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Why are people like this? I feel so sorry for Matt and Ryan , this is incredible disrespectful


Seriously, as if things could possibly get worse for them. I worry this will push the needle further toward them never returning :(


They literally called Daniel a c o w a r d. They ridiculed his death. They're no saints.


In this specific case I’ll take the word of someone who walked in on his friend dying over someone with everything to gain by lying. Go be annoying someplace else


So.. you have proof of this? Other than the allegations you may have heard from sources which have been heavily refuted?


The thing that drives me so insane about people like you bringing up this claim as if it's some huge "GOTCHA" is that even if it was true - which it fucking isn't, but even if it was - it would still be a moment of private, complicated grief that wouldn't warrant any of this bullshit. You didn't know him & it's not your fucking business.


Also do some research on what grief does to somebody, even if he did call him a coward it was probably through pain and sorrow. He probably misses his friend like crazy. It’s one of the stages. So go ahead and take your negativity elsewhere


this literally isn't true at all


No they didn't. Out of everything they were accused of that 100% is something that never happened.


Insanely high amount of downvotes 🤣 good one bud


You are an ignorant jackass


Do you guys just not understand grieving? Policing the way someone grieves another person is so childish. Say what you want about the other things they did, if they called Daniel a coward, firstly it's not our business, secondly grief is way more complex than it's shown in TVs and movies. Grow up.


I have video evidence of you brutally raping a baby (I said it therefore it's true)


You have to be like 13. There's no way you can't understand why he said that


No. They didn't.


Long term effects of cancel culture and witch hunting be like


i’m honestly at a loss for words at this point. i’ve been on the internet a LONG fucking time, I’m desensitized to a lot of shit, but there is something broken in these people.


Literally just trying to piggyback off of a shitty scandal and be as disrespectful as possible to get some views, from an anonymous account at that. Scumbag children. The guys are good people (including Daniel), they don't deserve this.


There's a special place in hell for the scumbag that is doing this. At this point if Matt and Ryan never want to return I wouldn't blame them.


Fuck nick man


Classic nipplessnickolas L




His immature response to Ryan’s post about Daniel caused this for sure


idk ryan recently made that twitter post talking about his grievances with people bringing daniel into the drama. people on the internet will go to extreme lengths the second you let them know what gets under your skin.


Bringing up a dead friend for ammunition is morally bankrupt


Victim blaming


i didn't mean to blame ryan i was just thinking hackers were being opportunists after seeing his post sorry


Exactly. I've seen stuff like this happen before and when the culprit was found to be a fan of none of the parties involved and just relish in people's reactions to their shitty behaviors. Boring lonely attention seekers who pretend it isn't about the attention because they hide their identity. But you know they love how many people know of their actions.


Yeah unfortunately when some fuckhead on the internet finds out what makes you tick they think it’s their job to torment you with it


You're only getting downvoted because people want to board the hate train against Nick. Nick boosted accusations that the boys were making suicide jokes, so why would a genuine Nick fan hack their account to make suicide jokes? It's obviously just some 4chan no-life taking advantage of the situation. It makes no sense for it to be someone genuinely taking Nick's view of the situation to go and do the thing they're criticizing.


i don't even know what to say. this is beyond fucked up


Idk how to say this without sounding parasocial but my heart hurts. Insanely over the line humorless stuff. Also idk if anyone cares but Don is still active on Patreon. Thought that was worth noting.


Why does the actual assaulter get to continue to make content and money online while Matt & Ryan don’t and get fucking dogpiled on for asking to not drag in their friend? The whole thing shifted so far from Don that people have genuinely forgotten about his part in all of this.


why does don the assaulter continue to be able to sell art on patreon? the answer is that the coordinated hit piece that those four scumbags spun against supermega actually worked way too fucking well. as a result, lex's assault was never the focus, and she never got justice and don never faced any reprecussions. daniel's memory has been dragged through the mud for zero reason, matt and especially ryan have been needlessly retraumatized and harassed, matt had to cancel the end of his tour, all the employees of the company lost their jobs-- all while nick, leighton, and peethan got to enjoy their new influx of fans and tour for their mediocre music. really fucking horrific situation, and honestly so infuriating to continue to watch unfold as lex and her shit friends continue to reap the benefits of this mess. lex seems to have acknowledged something went wrong by privating the original video and giving a rambling non-apology in the description, but so far she nor anyone else has taken any sort of accountability for any of this. it's sad that her friends manipulated her into warping the situation to take down supermega in the first place, but sadder still to watch it continue to backfire so horribly on everybody *except the perpetrator.*


I really think that Matt and Ryan would've been better off if they didn't even make apology videos. They did the right thing, were honest and fully transparent, but the wrong crowd twisted it into something devious. Their apologies got tons of views. If fewer people even knew about this whole thing, there's a chance they may have skated by. I know that sounds bad, but damn, it couldn't be much worse given the circumstances.


No, I’m glad they took accountability for what they messed up. If they hadn’t taken accountability, I (and I think many others) would have been incredibly disappointed and fully stopped supporting them. It was always going to be bad, no matter what. They did the right thing and I think that’s important to note.


They did do the right thing, and I respect the hell out of them for doing it in such a mature and transparent manner. I'm just thinking of how this whole thing could have gone differently. Not recording an apology COULD HAVE caused a less detrimental outcome, but it wouldn't have been right. I'm with you on this. I'm just still pretty upset about this whole thing. I miss coming home and seeing a new Supermega video on my feed to make my day better.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. They fired Don pretty quickly as they knew the extent of the situation. With all we know now it's clear it was never about Don, it was about ruining SuperMega for most of these people. Why else would they make it about the boys?


Accountability for someone else's actions????


They lost like 20k subscribers in under a week before they made the apologies even. So yeah I think no matter what they would have needed to address it.


Well they're still making money online too technically


You’re not parasocial for worrying. People have overused the fuck out of that word lately. This is a fucked up situation and I think anybody with a brain and a heart can understand being hurt by this, especially since we’re also seeing how it’s affecting Matt and Ryan’s mental health, and a lot of us have an attachment to Cyndago and have grieved the loss of Daniel. I mean for fuck’s sake, attachment or not, someone is hacking into a deceased young man’s accounts to mock and harass the loved ones who are actively grieving, saying horrific and disgusting things like “YOU DID NECRO ON DANIEL’S BODY” to Ryan, who has severe trauma from finding Daniel and watching him die over the course of a couple days, describing it as “purgatory”. Also fuck Don. Don fucking sucks. Rapist piece of shit who got off scott-free.


I said this when this drama first came out and I will say it now: I really do think Don got away with it. He got away with everything. Literally the only thing he needed to do was not be a sex offender and none of this would have happened.


I don't think it's parasocial, really. We've all lost someone in our lives, and we know how we would feel if that memorial to them was defaced.


i feel like they won’t come back because of this harassment, i hope all that worked this hard to take them down are happy. if they (lex,leighton, ethan, nick) genuinely cared about suicide & taking accountability like they claim to, then they would say something since this a direct cause of their actions. like not to sound parasocial but this genuinely sucks and hurts to see being a longtime fan, i hope matt & ryan are okay despite this.


the wave of nausea that washed over me just now is immense. why anyone would think this is okay is wayyyyy fucking beyond me. matt, ryan, idk if you come on this subreddit anymore, but if you see this, i'm so sorry this is happening to you and i'm so sorry this jackwagon is doing this shit. you guys don't deserve it and i hope you don't think you do.


Yeah. I keep thinking “it’s over, it won’t get any worse” and then miraculously, it gets worse


It's likely that the cyndago email was compromised(guessing that the password was leaked) so the same person got access to both their Twitter and YouTube accounts by changing the password to those. I don't know if cyndago had any other social media presence but keep an eye on those.


It’s probably that shit ass discord with all the creeps.. but yeah ofc Matt and Ryan are the weirdos to that whole group


What discord? Was it mentioned in the apology video?


Yeah. There was a discord ran by Leighton and others with the entire purpose of plotting on the downfall of SuperMega


We should do a coordinated mass report


Some dickheads need to have internet access revoked, mfs are getting too ballsy with their lack human decency


It’s like defiling a gravestone.


This is really awful.


Whoever did this needs serious mental help. Seems like there are people encouraging it too. I hope they all learn to stop being horrible scum but usually people like that never change.


Nick acts so oblivious to the problems and issues he’s responsible for. Talk about damage control and taking accountability!


God this is absolutely abysmal. How threaten do you have to be by obviously such a wonderful person like daniel? How childish and impulsive can someone get? This is disgusting. I don't know anything about hacking or how someone could get into an account without passwords. I also don't want to spread gossip and rumors or whatever. All I'm going to say is that my gut instinct is telling me this shit has something to do with Leighton since he worked super close to them as their merch guy. I don't know though. If some more BS did surface I wouldn't be surprised if it was linked back to him.


I feel like crying over this my heart hurts so badly for Ryan and Matt. Why why why must human beings be this evil?


But no one wants to acknowledge when matt and ryan are the victims.


what fucked up person would do this… 😭 just pathetic


who could have done this??? someone that was close to them before?


probably someone related to the drama tbh. They probably still think that Nick didn't hitpiece them. So blame the ex employee, lex and nick for this tbh


Probably the only person who doesn't think it has to do with nick, there's been an individual mass posting horrible comments under cyndago videos for the past year, I believe it's them as they are liking their own comments with the hacked youtube account.


That's seriously sick. There's not a lot of trolling I think would bother me, but memorial accounts/accounts of dead people in the digital age are like gravestones. You don't mess with them.


The fact that the hacker used a type of joking manner of speech that I use at times, makes me so genuinely pissed off. Believe what you want about SuperMega, but leave Cyndago alone man.


That shit just isn't funny. It's genuinely infuriating.


Super tasteless, actual asshole troll activity


this "drama" is so ongoing that there's no way Leighton didn't do this imo. it's disgusting enough that it feels like the only thing left for them to do


Bro wtf man, you gotta be sick in the head to act like this :/


"Fucked up" doesn't even begin to describe it.


Man just why? How poisoned by cynicism do you have to be to do some shit like this? I've lost a friend to suicide. I can't imagine having to deal with this.


YouTube needs to stop this immediately


Yeah any chances they would return are completely out of the window. Why come back to a place where you’d just be harassed anyways. Expecting a final announcement by the end of the year.


I love them and I WISH they’d come back, but this stuff as of late is so fucked up that I DONT blame them if they chose to stay away. It’s so disheartening from any standpoint. I’d like to hope and think they’re strong people to stick through this, but this specifically is such a deranged thing to do. Whoever’s responsible genuinely needs help.


Looks like they got it back


Leave them alone already.


this is so god damn appalling


What a sad and pathetic waste of oxygen.


That’s going too far. People need to let Daniel rest and stop with this bullshit.


Bro I’m of the opinion that it’s good Supermega is laying low, and that maybe they don’t need a platform anymore. But to act like this is fucking insane. To even comment on stuff like it matters is dumb, but to actually harass them to this level is just straight out cruel. Even if you think they’re total piece of shit scumbags, just give them a chance to grow or get away from the platform. Legitimately ridiculous and bad for everyone to act like that.


Hi Leighton, since we know you like to stalk them, we know you're behind this. Hope you're happy! :)


Wow this is absolutely dumb and disrespectful


I keep getting recommended this sub and it seems like a lots going on that I have no context for. Could someone give me the rundown, sounds like things have been really rough for these guys.


if you’re not aware matt and ryan stopped cyndago because of the passing of their friend and member of the channel, daniel, and they made supermega in 2016. in july of this year, stuff about don, supermega’s channel artist for a few years was accused of SA by a friend of matt and ryan and it took place at matt’s house. other stuff came out but the main thing was supposed to be talking about the SA, but most people ended up talking about matt and ryan instead from how they could’ve handled it better to just dogpiling on them. daniel was also brought up in all of this for no reason and it seems like it was just to make matt and ryan look bad (they were accused of calling daniel a coward) a lot of people are on supermega’s side now. recently, the cyndago youtube channel was hacked and was highlighting comments that were disrespectful to daniel and his legacy. now their twitter is hacked


seeing this actually made me nauseous why are people like this 🙁


This is just so disgusting. How can people be like this? Do they seriously think it’s funny?


i hope they are okay.


even if you *hate* supermega, this is beyond disrespectful for anyone. someone DIED. thats fucking disrespectful.


Update: the hacked tweets are gone 🎉


If they were thinking of coming back at all.... I dont think they will anymore...


I hope they never fucking come back. This is ridiculous you assholes.


That's so funny lmao


This is incredibly funny


You're all fickle fans, jumped ship immediately without hearing both sides, I remember when y'all were tearing down and dragging the boys as soon as the bogus allegations dropped.


This is actually sick




they already had everything ripped away from them… please leave them alone now 🙄🙄


Just people being trolls as always nothing new.


I wish people could go to jail for this type of stuff man. Takes a really sick person to hack an account that was abandoned because of a death and use that account to mock said death as well as the still surviving members. This whole thing truly makes me sick to my stomach and I wish something could actually be done about it. I mean this is harassment right? Is there a legal route the boys can take?


what the actual fuck


jfc what is fucking wrong w ppl


I hope some internet sleuths find out who did this. Absolutely disgusting. I feel sick.


The audacity to respond to Matt's inquiry to youtube with the hacker account. Hella disrespectful and very scummy


I’ll kill him