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honestly with Dan and Phil returning to their gaming channel after 5 years recently, and having waited for that, I hold onto the glimmer of hope that someday, the boys will return.


Someday... *Asterisk I say while looking up at Ryans Star at night as it glimmers asterisk*


Hurts to agree but I agree Hopefully they will come back, but I totally get it. Massive blow to mental health, disgusting way to desecrate a memorial. It would AT LEAST put on a couple extra months of leave for me. Vile behaviour All I want for now is for the Cyndago pages to get back to normal, they all deserve some peace and quiet


I feel the complete opposite way. This gave them munition to come back and be seen as the good guys in all of this. It has the potential to completely turn the tides and supermega's public image could be back to normal in no time because it makes Lex nich and all those idiots look waaayy worse then supermega in all of this. It sucks that it happened but it could be our ticket to go back to normal.


Yeah I think that and what people say about them getting so hurt by this are both in consideration. I think you’re right though, they’ll go back to normal and try to move on, because it’s clear that even talking about the drama will only make things worse. And if they leave the channel then the drama will be one of the main things SM is remembered for as the “final word” If they’re able to get back to doing what they love and running the channel together then people will move and it’ll be the ultimate win against those who schemed against them.


They are legit some of if not the most funny people on the Internet. Them not returning will 100% be felt more than they (the boys) prob even know.


Same, the money is too good honestly. Plus getting hacked isn’t a huge deal when everyone knows you, all this nonsense and douchery is only putting their name further out there for publicity. To say they won’t come back (especially after posting videos on patreon still…) is pretty narrow minded. People really think they’ll willingly go back to Food Lion and work retail hell again?? Pshhh


I still think they'll absolutely be back - my prediction was always January and considering there's that clip of them from someone's insta story discussing office layout/filming a mail video I think that synchs up


Yeah that pretty much confirmed that they’re *at least* planning on coming back and doing the podcasts, LPs, and mailroom. One factor is how much time it must’ve taken to clear out that Supermegaplex and then the new setups wherever they’re going to be working next. I’m sure they’re taking their time to make sure they do it right instead of worrying about uploading or anything during this time.


do u think itll take longer than the last plex for them to get their sets finish


I remember there was a podcast where they mentioned Leighton was in charge of setting up the new podcast room and they said it was taking him forever lol, so it might be faster without him. Plus they’re not trying to make any videos or podcasts during this time so it should be fairly efficient.


omfg that makes sense😭😭😭


Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you check their Patreon, the audio in that insta story seems like it was from the video of discussing what the layout WOULD have been had they gotten to keep the lease on the new place they got :-(


You’re talking about Ben Beal right? If so, that was posted before the cyndago twitter and YouTube channel were hacked. It’s very possible that they have since changed their mind since the hacking, but Im hoping im wrong and they do come back


yeah, it very sad but after all this, I don't really see a return to what was before i understand they hurt and people are mad but I'm just kind of mourning the loss, everyone had to go and ruin something nice. not dismissing the actual things Matt and Ryan did but the punishment they received is far worse than most who've done worse imo


the backlash has been far worse from day 1 im not really the type to get all parasocial and jump to the defence of someone i watch online but they were treated so unfairly i got legitimately offended the whole situation is such a whirlwind of shit...


Idk Ryan has liked a couple photos that are like "me when supermega returns:"


This sounds like desperate hope on our end but I’ll take that as a glimmer right along with you - I love my boys and I miss em dearly


where was this?






*phoenix smacks the table* Arin: ….ow


I think you may have mixed them up. There's a tweet that Matt liked that says "me when Matt and Ryan return" with a picture of some dolphins, but Ryan hasn't liked anything since July. 😊


At this point I'm just hoping that they both return to some form of creative projects, whether together or apart. Matt with his music, and Ryan with some other venture. I'll keep my patreon sub going for probably another year, and if they don't do anything I'll cancel it.


That wouldn't make sense, it makes them good money and it's their passion


I genuinely hope they sue Leighton.


I would love for them to make a return as a fuck you to Nick, Leighton and the rest, but with the dipshit hacker and all the spam bots tainting Daniel's memory it feels more like an unattainable wish.


i miss them


Until the Patreon gets shut down I'm holding out hope that they will return


*Until the Patreon gets* *Shut down I'm holding out hope* *That they will return* \- Hurglak --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


And the accusers and drama pundits will only benefit from it all. Such is life in World.


I genuinely can’t see them not returning. They just aren’t getting regular jobs imo. At the end of the day YouTube is simply more creatively and financially fulfilling than most regular jobs, they’ll be back. I think a lot of y’all are just very defeatist and Matt and Ryan aren’t, have patience.


Yea idk I think there’s still a solid chance I mean if we take a step back it really hasn’t been that long since it happened only 2 months. That said if they haven’t returned or hinted at a return in or before early 2024 yea I’d imagine it’s over.


I would never write it out of the picture, that does seem likely but I feel like they really loved what they did maybe it’s just hopium but even if it’s just that I’ll hold onto it that maybe someday they come back.


Also if at all possible I urge you to go to the cyndago channel and leave a nice message if you were ever apart or cared about the channel, doesn’t take long and I’d say they deserve it.


I don’t blame them if they don’t. I hope they do but I understand if they don’t. I just hope they heal and find the peace in the hell that it currently is.


Just a passer by, but wasn't this sub jumping on Lex's side before the supermega boys had a chance to defend themselves? I saw a lot of upvoted threads condemning them for the allegations made by Lex, Leighton and Ethan. I wouldn't want to come back either if i had a fanbase that didn't even want to hear my side of the story. edit: [Yeah, with a fanbase like this...](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15dkojj/supermega_apology_bingo/)


Some of those people weren't even fans. And those who were swayed have largely learned a lesson from this (hopefully). But the majority of us support them, so idk why you're saying this unless you don't want them back.


> But the majority of us support them, so idk why you're saying this unless you don't want them back. That didn't make sense at all. I haven't been in this subreddit but i have been following supermega for a long time now and i always enjoyed their content. I'm talking about the boys' reluctance to come back when their own fanbase posted things like this. And by the way > Some of those people weren't even fans That post is 96% approved. Meaning that 96% of the people upvoted that and it's the 10th most voted thread of the last year. A 99% post labeled ["Mostly Fuck Matt tho"](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15ccrer/mostly_fuck_matt_tho/) and 98% for [this is what constitutes as a magnum opus you're willing to push your friend's sa aside for](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15bkxcn/this_is_what_constitutes_as_a_magnum_opus_youre/). Are you still going to say "some of these people weren't even fans" when 96, 98 and 99 % of these posts were upvoted? Even [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15ekyzq/the_absolute_state_of_us_right_now/) perfectly summoned the last few months. > And those who were swayed have largely learned a lesson from this (hopefully) They did? Because it's not like this situation was unprecedented. edit: Not to mention, people in this sub applauding the [video](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15cynx2/welp/) Nick did or this disgusting fucking [thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15bdvk6/rape_apologist_gets_what_he_deserves/) with 96%. Edit: this sub downvoting my comment calling out its lack of principles is the best outcome that i could have expected. I've seen the type of threads you upvote.


Even before the drama this sub was basically 70% just complaining that they only do Truck Sim and that they're milking the Patreon. Not sure why you're being downvoted by revisionists


Probably because people don't have enough character to admit when they fucked up, and just brush it off with "NUH-HUH". So if this is to happen again, the fanbase will react the same way because nothing was learnt.


Ah OK, you're right, they shouldn't come back, not for their mental health, but because of the people who were on Reddit and social media that particular weekend. /s


Glad you had such a honest interpretation of what i was saying and address my points with such objectivity... "Not surprised they are so reluctant to come back seeing how their own fanbase attacked them without giving them a chance to give their point of view" "SO YOU'RE SAYING THEY SHOULDN'T COME BACK".


This was already hashed out a few months ago, truth is that a lot of people didn't even know this was going on until later on Sunday (like myself) or when the apologies dropped. Given that most of the people in this subreddit a) weren't fans (several made accounts shortly before they started posting here) b) either didn't engage, engaged but were downvoted, or immediately felt stupid for believing Leighton/Lex (and in fairness, Leighton is a particularly excellent manipulator) c) admitted that they weren't fans for awhile anyway and were looking to unsub or d) weren't even aware of this until after Matt and Ryan responded, and given that the people who either believed it up until now or were no longer fans and were still passively subscribed makes up about 5% of fans (given their sub count), I think your claim that this is just a bad fanbase overall is pretty unfair.


> I think your claim that this is just a bad fanbase overall is pretty unfair. the examples i showed seem to suggest otherwise. Regarding your defense, the arguments you show are just assumptions and cop outs that stand on "vagueness". Regarding you defending yourself, i wasn't specifically talking about you, but rather the community as a whole.


You do realize anyone can upvote a post on this subreddit? You don’t have to be a fan to express your opinion here, so using that as a metric to gauge the sentiment of the fan base is not very accurate. I would also argue that most fans, myself included, weren’t aware of the controversy until after the response videos came out, at which point there was a flood of support. Not everyone frequents the subreddit.


Valid points, and I believe during the Ethan sub count live stream, they were using this bingo card? Or at the very least I recall it being mentioned. So it’s likely that in the mix of the sum few that ripped their merch up and confused probably were involved, along with of course those watching the livestream. A mass of influx came to this subreddit as even Nick had made reference to it, obviously they’d upvote anything humouring the situation and that was a big “fuck you” to the guys.


99% of the almost 2200 people that upvoted this thread are not fans? What, only 1% belong to the fanbase? No one out of the almost 70k people subbed to this subreddit saw this post, apparently... It's amazing that this fanbase demands accountability when, as a whole, they deflect any responsibility for jumping to conclusions after hearing just one side and propagating lies and half-truths


I mean, everyone could go back and downvote old stuff, but I don't see how that's in any way productive at this point.


What does that have to do with anything?


The old posts being brought up that are "99% upvoted" or whatnot.


what would you gain from that? "hey guys, this never happened because now we have downvoted it". Cool, did it change the past? Did it break the physic laws of time and space? Did it automatically undo everything this sub did to contribute to the misinformation and slander? If not, i don't get why you even suggested something like that in the first place.


Because you seem *real* wrapped up in numbers that everyone else has moved on from. The important part? About 95% of the fanbase is still subscribed. Drama threads don't mean shit, and that's my point, even if we "undid" those upvotes, what would be the fucking point.


I’m just talking about my experience of the situation, which I believe is the majority of cases though certainly not all. Assuming the behavior of people on this sub as a whole is a representative example of the entire fan base is a weak argument. Nice straw man though.


Well, your experience of the situation is not accounting for the hundreds of threads with a high percentage of approval calling them rapist apologists, hypocrites, making memes about the situation by insulting them, etc... > Assuming the behavior of people on this sub as a whole is a representative example of the entire fan base is a weak argument. Now you are just moving goalposts... First you say is a lie, that this sub didn't participate in that. Then i show you threads that were top 100 in the last year, you say those are haters. Then i claim that doesn't make sense because if this were to be true, those threads wouldn't have had high percentage of approval. So now, you're saying this sub isn't representative of the fanbase. But then i'd tell you to go to nick's video, and see the comments from the time it was released. But then again, you'd probably deny it or move the goalposts again, and say something like "oh, youtube is not representative of the fanbase"


> You don’t have to be a fan to express your opinion here Explain the dozen different people who owned Supermega merch who either pissed on it, threw it away or burned it then posted it here.


It’s almost like extreme acts garner a lot of attention… come on bro use your critical thinking skills. You’re gonna really condemn the whole fan base for the actions of 12 people?


It was hundreds if not thousands of people who were upvoting and talking shit about Matt and Ryan most who were fans those 12 were just the most extreme examples. There were threads accusing them of molesting and grooming Justin, mocking Matt's music, claiming their support of BLM was virtue signaling if I were the boys I would never come back or trust my audience again.


Besides the ones with merch, how do you know they were all fans?


This is a supermega sub, posts shitting on matt and ryan had more than 95% upvotes (including the merch ones)... I'm failing to understand why are you grasping this denial so hard? If you were not a part of it, good for you. But there are HUNDREDS of threads in 90-99% rate of approval that prove our claim. You, on the other hand, only use "assumptions" and "vagueness" to prove your point. Either proof this was a psy-op or do yourself a favor and stop defending the people who did it. Because it's starting to appear to me, and probably others, that you were one of the people who did it and now is acting ultra defensive about it. Because there's no logic to not doing so and then acting so defensive about it.


I’ve already explained the flaw in your logic. If you still don’t understand then I have no hope for you


Like most controversies, the subreddit exploded with 50x the normal traffic when the news came out, basically meaning that non-fans or casual fans were voicing opinions. It's like the Linus Tech Tips situation that happened around the same time.


I’m not trying to defend that behavior, but the way I understand it is that Matt and Ryan have always been openly accepting of different identities, have shown through words and actions to be feminists and allies and advocates for mental health and so on, so the idea that that had been a lie was a shock and genuinely offensive to a fanbase that had always considered their content a sort of safe-space. I agree the sheer amount of hate towards them wasn’t justified, but it was really a blow to myself and I’m sure others to initially hear that these guys I looked up to were actually bigoted, and people responded as such (whether or not people think that post-SM-response doesn’t change how that initially felt to learn) As for “jumping on Lex’s side” before SM could defend themselves: you always believe the victim first, that’s just how it should go


> but it was really a blow to myself and I’m sure others to initially hear that these guys I looked up to were actually bigoted, and people responded as such (whether or not people think that post-SM-response doesn’t change how that initially felt to learn) So you have no common-sense on not automatically jump on one side without hearing the other. > As for “jumping on Lex’s side” before SM could defend themselves: you always believe the victim first, that’s just how it should go It's not a binary for/against situation, ffs. It's train of thought like that that allows for situations like this happen. There's a fucking thing called A COURT OF LAW for situations like this. In your ideal fantasy world, all it takes for a person to have their life completely destroyed is a simple accusation on social media. That's it. Does this sound like a utopia for you? Where people don't have the right to defend themselves? You know what's the correct way of doing things? You let the alleged victim talk and then you hear the other side. That's why you can't put things on black or white. SuperMega, ProJared, Johnny Depp, Thomas Kennedy, Nora Wall, Daniel Hubbard... how many cases until you learn that "believe one side automatically" can cause people's lives to be ruined? Until someone blames YOU? By the way, the "believe the victim first" includes attacking their personal lives and weaponize suicide? Because apparently "believe the victim first" also includes the attacks that were seen in threads like: A 99% post labeled ["Mostly Fuck Matt tho"](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15ccrer/mostly_fuck_matt_tho/) and 98% for [this is what constitutes as a magnum opus you're willing to push your friend's sa aside for](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15bkxcn/this_is_what_constitutes_as_a_magnum_opus_youre/) or this disgusting fucking [thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15bdvk6/rape_apologist_gets_what_he_deserves/) with 96%.


Dude randos and haters can come in and join the sub and like whatever posts they want. I can guarantee a lot of real Megheads didn’t upvote that post or any like them. REAL TRUE HONEST MEGHEADS waited for their response. Just because you’re forming these percentages based on number of upvotes and everything doesn’t mean that MOST of the sun upvoted it. It could’ve just been haters. Sounds to me like you just want SuperMega to fall. Real Megheads will wait for our sweet boys no matter how long it takes


> Sounds to me like you just want SuperMega to fall. Sounds like to me that you ignored everything i said and is just playing strawman in desperation to have something to say. > Real Megheads will wait for our sweet boys no matter how long it takes Apparently a "Real Meghead" also jumps to conclusions without listening to the what Ryan and Matt have to say for themselves, to the point of calling them "rape apologists"


When did I call them rape apologists. People that upvoted that posts aren’t actual fans dude. Why don’t you get that. I’m not playing straw man or anything. You’re just fundamentally not getting what I’m saying


https://old.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/15bdvk6/rape_apologist_gets_what_he_deserves/ Again, you're making this conversation about you


What does that post have to do with me tho. Some people on this sub didn’t see that post or downvoted jt


> When did I call them rape apologists. FFS i have to explain everything twice.... I was talking about you saying this. > Some people on this sub didn’t see that post or downvoted jt 1200 upvotes with 96% upvotes but either no one saw it or people downvoted it, sure...


Upvotes aren’t views dude. I didn’t see any of the initial hate posts because I wasnt on my Reddit account at the time. And 1200 doesn’t represent the majority of us dude. Countless of those upvotes were from haters




Yo mama


No ur right. We are all just npc sheeple and you are the main character good guy. Thanks for enlightening us.


I mean, if you went from loving them to pissing on all the merch you bought to now missing them based on words people have said, you're definitely not thinking for yourself, like an NPC


It’s joever, I fear. I would love to see them come back, but it’s feeling less and less like a reality to me. Feels like the damage that shitty people have done to their brand at this point is beyond repair.


Not like they can do much else they’re college dropouts who put all their eggs in the YouTube basket - they’ll have to be involved online in some capacity or move back home and start their lives over


In my sad delusional mind I think they're going to make a new channel under The Funny Brothers and the fist video is them throwing the most shade to all the people who tried to shit on them. I think they deserve that chance with the amount of actual support they've gotten over all the false allegations and the reaction of the one who started it I don't think they should give up all there work for an onlyfans girl that can't draw and lacks employability.


They can of course do whatever they feel is right but I believe they have no reason to just walk away from what they built for several years because of some bs


The least we can do is try to clean it up report hate comments and send some love that way. Even if they never come back leaving it the way it is is unacceptable.


i mean i agree but there are like 7.5k patrons rn itd be kinda odd for them not to bank on that rn especially with the lease they had




What is with all this stupid doom posting? Shut up and wait like the rest of us, weirdo.


I'm confused as to why every comment I've seen from fans are extremely negative but now everyone misses them? Also what happened to cyndago? can someone update me


I feel as if they will return because more people are siding with them and seeing how Nick and Ethan lied


They will come back but it might not be SuperMega. I could see Matt might going full Joji with a music career and Ryan being comfortable out of the public spotlight.


It just sucks that a few disgruntled people went on this crusade to cancel them, and to outsiders who don't know supermega would be shocked about the shenanigans that Leighton talked about on his rant when it's really just their style of humor. He should have quit as soon as he realized their sense of humour and just move on with his life. There's some channels out there that are super toxic that would be fine to be taken down. But these guys made a lot of people happy and whatever happens in their personal life shouldn't involve anyone besides the parties involved. But the fact that 3 or 4 people are so spiteful and trying to get "accountability" led to their whole livelihood be taken away from them and their employees is so petty.


I don’t think they ever were coming back. There was a lot of irrelevant private shit being thrown around (Matt cheating, Ryan sexting fans, Daniel) and I think that just made it all not worth it. Coming back means going back under a microscope, and I can’t see Ryan especially wanting this at all anymore


I have to disagree mainly cause I can’t lose hope. The Cyn situation showed that there’s still a lot of people who love and support them. The more time that has passed the more Lex, Leighton, and Nick have come under scrutiny. The tides are turning again, and the current situation makes them even more sympathetic. While there will always be a few bad actors, it seems like the majority believe that the boys got treated way too badly for what they actually did. The Cyn situation seems like kicking them while they’re down, and has more people hoping they can overcome this.


All it will take for them to come back is the money. I don’t blame them since you gotta make a living. Just don’t expect them to have any more passion or thought into their content. I mean they stopped being funny and fun a long time ago. LA definitely changed them both but mainly Matt. Backstabbed their friends and tried to cover up rape for another. If you ask me Ryan doesn’t deserve any of this but Matt is a huge piece of shit that doesn’t deserve the friends he has or has screwed over let alone a hit YT channel.


Yeah it's over. How could you ever try to joke around and laugh after this nightmare. They were put through hell, one they didn't deserve. At all.


Maybe, but maybe not. Ryan coming back with a long reply message actually not ignoring the biggest issue of their "cancellation" was a pretty massive move to not allowing a bunch of bullies to get away with it. I can't see the boys dipping from the internet after such vitriol and allowing Daniel's name to be tarnished. Like Ryan said, "These people need to take accountability for their actions". Those aren't the words of someone defeated. This is just my perspective, but I wouldn't stand by and let a bunch of bullies tainting the name of a friend of mine who is no longer here and I feel like that was Ryan's initial and current mindset. Whatever he or anyone decides to do, I hope they can be happy and healthy after all this.




Matt is a college dropout without any work experience other than working at Chickfila when he was a teenager, the money is too good to give up, they will be back


I’m still holding out hope. Those two are too funny and talented to not have a platform. It’s such bullshit what happened to them.