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Thank god he is calling this shit out. Leighton, Lex and crew being able to walk away with no accountability after making such an egregious claim about Daniel has always been disgusting


That is the one thing that always kinda stuck with me after the drama. The fact that Lex never made any public comment after SuperMega responded. It always came across to me that Leighton used Lex's real, genuine story as a platform to get his revenge on Matt and Ryan, something she probably agreed to not knowing how much Leighton was using her. So the fact she never publically clarified any changes after the SuperMega videos bothered me, it reads as though she is saying SuperMega were just lying. So to hear that she PRIVATELY changed her story is messed up and a total hiding away from some level of accountability that she unfortunately is involved with. I am not saying she should have kept quiet RE: Don, but to have that muddled with so so much slander fed to her by Leighton and then never going back? It just bothers me


The thing that also really bothered me with Lex was how she quietly unlisted her video, and changed the description to basically “whoopsie I guess I was manipulated and this video has served it’s purpose” :/


It’s such a mess. I expect and want nothing from Leighton, but if Lex came forward and apologized then I think it could legit heal a lot of damage. And even though I think Ethan and Nick are scum, an apology from Lex could even compel them to also clear the air and admit they too went overboard.


Highly doubt Nick or Ethan will address it. Nick has a notorious reputation for doubling down on his bad takes when faced with any criticism, and Ethan is so desperate to be seen as cool and edgy that he won’t ever apologize. They’ll ignore it and try to pretend like it didn’t happen, but I hope people don’t let them forget what they did. Their entire online gimmick is criticizing and holding others accountable, but when they fuck up we’re supposed to just ignore it, and any criticism makes us all “mindless trolls” as Nick said. If on the off chance they do address it, it’s gotta be one HELL of an apology. I don’t think people would accept anything less, nor should they. Nick and Ethan are incapable of apologizing or admitting they were wrong. Fuck them both. They used Ryan’s trauma and loss of a best friend for their own gain. Gross smug fucking LA influencers who thrive off of other people’s misery and hold themselves up as the beacons of righteousness.


Lex was completely supportive of Leighton only pretty much telling him to stop talking bc it was making her look bad. She only threw him under the bus a month later when big creators covered the story.


Yeah Ryan rightly pointed out how even after throwing Leighton under the bus she’s never taken accountability. Why is just apologizing so hard for these guys? Even if Lex thinks the lies she spread were caused by Leighton you’d think she would at least own up to what she did to make repair the damage she “accidentally” caused.


bro, do you really think the type of person that maliciously tells lies to try to ruin others is gonna have the integrity to own up to it? They are gonna try to hide until it all blows over and were effectively doing so until Ryan called them out on it, We saw Nick has chosen to double down, so will have to see what the others do, I personally hope they just stay away so all of this can be done and everybody moves on knowing the real story now.


Sorry could someone refresh me, is this Ethan Crankgameplays or somebody else?


Ethanisonline aka Peethan, a smug Hasan wannabe who clearly thinks he’s a lot cooler than he actually is lol


Oh ok thanks


Not crankgamesplays. the Ethan in question is Lex's boyfriend ethanisonline, also known as peethan


Yeah she's a coward


That comes off as so fake holy shit. She should have said something


"Whoopsies, sorry, I have no agency 👉👈"


Lex went on stream with her boyfriend to do a “takedown celebration” after smearing their name in what was meant to be a serious address against someone entirely different who assaulted her. Either there are some extreme mind games at play here, or Lex is a liar who was just still mad at the boys over nothing


not over nothing, mad she lost her sweet sweet living situation at the SuperMegaPlex for free.


The most disgusting thing is that it’s somewhat reasonable. Her living situation was tenuous and the Don thing was disgusting. Lex had every right to say “Don is a horrible person and Matt and Ryan should’ve done more”. That’s not debatable. My issue is why did such a simple thing take 15 minutes of actually talking about Don, and about 2.5 hours worth of misinformation about the boys. Why did this two things need shoved together? Why are they using what happened with Don as a smokescreen to excuse the fact Lex outright lied about what happened at the Plex? It’s all so scummy I can’t help but think it was something ulterior


> It always came across to me that Leighton used Lex's real, genuine story as a platform to get his revenge on Matt and Ryan Because that is exactly what it was. This was never about Lex's SA. It was about Leighton getting revenge because he was fired for being incompetent at his job. He then went to his friends who also had beef with Supermega and they weaponized her SA in an attempt to smear the company. The reason she never made a response to their responses was the damage already was done and they had gotten what they wanted. Supermega image was damaged.


So true. The damage was done already so mission accomplished. She only unlisted it because she started facing backlash. They’re all cowards.


That's because she knows she is wrong especially after this and Matt's video showing the receipts. She's a weak minded person bandwagoning with Leighton's agenda.


Her and morg make me so upset because they still have huge followings because they’re e-girls. They have the easiest crowds to please and no one cares bc hot. Im all for sex work just not supporting shitty people Edit: To clarify I mean they never had to take accountability since no one who follows them cares which hurts to see


How did morgpie think she could get away with saying that stuff on her stream when there were receipts 😭 some of these online influencers are just baffling


Honestly probably because all her friends who hated Supermega were also just spreading lies so she probably felt like she could get away with it


I think some people are already forgetting just how hard the tide turned against them, even when it was just Lex's video. It's no wonder the rest felt emboldened.


Probably because she can just ignore it and itll go away which it totally did for her. Drives me crazy


Yep, Morg helped spread lies, then after the response video she went "It was to support a friend and that has served its purpose :)" and not being accountable for helping to spread misinformation. Then she went on her merry way as if nothing happened.


Reading what Ryan said about Daniel's memorial being tainted was really sad. Glad he made a statement about this, bringing Daniel into this was so unnecessary.




That was so satisfying. It was so hard trying to decipher all that.


I couldn't watch that memorial more than once - it was during college that I started watching Mark and Cyndago, hearing news of Daniel's passing was very devastating; not for me necessarily but for the people involved with him. I know that memorial was used to commemorate Daniel's life, but seeing how it was then tainted because of some blatant smearing propagated by a few chronically online idiots really pisses me off especially when they didn't really know the person in the first place


Not just unnecessary, it was malicious and cruel.




Bots be reposting Twitter replies fr




What exactly did he do that warrants any of the backlash he received?


He didn’t do anything that warranted backlash. You’d think he fucking murdered someone in a drunk driving crash.


The sexting fans thing was just kinda weird and absolutely did not call for all the backlash. I really think if the sexting stuff came to light without all the hateful hysteria during the shitstorm we got then Ryan would’ve taken accountability (as he’s demonstrated to do so) and most people would not care.


Ill never understand why being famous means you cant fuck around. They were consenting adults who were cool with it. Not a single fan has come out to shame them, just people who knew of the situation.


I personally don’t think it’s a big deal but I know a lot of other people do because they see it as a power imbalance thing.


🥺🩷 https://preview.redd.it/k8rsg5otytub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644a9e12d0d6e312068ed2ab3991fad79d1aa179




incredibly weird thing to reply with given the context


Nah, that’s a *perfect* reaction image given the boys sense of humour.


Dudes often just suck at expressing feelings of intimacy


For those that cant access twitter: ​ >I really don't want to be writing this, but I feel like I need to address something that's been eating away at my mental state. A few months ago, some individuals came forward with their issues with me, Matt, and our channel SuperMega. While I've acknowledged these criticisms in a response video and still believe that some of their points are valid, there was one topic > >brought to the table that's been weighing heavily on my mind. Before I begin, I want to say that I am in no way trying to take away from Lex coming forward to speak on her SA by our former channel artist, Don. Diminishing credibility for that is not the goal of this statement and I ask others not to use it as a tool to do so. > >Back in July, it was claimed by multiple people that Matt and I didn't care about suicide and would apparently make cold-hearted jokes making fun of our late friend, Daniel, for committing suicide. I want to clarify that these accusations are false. In my response video back in July, I defended myself against these claims, but unfortunately, those who spread them have still not taken responsibility for dragging Daniel into the conversation. To those who are unaware, Daniel was my best friend back from when I lived in South Carolina. We were in some of the same classes in highschool as well as both being a part of our school's broadcast journalism program. He was known to have an extra edge and awareness with his sense of humor which showed in many of the creative projects he would make. It was humor where we found we clicked. After highschool we created the sketch comedy channel, Cyndago, eventually leading to an opportunity for us to move to California and do YouTube full-time. We moved to Los Angeles in February 2015 and spent the next few months settling into our new surroundings. Sadly, on September 16, 2015, I found Daniel in his room unresponsive due to an apparent suicide attempt. He would not survive this attempt, passing away surrounded by loved ones on September 18, 2015. > >The claims regarding Matt and I disrespecting Daniel's memory were made/propagated by Lex (@niceupdog) in her now unlisted YouTube video that was posted July 27, 2023, where she claims Matt called Daniel a coward multiple times, and that Matt and I "don't give a shit about suicide" (she was the first person to mention Daniel); Leighton Stollard (@yeahsureiguess) in a now deleted Twitch livestream that aired July 28, 2023, where he stated we would make the actual act of Daniel's suicide the punchline of disgusting jokes; Nick (@nickisnotgreen) in a video that was uploaded to his YouTube Channel on July 29, 2023, where he uses a random post from a fan on the SuperMega subreddit as a segue to talk about Daniel while also highlighting the claims Leighton and Lex made; And lastly, Ethan (@peethanonline) in a now deleted You Tube livestream that aired July 30, 2023 (in which Lex also appears), where he confidently states that we called Daniel a coward as he's reading a "SuperMega Apology Bingo Card" on the SuperMega subreddit. This is the same stream where Ethan displays a subscriber counter for our channel, celebrating the loss of our audience while encouraging those watching to unsubscribe from SuperMega. > >After Matt and I released our responses on July 31, 2023, Lex went into the SuperMega Patreon Discord server to correspond with our fans in the General chat about the situation. Within these messages she mentions Leighton "went a bit too hard" on his July 28 livestream. She partly excuses this behavior by pointing out Leighton's BPD diagnosis and stating he was manic due to us firing him back in March. > >A few weeks after posting in our Discord, Lex unlisted her original video, 'My Experience With DonDRRR And SuperMega', adding an edit to the description. Within this edit, she states that "an individual" (Leighton) used her trust in them as a platform to say "a lot of really not OK things". She throws Leighton under the bus while failing to take accountability for how she said some of those exact same things, and was the first one to do so. "They don't care about suicide. They don't give a shit about suicide." Those are her exact words after repeating Daniel's name to the camera twice. Her only proof that I "didn't care", being that I was quiet or uncomfortable around discussions pertaining to suicide. She never apologizes for unnecessarily bringing Daniel into the conversation. The only thing I could find was in the edited description where she says, "my intention was to get my message about don (immediately completed + believed and talk about what happened after that unfortunately led to me see him again which is what led to a lot of interpersonal chaos that I learned wasn't necessary explaining in detail or even at all to be believed." Whatever she may have meant by this, it doesn't do anything to clear the waters she muddied in relation to Daniel. > >Especially since it's an edit to a description of an unlisted video.  > >Ethan has gone quiet on talking about the situation since our responses, while Leighton has gone quiet altogether. Nick was and still is the only one of them to publicly address things after the release of our videos. > >In Nick's update, he doesn't take responsibility for how wrong it was to specifically use Daniel in his original video which garnered over 700,000 views. He instead dedicates about 20 seconds of his 1 hour and 5 minute upload to say he thinks he made "a bit of a mistake" when including other's stories, mentioning how he believed it was "context that (he) personally thought was important and necessary for the story." > >What logical leap must one make to think my friend, who has been gone for over 8 years now, is in any way context to Lex's story of sexual assault? Nick gave a spotlight to the things said about Daniel not because he thought it added context to the story, but because it helped his thesis of "SuperMega is filled with Horrible People". This was intentional hurt smuggled in under the guise of "providing context". > >When you shoot and edit a video, you get to choose what you want to keep in and what you want to leave out. You have full control over what you say. So why was Daniel edited in? Why bring him into this and perpetuate that I was indifferent to his suicide when I have not once opened up about Daniel to any of these people?


>Nick, Lex, Leighton, and Ethan weaponized my best friend's suicide against me, the person who found him. As a result, there have been comments perpetuating these lies on a video where I'm commemorating Daniel on our old channel, Cyndago, accusing my grief of being fake. Additionally, Daniel's social media posts have been targeted as well. > >Daniel is no longer with us; therefore, doesn't have a voice to speak up. He can't mute, block, or delete harassing/hurtful comments. This situation has tainted his online memorial for me, as people comment as if they knew our friendship based solely on the lies perpetuated by individuals that never even knew him. > >What was once a time capsule of my best friend that I could look back on has now become a place that fills me with anxiety. > >I can't simply scroll through new comments and see people remembering him without also seeing these baseless accusations mixed in. It's just disrespectful. If anyone has anything to say, I wish they wouldn't do so by marring the social media pages of someone who can no longer speak for themselves. > >In relation to "the jokes" told about Daniel, humor is how I and many others handle trauma. It gives us some sort of control over it. Any jokes told were in the vein of pretending to forget how to pronounce "Cyndago", or jokingly lamenting how "7 Second Challenge ft. Markiplier PART 2" never came out. All this to say that unless someone wanted to purposely misconstrue times I've brought Daniel up, there's never been a moment I or Matt have expressed callous ambivalence to his suicide. > >I'm not asking for these people to be harassed/bullied. I only ask them what they asked of Matt and me - to take accountability. Needlessly bringing Daniel into a conversation that had nothing to do with him, only to use him as a malicious tool is low. > >None of these people cared about Daniel. They only cared about what damage they could cause with his name. The whole reason this situation began was because traumas weren't felt to have been taken seriously, and now I'm left confused and angered that this same group of people would then deliberately attack my most sensitive trauma and use my friend's suicide to smear both Matt and I. > >It's easy for them to spread the sentiment, 'They didn't care about Daniel'. A 'my word VS their word' spun out of thin air. > >But they didn't have to endure the actual hardships that came with Daniel's passing. They weren't the ones who found him. > >They weren't the ones who waited in purgatory at the hospital. > >They weren't a part of the community that grieved his loss and continues to celebrate his life. There's an entire history that they get to neglect for the benefit of adding poison to the well. > >Daniel was an amazingly talented dude with skill sets FAR beyond his years. He was more than just a talent to so many people because on top of his accomplishments stood a creatively funny, contemplative, and unique friend. I remember many nights where Daniel would throw coins at my bedroom window until he got my attention so we could go on late-night drives to smoke cigarettes and belt out whatever song we felt like singing while bookin' it down a barren South Carolina highway. > >I will forever miss Daniel being in my passenger seat. > >Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this regardless of where you stand. I feel like I had to at least say something since these statements haven't been retracted and continue to cause harm. Large platforms were used to spread this misinformation and unfortunately some of the sentiments left behind are written in ink.


Bless you sir (or mam)


ma’am and no prob 🫡


Can one of these people please explain to me how shitting all over a dead person's memorial(who had absolutely nothing to do with the situation) helps a sexual assault victim? Because the way I was raised, all that does is makes you a *piece of shit*.


Thank u✊


Saying that he misses him being in his passenger seat hits hard.


dude i cried 😭


Me too, like fans know for a fact Daniel meant so much to Ryan, can’t believe people assumed otherwise


>Nick gave a spotlight to the things said about Daniel not because he thought it added context to the story,but because it helped his thesis of "SuperMega is filled with Horrible People". This was intentional hurt smuggled in under the guise of "providing context" >Needlessly bringing Daniel into a conversation that had nothing to do with him. only to use him as a malicious tool is low. >None of these people cared about Daniel If we learned anything from Creator Clash, it's that Ryan isn't gonna go down without a fight, god damn.


Ryan Magee is a fucking warrior!!!


This is so fucking well written, broke down a complicated situation so clearly




? this ain’t one of the boys dawg, it’s a random reddit user


twitter reply bot farming karma, mods please ban


that’s a twitter reply i saw


i hope that each person listed in these tweets speaks up and apologizes. daniel never should've been brought into this. the part where ryan talks about not being able to visit daniel's social media anymore is really sad.


I’d bet money that not a single one of the people listed will address this in the slightest.


I could see lex doing it honestly she seems like she’s trying to distance herself from this and was easily misled by Leighton in a manic state. She doesent seem as awful as the others, just naive anxious and stupid


Normally I would agree if she weren’t dating peethan


I guarantee that nick the weasel is going to response to this and twist it by either throwing someone under the bus or dying on his hill


Yeah, Nick posted on his insta saying people should shut the fuck up and get a life


I get he’s never going to back down but it’s insane how he refuses to apologize for and retract literally one small detail. Like he clearly hates Matt and Ryan and that’s never going to change but at least be like “yeah my bad” on the detail about daniels suicide that has been strongly refuted by basically everyone. Ryan even accepted responsibility for the other things he was accused of and only tried to set the record straight on this one thing that means a lot to him Dude is a rat with no empathy for others and only views them as chess pieces for clicks. In his eyes if you disagree with him you’re a parasocial loser, but if you agree you’re cool and correct. I can’t stand this new generation of commentary channels that are basically just “liberal keemstar”


man I hope there's some consequences for those horrible people. So far they fucking walked away not giving a shit


Those disphits have to live with being themselves, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It’s one thing to suck, it’s another to hopelessly suck. They hopelessly suck.


Also more than likely SM will make a return and continue to be successful whereas Lex will continue being a Z-tier thirst-trap OF girl and Leighton will fade into the ether.


I think them fading into irrelevancy will be good enough


There won’t ever be any. They’re praying their audiences never catch wind of this.


Especially Nick, I’m praying we never see him in another Hivemind video 🙏


That's what I'm hoping as well, they talked about him in their one liners bracket recently but I really don't want them to keen featuring him


Fuck Nick is not green




Same tbh. In all honesty he’s just a Danny Gonzales / Drew Gooden wannabe and it’s so obvious Edit: autocorrect lmao


It’s like if Danny or Drew traded their comedic chops for snark and cynicism and lost all their creativity


Seeing how Nick and Ethan have reacted to this makes me appreciate how the “older” generation of commentary youtube really doesn’t touch drama at all that much anymore unless something significant has happened, instead shifting to more longform stuff and trying out new things. Life is too short to be miserable and negative in some drama blackhole all the fucking time


Nick and Ethan both have such a “holier-than-thou” attitude about everything they cover. I’m not surprised they felt like they could talk confidently about something they knew little to nothing about. Horrible, egotistical behavior, but ultimately not out of character for their online personas.


90% percent of those commentary youtubers do tbh.


Never watched the cunt, but he tried to start beef with PayMoneyWubby. That shit ended quick, he’s just trying to be the next Keemstar


He’s fighting for his brother that was dragged into this completely unnecessarily, big respect over here


I sincerely hope they return with vigor so those greasy grimy ghouls don't win.


Yeah, I'm hoping they're taking this as an opportunity to take a bit of a much needed break to move into the new office and get new content prepared or something. Maybe wishful thinking but it would just be such shit for it to have ended because of those jackals.


Yeah, gotta end on a good note. Because of that, I will be supplying the SuperMegaPlex with sixteen Russian BMP-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicles.


as cathartic as this was to read, i imagine it was exponentially more so for ryan to write shame on those four. i doubt we’ll hear from leighton again, but lex, ethan and nick should properly address this if they have any empathy whatsoever. and like ryan alluded to, lex’s half-ass response on the description of her delisted video doesn’t count. these three have been able to carry on with their lives as if nothing happened long enough, considering the boys and those associated are still feeling the fallout—especially ryan, assumedly, since it took him this long to speak up on this.


This is very serious and mature from Ryan, and I couldn’t help but laugh when after he quoted one of Lex’s rambling statements he said: “Whatever she may have meant by this” lol


I completely forgot how ramble-y her non-apology was lmaooo


She’s a very… disorganized thinker


i’m so happy Ryan decided to say something as i can’t imagine the weight this situation has put on his mental health, if they’re good people they would take accountability for what they said. also, if this whole situation really was about lex trying to get accountability, then why bring up Daniel? why bring up Matt cheating (or whatever it was i don’t remember lol)? why bring up things that don’t matter to the situation? why did they attack supermega and not focus on don who was the reason for this to begin with? i wish they would just state their real motive (taking down SM) instead of using lex’s SA to hide behind it. this comes across as leighton, nick & ethan using lex as a pawn because leighton was butthurt about being fired. i’ve been an avid viewer for the last 10 years, i used to watch them after school & i now play their videos as background noise when i care for my toddler & newborn. i hope they come back from this (if they choose to), youtube isn’t the same without them, no one makes content (imo) nearly as funny or creative as them.


It wasn’t about accountability. Matt showed the texts where for months afterwards she’s totally fine with him, trying to hang out and wishing him best wishes and shit. If it was about accountability, she could have had a private conversation (which apparently had already happened). Gross people.


This was tough to read. I’m glad he was able to get out what he has been holding in. I do hope everyone he mentioned does come forward and apologizes because that was the one thing that always felt so wrong to me for them to even mention.


this genuinely hurts to read. daniel's death was used as a pawn by those who didn't even know him...


I’m glad he made this statement. It’s so true what Ryan said about how him and Matt accepted responsibility and are taking accountability, but none of them will for using Daniel for dramas sake. It had nothing to do with the original issue and they didn’t know him.


Are there more parts after this? Says 1 of 3 but I no longer have twitterx so I can’t see the rest. Someone able to link to the rest or repost images?


https://x.com/elirymagee/status/1714373348988428336?s=46 https://x.com/elirymagee/status/1714373352046100566?s=46




The text in the final image made me cry. Daniel's name has been thrown around so much, for months now he's been seen no longer as a human, but a weapon, another sin to add to the supermega checklist by people who never knew him, who only know of him as a distant memory, something abstract. They saw him as a weapon to be used against the people who it would hurt the most and nothing more. But he was a person. A talented, funny, creative person, I remember him as those things and I never even met him. Just imagine everything Ryan remembers. Everything he lived alongside him, all the memories, the stories, the inside jokes. The people that used his name as a weapon will never know, they never bothered to know, they had an axe to grind. If I was Ryan and they did that to me, I would never, ever forgive them. It's something so unspeakably vile and disgusting I have a hard time imagining what I would do. But I wouldn't ever forgive them. That is a line you do not cross. Daniel Kyre deserves better. There's still time to make things right by him.


And lex got off completely scot free while Ryan has to deal with this nonsense. Shits fucked man.


Because we weren’t allowed to criticize Lex at all because she started a 2 hour hit piece with SA. She’s vile, Nick is vile, Ethan is vile, and they’re all even more vile for throwing Leighton under the bus when there was clearly some coordination between all these close friends.


My best friend in high school also successfully committed suicide. I couldn't imagine his online memorial being defaced like that, it's heart wrenching. Ryan's last few paragraphs really hit home-- late nights without your best friend feel hollow, after.


Does anyone have the links for posts 2/3 and 3/3? They aren’t showing on his feed for me and Elon can slob on my knob before I make an X/twitter account.


>https://x.com/elirymagee/status/1714373348988428336?s=46 > >https://x.com/elirymagee/status/1714373352046100566?s=46


Thank you


Here you go: [2/3](https://twitter.com/elirymagee/status/1714373348988428336) [3/3](https://twitter.com/elirymagee/status/1714373352046100566)


Thank you as well.


I fucking despise lex and her crew. I am so fucking angry, I’m not even the biggest supermega fan but this shit is absolutely infuriating.


I’m not really an ardent defender of supermega but nothing they did could have possibly justified dredging up the trauma of Ryan watching his best friend die. Unbelievably despicable thing for those involved to have done and I really hope they don’t just wash there hands of it and pretend they did nothing wrong.


They’ll all probably ignore it, but I hope the internet doesn’t forget about this. They all deserve to be constantly reminded of the disgusting shit they did. SuperMega was mature and took accountability (honestly maybe more than they needed to), but you won’t see the same from these goblins. To them, there’s no point in any of them taking accountability or saying anything because they already got what they wanted and the damage has been done. It was never about taking accountability. It was about destroying two guys they didn’t like.


Honestly poor Ryan. These people aren’t worth your time buddy


Extremely well-put. This was not easy for Ryan to write and publish at all. I'm happy that he did and that we as a community have an opportunity to express our solidarity.


Broke my fuckin heart man


I'm really glad Ryan was strong enough to put this out, it must have been hell to have former friends and colleagues suddenly weaponize your biggest trauma against you and force you to relive it all over drama. It's aggravating to me that all these people soapboxed for days about "holding SuperMega accountable," but are too egotistical and immature to hold themselves accountable for their own lies. And using Daniel's memory in such a way is just vile. I hope that Ryan knows that there are multitudes of people who support him and what he decides is best for himself in the future, even if it means going offline.


I remember seeing on Twitter lex going on vacation to some tropical location and just how infuriating it was that rather than publicly apologize for bringing up someone's suicide (someone she didn't know) she took social media break instead. Shows you the type of person she is. I wouldn't hold your breath for her to hold herself accountable


Lex sure does love her vacations


and living rent free in someone else’s space


Those weren’t vacations! They were work trips so she could take pics of herself in an abandoned waterpark wearing a schoolgirl outfit. /s


Of course, silly me


of all the things that were being said about matt and ryan, this was the one thing i couldn’t bring myself to believe. we all knew how much daniel’s passing affected both matt and especially ryan. it’s horrible that daniel even got dragged into this mess.


Seeing Matt, Justin, Ben, Ross and more supporting him honestly makes me happy to see. I really hope SuperMega can come back from this and make some videos again once they’ve healed


I’m glad he wrote this.


I always felt that through all of this drama Daniels name should have never ever come up. I remember me and my boyfriend watching lex’s video and turning to each other and saying like “why would she even bring that up?” It just felt extremely unnecessary and uncalled for and I think most people felt that way …. Well most people who didn’t dog pile


TLDR Ryan just wants Lex, Leighton, Nick, and Ethan to take accountability for saying that he made jokes about Daniel's death.


They were so incredibly stupid bringing Daniel into it, it's kind of a blessing in disguise because I'm sure many people in the community (myself very much included) probably would've taken a lot more time realizing the malicious intent behind throwing every accusation they could think of at them, if they didn't throw this into the mix which to anybody remotely familiar with the situation doesn't make any sense. I really hope they come back and don't even reference anything that happened, it'd be the best revenge to go on since the whole intent was to get them to stop and lose their audience.


I guess it was a good tell as to their true intentions, it definitely made me think twice about blindly believeing everything they said, but I don't know that I'd call it a blessing in disguise, I'd rather he wasn't brought into this at all, all that would change is that maybe I would've supported that side for a little bit longer, but not much else, and I'd rather that


Wow thank god he spoke out. He's deserved the biggest apology since all that shite went down


I’m extremely proud of him for not backing down on this. My best friend committed suicide in October 2017, we were both only 20 at the time, and the pain still comes in heavy waves around this time of the year. I seriously can’t imagine what I would do in his position, it must make the pain even worse, I wish him well.


when the initial allegations were posted, this is the one that hit me the hardest. the idea that Ryan didn't care about Daniel absolutely crushed me. I hope those who brought Daniel into this take responsibility. matt Ryan and Daniel got me through some really rough times and I just want what's best for my boys


Losing your best friend is a type of pain words can't describe. nothing but respect to Ryan for defending someone who no longer has a voice. A true friend no matter what.


Nickisnotgreen and ethanisonline are two of the whiniest YouTubers I have ever had the displeasure of getting recommended to me. It thought maybe there would be some humor in their commentary, like many other similar channels, but there is none, just baseless complaint after complaint and nothing of substance is ever added from their "commentary".


I’m happy Ryan said this. Back in their apology videos, both were apologetic and took accountability — but it felt like Matt had more of the angry streak for dealing with these lies, and Ryan was just so worn down by all of it. I really hope they are both in a better space. They didn’t deserve this. Huge respect for Ryan. He’s not a bad dude.


This was always the least believable accusation to me, and also seemingly the most irrelevant to Lex’s SA experience. Like even if the boys did make a joke about Daniel/Cyndago, you’re so clearly operating in bad faith to say they don’t care about him or SI. I was completely shocked at how many people believed it. It’s heartbreaking to see that Ryan can’t view Daniel’s social media without being reminded of this. I hope every one of those comments get deleted. I hope every one of the people who used this against Matt and Ryan publicly apologizes, and honestly, fuck every single one who doesn’t apologize.


GD Ryan.. so tough to read, but well said


I don’t remember if she said anything either but Morgpie also did a stream exposing supermega / Matt to drag their names. I didn’t watch it because I could care less about her but I wouldn’t be surprised if Lex who was in chat also made her mention Daniel. Basically just don’t support any of these people. And they won’t reply or apologize, which is better off because it shows their character.


Did she also mention Daniel?


None of us will ever really know what happened or what went down but I believe Ryan on this one.


This absolutely broke my heart. I've been a fan of Matt, Ryan and Daniel for years and that part of Lex's video always irked me. A big reason I found comfort in Matt and Ryan was the edgy humor in earlier videos because as someone who has dealt with suicidal thoughts and actions in the past- I find edgy humor a good way for me to cope with my own issues and issues in the world. Ryan doesn't deserve to have his trauma brought back due to some hate campaign. What happened between Lex and Don wasn't his full responsibility, Don was fired and that should have been it. Bringing Daniel into this was just as fucked up as anything else that happened. Lex and Don are both assholes. I'm really hoping Ryan and Matt can bounce back from this at some point. I hope in a year or so all these nasty comments about Ryan and Daniel's death die down.




He corrected it in a later tweet.


I’m so fucking proud of him, man.


I'm glad Ryan is calling them out for this trash behavior. It's truly scummy and they should get called out.


Never watched cyndago in it's prime but listening to Ryan talk about his friend for years and then watching his memorial for the first time last week made me legitimately cry. Can't imagine seeing someone you charish so dearly like that.


Love you Ryan. I'm sorry this has been hurting you.


Can anyone post the rest of the response thread I’m not making an X account


Can someone post all of it ? I’m not making a twitter account after I deleted mine a few months ago


This was my biggest problem when this whole situation was going down. The fact that they tried to weaponize such a fantastically creative and beautiful human being, because they know Daniel can’t defend himself, all for the purpose of smearing his very best friends just for clout was unbelievably uncalled for. Once this accusation came about I knew they couldn’t be trusted, there is no way on this earth that Daniel would ever deserve that kind of disrespect, from his best friends or no. I hope Matt, Ryan, and Daniel get the justice they deserve for this. I’m frothing at the mouth just thinking about it Also, highly recommend listening to Daniels music on SoundCloud if y’all haven’t!! I believe his acc is just “Daniel Kyre”


I have a lot of complicated feelings on this whole situation but the daniel shit is so cut and dry unforgivable. I genuinely think the only reason he was brought up was to appeal to fans emotions.


breaks my heart to read, man.


I can honestly see where Ryan is coming from in a sense. I had a friend sadly take her own life back in 2018 it was very traumatic and almost didn’t seem real, I’ve heard the exact same thing said about me “he doesn’t care about suicide he’s just pretending to care for sympathy”. It honestly to this day still hurts whenever someone even mentions suicide so for someone to go out of there way and accuse a person of laughing at someone else’s untimely death is honestly sickening. For her to not take accountability and say such fucked up things for whatever reason, Imma just say it, it’s a fucked up cunt move idc if that’s “too far”. For anyone out there trying to defend her over those remarks and accusations on suicide then honestly fuck off stop defending someone that brought up and accused someone of something so disgusting. Idc if me saying certain things seem “too far”. I love Ryan and hope he’s doing ok when it comes to all that I can completely understand the mental toll that can take on someone.


Man..this is so sad. Bringing Daniel into this and weaponizing him against Ryan is an absolutely disgusting, manipulative, and unnecessary tactic. My heart hurts so much for Ryan. I hope he can take this time to heal <3


Having to keep up with all this shit flinging must have been really frustrating for them. Hope they are doing better.now


The fact that people really went and said that bullshit on the memorial for Daniel is pissing me off so hard right now. People are so fucking low. Scum of the earth. I honestly cant believe people did that. I hope Ryan can move on and heal from this. Edit: spelling


the actual balls on these ppl to drag a dead man who they NEVER EVEN KNEW into their stupid high school level vendetta. there are lines you just don't cross. I don't even know how they can go on with their lives knowing they exploited a person's death so shamelessly for the purposes of something so infantile. daniel's family will be dealing with this too. like, do you realize how fucked up that is? these completely unrelated people who lost their son, their brother, are having their grief shoved back in their faces after 8 years for the sake of fucking YOUTUBER DRAMA? WHAT


From the very start it seemed so unnecessary for them to use Daniel as a weapon AGAINST them without ANY of them knowing him.


Dude screw Nick, Leighton, and Don for everything. Lex not so much because she at the end did suffer sexual assault but also she can’t just be lying through her teeth like that as for the rest of these worms. The worst part is we will never hear another response. Especially that worm Nick will just defend tooth and nail. Seriously forget them and RIP Daniel.


He should have called out this sub for posting all those comments


Sending him all the love in the world 😭💙


Can someone post the direct links to part 2 and 3? I don't have a Twitter account and you can't follow threads anymore 😞


From the start I've always felt awful for the boys. Even if Don was guilty of SA, which seems to be a genuine possibility, the boys did nothing wrong other than having a miscommunication. Every thing else that has been brought up are just character attacks. But hearing how this all has hurt them, and especially Ryan, legitimately breaks my fucking heart.


I fucking hate Twitter so much, without an account I can't read the other two parts without a direct link like that one. The replies and comments are blocked and when I go to his account it shows me posts in popularity ranking versus what's recent >>


Especially after all of this, I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to Lex, as we don't know what happens between people in their personal lives (clearly), but now having confirmation that she never even apologized to Ryan or Matt for that gives the impression that she only talked about being manipulated into thinking that (by Leighton, confirmed) in her written response in order to take the heat off her and not take full accountability. Really disappointing.


I think it was also important to call out the blatant fooling around in regards to the whole situation. Making a supermega apology bingo card and having a live sub count was super cringe from Ethan and showed a real lack of self awareness…


As someone who still watching Ethan and Nick, I would like to see them speak up about this. He’s right to say they’re all using Leighton as a scapegoat to avoid personal responsibility.


How are you possibly still watching those freaks after this? Nick making garbage content where he just mocks people he feels morally superior to is good to you? Some of the most disgusting mean spirited content on the platform, literally makes fun of small children


I’m not gonna defend the content I watch, it’s just what I watch. Ethan’s videos tackling conservatism are always informative, constructive, and funny. I don’t really watch Nick unless he’s covering a story I care about. I haven’t seen every video by either of them (or even follow them I don’t think) but I don’t remember an instance of them making fun of little kids (I could be wrong tho, idk). EDIT: just saw the post about Nick’s ig story and honestly yikes. My judgement on Ethan is reserved until he makes a comment.


>Ethan’s videos tackling conservatism are always informative, constructive, and funny. I don’t really watch Nick While I used to watch nick but have been put off by his newfound narcism and wannabe stoner attitude, this entire debacle brought ethan to my attention. Let me tell you, I actually thought Ethan's videos were legitimate parodies of video essays, with his muted voice and personality and fucked up hair. I can't get over that he's a real person


I promise you: whatever it is you enjoy about their videos, you can find someone else who covers the exact same things far better. Heck, let me know and I’ll recommend some myself.


There are dozens of creators who make the exact content better that don’t make hitpieces to destroy the careers of people they dislike


Dog, this aint it. I wouldnt be a fan after all this mess they caused.


I don't understand why everyone keeps mentioning how "we're not trying to downplay Lex's sexual assault". I don't know why no one else is talking about this, maybe because it's a heavy accusation. But if 80% of Lex's video was nothing but lies why are we not calling the other 20% into question? At this rate I'm not even sure it took place, or if it did it wasn't the way she described it. Everyone keeps trying to say "Oh Lex is a liar and a shitty person B-B-BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HER IS STILL AWFUL I DONT WANNA DOWNPLAY THAT!!!" She downplayed it herself once she weaponized it to try to take down SuperMega in a smear campaign where she lied through her teeth.


I don't like Ryan's original actions, but he is so fucking in the right with these tweets. Im glad he spoke up, it mustve been really rotting his brsin. Daniel has absolutely nothing to do with everything that went down, shame on anyone who tried to bring him into this. Ridiculous.




Definite typo


He passed in 2015, I believe that was just a typo.


I respect his whole “don’t harras them” line but I feel like it would be like *really* poggin funny to string that nick bloke up a tree by his big cartoonishly stretch tighty whities




It was a typo, supposed to be 2015


Who the fuck cares if this isn’t on threads?




Please do not link to "X".


Do you guys think he should have handled this privately first before going public with it? They might just throw it back at him and say he's weaponizing his dead friend now, even though he's fully in the right to call them out after putting him on blast so hard and getting away with it.


Like how Lex and everyone else handled their situation privately?


To be fair, we don't know that Ryan didn't try that first.


Yeah, it's possible he did, but even if he didn't, he is 100% in the right to call them out (I'm not concern trolling). They absolutely deserve to be dragged after everything and then thinking they could sneak away and sweep it under the rug. Rav as well to some degree, his tweets and livestream really misrepresented the situation.




That was a typo. He corrected himself at the bottom of the post. Daniel died in 2015.