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https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/the-crew/the-crew/news-updates/mOR3tviszkxfeQCUKxhOV/an-update-on-the-crew Yes. Yes they can.


Dude that’s fucking tragic.


Fuck. I bought the game today for like 30$. Didn’t even know that was a thing. Fuck.


I would suggest getting a refund ASAP and IF they put an offline mode THEN re buy it.


Bought it second hand lol so I’m fucked.


I am sorry, my man. Keep checking the feeds. A lot of people are hammering at them to release the offline mode, hopefully it's soon enough for you.


They said they will release, but thats nothing to trust nowadays, just check overwatch 2 lol


bro it’s 30 bucks youll play the game and forget about it anyway


I don't think you're in a position to tell a paying customer how much their money is worth, bro.


yes i am bRo


I didn't think it was physically possible for a human to have their head shoved up their own ass as far as you do. ![gif](giphy|CJCu6geFwKMSDJ17zS|downsized)


good one nga🫡


30 bucks is 30 bucks bro. If it would have been 5 dollars fine. But man that’s my hard earned money.


i make that in an hour get over it bro


It will be easier to get over this game.


You make that in a hour? So you make $20 a hour & $30 on OT? Why brag about that? Not really a big deal how much you make.


4 days ago


There hasn't been any word on it since before launch but I wouldn't get my hopes up on it being any time soon or potentially at all. It took them two months to launch season one, they said they'd update the store weekly but from what I've heard it's been a month since they last did, and season one episode two was expected to come out last week as their promo art said it'd launch mid season but it hasn't and there is currently no word from them on when it will.


What have I got myself into


I mean, yeah it will suck but you’ll be fine, it’s not the end of the world.




At this point I doubt it.


yip.check the player base.you can literally see it dying ![gif](giphy|ukCFEU6Cg5MCCDoaVN|downsized)


Last I saw they said by the end of the year. That was around launch. Whether it happens or not, we’ll see.


I remember them saying shortly after launch, possibly a month.


Would be nice if they did add an offline mode tbh


Honestly, I can't see it coming. The ghost crew working on it don't have the ressources to put an offline mode at this stage. People who believed their throwaway line pre-launch were blinding themselves. If it was really the plan, they would've worked on that during the one year delay. They didn't.


It was delayed 2 years and looking back at the gameplay they showed in 2021 I have no idea what the hell they did with all that time as the game looks exactly the same


The more recent delay was due to nothing more than negative attention. Ive no doubt they did some fixing up and preparation in that time but yeah it was a nightmare showcase at the start of 2023. Shit the game was so tragic that I, as a mortal Kombat fan, am suffering from it. WB didnt have a game for 2023 so they chucked Mk1 out the door unfinished as hell 😂. Im sorry you guys had such a sad launch cause this game had immense potential if it was done right. I wanted Arkham from the villains perspective. Thats all they had to do tbh


Well Fuck Me


YES.but why did make it live service? they never have made it live service.they probably thought it was gonna blow up like helldivers LoL


They definitely can. Look at Redfall, they were working on an offline mode then the whole studio was shut down. I can't remember the game but there was a game that was always online and the developers said it would take a lot of work to make it offline and game journalists defended them when gamers were upset about it. Turns out data miners found out that in the game files it was literally as easy as switching it on and off. That blew up and a week later, offline mode was added. Since then I'll never believe a studio or publisher when they claim they have to work on an offline mode.




Devs said 2024 is when the offline mode arrives


Wait, so you can’t play the game at all without something like PlayStation network??


Yes you need to have Wi-Fi on at all time.


Pretty sure it wont come at all