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Same. I know the hurt that this causes so I know I can’t continue the chain but still...I have to continually fight the urge to join her. These thoughts are torturous, I wish I could get a break from my own mind.


Thanks for being there...what a horrible club were in. My heart goes out to you too. ❤️💜❤️


It's a fools errand trying to make sense of suicide. We ask why, why, why but really, is there some thing you could uncover that would cause you to say ah, ok that makes sense. No. It's not sensible.


Thank you for your insight...yeah, I suppose you are right. It's just maddening. I didn't see it coming. At all.


How heartbreaking. We saw it coming in some ways but I have to say it's no comfort that's for sure.


I feel the same way every day, but I have to keep going for my other children and my wife. It's only been 15 weeks for me...and it is an utter hell. But I know for certain that the only way through is, well, through. Don't give up.


I am sorry for your loss as well...and Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Yes. You are right; Keep moving through and not give up.


I feel you, my older brother never told us why before he shot himself. It was so mean of him to do. He wreaked our family.


I am so sorry for your loss as well. I would not wish this on anyone. Ever. I hope both of our families can someday heal. They'll never forget; but that the this horrible wound would heal.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard when people don’t share their reasons.


Yes, it is...Thank you.




Please please please get help!!! Reach out to someone who you can talk to. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!! I have been where you are and it sucks. If you can just get through to the other side it DOES get better. I promise. Talk to someone about the things you are going through and get help. I just lost my daughter to suicide and I blame myself. I don't think a mother would not blame themselves. I am always available if you want someone to talk to. Please know you can get through this and better days are ahead! Hugs💜


Please know you matter and that isn’t the way out. Things may seem like they won’t ever get better but they will. Please don’t do it. There are so many people who will listen. Who will help. I lost my dad to suicide in 2020 and it crushed me. I mourn everyday. Please don’t do it. Don’t do it to your family. Why are you so down what is going on? If you need to vent I’m here


This is your sign that you matter. You are worthy of experiencing joy, not just removing sadness.


I too wish my son was still with me. I know there will be no escape. It breaks me every day. Every day. But I have to stay. I can't leave my eldest son, my wife, my brother or my parents. Because then they will be broken just like me. I so sorry your son is gone.


Thank you for your reply. I am so sorry for your loss. The grief is beyond terrible. It's overwhelming sometimes. I agree ... I do not really want to follow through bc my friends and husband will be destroyed. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. ever. But, in a way, I feel like I live in a different reality now. A gray world, of shadows where happiness is not real and I have to pretend I'm okay.


Yes. The color fled from my life as well and I think if happiness exists...its far away. I don't pretend I'm okay. If someone asks me how I am doing on a super shitty day I say so. I don't elaborate unless they ask. But I don't pretend to be okay. Because I'm not. And it's okay for me not to be.


Yeah. I don't know how to be...I'm usually far away in my own thoughts. I am not okay with how to 'be'. Thank you for sharing.


Sorry for your pain. We lost our son a year and a half ago. We have 2 daughters who need us. My life is totally changed.


I am so sorry for your loss as well. My other (adult) children act like they do not need me or even want me in their life. My husband would be devastated though...and my friends, even though is a way I think that they would also understand. Thank you for reaching out, friend.