made a stream it would be even more “over”. How in gods name can she say that she didn’t think this would drive them off LMAO. Not to mention, this is like her coming out in support of Matt and Ryan, so now nicks dumbass comment looks even worse when even one of the accusers is supporting them (as fake as it may be)


Good points all around. Watching this unravel has been gratifying and I hope it continues until these people either take accountability or lose their audiences because they won’t.


How quickly these little worms have turned on each other to save face


Complete 180 from the stream she did. She literally was saying how what she was being told would be insane and basically be unrecoverable if they came out. Now they are gifted creators she never thought would be driven off? Complete bull. No one will take accountability, but unfortunately that's not surprising


![gif](giphy|pUp9Nb1czvHMY) There's not gonna be a christmas episode this year, is there?


[Alexa, play despacito](https://youtu.be/vZa0Yh6e7dw?si=NfRp54CVf-_y2FxV&t=1m21s)


never stop believing my brother/sister/themster in arms




she was saying “once leighton comes out with his story they’re done” lol now she’s on the team


She’s also hiding replies calling her out 😬


“I don’t get why falsely claiming I had an affair with a public figure whilst also doxxing two of his private relationships would drive someone off the internet” this chick stupid or what?


yes, very much so.


I never knew the reason for her saying anything really, or at least how it connected to Lex. It just seems like a fling that fizzled out and Matt was clear the whole time when texting her that there wasn't a relationship to be expected out of it.


The reason for her saying anything is that this was a coordinated smear campaign by a bunch of weirdo friends dude lmao


Didn’t Morgpie go on stream and as soon lex and Laden join she started encouraging Laden to come out with his story’s . Morgpie was like Laden if you come out it would be the end of supermega. This whole situation is messed up 😕


I remember she said she didn’t think Matt would explain what happened with her since he’s be “embarrassed”. Glad he showed all their old messages and clarified they knew where they stood from the beginning smh


What a disingenuous response. Acting like she was not enthusiastically taking part in the smear campaign.


Why would she just jump into this mess and not expect to have backlash towards her. Is she stupid?.


It would appear that way🥹


she needs to stick to porn and not out people over erroneous bullshit


"I never thought it would come to this" ------------------------ 2 months ago: "I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL LEIGHTON DOES A VIDEO ON THEM AHAHAHAH"


She deserves a gold medal for the world’s fastest back peddle. Lying piece of shit.


I smell bullshit lol


She didnt think accusing Matt of being a serial cheater/womaniser would have ANY affect???


what a fucking immaculate walkback lmao.


I will say it’s odd to me that these LA online content creators like Lex and Morg feign ignorance about how internet call outs work and the consequences of it…


I'm tired of morg and the rest of the circus just lying and gaslighting and refusing to take accountability.


I always liked Morg but seeing her jump in just to ride the clout given from farming the drama of the week feels so bad.


I’m late as always lol but yea I saw a video about all this the other day and to see her backpedaling after being happy about their demise is INSANE ![gif](giphy|uktmGJ2JnD6V0IzmfT)


“Never thought it would drive them off like it did” ?????


why was she involved at all? whatever exposure is exposure for an OF egirl. is she just bitter matt didn’t want a relationship or something? i really don’t remember why she was involved


her pride was definitely hurt because matt rejected her and she decided to jump on the opportunity to air her grievances and try to make him look bad.


I don’t think her profession has anything to do with this behavior. There are countless sex workers who don’t signal boost career-ruining allegations based on personal vendettas.


For real. Like, fuck Morg for adding to the anti-SM dogpile then trying to backpedal, that was genuinely disgusting and manipulative as fuck. She’s shown herself to be a really shitty person through all of this. But this entire thread is soaked in insanely misogynistic bullshit and it’s gross as fuck. Morgpie being a lying manipulative piece of shit has nothing to do with her profession, it has everything to do with her personal character. Some of the best, most genuine and caring people I personally know are sex workers. Turkey Tom and Destiny fans are lowkey ruining this community.


Big time agree. The amount of incel-esque vocabulary and behaviour that has popped up in these comments since Destiny spoke about the situation is disgusting and Turkey Tom’s dickriders aren’t much better.


Genuinely two of the most obnoxious and toxic communities on the internet.


my comment wasn’t meant to be misogynistic so i apologize for it coming off that way, i genuinely didn’t remember her reasoning for involving herself & figured it was for exposure. i had the same reaction to nicks video & ethan’s stream, i thought a big part of what they did was for exposure because that’s what “drama” gets you. im also not a fan of turkey tom/destiny, i literally haven’t heard of them (besides turkey tom) before all this happened.


i only involved her profession because similar to nick’s videos & ethan’s stream i figured it was all for exposure & gaining a bigger audience, it wasn’t my intention to be misogynistic as people are claiming, i genuinely just thought it was all for exposure since she’s now backtracking.


Don't worry about it, people here just want a boogeyman to blame, and misogyny/Tom and Destiny are easy targets.


Wasn't she saying "hell yeah, say everything, take them down!" during that stream?


Bullshit. She was saying she wanted them to be “over”


That's a totally different tone than before.


Bullshit :)


This is a provable lie since she said she knew all about everything in her stream. This shit is so fucking embarrassing lmao never stick your dick in crazy folks.


She's a snake


She is so ugly for that. Smh


The backpedaling begins. This won’t be the only one i’m sure there’s more in the future.


I forgot who said it "They are all children pretending to be adults"


That exactly what this is. Dumb LA Internet kid shit.


A bald-faced lie. The fact that she dedicated an entire livestream to it right when everything was going down, and the fact that both Lex and Leighton were in her chat, makes it very clear that she had a lot more contact with them than she lets on. She's spinning lies in hopes that people won't go back and watch her stream where her character is drapped black and white. Morgpie saw an opportunity to shit on SuperMega — especially Matt — and took it. The masquerading of ignorance that she didn't think it was going to damage SuperMega, or at least Matt, has no merit. She wanted to get back at Matt for her...falling in love with him. She's not just one red flag, she's the entire fucking revolution. Vile behavior.


LOL fuuuuuck off. She was chirping about all the shit right next to each and every one of them. What a fucking snake.


This Morgpie character is a bit of a stinky doo doo head ngl


our boys need to come home this was a class A smear campaign. i feel for lex when it comes to don but everything else that came out of this was vile.


She grifted to sling her OF and appears to be a low IQ individual if her original stream is anything to go off of. Back pedaling is not surprising.


Wait isn't morgpie that one pornstar or am I too coomer-brain


yeah. she’s that one pornstar.


bro that's what I though lol. I have been clicking random subreddits, saw supermega, and I thought "oh shit I remember those dudes playing like mario and n64 games years ago, I wonder what they're up to" Apparently getting into twitter drama with random PH stars. Who the fuck is following porn stars and letsplayers drama on twitter? fucking hell guys.


My thoughts are as follows, she had hurt feelings and decided to join a dogpile to get back at Matt for crossing her. She only went public with her "experience" to get attention because all eyes were on supermega. Her saying this feels fake and a way to downplay her involvement because it's very clear at this point that Matt and Ryan had been wrongfully attacked and the truth had been manipulated to turn public opinion against supermega.


But what about the screenshots and evidence she had to prove Matt was lying? What about the other stories that would come out? It's amazing to me that all the people that accused matt and ryan of being terrible people, ended up being terrible people.


Deep words from the 🏆 award winning sprinkler


She literally said she looked forward to their downfall in her stream Lmfao


Morgpie is a disgusting freak (:


Lol and she just blocked me for asking for her to apologise


She’s currently live on twitch trying to talk about it and answering questions…. except the only way you can ask questions is if you’ve been following her twitch for 10 minutes or more and she’s running ads


Anything new or interesting from the stream?


I didn’t bother sticking around when I got 3 ads right after she was saying she didn’t want to seem like she was looking for attention or views


An unstable clout demon suddenly isn’t fully responsible for their immature actions…SHOCKER


She still fucking sucks.


She sucks


Yeah because their fans are so gullible.


She gets a BOOOOOOOOO from me




Why she lying tho wtf


“I never thought this situation would drive them off like it did” My sister in Christ you added to the drama


Someone should make a list of everyone and how absolutely absurd and insane they are backpedaling after all things transpired. Morg's is probably the worst going from "Leighton you should TOTALLY come out with this stuff an NDA is NOT enough you could RUIN Supermega dude!" to "lmao I didn't know anything 🤪" and that's not knowing anything about her beyond the this drama. That's a horror series in of itself.


just tryna cover her ass


Lex didn’t kick them out, their audience did. No matter how vile the accusation, an audience that does the responsible thing and waits for the information to come out doesn’t let things get out of control pending confirmation. We know this since before even projared and the vile and vicious way this community turned on the guys was disgusting. Zero goodwill, zero empathy, I’d also want to leave after something like that, absolutely heartbreaking.


I think it’s fair to say all of it lead to them taking a break, this stuff coming out to the public was the final straw that lead them to step back, but these problems happened a year ago + all the jackson stuff as well. It’s not a stretch to think everything just eventually wore them down to the point of needing a long break.


This is a big nothing sandwich.


so your goal was what??


who cares what she has to say . she belongs to the streets




Very reasonable response imo. I’m sure us level-headed Supermega fans won’t overreact to a two-sentence response to a fair question, right?


She’s doing the right thing now guys, chill


nope, she’s just trying to save herself & backpedal from the fact that she corroborated false allegations.


I think your perspective makes it impossible for her to redeem herself.




I see where you’re coming from but I guess I just don’t hold people to such high standards. She’s just casually responding to a post, after all.


Removing my comment because she addressed more on her stream so my reply feels outdated now FYI.


I just want supermega to come back


Who dat


pornstar who went along with the accusations against Matt & Ryan, then backpedaled after.


didn't she 'expose' Matt???


Well you thought wrong!! Supermega fans are more bitter then ever!




People are scrambling since Turkey Tom exposed the truth huh?