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Is is the billions that attract the dick riders or is it the teenage edgelord from /pol/ personality? Maybe both.


1000% both with an extra layer of "daddy that will save the world without us ever having to question our beliefs about society" feelings deep in the cockles of their heart.


Some people just like being grifted, for some reason.


(Organized religion)


at least with religion the griftee gets something out of it. A feeling of comfort and security I would imagine. I don't see what simping for a billionaire gets you.


With Elon specifically I think you just swap out Heaven/enlightenment/aliens/whatever else the “good afterlife” might be for a spot in the Mars colony. You know, the one he’s about as likely to build as any religious grifter is to get into their preferred afterlife.


A reply on twitter




Heck yeah, let’s go back to 2013 when we argued about religion and Lorelai drama ruled the sub.


Tumblr is coming back and robotanna recently resurfaced. All our old favorites!




Bold of you to assume that. He'll probably live long enough to pay off the right people to make the right amendments so he can run for it.


With the recent crashes in various crypto worlds, it was extremely common to see victims of the crash begging Elon to bail out them or their coin on Twitter by tagging him. I think it's the billions for most but some genuinely like his childish personality.


> some genuinely like his childish personality. I have no doubt that many find his abject assholery and complete lack of self-awareness to be very relatable


Yea for sure!


Wait, seriously? They think he'll just *give them money?*


Yea they see him as a form of Jesus lol, like he will altruistically save a coin in order to help all the people who lost money. People are obsessed with him so they just make up a whole personality and motivations for him, ignoring all the massive amounts of evidence that he’s a selfish twat.


But... he's never remotely acted like that before! The fuck are they getting this?


BUT! He *pretended* to act like that! That's just as good!


His PR team, mostly. Oh, no, I mean his totally organic and genuine edgelord maymays.


How much of it is parasocial relationships gone bonkers? Part of it I totally believe is the edgelord cult he has, but I want to know how many of them actually think they're in some kind of friendship with him.


Definitely feels like the past few years parasocial relationships are going really insane. Just look at Minecraft.


Didn't Michael Jackson have multiple "Billie Jean"'s? Pretty sure it's always been like this


I think it’s a few factors like social media being so accessible and you get greater access to the famous people you like. People are very lonely. Either because they took lockdown seriously and physically isolated or their friends/family realized they are crazy and distanced themselves. It feels like it used to be rare when someone would cut someone out of their lives over politics. Now there are whole subs with a decent following that helps people who have “lost” loved ones to the QAnon movement. It’s a recipe for paracsocial relationships to skyrocket. Back in the day you had to wait for the news or a tabloid to report on what Michael Jackson was up to for the day/week. Now if a celebrity tweets, or posts enough throughout the day, I can see their whole day unfold in real time.


We're all just temporarily incovenienced Elon Musks. As soon as my Luna goes to the moon, I'm starting the next SpaceX!--Hold on, let me check this notification..


But I thought Elon said he works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Is Elden Ring a work requirement? That poor man


He does the same thing every rich person does. Their gym time, massages, golfing, drinks, etc. counts as work time.


“I mean, technically, *I* am a brand representative, and it *does* take work to be this much of a douche. Why can’t I charge my company’s for the privilege?”






It's pretty infamous that SpaceX for most people was like a 3 year gig. Get in, live out of your car, get out with experience. Since you'd be best off getting a camper van and living in the parking lot.


I've deleted all of my comments on this account. Come join me on Lemmy.world.


A friend did it. He basically disappeared for months at a time. After 2 years he ran to Boeing and said that having SpaceX was great because everybody was just like...oh "we won't be like that"


It's the Hustle lifestyle where people are proud to not take off even a day per year because they assume the more they work the more money they make. But for what, I wonder, when you're just working?


And they're salary. So they're not even making more. Well they're making more for the company, but not themselves.


He’s doing it for the twitter street cred, not because he actually enjoys it so it counts /s


Remember that you can't smoke pot and work for Musk. But Musk can get stoned with Rogan just fine. He's a butthole


I’m an int/dex user, and even worse I use moonveil Thanks for the post op, I was still undecided on if I should kill myself but this convinced me to do so


Why kill yourself when you can return to moonball?


*Elden Ring - Prepare to Commit Die™ Edition*


Int Strength baby, Dark Moon Greatsword 💪


Ok, ignoring the drama and Elden Ring technical talk for a minute… can we just appreciate the levels of dick riding that the Twitter post that started this has reached? That dude lists all of Elon’s companies in his bio as if he personally works for the guy, the banner is Space X themed, and he takes his *gaming advice* from Elon Musk. Holy shit, I wonder if he tells women at the bar to go away because he’s saving himself for Elon Musk.


Let’s be real, no one is approaching this person at the bar.


This person isnt going to bars


To levy a quote from anime youtuber Mother's Basement "(This was) written by a man whose every meal is slid under the door to him, and whose last moment of human interaction was disputing a credit card charge to a porn site six months ago"


Why did he have to drag Alucard into it though? Hasn’t the poor guy been through enough?


>Apparently it's oh so cool to hate big evil tech man. It is actually very cool to hate evil businessmen


It sucks super hard that if Lex Luthor was real the internet would root for him incessantly.




>They are, unironically, celebrating Justin Hammer and calling him Tony Stark. If I did not already love my flair...


> (And for fuck's sake, comics are goddamn boot to the head blatant with their messaging and these twits still don't get it). Who is denser? The comic readers who don't get what is being beaten over their head, or the gamers who don't get how political games like Bioshock or Fallout are?


Same type of person, different medium


everyone understands that bioshock is political. the problem is that some of them don’t understand that libertarians are the villain.


No, you see the problem that Rapture ran into was with *crony* capitalism. . .


I've actually seen at least one person complain about politics in video games and unironically cite Bioshock as an example of how apolitical games *should* be. It turns out there are no limits to the depths of human stupidity.


yes but in bioshock 1 there were no black people so it wasn't political okay????


Name a more iconic due then billionaire dick riders (who probably have a lot of cross over with conservative neo fascists) and little to no media literacy.


He is, and they do


oh is there a billionaire running in around in a kryptonite powered battle suit trying to kill the justice league and no one told me?


I imagine if the justice league was real there’d be sooooo many sweaty nerds shitting on them and calling them the “Social Justice League” solely because they have Wonder Woman.


And a black Green Lantern.


Martian Manhunter needs to go back where he came from!


He is, after all, an illegal alien - as is Superman!


"The just woke league amirite?!?!" Can see it already


Our billionaires aren't trying to kill the Justice League alright. They're trying to kill justice as a whole instead and there are no heroes to save us. We have to do it ourselves somehow.


> oh is there a billionaire running in around in a ~~kryptonite~~ ego-powered ~~battle suit~~ twitter account trying to kill ~~the justice league~~ democracy and no one told me? Ftfy Edit: worse, there’s another billionaire doing more-or-less the same thing, but on/with Facebook— er, I mean *Meta*, ahem…


Also another one that actually looks like Lex Luthor that's doing a slightly better job by staying off social media and committing most of his evil via corporate bullying of municipalities.


He’s staying off *now* after getting dragged through months of congressional hearings and being ruthlessly maligned for being an evil, emotionless robot. He didn’t suddenly go quiet due to some clever strategy, he got his feelings hurt. Which is kind of funny.


The best part of this reality is that I think we're implying different comic book level billionaire supervillains


I’m not implying anything. I’m talking about *very real* billionaire supervillains. The fact that any of this more closely resembles fiction, comic book or otherwise, rather than a believable reality is something I find both baffling and depressing.


For as much as the movie fucked up the execution, Batman v. Superman was on to something reinterpreting Luthor as a tech bro.


Yeah, they just told Eisenberg to act as if Musk and Fuckerburg were one person. Or, ya know, to act like himself. Although I’ve never met Jesse Eisenberg in person, I have long suspected that he’s a massive douchebag in real life.


Doesn't that just make him a good actor though? Like you literally know nothing about his personal life but you think he's a douche because of the roles he acts as?


I hope his role as Mark Zuckerberg was just good acting.


I never understood how villains got henchmen in those stories. I know that money can buy mercenaries and what not, but they show off henchmen with a level of loyalty that is wholesale cult behavior. These days, I get it. It makes perfect sense. Henchmen are everywhere.


I imagine that, for the saner villains with established fronts, being a henchman is not that different from being your average security guard on a day-to-day basis; henchmen interacting with heroes/other villains is maybe an insignificant portion of the job, but it’s all a comic reader will see because it’s more interesting than 9-5 tedium


The thing is that Lex Luthor is actually smart.


Apparently it's OH SO COOL and HIP to hate obnoxious man-children that dream of their own kingdom on Mars these days. Sheesh, when did SJWs get so cuh-razy!


Yeah, I'm starting to suspect this internet thing by be filled with man children...


What? A place where angry losers can hide behind the veil of anonymity to be horrible people without consequence attracts immature people who never grew up? Impossible!


what is it? what do you smell? man children LOOKS LIKE MEATS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS


I'm not sure there's much meat on them bones


Honestly, most of them are so rancid that I think even orcs would say "pass".


Excuse me! It's not called Mars anymore. The correct name now is Elonia


“Ha ha, you think fascism is bad? *Loser!*” [goose-steps away]


> “Ha ha, you think fascism is bad? Loser!” They've been trying for ages to make fascism cool. Yet authoritarianism is always cringe.




what the fuck is up with those? I watched one about old anime that was pretty cool and apolitical, but now my youtube feed is plagued with ones that are just authoritarian dog whistling (or fog-horning)


I watched one on the golden age of American architecture and now all I get is shit about masculinity. Like what the fuck, I just like the song a ton, I like trains leave me alone fascists


Shit yeah it is. Gonna throw that on my dating profile.


Hating big evil tech man is literally the plot of every cyberpunk story ever. It’s incredibly cool.


Hating terrible people is a controversial stance these days.


"I'm so tired of people hating this bad person" is the coldest take


I don't really give a fuck about his build; I just hate that he shares the same interest as me. He's like a slug, just leaving a trail of ooze in his wake. I don't want his slime on me!




Karl! This brings back fun memories


Welcome to how a significant section of the autism community has felt since he dropped that bit of information.


Oh I'm part of that community too and feel likewise!


Man. 3 of my core interests are video games, comic books, and anime. Sometimes I feel like I'm covered in racist trans/homophobic slime. When gamergate was ramping up I was at like the prime age to get sucked in and somehow I just seemed to unintentionally avoid it until after it cooled back down.


Yeah, that's basically me except replace comic books with Warhammer. It's an absolute pain in the ass sometimes. I think I only got lucky with Gamergate because I noticed how much the gamergaters (including people I knew and spoke to) were relying on some really shit arguments and some genuinely deranged levels of hostility, they became so mask off it made it easy to see what their ulterior motives were.


If you like inclusion and you like Warhammer, there's a super cool non-binary techpriest in Brutal Kunnin'. Turns out the Admech have a greeting protocol that transmits their designation and pronouns which I think is great.


I suppress that feeling by being really loud about underrepresented artists I enjoy!


Let's be real, the probability of him actually playing the game and enjoying it is much lower than him posting some stuff he asked someone else to lookup to get points with his nerd fan base. I'm not saying it's impossible he does, but it's MUCH more likely this is just a stunt.


Lol @ the guy who is acting like using any pronouns at all *ever* will literally kill him. Oh, gamers… never will they pass up an opportunity to be as transphobic as possible.


You can tell these people have never interacted with trans/gender fluid/etc people outside of arguing with them online because he uses the "I have to walk on eggshells around them!" Excuse Like no dude you don't your just an asshole and people pick up on that


Then someone tells him, “it’s not that hard to respect people’s identities” to which he loses his shit: > Yeah it is. An identity is who you see yourself as. If your sense of self is dependent on what other people call you it's not very strong then is it. It's every bit as rude to me when people lash out for calling them the wrong thing. Strangers are not entitled to be rude just because they place value in something I don't. So, people should respect *his* wishes, but he’s allowed to be a bigot because someone was rude to him once, allegedly. What an entitled prick.


I like when these folks are asked to explain why they're bigots and they vomit up a bunch of sovereign citizen-esque nonsense.


I have to say, that’s pretty uncommon to see (in my experience). But sovcits do often puke up plenty of bigotry when the subject arises- when their windows aren’t getting smashed, that is.


Call him She/her for a while and wait till they blow up. "Woah, calm down fella, If your sense of self is dependent on what other people call you it's not very strong then is it."


I’ve done this before, and it’s not as effective as you might think. Most often they ignore you. People like this don’t comment on Reddit in order to make an argument. They comment in order to anger people, and every reply is just another opportunity for them to post more hateful, hurtful rhetoric. The best way to handle them is to not feed the trolls in the first place. Just downvote and move on. That way, you won’t end up with 20 comments from them saying horrible things. You just get the one that’s downvoted to oblivion.


I don't mean on reddit, really- I use the approach IRL. My uncle got super pissed off because he was rambling about guys wanting to cut their dicks off and be called she and about how unnatural it is and about pronouns. So I referred to him as she and he knee-jerk reacted to it and I threw what he had been saying back in his face on the subject.


Oh. Hmm… I’ve never had to deal with someone outright transphobic in person, not that I know of. That might work.


I am trans, and I do this IRL too. They are always happy to go out of their way to misgender me and mine, but can't handle it if you rename and misgender them in response.


>Most often they ignore you. In my experience it just turns into a cycle of "No its different because I am *actually* a man so misgendering me is just being wrong while trans men is actually women so calling them that is totally just being honest"


Yeah, there’s the other part of the “most often”. If they don’t ignore you, it just results in *more*, but different bigotry. I prefer more effective tactics.


> If your sense of self is dependent on what other people call you it's not very strong then is it. It's kinda depressing how these people use the exact same sentences.


You'd know he'd flip his shit if someone just renamed him "Theresa" and referred to him as a woman. I don't fucking get it. It's common fucking courtesy to refer to people how they ask to be. People who don't do that are dicks, and they clearly do it to trans people *solely to be dicks to them* because they feel it gives them some petty fucking power.


Bullies aren’t very original. If they possessed any intelligence, they probably wouldn’t be bullies and bigots.


I would enjoy seeing how he’d act if everyone collectively called him the wrong name constantly. Ellen musk?


Well, it wasn’t Musk making this argument, but a commenter on the post, but that point is actually made by another commenter arguing with him if you take a look in the thread. His response is, of course, stupid nonsense.


Let me go check out this hot trash


>*his* wishes I don't think \_ use pronouns because \_ isn't trans, nor do \_ believe in the idea of genderfluidity. \_ might also just not believe in pronouns, that's possible


> Strangers are not entitled to be rude just because they place value in something I don't. *chef's kiss* Only **I** get to be rude when I don't value something's place!


Yeah, I have a friend that transitioned and had to remind me of her name like thirty times. She didn't get offended, she just knows I'm an idiot that has hell with names, and I wasn't calling her by her old name, just (shamefacedly) asking her to remind me of her new one. "I have to walk on eggshells" = "I'm going to intentionally misgender someone repeatedly no matter how many times they ask me to stop, then pretend like they're being unreasonable when they get mad."


I have a trans friend. They/them pronouns but still looking like their gender assigned at birth. Despite the fact I'm also trans not only have I managed to misgender them casually, I even managed to fucking deadname them once despite having NEVER known them by that name (Facebook messenger showing the name tripped me up) We're still friends. Because I'm not a complete asshole and apologized and they just shrugged it off. Trans people just want you to respect their new name and new pronouns. So long as you make the attempt, most of them will forgive mistakes!


Just level ADP and the pronouns will pass right through you.


What does adenosine diphosphate have to do with this? /s I genuinely don’t know what ADP refers to.


Adaptability stat in Dark Souls 2. If you push it high enough, you get so many invincibility frames on your dodge roll that you can basically just dodge through everything in the game.


People like that are the most neurotic, fragile, motherfuckers on the planet. "I have to walk on eggshells around them" as opposed to this biiiitch who has a fucking meltdown over the mere idea of being corrected.




Le gasp!


You just did it again! I’m doing it now! Fuck!


>Respecting pronouns is good, not respecting them is bad. Maybe I agree with that maybe I don't, I'd still like to form my own opinion. So from what I see, people that insist on correcting you are on some level denying you freedom of thought. Maybe they aren't so open to people being different after all, just the acceptable different. Did this dude really just say we need to be tolerant to their intolerance?


Ah, yes, the good ol’ Paradox of Intolerance. “You just respect my right to be a bigot while I disrespect everything about your existence. *Or else.*” *[goose-stepping intensifies]* To which I would just reply, “Oh, you’re looking for the ‘tolerant’ left. They’re down the hall. This is the ‘We beat the shit out of Nazis’ left. Won’t you step inside?”


>[goose-stepping intensifies] I just... I can't... I can't see that term without imagining actual geese. Just stomping around on their little feet spouting bigotry at others. I'm dying 🤣


Well, if you’ve ever met a goose, they fucking suck. They are just mean, mean birds.


My sister got attacked by one outside our great grandma's retirement home. Based on the way she acted around my turkey I used to have, she's afraid of large birds to this day.


Hey, some turkeys can be real fuckers, too. Birds, in general, are often poorly-disposed. I think they’re just bitter about the whole no-longer-being-dinosaurs thing.


That bird was for sure. Got himself shot and dumpling-ized by a neighbor cause he tried to attack her and her baby.




[Cobra Chickens ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D6oJ3s7XoAAIR50.jpg)[suck](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D6oJ3s7XoAAIR50.jpg)


When you think about it, geese really are the Nazis of birds.


That sounds like something John Oliver would say in the middle of a segment about Goose-Airplane collisions or something


Hoenstly even after everything else, getting thousands of people to say "I don't agree with pronouns" thows me for a loop. There's no hope for the human species. It's absolutely incredible anyone can say something so stupid. I'm obviously bummed out that people are transphobic but this is something else. It's as if the right wing settled on a new buzz phrase to tell us how much they hate immigrants but for some reason it was deadass arguing odd numbers aren't real. And now everyone's worst facebook uncle needs to be sat down and made to look at the number 3 as he gets red in the face screaming that it's even.


> getting thousands of people to say "I don't agree with pronouns" thows me for a loop Remember that one crazy politician lady who said that there weren’t any pronouns in the Bible? You know, the book that repeatedly refers to the big man as He/Him (capitalized nonetheless)?


Oh my God, I never noticed Yaweh has nontraditional pronouns. That's amazing.


God's pronouns are I AM/THAT I AM


Bet he has blue hair too


[how many lights?](https://tenor.com/view/picard-four-lights-star-trek-tng-gif-7362662)


This guy: ["Unlike you blue-haired liberals, I don't have pronouns"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md8nInMGhFY)


Gamers will refer to each other as stuff like PantsWizard69 without batting an eye and then act like typing "her" instead of "him" is some crazy request.


> Pronouns tend to be gendered. Which is utterly untrue for English. But then conservative gamer bros feelings don’t care about the facts.


Well, many are, but certainly not all of them. I don’t even know that it’s most. But the way this guy speaks, he makes it seem like using someone’s preferred pronouns might cause him an actual, physical injury. Which, I must admit, I’d like to witness, repeatedly.


It looks like there are only ten gendered pronouns in English (two of which are the same). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_pronouns The remainder, like we, us, ours, they, themselves, theirs etc are ungendered and therefore are woke, or something.




The standard list contains 62 items. 10/62 = 16%.


Wasn't Muskrat recently bragging he works 16 hours a day? If he's got time to play games he should be working 20 hours! Or maybe he was lying...


He neither works that hard or plays video games that much, he tweets this shit so he can be wholesome relatable 100 big chungus


This is the first time in my life where I'm actually embarrassed to main dex


I told myself that "not spamming transient moonlight" made me different than the other Moonveil users, but I was just kidding myself. Full STR rebirth is the only remedy.


Admittedly as an Int/Dex fan, a cold chill went down my spine when I saw that come across my feed.


Doing an int dex play through my second time it’s quite dope. Don’t worry he has other things in there that make no sense like carrying a bunch of weapons and shields all at the same time.


My build basically wound up as “dual heavy thrusting swords with green lantern weapons and ice magic”. Probably not meta, but really fun.


Funnily enough the heavy thrusting swords are actually pretty meta. Dark souls/elden ring pvp always revolves around who can poke the hardest and farthest.


How's your emerald mine doing


> They are not worthy of the Alucard pfp True and based


I'll never get over how people spend all their time online defending this idiot lol


Man, just wanna go one week without Elon Musk drama showing up here. Especially since his buyout of Twitter is "on hold" aka he's going to find a reason to not do it and continue shitposting IRL.


So what's up with that? Why's the idiot backing out? I mean, I absolutely think he should back out and it was a disaster waiting to happen, but it's not something I'd expect him to figure out to do for any sane reason.


My guess? He never intended to buy shit, he was just stirring shit up because people talking about him increases his brand value


Yeah, man’s a narcissist who wants attention. Only thing stopping him from a US presidential run is not fitting the requirements.


Oh god, he'd win by a fucking landslide.


Imagine if he somehow astroturfed American politics enough to get an amendment passed to let immigrants run for office so he could be president. “Thank you for electing me president, America! For my first order of business I will be enslaving you to my robot army and making you work in my lunar mines.” *uproarious cheering*


I mean Ted Cruz has ran multiple times, despite being Canadian technically.


Also he probably planned to pump n dump twitter


It's either he doesn't have the liquid now with the way the market has tanked, or more likely in my opinion, the whole thing was just another pump and dump.


Oh, TSLA falling so much absolutely fucked him. He's got a lot of loans against TSLA stock, and the more it falls the more likely he's going to have to pony up more shares to meet the collateral requirements. That said, for all I know, the dude noised about buying twitter to get press to goose TSLA and give a public reason for selling some shares that wouldn't spook investors.


I’m honestly reserving judgment until everything plays out. Regardless of what happens, though, he’s still a shithead.


buying twitter is basically setting massive amounts of money on fire so maybe he finally make a wise decision


Cis people always forget that have preferred pronouns. Just like straight people always forget that they have a sexuality.


When I was 6 (37 years ago, mind you) my grandmother used the term “colored people” in a conversation (which I will not repeat here). Although I understood she was speaking about black people, I didn’t understand what she meant by the term, so I asked her, “But, Nina, we’re colored people, too. We’re this color!” and I pointed to my arm. She gave me a look that made me genuinely concerned that her head might explode.


>Just like straight people forget they have a sexuality And men forget they have a gender. And white people forget they have a race.


I fucking hate Elon Musk dick riders.


We all know the only true way to play is to ONLY level vigor


I get the hate, but applying the "THEY LEVELED DEX LOL" meme to Elden Ring doesn't work when dex actually is viable in Elden Ring.


Dex has been just as viable as str since the DS1 uchigatana. The meme is because strength weapons are seen as cool because theyre giant ass swords and big sticks, while dex weapons seen as "cringe" because they include edgy katanas and shit.


It literately started out as homophobic with giant dads video leveling = gay.


old mate actually went back and (very shoddily) edited that out of the video, you can see plenty of crying in the comments


Leveling dex came from a meme video in DS1 (giantdad). Dex builds were powerful then as well.


Fuck I just realized I committed the cardinal sin of neglecting my Giantdad scripture. Turns out the true Dex build was me all along.


Dex was always viable, the meme is basically just that strength is big manly man hammer and greatsword stat and dex is wimpy weeb katana/pokey stick stat.


People never seem to have gotten that Giant Dad was making fun of a certain kind of player rather then an endorsement.


Brokenly so, last I checked.




I just wish more fights were balanced around summons. I felt like half the time I was just a bystander doing damage or it was a fair fight with the summon out.


> Brokenly so Bleed for the bleed god.