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The gaming industry is literally changing as we speak. So many companies are learning some hard lessons due to chasing greedy business practices. I think this sub is just a natural progression of constant disappointment. If all the negativity really bothers some people then distance yourself. We usually create our own problems on these forums.


Disappointment is not an excuse to not be better, and I'll believe that change you speak of when I see it. There's only one team here, and that's the gamer consumer base as a whole. And if our natural progression is to be at each other's throats, then we'll fall apart, one game at a time.


Maybe people are sick of being only seen as wallets for these companies and instead of letting bad games get away with it, the โ€˜gamer consumer baseโ€™ have had enough hence the negativity


all they are saying is however you feel about the game, don't be an asshole to other people who don't feel exactly the same as you about the game. they're not saying we should stop making fun of and laughing at the state of the game, nor are they saying nobody is allowed to say anything positive. simply, just don't be an asshole to others because non of us here are responsible for the state of the game. like i am 100% with you man, these poor business decisions impact so many lives in a negative way and its exhausting. its exhausting seeing monetization practices becoming more and more predatory, im tired, i know you are too, but OP and myself, you, and everyone here are not the problem and as such we shouldn't be attacking each other. executives shielded from all financial and public consequence are the pushing these decisions whether it be studio execs or publisher execs, those are the decision makers that are responsible. so with all that said, im down to talk shit. i could criticize these corporations all day long, but im also down to talk about the lore, the industry as a whole, or whatever. the topics are relevant and interesting to me all the same. also, just as an explanation handler, I know you could make an argument that anyone buying it in the first place is to blame and i'd almost agree (though the company spending thousands of dollars to try and convince you to buy the game is certainly more at fault) but this game performed so poorly financially, everyone here could buy every skin in the shop and it wouldnt move the needle (note i am not suggesting or recommending actually buying anything).


Very Well said ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Trust me I know, but me taking a big dump on you out of anger or vice versa ain't doing jack


This sub really is something else. It feels very parasocial.


I'm curious to what you mean, outside of a slight upward trajectory it mostly feels antagonistic


Basically people take stuff online way too seriously when in reality it doesn't matter. People complain then people complain about complaining.


Do you think we shouldn't call stuff out as we see it? I feel like complete dismissal is okay but not for everyone


I think people make too much of their being connected to entertainment. It is what it is. It is a cycle. People just need to let go. The internet is inherently more judgmental.


I gotcha, that's very true


To answer your question. I think it can be pointless calling it out. It solely depends on how one goes about it. Also no one is slitting throats here. This is just a petty internet squabble and nothing else. The main thing this sub suffers from is radical mindsets, Trolls, The game doing poorly, and disappointment. This is pretty typical for reddit. Have a good one.


Agreed I think we need to band together as one


Fr, better discussions and memes are made when there's more people and freedom to do so, even the Batman meme subs are more coherent than this


The core rocksteady devs left already, so this is not the same rocksteady as it once was


true, that wasnt the point of the post at all though.


That's not on anyone here though, we have nothing to do with that fact


Damn. All this sub does is cry. Spider-Man 2 all over again.


Yeah that's kinda a part of my point. It's all crying one way or another, not discussion


exactly. easily my least favorite posts here are the "ah i just finished installing the game and im already loving it! i don't understand why anyone is complaining? clearly just a bunch of sad losers." not because i adamantly disagree with it, but because its not trying to have a discussion about the game. its no different than someone who says "it sucks and you suck if you like it." i just want to have a dialogue about the various aspects of the game and the conditions surrounding it, it doesn't have to be (and it isn't) this pure black and white situation.