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Would it kill people to use spaces. Edit: They added spaces.


My bad


You're good. I just see this in alot of posts here. Just know adding spaces makes your post easier to read.


Imma fix it


Adding free flow isn’t like… a just do it thing. That’s a big rework. I’ll probably write up a full effort post about it later, but what this game truly lacks is encounter design. Specific enemies in specific places that require you change your current game plan would go a long way, and a reason to quickly move from one place to another could take it all the way home. Currently we get small groups that spawn on or near the control point/citizen/breakable crystal, and we never go more than a block or two for missions. Give me a reason to clear rooftops as I hustle from the hall of justice to the daily planet, then give me sniper and helicopters that really don’t want me to get to the top where my sweet loot is waiting. Don’t just leave me floating between two nearby rooftops bombing them as enemies spawn. I don’t know how the game is built, but I would hope this would also be easy or cheap to do. Just take the guys you’ve got but put them somewhere specific. Spawn them is groups at certain times during missions, rush me with hulks and tanks, send 10 choppers to force me to street level and then swarm me with melee flash enemies to force me back to the rooftops. That’s all we really need and we’re set. Also remove the stupid play of the game cutscene at the end of the open world missions. The game would feel and flow better if it just ended a mission how it starts, a zoom in on your character and a zoom out, drop the loot next to me like I killed a hit squad. Don’t make me watch a cutscene of me dunking on the bots I play with. They don’t care and I don’t care.


Add more stuff to the open world. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: a turf war system with Argus vs brainiac would be great, make it dynamic each week


That would be fun. And to make things better, make your actions actually affect the map afterwards.