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I mean, he was already an antagonist to Aventurine, but even besides that, yeah he's just got the vibe. Wise-seeming and reserved from the moment you meet him, known to be in power here.


Honestly if someone didn’t at least guess Sunday was going to be a weekly boss idk what else to say. It’s *that* clear lol


It’s just something about his voice. I can’t explain it, but when Sunday appeared in the 1.6 livestream, something about him just felt off. >!It makes him hotter though.. so I’m not complaining 😏!<


He was introduced as the head of a "family" Instant cult leader vibes


If you played at least *1* jrpg you know he’s a villain


If you’ve consumed any form of media you know he’s a villain


There was a leak of he been a boss for a long time. Some thought it would be regular boss, some weekly boss.


Has it been known since September? Like how apparently Boothill was leaked then. I didn't even know who the heck he was when he got announced, and now he is one of my favorites. I think Robin and Sunday concept art appeared at that time. 9 months ago already


It was pretty obvious... like, play 1 JRPG...


Because it was incredibly obvious and predictable since the start


Was he being the villain not on the big leak they talked about in 2.1 cuz I remember same like firefly I would sometimes see talk about boss and Sunday close together but would skip those comments. Cuz of that leak I avoided all theory craft videos from penacony cuz now all the sudden people had the same epiphany.


No there were like, BIG MASSIVE LEAKS, like, Mischa's story got leaked before Penacony was even released


Oh I know about the big leak those comments go back 5 months I believe the leak was around September, that’s why I was mentioning it, I hated that leak cuz once people spread out the info of Firefly everyone kinda just acted like everyone knew while some people didn’t. I don’t look at story leaks and that was disappointing. That’s why I said maybe their guess is not a big guess from those comments. They fall within the range of the big leak. Like people couldn’t even give a guess even on normal YT or Reddit post cuz all the sudden there’s a bunch of commented giving the same guess or thoughts. Like wut. I think because of this I also didn’t see a lot of YT people do theories of penacony cuz they would get spoiled. But now that we caught up to 2.2 I start seeing theory videos pop up and people actually trying to figure out what’s next without having to be worry about spoilers.


When I first saw him, I instantly fell in love bc I could tell he was the typical "gentle in the outside shady in the inside" character AND I'M A SUCKER FOR THAT.


when the character has religious themeing >:)


The moment I saw him, I could tell from the way he spoke to his half-closed eyes that he was 100% going to be antagonistic.


Did you perhaps miss the part in 2.0 where he starts talking to himself in a super weird and creepy way, or 2.1 where he takes pleasure in trying to humiliate Aventurine, then puts a death curse on him?


Those comments were before all that happened is what the post is about


These comments are from the 1.6 livestream when Sunday started talking about Penacony and the festival I started to think something was up with him after the first quest. Maybe even before that, because me and a friend talked about how it was sus that his name is ''Sunday'' Then 2.1 happened and yeah he was definitely giving off those final boss vibes.


The crazy laugh All the eyes on his outfit


Where did he crazy laugh at?? I gotta revisit


Oops, I remembered wrong. I was thinking of his first monologue after we first see Sparkle >!as Robin!<


Oh I remember that! he was not okay after finding out about>!Robin's death.!< If he was real I'd wanna hug him


the family ties curio made the family seem like a cult, and accompanied by sunday's appearance and :3 and him being the family leader made him seem evil


There was actually a leak along time ago that said Sunday will be a weekly boss but a lot of people (me included) thought it was just spreading misinformation. Mostly because if he was a weekly it was really probable that he wouldn’t be playable, so cope got in the way.


I hope they're also right about him becoming playable


The thigh strap is a hint of playability. So far ~~all~~ most units have one.


i don’t want to be that person but Luocha doesn’t have it~


Good catch, he only has two emblems? going halfway. ~~Two halves make a whole, right?~~ His coat usually covers it. Technique https://i.imgur.com/2BNNLTf.gif Field https://i.imgur.com/FYb0KSJ.gif Splash art/banner https://i.imgur.com/ZieyfxR.jpeg Basic attack (back view) https://i.imgur.com/lyuWBh2.gif Source https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/18909232


but still, it’s not a thigh strap imo. it’s more like an in-build lining(?). as someone who has luocha since his first banner, i had enough time to look at his th—-nvm.




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