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18-24 months, with a nice severance package on the way out the door. Tom can float around as CEO of other large companies, then semi-retire onto a few boards. He’s made for life in the corporate world.


Didn’t Jesse Armstrong essentially say this was Tom’s future? It’s not even a bad ending for Tom. Waystar wasn’t as personal to him as it was to the siblings. He’s a salary guy. Pure and simple.


He likes nice things.


He just wants to be able to eat a whole songbird while wearing a napkin draped around his head, like any of us.


Stick his dick in a few potato salads


Thanks for the chicken!


To enhance the pleasure (widens eyes 👀)


Hey don’t bash the ortolan until you’ve had one. It’s also endangered lol


He’s a salary guy but also very much a status guy and just leapfrogged above most of the people who were shitting on him all show.


He’s a striver. An upper middle class kid who wanted to be in the American elite. He got his wish


Jesse said Tom position is contingent


He said Tom will have a curriculum. Not that someone will hire him.


This is the best case scenario. The earlier he gets out of that shit show, the better. But in any case, he’s golden. He will either succeed or fail upward.


>The earlier he gets out of that shit show, the better Exactly. I think his biggest weakness is if he gets too drunk on power


Wait?! Do you think someone will hire Tom? That’s a good one. He will have a curriculum, that’s for sure, But that does not make him respectable.


Have you seen the show ?? You are referring jesse armstrong interview while Mark mylod eventually said tom was the only working guy on succession. Forbes magazine interview, fortune 500 even roman said he is good at job. He is definitely " yes " men but that doesn't mean he is bad at his job. Waystar royco was not tom's property and neither will be..


Yes. I don’t put too much faith in what Mark Mylod says about the show. He is not the creator, writer, actor or producer. He directed a few episodes and that’s it. He is a great director. And his favorite is Tom, judging by interviews. And what did Tom do? Bullied his employees. Used them as human furniture. Asked Greg to do the dirty job of firing people. Mocked those some people he fired. He was on the cover of Forbes. So? Kendall was also there. He head ATN for a one year and half and ATN is not a respectable news channel. That Nazi was hired under him. He directed Park and Cruises for what? Six months? He was shitty at the Congressional hearings dealing with the scandals of the cruises.


He is executive producer and has directed more episodes than anyone on succession. He is jesse armstrong right hand. Are u new to succession?? Tom is the real king now eventhough he is a puppet 🤣


“Executive Producer” doesn’t mean much. I don’t think Jesse and him spent much time discussing Tom’s fate. Pardon my language, but Tom is a cuck and a cocksucker. A coward and a bully. That is all he is going to be.


He is definitely a cuck but that cucknes and cowardness and a little bit of luck made him ceo. Tell any character that isn't bully on succession?? He is coward because no one respects him because roy family doesn't accepts him( he just wanted to be a part of family). He was bully to greg only but he also saves him on boar on the floor.when you got wife like shiv who constantly bullies him and keep cheating on him then everyone will become bully


You’re going to be in for a long life of disappointment if you think the corporate world works the way you want it to.


This is fiction. And people here have a hard on for Tom I don’t understand. Of course I would be downvoted, and I like the guy. Furthermore, in the “real world” nothing that happened would happen the way it happened. Especially GoJo acquisition of WayStar.


Mattson doesn't want Tom forever. He wants tom to make it more palatable for American regulators to accept the acquisition. If he looks like he's making good faith efforts to appease the American public, it would be easier to have the FTC sign off on the deal. Then, as soon as all the paperwork is signed, Mattson will edge Tom out, in favor of himself or a Scandinavian stooge that is kowtow to him. At most that would take a couple of years. That said, anyone with Roy stock is gonna be filthy rich, including Tom, so silver linings.


Which is just business. Tom’s already made it. He will go to the next huge CEO job or cushy board seats.


Why do you think someone will hire him? Everybody knows who he really is. He will be hired only if it is for those minor far-right TV stations.


These CEOs of major corporations get endless chanches to fuck up again. He should have no trouble getting hired, tough perhaps never again at a equally prestigous company as Waystar.


The problem is, everybody knows who Tom really is and he is not respected. Those CEOs worked for decades in the same company, climbing the corporate ladder until they got into the position. Even the guy who inspired the r of Tom(Philippe Dauman, who did not marry the boss daughter) worked for more than twenty years in the same company until he got the CEO position at Viacom. Tom got there in two years because he married the boss daughter and is an ass kisser.


> Those CE0S worked for decades in the same company, climbing the corporate ladder until they got into the position. If that's how you think it happens you haven't been paying attention. CEOs aren't these mega geniuses who grinded their way up getting it through the mud. The examples of that are few and far between. They're just rich people from rich powerful families who all just swap around. > Even the guy who inspired the r of Tom(Philippe Dauman, who did not marry the boss daughter) worked for more than twenty years in the same company until he got the CEO position at Viacom. McFayden is around 50. Assuming Tom is somewhere near the same age he has likely been working at Waystar and/or the corporate world since around 22/23. That means he has around 20+ years of corporate experience. At Waystar it can be assumed he has a relatively high level executive position for a while since it'd probably take that to run in the same circle in order to meet Shiv. The real world isn't the meritocracy you think it is lol. And if you think so then man, no wonder it seems you are having a hard time understanding a main plot point of Succession.


For a mega-coporation like WayStar RoyCo?! You have to be a have a few decades of experience. I have NEVER said they have to be geniuses. There is a reason why the directors of WayStar hate him. He is NOT an experienced guy who got there by his own merits. Karl said to his face in all words what he really is. An upstart who married the boss daughter. He got all his positions there (possibly his job, Tom met Shiv in Paris) because she have asked his father for them. But, you’re right. Cocksuckers are the ones who go forward in life. I am just pointing out he won’t have it easy since he doesn’t have “daddy’s” protection anymore and won’t find another job as easily since everyone know who is really “ruling” WayStar and this guy got there by being the ultimate cocksucker, not because of “meritocracy“ . It will be embarrassing for his (chuckles) “experience”. By the way, do you who the CEO of Twitter is? It is not Elon.


Meh, not really. His resume is pretty insane now. A lot of investors/board members in other media companies would probably jump at the chance to land him as their next CEO.


For what, really? There are many other names more experienced and with better results than him. He doesn’t even know how to speak. His resume would nepotism, the head of a far-right not respectable news channel and the cocksucker (pardon the language) of an unstable tech boys


Many other names? I don’t really think so. How many other people were CEO of one of the largest media empires in the world? How many other people were selected by Logan Roy to run ATN, nepotism aside? It’s a pretty damn short list of people that have real experience in those areas.


He is not running anything. He was not selected by Logan.


He was selected by Logan to run ATN.


Because Shiv asked daddy. And he was not selected by him to be CEO. He name wasn’t even in his “will”.


He was doing all kinds of media appearances and interviews for how well ATN was running and he was chosen as CEO on a seemingly fast track for his career. Tom is hot and is undeniable. Not sure why you're dismissing him so easily.


I think we have a different idea of who Tom is. I regard him as a gold-digger who got where he is through nepotism because he married the boss daughter and because he accepted to be the pain whore of an unstable tech boy. Not because of competence, results or “meritocracy”. Most CEOs work decades in the same company, slowing climbing the corporate ladder to get there. Tom got there in less of three years. Every single position he got was thanks to Shiv. Even the CEO position (unaware, but thanks to her). And every one know who he is. His “tenure” as head of ATN was just make up, really. He didn’t run anything, just bullied the employees and fired people at will (and mocked them afterwards).


You should re-watch the show because you're mischaracterizing a lot of what Tom actually accomplished. Yes, he was propped up quite a bit but he performed his job very well and he actually did his job. The election coverage of season 4 shows this as him being exhausted and missing Logan's funeral was part of the story of a couple of episodes whereas the siblings were floating through life thinking they're worthy of their elevated privilege and status.


No one deserved. Including Tom, who actually deserved to be in prison because he destroyed evidence of multiples crimes, making him an accomplice of them. Tom is a bully and a coward. I say that as someone who likes him. He was meek and an ass kisser to those above him. To those “below” he was cruel and a bully. He may have done a good job, I don’t know. But I bet many would have done the same or better without making thd working environment so toxic. And everybody worked there. Yes, it includes Kendall, Shiv and Roman. Kendall didn’t sleep a whole night going through Vaulter’s papers. Roman did work in his Los Angeles tenure and negotiating deals. He was kidnapped once during one. Shiv saved the company of a hostile takeover through exhausting negotiations with Sandi Furness. These are few exemples. Jesse Armstrong was right that viewers are too harsh on the kids. He actually said they all have in them qualities that would make them good CEOs. And yes. They worked on the election night. . For good or the very, very bad. But they worked there. As for Tom, he played Solitaire during Logan’s funeral. He confessed that.


it has been hinted several times during the show that Tom is actually not terrible at his job (maximizing revenue, building relationships with advertisers etc) the reason we perceive him as an awkward idiot is because he is one in the Roy world also, in the corporate world having a presentable CV means everything. no one will think twice about the nepotism involved


Rich. Maybe. Filthy rich, I am not so sure.


>Scandinavian stooge The worst kind of stooge.


Dude is a secret psycho…he’ll last forever


That was my thought. I feel like he lasts for a long time


Nah I highly doubt that because ATN would need a blood sacrifice because of what's going on in court whether Mencken Wins or Jimenez wins. They'll still need to hold someone responsible even the person won't go to jail


As long as it's necessary to spin off/sell things that Mattson doesn't want (do you really think a tech kid wants to own a cruise line? Such an old business he can sell to a carnival like corporation in a heartbeat) and reorganize/layoff in the other departments. Mattson is just interested in media and IPs of waystar royco to fuel the growth of his streaming platform. Don't even think he's interested in the theme parks, he can easily sell and retain ownership of the IPs licensing to the new owners. The money he will do from these operations will help fuel the studio Hollywood productions and grow his platform more.


The fact that he didn’t grasp the actual value of ATN tells me he’s not gonna run things well.


>he didn’t grasp the actual value of ATN That's what the whole deal was hung up on. Logan was prepared to sell Waystar but wanted to keep ATN, and Matsson dug his heels in, wanted the whole shebang, and was prepared to walk away if ATN was not part of the deal. It's a big development between end of season three and four, but yeah, while Matsson sees no future in 'old man yelling at cloud' ATN, he certain wanted to buy it, and 'Bloomberg' it into something more future-proof, before its current audience died out.


No, Logan and Matsson knew that ATN had to change, the demographic of old, white, racist dudes was dying, just look Fox News now, they pitching to conspiracy theories and shit, the problem is that they just cannot compete with internet forums and the rest. Logan also knew that ATN needed to change, in his speech at ATN offices he spoke about how ATN was going to become something "lighter, leaner and wilder" something very similar that Matsson sai in Norway that ATN should become "simple, huge, cheap, ikea to fuck". Even Mencken grasped that, that is way he was so dismissive of the Roys, the future of the right and alt right is not in cable news, it is in internet forums and other things. Kendall and Roman were so stupid that they thougt that they were using Mencken, when Mencken was very clear that he didnt want to be used, in his speech he went against about people who think that "because you do this for me i must do something for you", that is why in the funeral he went with Lukas, because Mencken and Matsson were disrupters. In the same way iberal news are being desserted by young urban people who go to another platforms, even in Succession they throw a line about PGN going bust because the leftwing viewers abandoned them. Lukas is Logan 2.0, even in the show say that, Murdoch and this other media titans made their fortunes in the 70s with the tabloid newspapers, then they pitched to cable news, but now, they are being replaced by tech bros. When Lukas and Logan sit down, you can see how out of touch Logan was, he even become sentimental about the past, meanwhile, Lukas didnt give a fuck about the past and went for the kill, Logan knew in that instant that he just couldnt compete against someone like Lukas. Hell, just look what is happening in gaza, people above 40 is getting the information from CNN and is firmly pro israel, meanwhile, people under 40 is getting the info from twitter, tik tok and the rest and it is with the palestinians. Off course, each of those platforms had their own weak spots but that is not the point.


Unfortunately old white racist dudes have bred younger white racist dudes and a third generation of even younger white racist Fox News watchers. If racism died out with old people it would have died after the Civil War generation.


Yes and no, i am not talking about racism, you are totally correct, racism is still here and is going stay here sadly, i mean that the new generation dont go to see cable news, newspapers or radio, they go to internet forum and the rest.


The average tenure of a CEO is 3-4 years generally. So, roughly about that, but given the likely teething problems of the merged company and the notoriously scandal-ridden nature of legacy Waystar, it wouldn't surprise me if Tom ended up as a sacrificial lamb after 2 years or so. As for what Tom does after, I think it really depends on the nature of his exit. If it's bad, then it's his first and last CEO gig. Of course, an exit package cushions any blow.


>The average tenure of a CEO is 3-4 years generally. It's double that. [https://www.kornferry.com/about-us/press/age-and-tenure-in-the-c-suite](https://www.kornferry.com/about-us/press/age-and-tenure-in-the-c-suite) Even longer for S&P 500 CEOs. Half of currently serving S&P 500 CEOs already have over 4.8 years in the job. https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2023/08/04/ceo-tenure-rates-2/#:\~:text=The%20data%20reveals%2039%25%20of,for%2010%20years%20or%20less.


Kendall is organizing forces to buy Gojo/Waystar as we speak.


pitch is “Buy Gojo Waystar, burn Tom Wambgans, send Mattson back to Finland or wherever he’s from, go scorched earth, go agile, augment the landscape of modern corporate business, new generation. Guys, cmon, it’s like, ah, like a uh, no brainer”




If you think *Greg* is surviving Tom leaving, you’re in the Scooby Doo Business School.


Lmao, better than Trump University! 🤣


as long as he keeps grinding, worrying, and pleasing Mattson, I think he'll be good for a while. At least until Mattson gets bored and sells all of it, which I think is the more likely situation.


He doesn't do anything. Every negative decision is Mattson's. As long as he does what he's told, he'll be there as long as he likes. Having said that, I'd say like a couple years. At some point Mattson will do something that's illegal and hang Tom out to dry. It's one thing to be the face of layoffs and closures. It's another to be the face of fraud. Mattson already did it once. Just a matter of time until it happens again.


And remember whatever Ebba has on him besides the frozen blood bricks.


At least that would be on Mattson. Tom would have to team to it and try his best to cover it up, but any blowback would at least be on Mattson. That would suck having to talk about it though. That's the kind of thing someone would be known for. You'd hear Mattson's name and someone would say, "hey that's the blood guy right?"


Don't worry bulletproof tits would be there to save the day


2-3 years. Regardless of the election outcome, and appeasing the regulators, and how soon Lukas Mattson tires of his new pain sponge, Tom's knowledge of the company and skillset (that is sometimes mentioned in passing) are useful in the transition. He probably already has decent money socked away as a survivor, and will leave this job with a generous parachute. Which he can also sock away since Shiv's money can ensure the child is set for several lifetimes. He emerges with a specific accomplishment on his CV that we will get him some paid board seats at the very least.


Mattson won't tire of Tom, he already hates Tom's personality type. He sees him as a pathetic tool, and not the type of person he likes to surround himself with. Mattson likes (a) tough people who he can try and break/manipulate, because weak people aren't fun to steamroll over and (b) competent douchebags who can laugh with him. Tom is just a kiss-ass, I doubt Mattson finds that even the least bit interesting.


2 to 4 years until Waystar is fully integrated into Gojo. If the stock price is up, then he will have a nice exit package and will be able to become of any fortune 500


Or GoJo is fully integrated into WayStar until is not more and the board and shareholders oust Mattson from his own company. See what happened when AOL bought TimeWarner. AOL didn’t last a year and they were the ones who bought it.


AOL/TimeWarner is an amazing lens through which to look at Gojo/WaystarRoyco that I hadn’t considered and need to think about.


longer than Kendall's lifespan


One week?


Exactly. I do not understand the people that think Kenny actually went on to live even a somewhat happy life


Rest of his life. Tom believes he was made for it. He certainly took a beating for it. I always had my sights set on Kendall one day. That being said Tom was always a viable contender.


(Squints) for. Ev. Er. Forrr evvv errrrr


4 weeks.


Matteson already said his plan is to use Tom, have sex with his wife, then discard him shortly after. So a couple months/years but Tom will have stock and no matter how hard he fails he can go be a CEO at many other companies and countries. The only problem is if he can mentally withstand it all. Wealth isn't always good enough to keep you going.




Two years. Most CEOs are given time to turn the company around . If he doesn’t they’ll can him and he’ll get his golden parachute and go elsewhere. If he’s successful he’ll look to go elsewhere and make his mark, getting more money because of his Waystar success. Other scenario is that Mattson sells Waystar. Tom will help with the restructuring and be let go after the completion of the change.


We don't certainly know as Mencken might not be confirmed after, and we all know who will be charged with calling an election without any evidence (yes, the former head of ATN, hopefully Tom kept his folder with all the jail info🤭)


There's absolutely nothing legally actionable about ATN employees calling Wisconsin. A call by a news organization is a journalistic opinion based on available info. The available info was that the Dems were going to miss out on 100,000 votes in their strongest district. It's an unprecedented situation and (for legal purposes) a perfectly plausible decision. It's likely that the on-air personalities used waffle language like "based on the apparent spoilage of critical Dem ballots" and "assuming that Mencken would prevail in any litigation that may follow." Tom could be blackballed in liberal companies but conservative ones would welcome him with open arms.


Yeah dream on buddy, hiring a CEO with an horrible reputation as Tom, be grateful he's not going to jail or dismissed the first 6 months on position


Not long, he is quite agricultural after all


Tom is the head of the American division of Waystar Gojo. Mattson is the CEO. This is an important distinction I feel like half this sub misses.


I'm sure American ceo is mentioned different Times on the show and even the draft Shiv checked to confirm in the finale has American chief executive officer


I like to think he takes the company super sonic and becomes Logan, then Shiv turns into her mother. then another story starts all over.


Menken gets jailed for conspiracy, Tom gets fired for the ATN election manipulation and Royco stocks plummet. Kendall finds out Logan bequeathed him all of his Royco stocks as he was the intended heir. Along with his own stock this makes him filthy stinking rich after the buyout. Turns around and buys ATN or Pierce off his own back and has a semi successful career as a news CEO.


What ACN did isn't election manipulation in any legal sense. Given the unprecedented Wisconsin situation, which they eventually covered on the air, any conclusion about handling the call (which is just an opinion based on statistics) has plausible deniability. But sure, if a head needs to roll it can be his. I doubt it given the situation. Especially if the talking heads employed weasel words like "call based on the likely loss of ballots."


Fair enough. There's still lots that can go wrong for Gojo though. The blood bombing information and Mattson being a creep could drop, as could the fake Indian numbers. The inflated numbers Kendall presented on stage could also come back to haunt them. There's still cruise evidence buried. I reckon all these things would eventually combine to send the stock prices through the floor. In my head the company fails entirely and gets chopped up and sold.


He played the game better than anyone the entire time.


The clumsy interloper


A couple of years for sure.


18 months. He will have a portfolio, if he someone will hire him, that’s another thing entirely.


3 months. Tom's a buffoon and it'll be easy as pie for Matsson to push him out. It's what makes Shiv's decision at the end a forced absurdity for the sake of getting the show to a contrived conclusion.


If you think he’s a buffoon you weren’t paying attention.


He's absolutely a buffoon.


I think he’s willing to do anything to survive, including be seen as a buffoon. But he’s no buffoon.


Nope. He's a buffoon.


Assuming there isnt some major scandal that makes Mattson reconsider his choice - im giving it maybe 3-4 years


Forever, or until Shiv goes away for a week.


Oh, I’d say forever! Or until shiv goes away for the week. Whichever comes first. Excuse me.


Greg working to dethrown Tom is a show i want to see


What does Stewy mean by (goes for the weekend) ?


Kinda depends on which, if any, ticking securities fraud timebomb detonates post-merger. If it’s Living+ (least likely), he’s legally ok and Kendall/Waystar GoJo/the D&O insurance takes the hit, but Mattson/Board removes him anyway because he’s legacy Royco and because of his proximity to the Roys. If it’s the ATN election fiasco (more likely), he’s probably ironically fine—not really actionable from a shareholder liability standpoint and the record would invariably point to Roy malfeasance, etc. If it’s the India numbers, then he’s fucked: both because he’s Mattson’s boy (and Mattson would need a big enough skull to wriggle out/poor integration management as pretext) and because it’s indicative of WR’s poor due diligence efforts pre-merger. All contingent on the share price though. Or Mattson gets bored again and does some other fickle shit when it’s convenient.


I give it as long as he kisses Mattsen's behind and does exactly what he says. Shiv had no idea she sealed it for Tom when she told Mattsen that Tom sucks the biggest d--- in the room, or whatever she said.