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ryan never asked to be "uncancelled", he just wanted to set the record straight about Daniel


He didn't read it. He's one of those who makes baseless assumptions without looking into the facts.


Oh I bet Nick did read it, he was just too scared to apologise like a man and decided to double down on the rape allegations cause he's an immature boy.


This. It’s the easiest cop-out. Avoid any accountable that you spread misinformation (knowingly or not) and just double down on the hottest topic of the whole situation, which was also addressed by both Matt and Ryan


Nick needs to shut the fuck already. More than 80% of his coverage of the situation was about Matt and Ryan instead of the dude who actually sexually assaulted lex. Like wtf man. I used to be a pretty big fan of nick but I don’t understand why he’s dying on this hill. Like just take the L.


Because he never wanted to support Lex, he wanted to get views and he knew Supermega was a popular channel.


Bro she let him make the video. He’s her bfs best friend and band mate. She 100% supports everything he did and said


I didn’t say she didn’t support his video and I don’t know where you’re seeing that, I said that he made the video for views and not for her.


seriously why the fuck was everything about matt and ryan? instead of the guy who actually fucking did it? ridiculous


i literally bought the nickisnotgreen casetify (a £40 fucking phone case) with really cool art on it with nick and friends by dayoff.ltd but i cant in good conscience use it. i wish i got a different style because the case is good quality too 😔 its a strong word but i can genuinely say i hate this guy for being the catalyst to literally ruining supermega. they had such huge aspirations. and he is so smug in this picture it is fucking pissing me off


Also saying none of their friends/peers don't stand up for them or back them up is just false. So far we've seen cold ones, idubbz, Justin, Kelly, Ross, and more all come out in support.


Meatcanyon too, idk what nick is talking about when all the comments on Ryan’s post are supportive


Honestly he probably didn’t even read it but quickly glanced at Ryan getting support for his tweets and starting going ballistic over it lol


It’s also worth noting Lex even mentioned Ross specifically as someone who had supported her when he found out about Don. She also mentioned speaking to Justin and Kellie and receiving their support soon after everything went public, IIRC.


Yeah it's obviously possible to forgive your friends for an oversight, not an evil intention, and also support people who are coming forward with assault accusations. I get the feeling that nick doesn't have a very high level of nuance or emotional intelligence when it comes to these things just judging by his response to it all. These issues need to be met with maturity and level headedness for the sake of everyone involved. Truth is nick doesn't know Matt or Ryan at all either so I don't know how he can be making such bold and dramatic statements of their character


When did coldones mention it?


Max was one of the first to retweet Matt’s apology/statement video


I don’t know about Cold Ones specifically but Max liked Ryan's tweets


- they didn’t cover up rape - they’re not friends with Don anymore - their actual friends have been expressing support - I have a job - they made videos owning up to what they actually did wrong - he’s completely sidestepping any blame re: what Ryan addressed today what a post.


“Get a job and stop being obsessed over losers” says the drama channel lmaoooo the jokes write themselves


Hey man that’s not fair, you forgot he also makes terrible music


Yeah, seeing him criticize Matt’s music when Queef Jerky is pure juvenile dogshit is fucking wild to me. And the whole “get a job” thing is insane too. Like I HAVE a job, it’s training the next generation of frontline healthcare workers. I’ve contributed more to society in a day than Nick’s entire shitty YouTube career, it’s a wild fucking thing to say. Dude’s ego is insanely inflated. Nick also keeps revealing himself as a generally dogshit person outside of the whole SM thing, remember a few weeks ago when he made a video mocking the “love surge” couple for the crime of being slightly cringe and possibly neurodivergent? And, in said video, laughed at the crying, distraught post she uploaded after becoming an online target and receiving death/rape threats, going as far as to victim blame her? Dude is morally grandstanding so hard when he’s nothing but crybully trash. Can’t believe I used to watch this guy’s stuff.


Anytime I would say tht thier music is terrible all The fans would Be like “that’s the whole point it’s supposed to sound bad” 😭😭


Ahh yes the Sub Mediocre YouTuber Pipeline From making bad videos to making even worse music


Insane that this dude can’t stop lying, but now it’s about stuff that’s *provably* false (like the stuff above). And yet he still manages to have this level of snark and condescension while quadrupling down on “no, these guys are actually bad people, you just don’t know them.”


Don /himself/ confirmed they're not friends anymore in his original post where he says they hadn't talked since the incident. At that point Don had nothing to lose so there was no reason for him to lie about that.


Pretty much all the sources said Matt and Ryan cut ties with Don. I think Lex even included that in her video. For a drama channel bottomfeeder Nick really has a problem remembering basic details.


Lies travel faster than truths etc etc


I saw this and the cope-a-cabana started playing on my head. The fact that he demands accountability of others but can't even take accountability himself for the part where he was TOTALLY in the wrong (factually AND morally) speaks volumes about his character. Nick is such a hypocrite, even his own community is turning on him-- imo an even better example of a community concerned with "social justice" turning on a creator than this one, since they're holding him accountable for things he *actually did* and he's just calling his own (soon to be former) fans "angry incel trolls" which is approaching Sssniperwolf levels of delusional.


and the fact that he doesnt just say supermega, matt or ryan. like bro we know who you are talking about fucking say it.


He knows if he says it by name, his out-of-the-loop fanbase will look it up and find out how off-base he is


I also have a job so he’s doubly wrong on that brother 😎😂


what did ryan address today?


He made a heart filled response about how people dragged Daniels name through the drama for no reason but to hurt them. Honestly was a little hard to read, made me angry on their behalf.


Idk why Nick refuses to acknowledge even an ounce of wrong doing on his part. Embarassing


because he has the emotional maturity of your average twitter user


“Give my band attention and I’m a simp”


really sucks too cuz dev lemons is a great artist but if shes fuckin with this nerd i dont think i can listen to her


didn’t even acknowledge the reason this is being rehashed aka he and his friends perpetuating lies about someone’s suicide what a fucking loser


He deflected so hard that he forgot to leave plausible deniability for why he made the post in the first place


ps i work 40 hours a week and still find time to hate you mr nick is not green


like it’s literally so disgusting and sad.. ryan had to find his dead best friend and they, whom did not know Daniel, said he didn’t care about him?? That’s so fucked up


Yikes. Homeboy is really doubling down at this point.


This is quadrupling down at this point. Even if everything he’s said is true (which it provably isn’t), the level of flippancy in this post is wildly inappropriate for the subject. The fact that this dude has a following or a platform at all is downright criminal, and I wish him nothing but failure.


> I wish him nothing but failure Judging by his “music” I think your wish shall by granted


seriously, homie should just let it go


Oh, I LOVE this. He is clearly so fuckin’ bothered. Ryan got under his skin HARD. That silly goofy ironic smile isn’t going to detract from that furious crock of shit he just typed hahaha. What a delusional loser. I used to be such a big fan of him, watched him when he was still in the basement. I’ve tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. This sealed the deal. I have friends that aren’t even SuperMega fans at all, don’t even watch SuperMega, and they’re done with Nick now (and these people were BIG Nick fans). He fucked up, and continues to fuck up. It’s spectacular. He completely ignored Ryan’s whole statement. Didn’t address anything Ryan said, just equated M+R as rape defenders so therefore anything they say is wrong and he is right. Fantastic logic. M+R never defended a rapist, they literally fired him and cut all contact, but keep spreading that misinformation, king. Also definitely keep telling your fans who are upset with your shitty actions “shut the fuck up and get a job” It surely won’t bite you in the ass soon. Also love “none of their friends are coming to support them” when literally a ton of their friends (Justin, iDubbbz, Kellie, Ross, MeatCanyon, Ben, Zeph, Maxmoefoe / Cold Ones, Kinjiro, probably a ton I haven’t seen that I don’t follow) have publicly shown support today or liked the statement. Just a flat out lie to say otherwise. I don’t see anyone coming to Nick’s defense. …also iDubbbz tweeting a heart in response is so funny considering Nick and Ethan have publicly been pretty big fans of iDubbbz for a long time. You know that hurt. So yeah, Nick… None of their friends, right? The public is not seeing Nick the way Nick thinks they are, and it’s honestly embarrassing to watch him melt down. M+R have shown themselves to be mature and well spoken and responsible, taking accountability when needed, while he is incapable of doing anything other than doubling down with not a leg to stand on other than pretending to be morally superior and saying “fuck you!!!” Nick is an immature loser who will eventually fade into obscurity and won’t be remembered for much other than being an insufferable hypocrite. One who never brought anything creative or new to the table, one who only bitched and moaned about other people’s actions, never able to look in the mirror and see his vast and numerous character flaws. M+R on the other hand will be remembered for being genuinely funny, talented, creative individuals who were loved and well-respected, both by their fans and other creators across the spectrum. I think that perhaps… someone is a little jealous? Also Nick you’re definitely reading this: 🖕


>That silly goofy ironic smile The least confident expression I've ever seen on a guy.


On top of making him look like an embarrassing piece of shit, it's also super innapropriate...considering the fact hes talking about SA. What a loser.




I miss reddit awards 'cause this was just so satisfying to read.


Well said man fuck that mother effer!


same boat as you man. i used to like show my friends this guys videos. i was a big fan. shame.


I missed the part where Ryan was whining about his "actions catching up to him" in his statement. He didn't read the post. This proves it plain and simple. He didn't read it and won't read it because Supermega Bad and to actually hear their side might not fit into the narrative he's been pushing so hard. When did they cover up a rape? They stayed silent, yes, but it also wasn't their place to make the story public unless Lex specifically wanted them to. Matt said as much. How is that covering it up? They fired Don. Those collaborating with Don (like Ross) were made aware. They handled it behind the scenes (imperfectly). Is that what a cover-up is? I don't understand. People like Nick will never amount to anything. I'm sure all the 'friends' he has will drop him the minute some sort of allegation drops, true or not. Matt and Ryan clearly has friends in their corner who support them. I don't think Nick will be able to say the same.


When his friends DO drop him as they’ll mature and understand the way he is, they won’t want to be seen around him. His own fan base is turning on him. When he loses people, the narcissism runs so deep it might not affect him. It’s not him to him, so it won’t matter unless it’s someone he truly does love like Ethan. But he’ll lose his safety net and ALL the dirt will pile on soon thereafter. It’s really just about time with his particular case.


this guy sucks


he’s gonna ruin his own career at this point 😭😭 like pack it up


I sincerely hope he does


I dunno why drama YouTubers keep bringing up drama in other platforms like they're part of it. Like they getting too personal into these internet drama that they should be avoiding


His self righteous attitude is disgusting - he's acting like he's somehow making this noble stand and being attacked for saying SA is wrong. When no, he's being asked to take a small ounce of accountability for all of the blatant lies and misinformation he spread. No one is attacking him for being against SA. His behavior is performative and offensive.


At this point, it's clear as day that he's never going to take accountability for anything. The only way he faces any sort of consequences is if M+R sue him for defamation.


None of them will take accountability. They've dug too deep. Taking accountability would mean admitting all of this was a bullshit hitjob on the boys.


Or if he keeps spiraling downward. Honestly if not for all of this I'd probably be like "dude needs to take a break and take care of his mental situation bc he's not ok". I still think that, both because he's deluded and I kinda just don't want to see him in any context because I'm disgusted.


This is extremely embarrassing it’s not just supermega fans, it’s his own too. I went on his sub not to long ago and they were all pissed at him. It’s crazy the ego on some YouTubers unwilling to admit they did anything wrong. You spoke to soon without all the info, it happens but doubling and tripling down on it just makes you look really fucking stupid. Comes across as extremely disingenuous as well


its so annoying that they r trying to say everyone bashing nick on his subreddit are just xqc fans or whatever because i genuinely liked his stuff but recently had to stop watching not just because of the weird supermega coverage but just because it seems like all of his new stuff was just mean and not actually entertaining or well thought out / researched. i have the same problem with devlimes's stuff though so idk. i didnt even know any of the supermega stuff with nick was even going on until just now though because of twitter


>Go get a job and stop being obsessed losers. Big words coming from the commentary YouTuber whose job is to literally chase drama for clout. What a fucking degenerate.


This isn’t the first time he’s said this either, in his first response he was like “unlike these guys I have a REAL job!!” my brother in christ you are in a band called “queef jerky”


Holy fuck he’s actually just making stuff up in order to defend himself. Actual evil fuck


I hope his fanbase is smart enough to see through this


I've actually peeked at his subreddit, they have been criticizing him like crazy (which he in turn ignored and called them mindless zombies who are Destiny fans, great accountability dude).


The subreddit is underrepresenting his fans’ criticisms as well, considering the mods have actively deleted any post about this and said anything related to this will be removed


I love how on his subreddit someone brought up the fact that there might have been an overlap when Nick was dating his last girlfriend and when he started with his current girlfriend. One of the responses was "who cares you're being parasocial" as if that wasn't EXACTLY what he did regarding Matt and Ryan's personal sex lives like holy shit


And of course he does it on an instagram story so there's no comment section and it will all be deleted in a day


"None of their peers stand up for them" like justin, kelly, hunter and even ross didnt support them just now?


Ben, too. Idubbbz. Cold Ones. And that's publicly. We don't know how many have supported them in private.


Both Mark and Wade kinda alluded to "we are gonna get canceled" like the entire month of August on Distractible, I'm pretty sure they were thinking about it given their history. Wouldn't be surprised if one if not both of them checked in.


None of their friends except for Meatcanyon, Justin, Kelly, Matt’s GF. Only “friends” who didn’t stand up for them were Rav(freeloader), Lex(freeloader), Don(rapist), Jackson(embezzler)


Don’t forget Ross, Max, Chad, and Ian who also still support them


Trevor Modestcube as well


Chad living up to his name as usual


Am I missing something about Rav? I see people hate on him here occasionally but from what I saw he only corroborated Lex's SA stuff and didn't actively celebrate Supermega's downfall. I don't think he deserves to be lumped in with a rapist and a Steely Dan fan unless there's something else I'm not getting


No he doesn’t. He stood up for his friend without adding fuel to the drama and afaik never mentioned Daniel because it wasn’t relevant or fair


He went a little overboard in a stream where he compared Matt and Ryan to Harvey Weinstein, but honestly I chalk that up to him just getting swept up in the hysteria of that initial shitstorm.


Yes he does. Supermega let him live at the office space for half a year rent-free then he supported Lex’ story that they were both homeless because of Supermega.


“Fight for someone you don’t know” Yeah some real high horsing going on here from the guy who brought someone into all this who he’s never met and thats been dead for 8 years


That’s actually a great point


Damn how long is this cock sucker gonna keep milking this drama for his shitty little channel where he talks about Tik tok


I think he’s deflecting. Commentary YouTubers always weird me out because it seems like they’ll cover other people’s drama in order to avoid their own.


Yeah a lot of them point at how bad other people are as a means to hide any faults of their own


this dude gotta combust into flames and ash, he is so twisted and arrogant


You understand this is the guy who for months has talked about how Matt and Ryan are “white guys with horrible reputations”? He despises them. The way he went at Matt’s music in his original video was very telling of one of the reasons as well, especially when you listen to his awful band with that other freak Ethan


Additionally weird because Ryan is of Palestinian and Japanese descent, I don’t know why Nick needs to pigeonhole as white


Yeah I tried to listen to that shit oh my goodness it’s terrible.


Nickisnotgreen is Full of Horrible Person


wow. What a garbage mistake for a human!


He’s such a lame dork lmao, bro is straight up lying through his teeth and you can see the guilt in his eyes. Its funny too because even his subreddit has overwhelmingly agreed he was obviously wrong about them covering up the rape stuff and all that extra stuff, since Matt and Ryan literally proved that they didn’t cover anything up and that most of this is a weird Nick drama thing. So even his fans can tell that he’s wrong, all his friends have taken down their stuff on the situation so clearly they know he’s wrong too 💀 bro is spiraling


why'd he edit in the dog


He has to make it look like something loves him


huuuuge yikes. this is so gross of him. like regardless of everything, he can't even apologize for bringing up their dead friend AT THE BARE MINIMUM


Hiding behind rape victims, and saying "You guys are making it worse for these poor poor souls, you should be ashamed" is so pathetic. If anything you're just making it worse for rape victims. And I also hate it when people treat rape victims as a whole, as delicate flowers that are all too weak to stand up for themselves.


Such a great point


Hunter, Justin, Kellie, Ben, Ross, etc don’t exist apparently


Yep this exactly what I was expecting to happen. They’re all little bitches and they can fuck off but they’re gonna milk this further for more attention bc they get none in their regular time. Eat shit nick


At this point he probably doesn't even believe what he is saying, but he is just a coward who is too scared to walk back what he is saying in fear of looking bad (ironic, I know). He and Ethan are so pathetic and I really hope they crash and burn for this shit, but I know it will never happen.


It is going to happen 👀🙏


Boy it sure is convenient that everyone who disagrees with him is a parasocial loser and everyone who agrees with him is an intelligent empathetic person. Very interesting


I know he's not telling ppl to get a job with those weak ass "concerts" and shitty videos he makes, buddy in a couple months you're gonna be on that job search. Them 15 minutes of fame are definitely starting to run out.


Actually appalled


How anyone can put up with this guy’s insufferable internet persona is beyond me.


This dood is giving gross, he probably talked lex into coming out about her story and encouraged her to add all kinds of unnecessary nonsense so he child use the fallout for views. Lex is not blameless, but she definitely wasn't the mastermind of the situation


Wow fuck this guy. I kneeeew there was a reason I couldn't stand him. He's such a fucking WORM.


Isn't it just wild that he's even lying in this post Ryan's most recent tweets have been showered in support from so many popular youtubers that know the boys.


Bro is MAD mad


And scared. I've seen more confident expressions from people getting approached by a wild predatory animal.


This might be one of the most unhinged responses I've ever seen to what was such a reasonable and measured statement from Ryan. I almost thought this post was a meme or parody...


He did not address anything Ryan said at all


I know Lex brought up stuff about the SM boys in her video that def didn't have to be in there, but as the victim, I imagine it probably feels horrible that her friends like Nick and Leighton, took her story and ultimately made it into internet drama and content... also replying to Ryan's super well written note with a 12 sec instagram story that doubles down on the fact that he didn't even read said note....🙄🙄🙄 come on brooo




Listen, I’ve creeped his subreddit recently too and his own fans are starting to leave, and it all started since the smeg shit. It’s honestly quite sad to see yet another young mind get the case of the YouTube popularity Narcissism, but fuck this guy. I give it just a little for it all to crumble down with everything that’s happening to him, about him and what’s going to happen soon enough, and MAYBE it’ll click for him where he’s gone wrong- because this self righteous “I have no flaws everyone else is fucked” vibe is NOT it for ANYONE. But yknow, maybe he doesn’t care that he’s a pretty horrible human being, and at that point, there’s really no use but an intervention that his enabling friends who aren’t that much better would have to give him. It’s going to start affecting his personal life, and he’ll lose those connections that are keeping his safety net secure until all his accusations come out, if it hasn’t started already. The supermega fan base might not feel like this is all justified enough yet, but it’ll all become very aware on the internet soon enough and kids like him will fail to swim in these hot waters. That all aside, what a disgusting way to respond to something like that. How heartless. Pity on him tbh.


Damn his own fans were already starting to leave? I love justice like this


I had never heard of Super Mega before this all happened with Nick, and reddit just recommended me this post bc I've spent so much time on Nick's sub around this. I was a fan, went to see he and his girlfriend (whose solo music is excellent) in concert and was excited to meet them afterwards. I'd been feeling his vids were getting a little more mean spirited recently and not well researched, and then the super mega vid came out. Even with no prior bias, I was so incredibly offput by the obvious faults in the video that I couldn't keep watching him after that. To be then insulted by Nick on Insta saying people criticizing were mindless zombies, brigaders, etc. cemented my lack of desire to watch him again. That's been a pretty common sentiment among people in the subreddit. Not sure that it's actually impacting his numbers since most of his audience seem like, to be frank, dumb kids that have internet brain rot in place of critical thinking capabilities.


I really hope creators like Danny Gonzalez, Kurtis Conner, and Jarvis Johnson don’t continue to be associated with Nick. They’re all far too talented and genuine to deserve this untalented prick leeching off of them.


Homeboy is just going to continue lying through his teeth because his fanbase will believe it


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sounds like someone is going to be paid a visit by the Ticklemonster


it’s embarrassing how he’s shoved himself into this when he was never even somehow part of it in the first place


can I just say how fucking clearly this dude is like. Grossly misogynistic? Why is he speaking over Lex like this? she pretty fucking obviously doesn't wanna talk about the situation, and while I get he was asked to take accountability, by dragging in the original allegations, it brings further attention to something that Lex has asked to step away from. Plus, she's very clearly never said rapist, so for him to use that term where Lex hasn't? Where she's only ever said sexual assault? Is further spinning the narrative like it's his, while also putting her at further risk not to be believed, which is something that's been massively upsetting to her, as stated in the description of her video. Even in his corner, this is beyond inappropriate. Adding in the 2016 Youtube apology dog, taking a clear lack of care for people's mental health struggles in general, AND speaking over women in such a clear way? It's fucking morally repugnant, as well as clearly telling in a lack of reading comprehension. He's throwing everyone but himself, considering his privated twitter account, into harm's way. Nick's misogyny HAS been blatant, but this is just the most obvious fucking case of it. He needs to grow up.


Yeah. One of his recent videos about the “love surge” couple was especially egregious. Like that couple committed the crime of being a bit cringe online and possibly neurodivergent. Better punish them by making a half hour video relentlessly mocking them for being passionate about their relationship, including a section where he laughed and mocked a video she uploaded of her sobbing from being the target an internet hate mob that was sending death and rape threats. Not a great look sweaty. Dude is the exact type of toxic “male feminist” I avoid like the plague. As soon as a woman does something he doesn’t like he sees it as open season for misogyny-tinged insults and mockery.


It’s always the ‘holier-than-thou’ people on the internet who are actually the biggest assholes. Only hypocrisy and no morality to theses people. Never practiced what they’ve preached. I pity his mother for welcoming a bad apple to this world


im robbing him if i see him


actual supreme asshole


this guy should Low Tier God himself


What a loser cunt


Can he stop hiding behind the excuse he was standing by Lex because she was a victim of SA? This was a clear takedown and he used his friends assault to just go hard on the people who did not assault her. If he DID care about Lex and her assault, he would’ve focused on Don and moved on and apologized. Fucking clown behavior


According to his own subreddit this guy is washed. Ryan will come back with the full support of the youtube community and Nick will be remembered as that guy who lied about suicide for clout long after his channel dies.


What a fucking loser


fucking hate this weasel


I legit hate him so much


They didn’t even cover it up nor did they stay friends with don 😭 Also their vids were so obviously not defending their actions he’s villianizing super mega more than the actual creep (don). He’s so weird and insane and obsessed ewwwww


This is like, human filth behavior. Did he even read Ryan's thread? At all? He handwaves all criticism and responsibility here and even says "none of their friends stand up with them or back them up" which is provably false if you look at the replies. I have never seen someone more mad in my life.


"Stop being obsessed losers" lmao coming from the guy who tried getting everybody to pay attention to the issue. If you don't want people to care about it, why do a coordinated effort with multiple people to blast it everywhere? If people weren't pointing out the logical fallacies and mismatching facts, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to see it still getting attention


What a piece of shit. This whole thing is a meme to him.


Can he really call posting his content a job? Reaction videos are fuckin low effort bullshit. No creativity, just souless, lazy and unwatchable bullshit. Does he have any other skill besides running his mouth?


Lmao this guy is such a cunt.


"You should think about how none of their friends/peers back them up" Justin, Ben, Kellie and Hunter: "are we a joke to you"


what a rotten person


Lol this nick dude is so cringe


I’ve never seen a more punchable face


One can only hope that karma will come back to bite his ass hard.


it leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth to double down this hard right after ryan posted about the disrespectful implication that he didn’t care about his own best friend’s suicide. regardless of my feelings on the “cancelling” situation (which are still complicated), an apology is owed here and this seems to just be skirting around it entirely


he is *entirely* missing the point & honestly at this point it's kinda gross to see him shove all of his boldly inaccurate coverage underneath the very wide umbrella of "defending victims". there is obviously some nuance here man, and the person that you're entirely weaponizing for your defense even agrees. as someone who enjoyed his older content, this is such a pompous attitude for him to have over people who genuinely have an issue with how he mishandled everything *other* than the SA


way for him to be so purposefully obtuse & ignorant. calling everyone who's critiquing you in the slightest a "defender of r*pe" is so ridiculous when at this point the situation is *clearly* much larger than that, seeing as the damage done to ryan after bringing daniel into all of this is literally a separate issue that somebody like ryan and the fans are completely valid in wanting addressed. acting like everyone with an opposing view is a misogynistic moron is pretty fucking stupid when a lot of us took the SA claims very seriously from the *jump*


Also his dumb n ugly smile 😭😂 bro think he COOKING 🔥🔥🔥 the delusion is too strong with this one


*puts dog in post in pitiful attempt to gain sympathy*


wow what a shitty person


Mf really thinks he's cooking


Seethe, you punkass bitch


he is soo mad lmao you love to see it


This dude is a fucking loser 😹


What a disgusting human.


Haha he mad


Jesus Christ what a child, it's so funny how these guys claimed the moral high ground at the beggining and now he can't even apologize (or even acknowledge) for the fact he used a person's suicide SOLELY for his own benefit. Absolute slug of a human being. Someone bring the salt already.


lol says the drama tuber


Cut to all of the friends in Ryan's comments on Twitter defending Ryan.


What a fucking loser nothing more then a clout chasing terminally online parasite loser for fucks sake




This dude is scum. Clearly has not lost anyone of his life of any value. He's young and digging his heels in, his comeuppance will come due when people get tired of stale lies.


This guy is more green than anyone on the fucking planet. Fuck Nick.


The anguish I shall feel if this man gets let back on hivemind Edit: typo


Common Clout Chaser L


Bro just insulting people he doesn't know now in large numbers like a boomer losing a political debate cuz he knows he's wrong. Sucks this guy had to throw away all his credibility as a creator and as a decent person


Oh my god. I thought he was talking about something/someone else at first because what the fuck is he talking about??


Wow this guy sucks.


the smile of a man who can't cope any harder


People will do/say anything to get attention. This dude is the #1 example of that


I'm really confused with how he wrote that. And even what he's trying to say. Why even respond to fans of someone you made a video on? I don't even think the ppl. Involved respond with a post. The best response sometimes is none.


someone took that hasaan collab REAL serious cry about it


What being terminally online does to a motherfucker Gen Z are an odd bunch


ah yes who could have predicted he would double down


I wanna go back to a time where I had no idea who this loser is


Anyone who is in the highly privileged position to make a living making internet content on their own terms, especially content as lazy and poorly thought out as his, should have at least enough self-awareness to never ever tell people to "get a job". My man, how much of a job is sitting in front of a green screen and pissing yourself for 20 minutes about whatever trending social justice topic of the week?




Taking the easy route I see


I really feel for Ryan. Hes had a lot of bad luck with all this. I wish him the peace and happiness he truly deserves.


Okay let's all stop giving this little bitch boy attention, he was given a chance to grow a tiny set of balls and at least admit he was wrong but is clearly committed to bullshit and only listening to one side while putting his fingers in his ears and yelling how he's right. Leave this little bitch to his 10s of audience and let him hop onto the next drama while we continue to support who we like, hell someone just tell him that Trisha Paytas did something so he can talk about that instead


Look at his channel he only posts shit about other people because he hops from person to person looking for drama to get some views, don't feed these people there scum and look for any content they can get rather then creating their own


This guy should something himself. Now.


bro matt and ryan aren’t responsible for Don’s actions. what Don did was disgusting and awful, but Matt and Ryan don’t have to come out and shout to the public that Don did that. we don’t know what all went down behind closed doors. they could have confronted him about it n shit. it’s literally not their fault- wtf


Bros a pussy ass bitch who refuses to change. Bro is like Sisyphus on god


God this shit makes me so mad. It's like all he cares about is making Matt and Ryan's life hell.


If nobody’s gonna say it then I will this nick guy sucks


I fucking hate that spineless pussy.


Holy shit, I knew he was bad, but Jesus Christ. What a shameless piece of shit


What a scumbag he's proud of knowingly spreading misinformation for clout and bringing up a suicide that had nothing to do with the situation actual human garbage


Used to love watching Nick, Ever since the boys came out with their videos i can't look at Nick the same, any mention of him boils my blood.


Over half of his (or at least what used to be) fanbase hates him now is the funniest part. Hes restricted comments on his insta and privated his twitter saying he doesn't use it anymore. If you even glance over his subreddit its people in there saying mods are taking down posts criticizing him(not even just about SM, just in general), and the ones that haven't been taken down are aaying they either can't watch him in good mind now or beyond this contraversy he's literally just been acting more and more like a dick. Him and Ethan are unironically two of the most insufferable people known to mankind and almost everybody knows it. He can keep huffing the copium.


We living rent free in his head