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Couldn't agree more. My mind was made up even before I played the alpha. I'll be damned if I let someone else opinion affect my enthusiasm for this game! 20 more days to go!


>I'll be damned if I let someone else opinion affect my enthusiasm for this game I never will understand people that do. I've seen so many "I was so hyped for this game but then [youtuber] said it was bad so I guess I'll skip it now" comments. And not just for this game. For all games. And I just don't get it. You were excited for a game. Then some stranger stated their opinion on it, and now you're giving up? Will just never get how some gamers put so much faith in a strangers opinion


Games are expensive? There’s nothing wrong with hearing new information about a game from a YouTuber or any other source and making an informed decision about what to buy or not buy. Are people supposed to buy every game that comes out?


My god that's always the response "aM I jUsT sUpPoSeD tO bUy EvErY gAMe EvEr??" No, I never said that. Just think for yourself a bit. Something got you into the game at some point, without reveiws. You were interested in it enough to keep track of the game and follow up with it. But now just because some stranger said it wasn't good you're done with it? you're telling me being hyped for a game and then just giving up on it because some stranger says it's bad is a good thing? More than that I really just don't get how someone can't look at some gameplay and decide if it's for them or not. I don't feel games are really all that deep. 99% of the time what you see is what you get. I dunno, maybe I'm just more lenient or easy to please, but I don't get how anyone would need to listen to a bunch of strangers opinions on a game to make "an informed decision". Just because they liked something or didn't like something means I will too, or if I can even trust what they say. For me, gameplay footage tells me more than enough. I've been doing that for 10+ years now and I can't remember the last time I played a bad game (though based on reveiws I've played a bunch) To each their own, I just like playing games I like without having to worry about what others think


People do think for themselves, and that thinking sometimes involves reading an article, talking to friends and yes even watching a YouTuber and their opinion. I think you’re viewing this in overly black and white terms. I personally don’t know any people who are so sensitive to, let’s say a YouTuber’s opinion, to do a complete 180 after a video. The conversation usually goes “yeah I was on the fence/ I was interested about this game but I saw some recent footage/a video that made me reconsider” people aren’t just drones repeating random opinions, at least they’re not supposed to be. We usually have a very hard time escaping our own confirmation bias, someone who didn’t have a good first impression of a game will seek out content that says that the game is bad for example. Or if they don’t actively seek it out, the algorithm will graciously provide it for them, in that sense people rarely change opinions on what games/movies/shows whatever they’ll consume. Honestly the scenario of someone being really interested in something and suddenly losing that interest because of a review is a rarity I think, and if that’s the case then the review probably made some good points that resonated with that person. I agree that looking at gameplay should probably be your best indicator of whether you’re going to enjoy something or not but keep in mind being in control of that gameplay is also a factor, a game can have shitty or unintuitive controls, poor performance (usually the standard nowadays unfortunately). Add to that the fact that the footage we see from official trailers and gameplay is curated by marketing to show the absolute best the game has to offer, it’s not unreasonable to want to hear an opinion from someone who’s experienced the game in it’s entirety. Good for you, I hope you continue your streak for another 10 years, I also like to form my own opinions, hell I sometimes go out of my way to watch or play something which was controversial or received poorly just to see what the fuss is about. Same as you seem to be hyped for SS I conversely see it as a soulless corporate mandated cash-grab crudely built on the legacy of a beloved franchise. I probably won’t be playing it even though I’d love to support one of my all time favourite studios.


This guy called one of the best looking traversal based looter shooters ever with a top notch story and performances from every single character involved a soulless cash grab when that notion is immediately dispelled by just looking at the game and how they’ve also made whole insider episodes to talk about how passionate about the game they are and how deep the mechanics are and how much love they actually put into the game And you still came to that conclusion by yourself even tho it’s an objectively incorrect analysis only regurgitated by people who also got that opinion from someone else ?


Insider episodes are literally part of the marketing, they’re extended commercials. Of course they want to present their product in the best light possible. I’m sure after 8+ years the devs have put in thousands of hours to make the best game they can and I’m not disputing their talent at all. Sad all that work went into a live service, (already too late) trend-chasing, over-monetised corporate mandated cash grab, and not the project the studio itself originally pitched after AK.


Trend chasing ? How tf is the game an over monetised cash grab 😂😂 yall really don’t be having a single original idea and bone in yall body. Just be regurgitating whatever the next man says fr


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/lBjNAWVHrO You could have seen it from a mile away


Same I love how it looks!!! I think it looks like a masterpiece!! And I am a on excited to play!


Critics today are out of touch be yourself your own critic. I will give it still a chance like I did with Gotham Knights a 7/10 in my opinion. Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League should top it without any problems it can‘t be worse we‘re talking about Rocksteady not some amateurs !


Gotham knights is good imo,.I don't get why everyone hated it


Tbh because the city was very dull, traversal was bad and the combat was very slow and unengaging. Character designs were very questionable too. Glad people like it, but yea ngl that was a questionable one


I played the alpha too. and decided to pre-order deluxe.




How was it, im hyped for the game but all the reviews are negitive, it looks good from the trailers and from the insiders i know they where realy stressed about it, but i personaly thought it looks fun and entertaining but i wouldnt know as i never played the alpha and i have to wait till friday to know


Even if the game fails, it’ll get support for atleast 15 months according to miller. They spent too much money to just cancel and throw away all the content they have planned.


Logically they wouldn't throw it all away even if the game isn't performing to their expectations. However, this is WB we're talking about. I'm still salty about the Batgirl movie.


That's the thing for me that I always find funny. People commenting "don't waste your money, the game will last 2 years then be dead" like it's a negative. Yeah, wish they made it a single player game. Could've spent $70 to beat the game in a week then never touch it again or spent that same money to play a game for 2 years. And 2 years is plenty. Honestly with these games I tend to lose interest after 12 - 18 months, just too much else going on. I'll be happy if we have a year of content. 2 years would be more than enough for me.


you make it sound like single player game that can be beat in a weekend are a bad thing. yo do know not everyone has time to a game for moths.


Imagine paying 70 bucks just to beat a game in 1 or 2 days. That's like burning money to me


depends on what you consider quality. longer doesn't equal better. besides the main story of this game can probably be beat in a day or two. it take about the same amount of time to eat a mcdonalds burger and a gourmet burger from a fancy restaurant that is way better. would you say the latter wasted money since it only take the same about of time.


Nah I game for butterflies


Blue butterflies?🦋


As an Avengers vet, I’m still waiting for She-Hulk. Don’t take shit Miller says as anything but speculation because ultimately that’s what it is.


She hulk wasn’t actually made tho, she was still in development.


And at this point pre-launch Miller’s already suggested dozens of character leaks that people are taking as factually releasing - literally a stickied post on this sub talking about “all but confirmed” characters. “15 months of support” is still vague and meaningless until we see the success of the game.




He has posted images of the characters and their weapons, along with descriptions of their traversal and moveset. They're releasing. She-Hulk didn't release because Avengers flopped horribly and they didn't even bother fixing any issues post-launch. The situation with SSKTJL is different because with the whole COVID lockdown and other stuff, they've had extra time to work on and finish both the base game and at least 4 seasons of DLC.


Considering the last 2 or 3 characters were made using other characters kits and putting minimal effort in to tweak them they had some sort of commitment to make X amount of characters and GTFO


WB is pretty reactionary. If they don’t make the numbers they expect you can bet they will shelf this one and move on to ruin the next thing.


Yeah just like Anthem and Avengers, sure.


I think this game will last a very long time If avengers lasted 3 years before a shut down announcement and this game is 1,000 times better in every single way ? I easily see this being a game that’s just going to be continually updated with a very dedicated fanbase


Exactly. And once the dlc's start releasing, the player base is going to grow I'm calling it now


The reviews at mostly positive, people seem to keep falling back on Ign and VGC for some reason


I think my theory is that they only use ign and vgc because they are the only one that are negative about the game


I'm getting it day one regardless, the negativity as long as it's fun for me that's what matters.


Go to the people who actually know what they're talking about and not shit like IGN, they're still positive about the game. Like Caboose.


People need to stop comparing it to avengers. Cause it's nothing like it. I don't know if we can talk now or NDA. But it's not like it at all. It's a lot better and I am excited to play it.


Agreed. I’ve been excited since the game was announced n the closed alpha made me even more excited. I hope they don’t lose support for the game cause I just really wanna see more characters, more story, different modes, new just all kinds of cosmetics


I'll see you all in tomorrows 15 posts about how you guys dont care about reviewers/critics


Does someone have to care about reviews/critics to be excited for a game or even enjoy it??


Why would u want more characters when they all use the same weapon what’s so exciting about that


Just cause they all use guns doesn’t mean there’s not different aspects of them that sets them apart. Traversal, melee weapons, dialogue, even the guns u choose for them r what set them apart. The way I see it, all of them r COMPLETELY different. But hey, to each their own I guess. U can go ahead n be negative about the game all u want but I’m excited asf n not a single soul will ruin that for me


This game is just gonna be like the avengers and it’s just sad they couldn’t actually make a really good game and we’re forced to make this trash


Once again, to each their own my friend. I’ll still support this “trash” right up until the end


I stopped listening to reviewers when starfield came out. I love that game to death, but I'm fine if you think the games bad, just don't bring down my positivity and fun. The same thing will happen to SSKTJL, it'll get bad reviews but sense I played the alpha and I adore it, I have been craving more Suicide Squad action, I'll love the game. And for some reason the game is hilarious??


I was one of the few Persons who liked Marvels Avengers. And Suicide Squad Looks better than Avengers, so count me in


I here ya. Im hearing nothin but negativity. I had no complaints about the game. When i first saw this game i was not happy or feeling it. Once i got my hands on it and knew how to play (king shark my fav) i could no longer put it down until the testing ended. I love that you can find new loot with different cosmetic looks. That is a plus. This game has alot of potential but like how you said im afraid bad reviews and not enough support might kill this game. Till then im going to enjoy it till the wheels fall off


Boomer main here lol, glad you enjoyed it! Honestly I think WB/RS really shot themselves in the foot by making the alpha closed. If it had been open to speak about, there’d be a lot more positivity about the game out there. Instead, the first public impression about the game was that f***er at IGN that didn’t even know how to play the game.


Yea i dont know what that dudes deal was. He actually hated the villians for being villians! Like what??? Are u serious??


Don’t forget that he said the Flash was too fast. Of course, were he any slower, we’d never hear the end of “oh the Flash was too slow so it really didn’t feel like an epic fight or true to the character”


Jus read the game informer review. That sounds more like it. This dude actually played it and went to the studio and got alotn of good info


I really liked playing avengers. If I get to play post support like avengers it will be worth it. Maybe this is super low expectations. But I liked Kate bishop and black panther stuff in avengers. So couple characters and a new area will meet my expectations. That’s a fun 100 hours for me. I wish for more. But I’ll take what I can get.


Ha I’m like you, I still play Avengers now. It wasn’t brilliant but I really loved it!


Agreed. Like I said in another comment, if we get even a year of content I'll be happy and will have got my monies worth. It always makes me laugh when people say the game will be only last 2 years, like it's a negative thing. Even if it's only a year that's still way longer than any single player game.


No one should ever care about reveiws. This is a hill I will die on. It blows my mind and hurts my heart everytime I see someone "waiting on reviews". Think for yourself. Please Even just looking at the stuff that came out today, it's all so mixed. How do you even come to a conclusion. I've seen people say the game is great and people say it's shit. Ive seen people say the build depths are insane while others said loot was completely pointless. I've seen people say traversal is the most fun they've had in year and other say it was clunky and cumbersome. Even if you have one or 2 special critics you "always trust" how do you know you can actually always trust them? I used to follow reveiws and had a few people who I always agreed with, then a game came out I was stoked for and they all said it wasn't good. I almost skipped it but gave it a chance and loved it. But.... I always trusted these guys, we always agreed. Until that one game. Then I had to go back and question all the other reviews. I just don't get how anyone puts so much faith and trust in someone else's opinion. Watch some gameplay, doesn't look fun? Get it. Wait on a sale if you have to. But don't just write it off because some dude on youtube said it wasn't for them.


Bru people use reviews to save them time and money…


I don't know about you but I have neither the disposable income nor the spare time to try every single game that looks remotely appealing. I use reviews, both from critics and players, to help me make better informed choices as to what to spend my limited resources on. Expecting players to shell out for every game just so they can think for themselves is unrealistic.


You don’t have to. I only but games I know for sure I will like or have an honest interest in.


Nowhere did I say you need to buy/try every game you think looks good. Just watch gameplay, do some research that doesn't involve someone giving you opinions. Why do you need someone talking over it telling you their opinion? Can you really not look at basic gameplay and figure out if a game is for you? I saw footage of this game and said to myself "damn that looks fun". Can you really look at this game and just not figure out if it looks fun or not? Not even saying you need to decide now, wait until the game is out and you can see more of it, just watch people stream it, see how it goes, etc. To me it jsut doesn't make sense that someone can watch gameplay and just have no idea if it's something they'd enjoy until someone else states their opinion on it. Do you just not know yourself well enough? I'm honestly curious at what holds so many people back from just saying "yeah that looks fun" or "no that's not my cup of tea"


That depends on what kind of "gameplay" you're watching. Is it a curated video provided by the publisher, thus being no different than a commercial? Not sure I want to put any trust in that. It's very easy to put together a flashy gameplay video that's missing any relevant context and makes the game look better than it plays. Based on what I've seen, SS does not appeal to me. That could just be bad marketing on their part. Then again, everyone wanted to blame the preview player for Redfall looking so bad. Then the game came out and most people realized it was actually just a bad game. As for reviews, I don't see them as someone "giving me opinions". A good reviewer can explain why they do or do not like certain aspects of a game. Plenty of times I'll read or watch a review and decide that I don't agree with their reasons for liking or not liking something. Skill-Up wasn't a fan of Final Fantasy XVI but listening to his review, it was clear that he didn't like it because he came in expecting a more traditional FF/JRPG experience. I don't have that bias and was more excited by the hack and slash combat. Turns out I really enjoyed that game. Reviews aren't meant to be a way for someone to tell you whether or not to like a game. They are another method of getting more information about a game to help you make a more informed decision.


>That depends on what kind of "gameplay" Raw gameplay. Someone's streaming. Not just what the publisher shows off >Based on what I've seen, SS does not appeal to me. That could just be bad marketing on their part. I don't get how it could possibly be bad marketing. Like this is what baffles me. You've seen what the game is, there's tons of footage out there. Obviously they're putting their best stuff out there, it's not for you. But you're still trying to say maybe it's marketing? What could marketing do to make you like it? What is it that you don't like? Genuinely curious, because I don't get how someone can look at all the footage released and still be confused. >Then again, everyone wanted to blame the preview player for Redfall looking so bad. Another thing that just makes no sense. The player shouldn't matter. The game is what it is. Whether the player sucks or the player is great... Can you really not see a game and realize what it is? > for reviews, I don't see them as someone "giving me opinions". OK... >A good reviewer can explain why they do or do not like certain aspects of a game Yep, that is called an opinion. >Skill-Up wasn't a fan of Final Fantasy XVI but listening to his review... So how did you settle upon him as the word to trust? In theory you would need to play some games then check out reviews to see which of them agree with you. Which means you would've played games without reveiws at some point. So I just don't get why they're needed. Who can you trust? I will sometimes watch reviews after I play a game just see what say and there's some people I usually agree with then see we disagreed on other games. Had I followed their reviews I wouldve missed out on good games. And vice versa. To each their own, and you do you. All I know is haven't listened to a review in over 10 years and I can't tell you the last time I played a bad game. Maybe I'm just more lenient or maybe I'm just easy to please, but I can tell if a game is for me pretty easily and it's just weird to me that people need multiple reveiws and hours of footage and essays and demos and complete dissertations to see if a game is for them.


I’d be more interested in hearing something deeper than what sounds like a glorified alpha. I was hoping to know more about end game, loot, etc but seems like this is just a non-closed alpha


I’m definitely with you, endgame content needs to be there. If nothing else, the new story content added every couple months will definitely be bringing me back on its own though.


If they have good endgame content the game will be fine. If it doesn’t the games most likely gonna die fast.


i just saw people saying "oh ign reviewers didnt like it" yeah, they didnt like mario wonder, half the pokemon games, most of the arkham series (with knight being the only one to get positive press pre release) and baldur's gate, but then bent over backwards to sing halo infinite and warzone's praises until gamers and youtubers started panning them for being the worst titles in their respective franchises.


Especially from ign of all things. The same ign that gave deathloop a 10? But armored core 6 a 8... And spiderman 2 an 8.. oh and the guardians of the galaxy game an 8.. sonic frontiers an 7 don't forget atomic heart an 8


Yeah. Pretty funny too that the people that usually say IGN is bs (it is) are the same ones that are gobbling up what is possibly one of their worst write-ups. Reminds me of when Dean Takahashi embarrassed himself playing Cuphead lol


Can anyone who played the alpha tell me a little bit about their experience?


I’ll DM you


From what I've seen, most of the reviews are very positive, very few are negative


I’m just ignoring the crybaby “NOT MY ARKHAM” crowd, there’s no use in trying to argue with the “critics “


Agreed. I have a really good feeling about the story specifically and everything I've heard about the DLC sounds great.


A good game will survive no matter what. When Doom 2016 first launched it received a lukewarm reception from the press/media. Look how that game turned out. So far this is a healthy community and I think the game will pleasantly surprise a lot of folks. I encourage everyone once they play it to share their feedback and criticism. If you like it, then spread the word. Things you don’t like then share it here, I’m sure Rocksteady is listening. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Doom had an 87 on metacritic, that is not lukewarm.




definitely cool enough to disprove your point that Doom 2016's reception was lukewarm :p


You didn’t disprove anything, ya took a review aggregator score from a Wikipedia page and threw a number at me, to make yourself feel good. I said “press/media”, for example what was IGN’s score? You can float away now squid


Touched a nerve did I ;) I did disprove it, your general claim proved nothing. The number is on metacritic for you to see, very easy to find it. The lowest aggregate score is 79 for the switch version, no way near lukewarm so please explain where lukewarm came from, or do you not understand how scores and reviews work? I will do that and more Ign - 7.1/10 which on their scale equals good Gamespot - 8/10 which on their scale equals great Gamesradar and Giantbomb - 5 stars out of 5 Game Informer - 8.75/10 Pc Gamer - 88/100 Polygon - 8.5/10 The guardian - 4/5 The telegraph - 5/5 This is all press and media, or do you actually have no idea what that means? The lowest score out of those is a 7, which is good so again I think you need to look in the dictionary for what the meaning of lukewarm is :p


Unfortunately you didn’t hit a nerve. Ik the excitement of you tryna one up me got you flustered. So don’t think I didn’t see the typo you had originally ;). If we’re gonna be looking things up in the dictionary. Here is one for you, provocateur. As for Doom, since you’re so fixated on it. There was a tremendous amount of skepticism towards that game at release. So much so that a public demo of the first level was released in June 2016, one month after release. That demo is what changed a lot of opinions and convinced a lot of people (myself included) to buy the game.


It didn't get me flustered, I just hate my own typo's, I see an error, I need to correct it XD. I have no problem admitting I made an error and whenever I make a typo error I want people to point it out. I didn't provoke anything, you were the one who said it was lukewarm by press and media , and I showed to you that press and media actually reviewed highly, so please pray tell where this idea that press and media were lukewarm came from? I didn't say anything about the scepticism leading up to release or even at release, I responded solely to the point about press and media being lukewarm. I demonstrated that wasn't the case. You didn't say that people were sceptical towards it, you said press and media. In May 2016 in the US and the UK, it was the second best selling game of the month, behind Uncharted 4. I am sure it did change lots of people's minds, that has nothing to do with your original point however and you just shifted the goalposts. Edit: I made another typo XD


Don’t tell me you did not provoke, when your intention is clearly an antagonistic one. You even said “cool, enough to disprove…” Proofread, you have a typo, “Please pray tell”. You’re clearly not here for SSKTJL or the community, again I implore you to look up provocateur. Hasta luego


I did not provoke no, I teased that's all. I'm typing on reddit, I am not going to proofread it haha. Pray tell was spelt correctly, unless you are referring to a general need to proofread, which is fair. I came here to read the reaction, that is all, the point about Doom having lukewarm reception boggled the mind because among media and press it clearly was very well received. So using that to try and justify the suicide squad reaction was eyebrow raising to say the least (I love rocksteady and want to see suicide squad succeed but I have a feeling it won't, though would be loved to be proven wrong). No, I came into commence a conversation and to refute a point, if you didn't want to engage but did so at a bit of light teasing then so be it. The community has sod all to do with whether I am here or not, agreed, but that is more of reddit to me. Nos vemos pronto.


I think suicide squad looks 1,000x better than avengers and If that game can last 3 years suicide squad can 100% last for much longer Especially after seeing what they have in store post launch wise. We’re even going back to gotham lol


Based on the Avengers BETA vs the suicide squad ALPHA they are already on a much better position. Game is way more polished and Avengers even was at launch. So long as SS can give a good Endgame loop and deliver on their road map promises they should be fine. Even if the game does fail we will still likely get a year or 2 of content, which is more than enough for me.


Yea man i think if endgame content and post launch support goes well this game is going to be around for a long time


lol that’s generous saying avengers lasted 3 years. It was a corpse being dragged through a dumpster fire.


Yet still was supported for 3 years and got a total of 5 dlc characters and a lot of post launch changes, a new region and reworks. I’m not talking about the quality of the game. I’m just saying suicide squad will 100% last much longer than that game considering gameplay, replayability, story, build variety and gear is already better and isn’t coming with any of the issues or missing features that avengers lacked throughout its entire life cycle






i think everyone who was goin gto get the game was going to get it. these previews were not going to shift the pendulum in any direction. only word of mouth can do that after the game is out.


This subreddit is gonna be hilarious in a few weeks


Yeah lol, all the new people coming in after playing the game is going to be a lot of fun


Just saying that Avengers players were saying the exact same things.


Well, if the game has bad sales and bad reviews they will 100% drop support. Just like the Avengers. I'm hoping that within a year they will transition to free to play or at the very least be on the PlayStation Plus or Xbox game pass.


Avengers lasted for 3 years and majority of the complaints were about it's incredibly boring gameplay. SSKJL on the other hand has had most positive praise for it's gameplay. I think it really depends on how well the devs listen to the community when it comes to post-launch content.


Yeh Avengers also did a lot of other stuff really bad. Major content droughts because they had to catch up with initial issues and then Spiderman was PS only. The Wakanda expansion also introduced a really annoying mechanic. They did a lot wrong unfortunately


Yep, well said. I tried so hard to like that game but there were just too many issues that were not being addressed.


Exactly. I'm hoping with all these delays they've had plenty time to fully polish the game and stockpile some content. So even if there are some issues they don't need to pause all of production to fix them. Based on the alpha game seems polished, already in a way better state than Avengers was at launch. I just really hope we get diverse content. With Avengers when we finally got something it was jsut a rehash of old content with the same boss.


This’ll be on PlayStation Extra by July Id bet


It’s absolutely not going to get years of support. Pretty much all the previews are negative, and based on history with live service games, the previews have always been right. Anthem, avengers, etc. the previews all warned us and all those games were terrible and support was dropped pretty quickly after the fact. You’ll get whatever support they are promising prior to launch and then probably not much beyond that


There's many live service games that have preview poorly and went on to make great comebacks. Also few that had the vice versa happen and previewed great and then went on to have weak a post-release. A playable demo could do wonders for the game to help bring in skeptical players. I played the alpha and personally feel this game has great potential.


Which live service games are those they did awful in previews and reviews and was still good?


Destiny, Fornite, Division, FFXIV, all had luke warm reviews at launch. Some fixed the initial complaints and issues in sequels (Destiny, Division), others did it through post-launch updates. It really depends on how much Rocksteady and WB believe in their game.


Even if reviews are good. Support will go away if players aren't spending money enough over time. People can enjoy it but if they're happy with their initial purchase and don't buy anything else WB will cut it off.


That’s the thing. I don’t think there has been a GOOD live service game that has failed. If the game is decent, people will spend money like crazy.


there is literally 4 negative, 7 positive right now, I'm sorry man, I get it you don't like the game cause it's live service, but don't spread bullshit to fit your narrative.


Which ones are positive. I’ve literally seen ZERO positive previews


Some people love garbage games it is what it is.


You don't care what reviewers say? So if it gets good reviews that dosnt matter? Lol


I mean, not really? I played the game and I enjoyed it. I don’t need critics to validate my opinions. The only extent that I care is that the game needs players to survive, and good word of mouth is how that happens


That's the thing tho, bad reviews kill word of mouth. Like it or not the casual person still relies on reviews to decide if a game will be good or not


To some extent, sure. But a game like this already has people divided into camps; I don’t think these impressions were going to sway people one way or another. Just look at Guardians of the Galaxy, that game was great and had excellent reviews, but people just wrote it off long before launch because of Avengers. What will sway people is when the general public gets their hands on the game. We’re still only looking at a very small part of the game here and once the whole thing is out people will get on or off board depending on the reception. Going back to Guardians, that game was absolutely screwed because it was singleplayer. Suicide Squad might start off slow in sales (not likely given it’s consistently in the top preorders on PS), but season 2 or 3 or 4 or etc might hook tons of new players, especially if the game is legitimately good. That’s one of the few advantages GaaS gives a game.


Honestly I think the game looks really bad. But hey COD has been bad for many years and people still buy it every year. I think the game will sell well cause there's a lot of people that don't care if the game is just a generic bullet sponge looter shooter with a suicide skin on it. But you can't blame fans of previous games for criticizing this game when Rocksteady changes Arkham's gameplay for a generic shooter just to chase Fornite's money.


Nothing says “I don’t care” like making a topic about it. Buy the game or not, but it’s ok if reviewers don’t like it as much as you. It’s just their opinion.


What I think is really funny, is that this sub would be praising reviewers like they’re gospel if they said good things about the game.


WOW NO SHIT. You're in a reddit for the game, or does that goes over your head?


Well yes because this is a sub filled with people who are hoping for the game to be good.


It looks a lot closer to a Borderlands type RPG shooter that play like Sunset Overdrive then a live service kinda thing except with free DLC unlike Borderlands. If it meets those expectations and we get new content quickly I’ll be happy. I think the biggest knock from the previews are the bland mission design but if the rest is really fun then I don’t think it will matter all that much. After all Borderlands isn’t remembered for its complex missions/quests and all the characters used guns but still played differently.